Demons Harassing RHP Person to Take His Soul?

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And wreak havoc on his life ....
I've read about someone who claims they swarm his house sitting on the rafters of his roof because someone generations ago made a deal with a demon . so for generations the family members were presented with a deal and all took it. Except this person. So this person says they camp out at his house watching, causing discord in the family...
How does this happen? Is this possible? And most importantly WHY would they waste their time...just sitting there. I just don't get the point in it. This person has made claims (.I've seen past threads) of being a "valuable" soul because of RHP beliefs what?
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My opinion...this person is full of themselves and seeking attention....but i dont know who it is...or the entire i can only offer for why would demons do that? I doubt they would...maybe BA maggots...but not demons
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You might be right dark...

Another weird thing I've seen him mention: the energy of the demons is so strong it knocks his other spirits and entities out? Like makes them sleep? Has anyone ever heard of this?
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my first thought was that's a load of hogwash. but maybe it isn't. maybe they did make a deal for souls or something cray cray who knows.

but why in the world would someone be posting about that unless for attention. which goes back to the first point, that it's likely not true. unless they are seeking help.

plus an inflated ego bigtime..i am so valued bc of my beliefs.. blah blah blah. in my opinion, you are not valued when you cannot get beyond ego.

two cents. :devilgrin:
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Yeeeeaaah.....Not buying it. Even IF this was true,I would go to my grave with this as a secret because look at how we are reacting to it...I would seek help on the down low and take care of it never to be spoken of again.

Not the kind of thing people accept (specially us Demon keepers) without asking a ton of questions that they usually can't answer.

Sounds like they need to sound fancy for an ego boost (as mentioned above by dark) or they read too many silly supernatural Demon novels. :eyerolldevil:
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MagicWand-a wrote:And wreak havoc on his life ....
I've read about someone who claims they swarm his house sitting on the rafters of his roof because someone generations ago made a deal with a demon . so for generations the family members were presented with a deal and all took it. Except this person. So this person says they camp out at his house watching, causing discord in the family...
How does this happen? Is this possible? And most importantly WHY would they waste their time...just sitting there. I just don't get the point in it. This person has made claims (.I've seen past threads) of being a "valuable" soul because of RHP beliefs what?
His soul must be very valuable, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grindevil: :devil:P
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It makes me want to say "Really, you're not that big of a deal.. I'm sure this is HARD for you to conceptualize taht demons actually don't give a damn about you... or your soul."
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The thing is that you have to take into consideration the type of demon involved here...

We work with demons that are quite benevolent towards humans... Otherwise, they wouldn't want to be with us...

Then, you have to imagine there are also those that are quite malicious...

Those that would strike bargains with humans... and torment them...

It's all very possible...

We work with one spectrum... When there are several...


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Syriana wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:45 am
Yeeeeaaah.....Not buying it. Even IF this was true,I would go to my grave with this as a secret because look at how we are reacting to it...I would seek help on the down low and take care of it never to be spoken of again.

Not the kind of thing people accept (specially us Demon keepers) without asking a ton of questions that they usually can't answer.

Sounds like they need to sound fancy for an ego boost (as mentioned above by dark) or they read too many silly supernatural Demon novels. :eyerolldevil:
He might be telling the truth out of desperation because I've heard stories exactly like that in bangladesh & places like pakistan but idk about the "demon" part cos it could be anything. I went through childhood trauma from evil jinn and no one believed me and took me for a joke when i told them so i kept it to myself after their reaction.. so we should give him help and advice..

In Bangladesh where my family is from .one of the houses next to ours they raised a jinn as their own but now it physically attacks them and torments them. It's so bad that the whole household all fleed the house out of fear in 2018 because it appears physically at night and attacks them or scares them by doing things like sitting on top of the wardrobe in scary forms etc.
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we have to have the discernment to know and recognize the difference between possible parasite or sludge attacking us versus the darker nature of demons. We can have familial or ancestral relationships with demons, with any spirit, that go back many generations. These can be positive relationships that turn negative for any number of reasons, just like family members can turn away from each other and have terrible relationships until healed so can relationships with spirits/demons. And without the ability to communicate so that we can uncover the deeper truth of the relationship it can get super messy. These can also be negative relationships as in generational sludge. We need discernment ,or help from someone who does, to tell them apart.

I have found in trying to understand a really difficult demonic relationship that first, generational sludge was involved and had to be dealt with and removed completely in order to even begin to make sense of what was happening and second, patiently dig in much deeper with the energies I was having problems with and untangle the situation. There were complications because of both deeply held misunderstandings (on humans part) and extreme love and attachment (sense of belonging) on the demons part. Just because a human forgets past relationships or promises made, or changes our mind due to family or societal pressures, Does Not mean that the demon/spirit will just forget about you and your change of heart and go away.

That said, I don’t know of any legitimate demons that want our souls ... period. I personally think that there’s a way greater likelihood of a human trying to get ahold of your soul then a demon. But I do know that when people who come from a christian background mix with demons that an unexpected and unplanned result can happen.... which can turn into a complex maze of shadow work and requiring deeper awareness / understanding and journeying into our spiritual history. We humans understand ourselves in very very shallow ways and connecting with demons, even unintentionally, can really open up Pandora’s box which can be overwhelming until we get that deeper understanding.
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