Across the Realms: Meditation Three

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When the worlds awaken...

Across the Realms Event

Rajael Chrysalis Ritual of Release

Join the Rajael in their realm for a special Chrysalis Ritual and then head to the Marketplace with a companion!

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Wow. The chrysalis ritual was extremely powerful. Thank you for that.

My Aqrabuamelu companion, Radiant, joined me for this meditation, as she's been joining me on the S&S meditations as well. Knowing my extreme weakness in bazaars to shiny things, she immediately pulled me over to a weapons stall, where she tested out a couple spear/polearm styled weapons before picking one as her first gift. She asked me where I'd like to look next, then refused to let me look for smol adoptable critters (she is very smart, unlike me) and pulled me towards some jewelry. She found a beautiful ornate ruby necklace with multiple levels of chains and crystals, and that was her second gift. She also clasped a bracelet around my wrist, which had large semi-faceted gems that, as I looked down, glowed brightly turquoise, like sunlight through clear ocean water. That was my first gift. To stymy my desire to look at new realm critters, Radiant also found me a wooden toy dragon, very well-made, unpainted but with little stripes (woodburnt?) down its spine. It was big enough to ride on my shoulder, though a little precariously balanced. That was my second gift. We also stopped for some dark tea/coffee/something brewed, which was intense but delicious, before we had to leave.

(Also, pillows at the end! >:3)
-- Loam
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This time it is midnight in the garden. It is lit by a golden light radiating from the fountain and possibly from torches, and the air smells of lilac, damiana, and night-blooming flowers. I look down to see that I have somehow acquired adornments of a golden metal and crystals. I touch one of the beanbags, it is velvety and somehow both orange and purple. I sense a presence behind me and turn my head to see that my Ashanti spider companion has joined me and is standing at a bit of a distance.

Within the ritual room I begin pouring out the pain that I am holding onto and am briefly incapacitated by sharp, very physical, almost unbearable cramps. A hand brushes my arm and I see that my Doll Witch companion (who practices chrysalis magic, by the way) has joined me. Then I am vomiting a black ichor, it is pouring out of me and spreading upward to line the inside of the chrysalis, transforming into something like a black mother-of-pearl. When the chrysalis shatters the breeze makes me aware that my body is covered with something like lubricant, sticking my ritual garb to me. We walk out into the hall together.

I exit the door to find K., my incubus companion. Completely unexpected! I am so excited to spend time with him. Back in the marketplace he is plying me with food, braised noodles with little tentacles in them, black raspberries, something a little bit like egg nog, and he is looking at me and saying, very clearly and seriously, that I need to eat as soon as I return. As I recall this (and that I have not yet), a lightning flash crosses my computer screen. He places a bracelet of red rubies and one of black on my wrist, and I place what looks like a necklace of shells and orbs around his neck, but he tells me they are a scrying set that is stored on the cord. I have also place a little highly decorated scroll on a long slender stick into his hand. Companions N. and T. have either disappeared into the crowd or left the realm. When K. and I return he goes bearing a package of candies that look like white chocolate with jelly and berry centers, he tells me he has one for each of our companions, and also two jeweled hair pins for two specific companions--one has a little skull and enamel butterfly wings, and the other has something that looks like a tiny green enamel mantis or grasshopper, I cannot quite tell.

Now I must go and follow his instruction.
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I decided to do the first attempt with the Lions.

I was having a short visit with the Twin Lions when I decided to do this meditation, I could feel their fur brush up across me at the beginning of the meditation and smiled as I felt their sun warmed pelt. I am sitting on a large blue bean bag when the laugh catches me off guard, the white Lion in front of me, with his brother having his head over my right shoulder. Taking a second to calm down I look at her, we walk and I feel the Lions walk with me. It is comforting, as I’m having a panic attack, which is fitting for the release ritual. I step in and the Lions watch at the doorway, I’m drawn away as the timer for their visit goes off, and I can see them bow their heads, and turn away from the door. I feel like the white would have stayed till the end of the meditation, but I do not want to keep them, I have already had enough panic for today, which is why I chose this ritual in the first place.

I greet the three Rajeal, and marvel at the crystals. The male steps forward, and puts what is basically a clip on nose ring, it’s akin to a septum piercing and I smile. He says I may wear it only for this event, and may return it when finished. They can sense I am uneased . As I move, I can feel the tiny jingle of the black silver crystal, it’s small, just about a chip stone, but I can feel it hum as they sing and activate the crystal.

Focusing on the stress? I can do so. I begin to cry, I miss my ex the pain still lingers and I have been having nightmares of him lately. The entire stress of this year seems to be slowly ripped off me like one does with when ripping off a too tight skin . I literally feel the rips and tears of it from me, and I mourn all over again. I miss the simplicity of childhood. I fear for my death and the end of my life. I can feel the cocoon around me and I just cry and cry. My chest and heart hurt terribly as I work, the losing of Marshmellow, the breakup, all the drama of the years past I feel it unwarp from me like a too tight binding and I can start to deeply breathe again.

When the cocoon breaks, I can feel the septum vibrate and sing. I take it off, and hand it back to the Male, I thank him and he bows his head. My butterfly is black, with wings that look like boulder opal. I gently take him in my hands. “Peace and Love” are written on the front of his wings, the outter wings being a pale silvery white compared to the inside.

I laugh when he opens his wings again in my hands. “Ainsel” My own self. I’ve been pondering that name for a while. I gently kiss not on the butterfly but just above him and watch as he flutters off.

When I exit the room, I am aware I am in my Solar festival garb now, and not the pjs I was just in. Although now I can feel the shimmer and weight of anklets on my left foot and I giggle as they chime when I walk. A is waiting for me when I open the door, and says Joe will meet up with me later. I kiss him on his golden lips and he holds me for a moment in silence, his arms around me and on the small of my back keeping me warm. He says I smell and feel divine and like a new me. I nod and agree, although my heart still hurts a bit, I feel weightless more than I did before.

I run out with A, and we giggle as we take in the sun and look all around. His energy is sparked and excited. A pulls me along the stalls, to various jewelry, there is a necklace with green stones, what I assume looks like peridot and emeralds, and a large half dollar sized four leaf clover on the pendant. It is on a wire strand, with the chips of stones held in place by wrapping on the necklace wire. He puts it around my neck, and I can feel… lighter, happy. A soft ache in my right temple but I enjoy it. He puts some money in the venders hand, or is it a item? I can’t tell. He says today I am not to think of anything stressful, never again if he would have his way. This is his gift to me today.

We continue on, getting some sort of leg of meat and munching happily. Suddenly there it is, I can see it, I can feel it singing to me. A large floating crystal in a vender’s stall, looking like it was crystalized flame, a bold red stone that turned an almost opaque pink when the sunlight hit it. I hear it call to me and I go to it, the vender is a bit in shock, saying She? Has never sang to anyone before , in all the hundred years of his family having her. I tilt my head, the crystal now landing in my hands and turning a solid bold blood red. “Take me home.” It says in not a feminie voice, but not particularly a male voice either. He bows and motions back to the crystal, the customers around him falling quiet as he wraps it in delicate silks and a thickish leather hide. He seems, almost scared, worried? He sees me looking at him, and says he is unerved, and I look around him and see why, around me are smaller crystals, barely the size of my palm, they all cry in child like voices, spirits are not attached to them, but each crystal has it’s own voice. He is a -name of a species I don’t know- from a place where crystals are literally birthed from the earth. The one who has called to me is one of the oldest they found, and has been in his family for six generations. A pulls me aside and tells me they live for 600 of our years, so that is an extremely long time. I bow and say thank you and that I will treat her with the utmost respect and care, and I blow kisses to the child crystals. His demeanor instantly softens, and a small light blue crystal, a happy childs voice in my head as it touches my palm. It is tear drop shape but cut (gently the seller adds, he has perfected the art of cutting the stones so that it does not hurt nor damage them) almost pear shaped I want to say, but more oval like a marquise cut. He says the Red Stone chose me, this one, this adorable bab is his gift. He gives Akari a card, and tells me should I ever need him, or have a want for singing stones, to contact him via a energy pulse to the card.

A hurries me along, inspecting the crystals with my permission before he puts them gently in his satchel bag, the crystal almost loathe to be apart from me.

The next place I see is a staff shop, with body sized staffs lining the walls outside the shop, dark woods with silver veins running through them. A older man, some sort of spideresk race notices me and waves me in, he is carving and both smithing with his multiple sets of hands as I enter. I smell fresh wood shavings and the heat and zest of pure silver. I have brought in a staff that has grabbed my attention the top looking like a barren tree. “Ah the old ironwood with shalistic silver core. He/she are old, and have seen many owners. What makes you think they are fit for you?”

I reply I don’t know but they were the first one I saw and...felt almost like home? He laughs and beckons me forward, and it is then I notice that at lest four of his spider like eyes are blind, he scoffs jokingly at my puzzled head and takes the staff, wrapping a specific place in warm leather, then pouring liquid silver onto the leather ( although it does not burn the staff or the leather, mearly seals it) He uses a large iron stamp to stamp what I assume is his shops logo into the handle and hands it back to me. It seems lighter now, almost weightless. “Theif protection.” he mentions and bids me on my way, A has left him with a large drum stick, that he now munches on happily as he works and I can’t tell if it was.. “Yes it’s a payment keep moving love we have so much to see” well alright then.

We continue on, and enter a sort of bath house, were a light drizzle of water washes down on us, blessed water A says, to keep us cool and to cleanse the items we have bought and ourselves. It’s a little mosaic hallway we walk through and I feel and enjoy the cool lavender mists. When we exit he says we have to stop for right now, that he has some matters to attend to , and hands me his satchel with my items. He says he wants to try this again after the sun has set, and pulls me in for a deep kiss , and then he is gone.
"Be nice, for the moment you stop people will not believe the nice anymore. So be Nice until you can't be nice anymore, then destroy them."

“You’ve gotta respect everyone’s beliefs."
No, you don’t. That’s what gets us in trouble.
Look, you have to acknowledge everyone’s beliefs, and then you have to reserve the right to go: "That is fucking stupid. Are you kidding me?" - Patton Oswalt
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I find this meditation to be tougher as I had a hard time letting go of many things. I was mostly drifting in and out of it, finding it hard to focus and just let go of things. As well as concentrating on the message revealed by the butterfly at the end of the ritual. When the command came for the cacoon to break mid-way, it was so sudden for me that I felt I was not ready to do so. Nonetheless, I did feel better afterwards. I had a Phoenix companion accompany me to this meditation from the start. And so I was surprised to see a couple of my female companions of mine turned up outside the door after the ritual. “Girl’s day out!” They said. I couldn’t help laughing. The marketplace was fun. There were so many trinkets and toys to gawk at. I left the haggling to my companions. In fact I asked them to choose the 2 gifts to bring back. I remembered sampling a cool refreshing drink at the marketplace that kind of tasted like watermelon juice. At the end of the day, I did ask one of my companions if anyone picked anything to give to our guide as a thank you gift for spending the day with us. She smiled and said they did.

Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.
Ludwig van Beethoven
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