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Blessings of Abaddon: A powerful teatime discussion

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:48 am
by windyjune
Blessings of Abaddon: A powerful teatime discussion – Hosted by Akelta and Belladonna

Introduction on Abyssal Angels

In today's session we will be discussing Abyssal Angels, Lord Abaddon, and the spiritual nature of destruction and the purpose it has in our life. Abyssal angels are a group of angels that reside in the abyss. Many realms will have a demonic presence with an angelic counterpart, and we see this within the abyss. The abyss is a place of transformation and of judgement (hammer of justice). The Abyssal Demons represent one facet of it with their own vibrations while Abyssal Angels are fiery, an angelic flame essence of the abyss. Their world is drenched in deep pools of wisdom and mysticism, they are teachers of the eternal self and ones who can help others find balance. They have a strong sense of justice and have ferocity to enforce it. The Abyssal Angels strike down anything they have judged needs to be struck down. They have their own brand of execration work.

Abyssal Angels have a sense of rage within them but also restoration. They will illuminate the wrongs, the falsities, and anything they have judged to be. However, they also will seek to restore it. They are incredible protectors and guardians to help and assist if there’s trouble. They are also excellent guides to help us explore and understand illusions of the shadow self. There’s often a lot of deception and stories we have told ourselves, false truths we cling to, energies that distort our ability to perceive truth of what is going on inside of us. All of that often becomes a part of the shadow essence of our souls and that is what Abyssal Angels can help us look deep within ourselves.

Their energies command their own flame vibrations, which will blast through all deceptions and illusions to allow you to see the truth. This may sound great however there is also a caution with this work as the removal of one’s stories and one’s own illusions can be one of the most damaging and painful things that could happen. As you strip someone bare from everything they know, it causes the person to face the raw truth of themselves and to some that’s the worst thing to face the rawest and most primal essence of themselves. An example to portray this is a room with 100% pure water. If you were to stick your hand in this water your skin would become corroded. One person whose hair touched the water saw how quickly damaged it became. In this way if we are faced with this level of purity within ourselves what ends up happening is we can corrode away, so Abyssal Angels can act as facilitators for that.

Abyssal Angels can be challenging to work with as once they decide “this is the judgement, and this is what needs to happen” they’ll just do it and take the action needed towards it. They are ones of action and will bring balance once judgement has been made. They can bring great change as once you remove illusions and it’s exposed that’s where change and great shifts can occur within and outside of you. Abyssal Angels can help with awakening the dark heart of your soul as well as to embrace and understand your own darkness.

Their ability to mirror people and who they are also has an element that can drive people insane, as there is insanity in their realm. It’s like being lost and succumbing to that essence. There’s a lot of journey work that comes with walking with them, lots of death, destruction, transformation, and obliteration. Also, they will test the fortitude of the mind to see how we are able to comprehend and understand the world around us. There’s a saying of “those who are mad are actually not mad and those who are sane are truly mad” so this plays into this. What happens when your eyes are the only ones that are open and can see something as it is, yet to everyone else you may seem mad when you are the only sane one in the room, which can drive you mad.

Their world is thus unique in terms of exploration and uncovering these facets. They are gatekeepers of the dark abyssal regions, these regions of madness of deep inner work, regions that test and push you and make you face your darkness. The deeper you go into the abyss the more you must face the shadows of your own darkness and unravel what’s going on there. They have a keen sense and understanding as they can see through you and through any deceptions, to see the essence of truth. Truth is a major aspect for them. They are judges and they judge what truth is. Their energies are good for cleansing and clearing the soul, for releasing harmful things, memories, or blocks that prevent you from moving forward or attaining your goals. They are an incredible and profound group of beings that can help you move out of stagnant areas. Additionally, they are great with shadow work, alchemic transformation, awakening of the self to the abyss, and to the flames of illumination and damnation.

They are angels so there will be similarities between them and other types of angels. Akelta found that with the angelic frequencies versus the demonic frequencies there are similarities between them. There’s the angelic base that they have and then there’s a frequency to where their energies are found as in where they rise from. In this case it’s the angelic base with the abyss.

To be in a place of stripping yourself from all your illusions and clearing that, working with one’s raw truth is powerful and deep work. There is a lot to explore about this incredible group of beings and for those intrigued about Abyssal angels there is an article up online in the store.

The link is below for anyone that wants to learn more: ... #more-4614

Introduction to Lord Abaddon

Many in the coven have been working with Lord Abaddon for some time and Belladonna specifically has been working with him for the last two years. The lessons and journeys that he has brought Belladonna in his life has been so transformational. Belladonna says that Abaddon has a natural way to bring up and show our illusions that we set on ourselves, and our blocks. Abaddon is known as the destroyer from direct translations of his name and does correlate with that. Abaddon is thus the embodiment of destruction, which is one of the necessary facets in our world.

Within the Abyss, Leviathan is the Lord of the Abyssal Demons and Abaddon is the Lord of the Abyssal Angels. Abaddon is a force of power and strength. When he enters a space, he has power and might. He is the destroyer so when he arrives, he will cut through and destroy anything that needs to be removed. Destruction is a natural part of life. We cannot go through life without the cycles of destruction. We can’t always be creating nor can we always be destroying, it’s about balance. We all have experienced some form of destruction in our lives, it’s a natural part of our lives. Without destruction we cannot bring forth creation of life within ourselves.

When we are breaking things down and breaking the illusions, we set within our life, looking through the foundations we built we are making space for creation in our life and thus be able to aim to be the highest form of ourselves. Abaddon holds this essence which brings forth destruction over pieces of our lives that are not true (as he is a truth bearer), he does have a nature of breaking down falsehoods we have set in our lives. When we work with him any pieces of our lives that are based on our conditionings, programming’s, falsehoods, or attachments will be pushed to the edge. This is the similar with working with any of the other dark divine energies, as it has a way to push you to your limits. Going through this everything we have built our lives on will begin to be tested and challenged. We will have to break down what doesn’t serve us and stand for what we want to see within our life.

Like other Abyssal Angels Abaddon is a judge himself, so he has the ability to assess and weigh a situation. By being a judge, they are looking at what is happening by looking at a situation. While chaos energies can be everything that exists and there’s no judgement with it just scan and look towards it. When judgement comes in there is a unique effect where something is defined and there is a path, a process moving forward once the energy is stirred. All these energies once identified begin to move, change, and create. Once this occurs it’s no longer just raw potential but refined potential that moves us towards it.

For those that want to learn more about Lord Abaddon a new encyclopedia article was posted for him in this following link: ... -darkness/

The Tower Card

For Tarot readers and those aware of the tower card when you get a reading and this card appears the common theme is that this card has a negative connotations- one of doom. Many will say it represents destruction and breaking foundations and yes it’s true but we shouldn’t think negatively about it. When the tower comes up there is the focus of destruction and destruction of foundations, however many don’t realize it’s also breaking down illusions of ourselves that do not serve us in our current trajectory of our life. When the tower comes up, we are given an opportunity to build into our depths that we have created for ourselves and given opportunity to rebuild and recreate life in a positive and healthy way. It can help us rise to new places and heights that we want to reach in this life.

Working with Lord Abaddon

Destruction is also dealing with potential. Destruction releases the energies while creation takes the energies to create. There is a unique balance between it. When Abaddon enters a space it’s almost like a blast hits you and suddenly you enter a world where you see what’s false about you, and you see areas in your life that aren’t true. When you begin working with energies like these your world can fall on top of you and at times, we must pick ourselves out of it. Once you have these judgements placed, there is an opportunity to form a new foundation and to have direction and a clear-cut path open before you. Things can hit you and you can suddenly see all the ways you were blocking or holding yourself back. Through working with these energies this essence of destroying what destroys you allows us to be rejuvenated and revived, which allows us to emerge anew.

Belladonna mentioned that there are going to be negative connotations about Lord Abaddon that people will place on him online as a frightening being not to encounter. However, his energy truly wants you to rise into the best version of yourself and to do that you must to walk through the shadows of our lives. He wants to go through different foundational elements of our lives that have set and held us back from our power and our truth in this life to be able to then embrace the truth within our self. When working with Abaddon he has a strong, courageous, and strengthening presence. He is an abyssal angel that wants to see you rise to higher places than you could imagine for yourself in order to do that it’s not a simple process. You can’t just go from point A to point B in a second it takes time and effort along with true intent, patience and practice. It will require us to go within ourselves and our foundations to make adjustments that we need to rebuild our life from a positive and powerful place. This is not easy work it’s deep. When you work with him- you’ll have pains come up, truths revealed, you will have illusions striped away and safety nets blasted away.

When you are doing this work of destruction it can be incredibly challenging. It is not for the faint of heart and if you’re interested in working with Abaddon and this type of work be sure to do so when you know what you want to begin breaking down and facing in your life. Destruction is a powerful element, but you must understand when doing this work that you need to be sharp and strong minded. Being in these energies will reveal to you the darkest, secluded elements of your life that we often don’t want to face. It is important to remember that and take care/nurture yourself while doing this work.

We are all capable of facing the dark shadow aspects of our lives. When we begin to embrace it and all those energies that come through it takes us on a journey. You will begin to explore aspects of yourself you didn’t even know existed, facets of self that you had no idea about. Abaddon is a revealer of truth and he has a sword with fire attached to it. This fire is an incinerator and it can go through anything and incinerates and cuts down everything till you’re left with all your potential, ability, rawness that you know you have. From there you will begin to assemble the pieces and begin to build but you can create it to your will. In a sense Abaddon is a liberator of our own bondage and limiting beliefs- these shadows and whispers, energies that have implanted and instilled in us since we were children. He comes in and helps us be free from anything that’s false or not true to our core, which then allows us to awaken and arise as who we are in truth.

The abyssal holy fire is an element that abyssal angels are in tune and in touch with. One aspect in working with these holy fire energies is that they can burn down the illusions that we have set within our lives and will burn every aspect of our lives that is not serving us in the current moment. As a fire it burns and is not an easy process. When you are going through your foundations and all the pieces in your life that you are trying to break through it can hurt and be a painful process.

Pain as a Teacher

Pain is a powerful teacher and is a big piece that many hold within themselves. Often there is a lot of resistance towards experiencing painful moments and going through difficult times, trials and tribulations, these moments of destruction. People have a hard time being able to experience and go through these processes. It is difficult but the best advice Belladonna has is to look to the pain, as pain teaches us not only about ourselves but the direction that we want to go within our life.

It’s alright to experience times of difficulty as we break down illusions, move through the shadow, the difficult pieces and traumas, the foundations that we set, we need to go through these moments to understand it. It’s alright to ask other people for help and assistance through this time as the process can be difficult. Just keep in mind that although it can be painful it is a powerful teacher and the element of creation that comes through with this is potent. When all the pieces of your life have been broken down you are left with nothing it’s up to you to pick up those pieces and decide how you wish to alchemize the destruction. Are you going to sit and cry over what has been lost? Or will you take initiative to rebuild your foundations in a way that is aligned with your highest vision of this life.

Pain can be amazing experience. There is a strong stigma against feeling pain we are told “you have to be strong”, “you have to feel this, you have to feel that”, “vulnerability is weakness” and so. There is a lot of programming from when we were children from parents, the school system and society they program us in different ways. We see a lot of this with masculinity too since childhood many men are taught not to show emotions, not to burst or break in that nature. However, it’s sacred to be and explore those aspects. Also vulnerability allows us to be open and to take back our power and what it is we want to take in our lives.

Additionally, fear can also be powerful. If there is enough fear it can change and transform you. There are sacred moments in our life and at times when we are in a specific state it won’t repeat again as you are stripped down and don’t have time to think or process anything. In a situation where you are thrown into it and must deal with what comes from there, it is a transformation process that occurs. There are sacred moments from being unprepared and it’s not necessarily a bad thing as the experience will start to shift, shape, mold and change you. There is a whole shadow and duality with pain itself as we are told to push down our pain instead of letting it come up and allow it to transform you.

When you are going through a process of pain you are going through a primal transformation. Pain can rebirth you to a new essence of who you are. It’s a teacher, guide, and a mentor for us. They are elements within you coming out that don’t have to be there anymore meaning you can let it go. You can let it open you up to a new reality through the pain. Many people don’t even talk about how pain can be used. Pain can be similar to energetic alchemy and transmutation as we have the ability to let pain drive us.

An important key to note is the transmutation factor in all of this- how exactly do you want things to be going forward? What are the things you can do for yourself to turn the tables over and rebuild life into direction you want to see? It can be used to our advantage as it can be an initiative to align ourselves to what’s true to our hearts and what we want to build. When we are vulnerable, open, exposed and raw it’s best to not have shields and guards up but accept it and allow ourselves to look at it, as there is great strength there. Abaddon is the judge and looking into the fire and letting yourself be incinerated and burned will help you to do this. There is strength in vulnerability, and we have to go there to fully be changed. Diamonds for example are made under great pressures, and if we look at the process it undergoes in it’s creation it’s an incredible process similar to what we are doing in our shadow work. Diamonds rise from the pits of the earth and rise through all the pressure, so that we are left with something beautiful that humans in this material world often worship.

Feeling Nervous to begin

If you’re nervous to reach out to Lord Abaddon it’s normal. As you do feel into that nervousness. When reading the encyclopedia page and experiencing any fear, anxiety, nervousness look towards it and try to understand or sense why you may be feeling that. Do you feel like your energy is being pushed into a specific direction where you feel a change will take? Abaddon can allow us to learn to stand in our truth no matter who tries to put us in a box (where we often abide to societies images). Abaddon will have us stand in our truth, to be vulnerable, to be seen not only by those around us but by ourselves. Being seen by ourselves is incredibly crucial. It is something that will come up as you will be tested to break pieces that you set that aren’t serving you. The end goal in working with Abaddon will be to see you rise and being the highest version of yourself that you can be. Through the shadows and the work that comes from this is that you will find yourself on the other side as a diamond. Just as diamonds are formed, we are similar in that sense when you think of that metaphor.

One of Akelta’s mentors used to say intention is made up of two words in and tension and in order to have your intention you need to be literally in + tension in the transformation process to get you from where you are to where you want to be. It will take you to dark and amazing places and it is the pressure of that, which can shift and transform you.

Softness is also our individuality

Being soft is also a beautiful element and those that feel pulled to preserve that shows our individuality. Akelta thinks softness, playfulness, joy are things we need to hold on to more in this world. When we are kids we are often told when we grow up that we will be serious, that we will be this and that, it’s conditioning in a way to beat you down into those boxes and energies where you lose your softness and gentleness. Akelta mentioned how someone once said “we don’t need more hard people in the world, but soft people that can hold the space for tenderness and carry-hold the compassion, and jovial free spiritedness” we need the balance of both.

Caterpillars undergo a process of transformation to become a butterfly and as they come out of the cocoon their wings are so soft, delicate, fresh and raw in that moment. In many studies it’s found if you try to help them come out of cocoon during that time it can kill and damage them and take away the properties that make them a butterfly. Therefore, when you are going through this process and going deep within, remember that transforming your life you will come out raw, vulnerable, delicate and soft but it’s all aspects of life we desperately need to hold on to. We need to maintain that balance. It’s beautiful to be able to uphold that within ourselves.

We are often told don’t daydream or in Akelta’s case when she is having fun, she’s judged for it by people saying, “aren’t you too old for that?”. But we are never too old. Why do people judge? And where do these things come from? We’re shamed for even admiring something for being beautiful. We are fed many procedures and things of what we can’t do, it’s interesting to think why we do the things we do, as the majority of people do not ask themselves this. If you’re writing yet someone tells you don’t daydream all the time it makes no sense. The greatest writers and minds have built stories from daydreams or in the case with Apple where it began with Steve Jobs and many others who were freethinkers who had desires and dreams. Everyone told Steve Jobs you’re crazy, you don’t know what you are doing and so on but look at what he did and his legacy that changed the whole world. It’s incredible to think of all the ways the world has programmed us and all the ways many imposing forces have been implemented within us. However, what we are seeing now in 2020 is us breaking out of many of these conditionings. We’re beginning to see people who are waking up and seeing these programming’s placed within us since childhood, we are seeing a big awakening going on within the world, of many coming out of the illusions.

Q&A Session

Are Abyssal Angels considered dark angels? How do they differ from Fallen Angels?

Abyssal angels are darker angels, they differ from the fallen because don’t have the infusion of demonic dark energy within them. It can be confusing at first as they do have very dark energies. Those that work extensively with demons may get confused thinking whether they are demonic, but they are very much angelic beings.

Is it possible for communication to come through in art from beings like Abaddon?

Yes, you can channel artwork through the entities and the deities. They can work through you, connect to you, and can move things through you in the form of things like art.

Are the Abyssal Angels not connected to the Creator? But are connected to Abbadon- or both?

This is a very layered question. Abyssal Angels are connected to energetic vibrations. Abaddon is one of the rulers and he is one of the first abyssal angels, but they do rise from their own energetic essence. Akelta doesn’t subscribe to it coming from a single creator as there are a lot of complex layers in the spiritual realm. Abaddon’s energies are created, and abyssal energies are created but not attached to what would be described as the creator. He is one of the rulers but there are others too.

Would Samael be an Abyssal Angel?

Samael is not an abyssal angel but a dark holy angel. There are different types of angels and for those that want to learn more about Samael there was an article recently written by Akelta in the link here: ... on-of-god/

Does justice, true justice need death or death penalty? Or is that a human thing?

Yes and no. If you think about the death penalty it does come from a human standpoint as punishment. Yes, it can be human nature but there are other elements spiritually too. Akelta finds the term of karma problematic at times. It is you holding yourself to a certain standard and when you release that you release yourself from that karma, so it’s you who is deciding and doing it. Thus, at times justice is you revealing your truth. We often must go through the process to release the falsehood and embrace the truth. Death is a transformation from one state to another so in certain situations when you embrace the justice of yourself you do go through death whether it’s a physical death or a spiritual death. A spiritual death is where your old self is dying and your new self is coming into fruition, which is another topic.

Is Abaddon connected to Leviathan? Does Abaddon rule any of the abyss or just angels?

Abaddon is an abyssal angel and Leviathan is an abyssal demon so both are connected to the abyss. Abyssal angels have their own distinct thought process and energies, they have their own politics and ways to think about things. It is to be believed that Abaddon is the gate keeper of the abyss.

Special Announcement!!

There is a new listing being offered in the store following this conversation on Lord Abaddon and Abyssal Angels. This listing is now up and will be the sixth permanent energy working that will be offered on the Satan and Sons store. It is going to be called Lord Abaddon’s Current of Foundational Destruction. This is a deep and powerful energy working thus there is a warning with it as it’s incredibly potent.

The link for this new listing can be explored through here: ... t-working/

This working is for individuals truly ready to make changes in their life. It’s not only a spiritual working as it can also impact the physical walking life. It has a way to place us into deep processes and integration, as well as breaking down the energies. This working is done directly with Lord Abaddon and goes deep into the foundational layer fields of the client. It will go through different foundations, attachments, and programmed aspects, conditionings within us that do not serve us. It breaks down the energies so we can begin to allow energetic processes into the body. Any trauma integration and breaking of conditionings, low vibrations we have set can begin to break down with this working and be destroyed within our energy fields.

This working has within it the intention of holding for new profound changes to take place. With the blessing of Lord Abaddon, it breaks down any stagnant energies that are holding us back whether it’s attachments, sludge energies, or energies that have been stuffed down due to traumas and difficulties in life. This is an excellent working for those looking to expand on their shadow work and looking to integrate traumas from a safe and healthy place. It is also useful to begin to instill transformation and growth within us so we can begin to step into our power and harness our highest potential.

There was a question on if it will ruin relationships, and the answer is if a relationship is not truly in alignment with what’s true to you it’s possible the energies can push things away of what doesn’t serve you. But the key is that we will have that choice for ourselves. It will work with you exactly where you are, so if there is something you aren’t ready to deal with you have the power to choose the work you want to do. When you go into this working you want to set intentions. Belladonna says it wouldn’t mess up relationships per say, but it’ll reveal truths to you about your relationships and then you will have the option to decide on where to go from there. Through the working and through the exercises that come with it, it’ll all help move you in the direction you wish.

Another question posed is, “If our relationship doesn’t spark joy to Lord Abaddon will he destroy it?” No Abaddon is not like that. You are confronted with your truth and then it’ll align to where you want to go. This is completely about what’s in alignment for you and your path, so you don’t have to worry about things you don’t want to disappear to go away. Abaddon won’t torture you although it may seem like that with shadow work, but it won’t be like that. If you are doing deep shadow work this will be very beneficial for you too as the energetic anatomy of the body will be given a way to begin processing things in a healthy way. Often when we are integrating deep trauma work it is possible for energy to become stuck where people can begin to form attachments. What this working will do is assist in allowing healthy integration to take place. It is extremely beneficial for someone who knows what they want to work on and is ready to do it and can help assist someone to have the space to do the integrations. It will move the energies in a smooth way. The scroll from this working comes with many exercises that can help you do shadow work in a safe manner and also help challenge foundational set points that are in your life. The scroll helps with those who want to expand on shadow work in a safe and secure way.

A bonus included in this working is an energetic infusion being called the Seed of Consciousness. This second part of the working is an infusion that is placed into the center of the heart and channeled with powerful energies of the gateways of consciousness. They are energies of spiritual transformation and ascension as well as energies of acceleration of spiritual growth and awakenings. This energy is placed in heart center which allows for strengthened intuition to begin to take place there. It will assist in accelerating spiritual growth, stimulating the heart chakra and the light body and shadow counterpart as well as the sacred Merkabah center within the heart chakra.

When doing deep shadow work and beginning to rebuild your life in what’s true to you, you want to listen to your heart so what you want to do is connect closer with your heart when doing this work. It has a way for love energies to begin opening and it will protect you from falsehood and illusions. It is a powerful working and as mentioned not for faint of heart, it can push people as it’s a dynamic working. It will work with you from where you are in your spiritual journey whether you are a beginner or seasoned practitioner. It works with you where you are, and it is not invasive.

It will push you but not too places where you cannot handle it. This is for those truly ready to see changes taking place within their life and willing to put in the work to see it manifest within their physical life. There are exercises in the scroll that can help connect you to the energies of both current of destruction and seed of consciousness, so you can set an energetic environment without worrying about it going in a direction you don’t want. For those ready to take on this deep profound work and ready to have foundations broken down so you can rebuild them in a positive, healthy and happy way this is the listing best suited for you.

The end. Hope everyone enjoyed the notes from this session! :devilparty: