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Tea Chat: Prosperity and Lord Mammon

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:44 pm
by windyjune
December 11th - Prosperity and Lord Mammon


Today we will be discussing prosperity with Lord Mammon. Lord Mammon is a demon that builds empires and helps people rise from low vibrational energies to high into manifestation energies. He’s all around incredible and Akelta has now worked with him for 15 years. Lord Mammon has shifted, broken things and turned Akelta’s life upside down but in the process helped her direct it exactly where she needed to go for what she wanted. In conjunction with the yuletide season and the month of December it’s a perfect time to work with Lord Mammon as this time is fueled by celebration as there are many holidays that occur in this month.

December is the darkest time of the year and is a time of the winter solstice where we have the shortest day and the longest night. It is the time of the year where we come together with friends and family to celebrate and create pockets of happiness and joy within this dark atmosphere that creates an amazing effect. Energetically there is a beautiful darkness that is sweeping over everything. Darkness is an amplifier which is why when people say negative thoughts are stronger than positive you can use that to your advantage and use tricks in manifestation to encode negative thoughts into manifestations to empower them to allow it to come faster. Darkness is dispersed through everything and consumes all that’s around us in the various layers and folds. The vibrational frequency that darkness touches can be encoded within many different levels. With this dark season we see pockets that are injected with joy and celebration with the festivities and gatherings we have that build pockets of high vibrational energy. Therefore, we can take advantage of this season of the happy high vibrational season and of the darkness to harness it and use it for powerful manifestations.

Christmas is around the time many cultures consider the rebirth of the sun and many cultures refer to sun gods, which ties into pagan elements of rebirth as with the solstice it is reborn and the days start getting longer until the summer solstice. There are so many cultures that have a sun god being born at this time of the year, which is very interesting. It’s the time of the season to celebrate its rebirth. When Akelta was growing up her father was very big on celebrating and he invested a lot into the holiday season. She grew up in an atheist household but as they are from German descent, they would still celebrate some holidays. Her father would go all out, and it was largely about the celebration element of people coming together rather than a religious foundation; this gave Akelta her foundation in accessing these energies. However, even if you don’t celebrate there is energy that is encoded within the season and the amount of energy that you invest in it can raise your energies.

Manifesting with Energy Currents

We can tap into the different energy currents especially the positive currents to influence our own manifestations. When it comes to this season there is a collective energy of people that are all celebrating and tapping into high vibrational energies, so there are pockets all around us. Therefore, what we can do is pick a few manifestations we want to bring into our reality at a time which is what Akelta prefers to do. However, it’s also possible to have a large list of things you want to manifest or accomplish; it’s all personal choice. Some people have better results focusing on one thing to manifest, others may have a couple while others have a whole large list that they continuously work towards, so it depends on what works best for you.

The difference between the amount you want to manifest is your focus ability and method you want to use. When you are focusing on a single item your full attention is fixated on that, while a couple can be piggybacked one after another, so if you manifest one of them you can piggyback of that energy to the next goal/desire and so on. People with large lists can also move from one accomplished goal to the next or you can put the whole list out there and then focus on the joy that comes from it to use it to fuel the manifestations.

Even if your situation isn’t the happiest as for some people this is the worst time of the year, you can still piggyback on the energies that are available within the blanket of the darkness and the dispersed pockets of high vibrations. The dark currents amplify these pockets of joy as darkness is not evil but powerful and majestic. Therefore, when you allow the light energies to blend with the dark you have a dual effect of light being amplified and empowered by the darkness. From here there is an ability to tap into it, as it is all around us and the energies are spreading through it, which allows us to pull in the energies and amplify them into our own manifestation efforts.

Birthday Month Energy

Our personal birthday month has the source of our creation as it’s the time when we were brought into this world. Birthdays add another component to the energies that we can tap into. They are a time of celebration and a time when our energy arrived on this Earth thus our vibrations started to be added to this energy field. What we can do is amplify the birthday celebration and the creative essence of being born into our manifestations. When we are born, we come into the world through our mother’s root chakra, so as we are born our root chakra is empowered by that; manifestation begins in the root chakra. We can tap into our root chakra in celebration of our own arrival and bring in energies up and through to our sacral chakra up to solar plexus and allow them to empower our manifestation efforts.

Our birthday month can be incredibly empowering for any manifestation efforts. Our birthday is also a time when we are supposed to receive gifts, so we are in a place to receive these energies. Additionally, if your birthday is in December there are a lot of things that you can tap into from the positive energies, the darkness around us that is empowering us, to the celebration energies globally as well as your own celebration energies. There is also a mindset of receiving gifts which makes us more open to receive it as well as to build manifestations.

Root Chakra Damage

Almost everyone on the planet is born with a messed up root chakra. The root chakra relates to our primal drive, our creativity, our independence, it is powerful and enigmatic in a sense it makes us uncontrollable, which is why they are often first to be crushed by society. We are subconsciously programmed to crush our children’s root chakras and everyone around us because our sense of individuality is so often shunned. Fear scarcity mentalities also block the root chakra and causes damage to that area. When we are in a state of panic or fear we tend to repeat the cycle and that causes the damage to deepen.

Many people are blocked from manifesting because the root chakra is the source of creative energy within us. It’s from those energies in the root chakra that it can rise up and therefore manifest to create the world around us. Thus, if you feel like your manifestations are blocked, not working or stagnant looking to heal your root chakra can assist you with that. As you do this the more you heal your root chakra the more powerful your manifestations will become.

Healing the Root Chakra

There are a few ways to heal your root chakra as what it really needs is nourishment- the support.

• We can get healing energies from the root chakra by doing grounding work and connecting with the Earth.

• We can also connect to various parents in past lives and by connecting to the parental energies from our true form self can help heal our root chakra. However, you don’t need to know your parents to work on it, as the main work is to go into the root chakra. Sometimes it can even be easier if you are already separated from your parents to do the work.

• We can also find previous versions of our self in past lives that have healed root chakras and overlay with ours can help us ours in this life.

• Another method is to go in and repair the damage to the root chakra. One thing to be aware is that this can help, but the patterns that led to the destruction in the first place do need to be removed. It’s fairly simple to put the root chakra back together, but it’s the patterns that require more work as that will be what causes it to be broken again.

If your parents root chakras are damaged in general, then your root chakra will more likely by damaged as it’s generational and comes from both. We adopt their condition and the patterns that led to their root chakra being damaged is often imposed on us. Thus, part of the process in healing is to undo and break out of the parental cycle. We can begin to heal and rise up from it as we do that. Another issue is this is something we receive at birth so we have to go back and undo those elements from our birth cycle and then reprogram it, so you aren’t subconsciously damaging your root chakra. By being free of family patterns that led to a damaged root chakra it then allows you to heal.

Blocked from Creativity?

When you encounter toxic people, it can destroy creativity especially if you get into a state where you are hyper paranoid and vigilant about what is going on around you. This will feel draining because you are incapable of feeling safe which in effect limits our creativity. Working with demons helped Akelta to overcome that and get back to her creative habits. Akelta also would force herself to sit and work with her creative energies everyday even if what came out was terrible as this helped her move through those blocks. She mentioned that if you looked back at her art in the past to now you can see a huge difference as even her skill level dropped when she was blocked from her creativity. By forcing herself to sit and do it, it helped her immensely to keep improving and moving through the blocks.

Lord Mammon

Lord Mammon is a demon that can help you find opportunity everywhere even in hard or dark times. He says that when you can look outside your programs and what you are taught to believe you can see the opportunity and paths you can take that you wouldn’t have been aware of otherwise. Throughout this year it’s been difficult, and we all have patterns that we run so because this month is so charged with the energy of celebration the patterns run around those celebrations making it a perfect time to work on it. Thus, by learning our patterns and being able to move outside it we can then see why we are going in the direction we are- therefore we can shift and pull the energies in a different direction if it’s not where we want to go.

Akelta hasn’t found Mammon to be bossy but rather very strong in speech. If he tells Akelta to do something and she doesn’t his general reaction is fine, whatever and if it blows up then he says alright well it blew up and this is why, this is what you can do to fix it. There is a lot of depth and complexity to him. Mammon has a cutthroat business side, but there is another side to him where Akelta has cried next to him and he helped guide her through it- it depends on your connection and where you are in your work with him. At times he will be blunt and say these are the books you must read first (the business side), but he has also helped her with mindset and how to shift out of things. He’s very well rounded. Sometimes if Akelta had a really hard time he shifted things for her, so she didn’t have to go down a harder path. It had its own lessons but Akelta couldn’t go through with it, therefore Mammon changed everything so she could still receive but in a different way. Even at times when she has run out of money the next day she has woken up with $4000 deposited into her account, so he has helped her out with things like that as well. Akelta always says however if you only want to manifest a little bit of money then it’s better to work with someone other than Mammon.

It’s great to work with Lord Mammon if you want to build an empire, if you want to change your life, invest, work in business and those sorts of things. Akelta’s mentor was an investor/businessman and he worked with Lord Mammon which led him to many great results. Through working together, he was able to elevate his business, his influence in the world, as well as be elevated in general. Their work allowed him to maintain a specific vibration so that he wouldn’t draw people that would attempt to knock him down. Mammon thus is very good at helping someone elevate their vibrations, take control of their world, and to help them build their empire/kingdom.

Lord Mammon likes to have Akelta step out from where she is and what she thinks is possible. A lot of the disastrous things that happened to her were due to the fact that she wasn’t willing to let go of her old reality. It was a reality that was imprisoning her, so the one way for someone to let go of it is to break the prison. In that process Akelta was left holding on to the bars with nothing left, so all she had to do was let go of it so Mammon could guide her. It’s the letting go that most people struggle with because it requires releasing it as many of us are natural mental hoarders and hold on to our patterns. Many people if we hold onto something with conviction, we will carry it till our grave before we choose to let it go, which is one of the largest hang ups many people have and is why Mammon can be so destructive. Mammon will come in and say this has to go and the person is left hold on saying “but I don’t want to let go”. However, if it’s all destroyed then you have no choice but to let go and rebuild. Everything that Mammon has pushed Akelta toward and all she has endured to rise from it has been very positive even if in the moment it was difficult.

Lord Mammon is incredibly powerful in helping people build empires and is good at showing you where your blocks are, where your mindset is lacking, and in helping you shift yourself so you can step out of where you are and enter the reality you desire. This intertwines with this Yule season because the energies are ripe, so working with Lord Mammon will add another layer to your manifestations. He can assist you with working towards your manifestations as you are using the energies of this season to propel yourself into the new year and getting what it is you want. As you work with Mammon, he will help you raise your vibrations, break out of old patterns which all tie in with the dark and celebratory energies. Celebration energies are a different state from what we are used to which is why it can feel so good. Therefore, it’s a perfect time to code new patterns and beliefs into our mindset. Working with Lord Mammon you can infuse these new patterns and beliefs to use them to push you forward in your desires. You are building a foundation to continuously manifest and move into the new reality you desire into the new year.

The new year has interesting energies because there is a fresh start. You want to build momentum during the month of December leading to the new year since you are creating an energetic foundation which will push and take you to these places you desire. If you continue focusing on that with Lord Mammon and moving in that direction you can ride the current of energy from December into the new year. Akelta has found that working with Mammon is incredibly creative in a way as he is intelligent especially with business and can teach about corporate set up, different structures and methods to secure your kingdom. He can also show you all the creative facets of working with the energies and elements that surround us, so you have a union between the spiritual and the physical worlds where you are allowing it to build you up and rise. This can let you move towards your goals.

Lord Mammon says that we can find opportunity in everything and we can do that by looking at the various elements in our life. The yuletide aspect has darkness and celebration which makes it perfect for manifestation and is why it is known as the season of miracles. It is due to the high capacity for manifesting and to get what you want. This is in part to do with the giving spirit that people are in as well as the state where there is a feeling of miracles and manifestations are ripe. Thus, we can take full advantage of that. When Akelta is working on manifestations in the month of December she likes to use the color gold because it ties in with the rebirth of the sun (winter solstice) as well as intertwines with manifestations and our desires.

Manifestation Exercise

The steps Akelta likes to take for manifestation in this season are as follows:

1) Meditate and connect with the darkness of the season. Bring the energy into your body pulling it in and connecting with it. From the darkness flows everything.

2) Then move on to tapping into celebration energy by focusing on it. Start by looking at your own life and seeing what you can celebrate i.e. yourself, existence, what you have, etc. then focus on the celebration energies around you and pull those energies to you as well. Thus, you will have the combination of the dark energies and celebration energies. You are empowering them with the darkness, and you are raising your own vibration with celebration energy.

3) Then you want to visualize a gold sphere or a gold sun if you want to advantage of the symbolism for the rebirth of the sun to manifest. Within the gold sun you want to infuse visions and vibrations of what it is you want to manifest. You want to pull whatever you want to manifest into the golden sun. Then you want to focus on those manifestations until you feel it moving through you and you have a sense of ownership over it. It’s important to have ownership over what you want in your manifestation work.

4) Once that’s complete you have a beautiful ball of gold energy- your own mini sun and you have your manifestation vibrations within it. Then you want to send it out to the world. You want to clear the path for the manifestation to come to you. Know that because you infused it with energies of celebration and empowered it with darkness you will create a powerful effect that allows you to pull things to you. You create your own miracle season in this way.

When Akelta works with Mammon he likes to teach her tricks and how to work with the energies. Mammon can make powerful manifestations happen and can help navigate and shift the world for someone. He has helped Akelta immensely along the way.

How long should it take to manifest something?

It really depends on the manifestation, how many blocks you have and how committed you are. Akelta knows people who can manifest the craziest things within 24 hours. For example, one of her friends is a mega-manifester and when he was challenged by someone who said that he couldn’t manifest a mansion in 24 hours he took it on. He did the manifestation work and then met someone at an event who needed someone to babysit their mansion for a year and so he was able to live there free of charge. Therefore, our manifestations really depend on how clear and focused our energies are on the manifestation.

Self-sabotage is also an important factor as many people will sabotage their own manifestations instead of committing to it. Many times, people will pull back or start thinking “oh well I guess I don’t really need it” and start talking themselves out of it, which nullifies your intention and manifestation efforts. There are many different components to it so when you can get past it, which is often getting out of your own way you can manifest things. That is why there is differences between manifesting $5 versus $5 million is dependent on the distance in your mind. Energetically they’re similar as they are both money vibrations, it’s simply one amount is more than another.

Two possible methods of manifesting something are as follows:

1) Putting it out there and forgetting about it. By doing this you are blocking yourself from getting in the way of your own manifestation. It can take you a bit longer to manifest it this way, but it works well because you remove anything you do that would sabotage it.

2) The second method is to focus. If you can throw yourself into the manifestation and focus intently you can manifest quickly. The only thing that can stop it is if you talk yourself out of receiving it.

Having too strong of an expectation of what a manifestation will look like can possibly create blocks. Akelta simply focuses on what she wants and not how it’ll come. As for Akelta any manifestation she has done has never turned out the way she thought it would. Last year Akelta was going through an old goal list she had, and she almost accomplished everything on the list but none of it manifested in the way she thought it would. The best way is to focus on what you desire and remove all expectations of how. Additionally, when you do attain something be sure to celebrate it.

Vision Boards

A vision board is a visual representation of everything you want. Some people when they are working on manifestation will create a vision board and then spend time everything meditating with it and gazing at it. They will gaze and fixate on it to create a focal point which will help you to manifest it; this is great for people that are more responsive to visual stimulus. When you have the vision board created, and you are fixating on it with your energies this helps you to manifest.

If you’re clairvoyant vision boards are generally very helpful. Depending on what you are aligned with and what your strongest psychic sense is you can also practice different methods of manifesting. When you are manifesting you are tying with the spiritual world because it is connected, so it is also connected to your psychic senses. For example, if you are clairsentient you can feel what you want and feel like you own it in your manifestation work. If you are clairaudient hearing or speaking things can be what you can play around with to help manifest your desires. It’s all about what is the best way for you, it depends on your alignment with the energies. When you are tapping in with your psychic senses you will manifest better from different places. One thing to be aware of is there isn’t only one way to manifest, but many.

The skill is inside of you so never say never. We’ve been taught that our psychic skills and manifestation abilities are limited, that it’s fantasy or that it’s not how the world works. However, if we can recall how we manifested things once then we can dissect it and figure out what we did which will then allow us to recreate it. This is similar with psychic gifts we had these skills when we were children however society has taught us that it’s fantasy, so we have to unlearn what was programmed into us to re-access those skills. We are all capable of manifesting and tapping into these energies and this season is one of the best to do so.

The End! :devilflame: :devilpaint: :ideadevil: