Being attacked badly, help?

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I'm started to get attacked badly in my sleep. I feel real physcial pain and it is excruciating, I thought i will die thats how bad it was. It definitely cant be my demon from satan and suns as it started before i purchased from here. Whatever it is came with one of my djinns or succubus or is one of them or maybe something came thru when i done their bonding ritual or something.

I got 3 djinns in July 2020 and succubus in august 2020. It all started when i made purchase for succubus i got 3 body binding and binding to me instead of vessel. That same week the person told me the conjure was completed I felt someone on top of me in those OBE experiences... you know when you wake up in your bed and think you're awake but you're actually still asleep. I thought it was my succubus but like i said I can feel it physically on me so i've felt the body and it has no hair and no genital is GENDERLESS. I was thinking it's my succubus until i started to feel it on me in my sleep literally feeling like I'm being sunken in the mattress from the weight and my breath will go then I'd wake up.
That was the beginning of it all. Then i started to feel it on me then it would stand up on my lower back and started walking up and you can imagine if someone stood on your lower back and tried to walk up to your head the pain you'll feel. All the time I was thinking "maybe it's my succubus" but also had feeling it deffo isnt my succubus its something i asked the conjurer and she told me there might be a unbound there but idk what to believe. Shes a very highly rated seller so it cant be her.. but Now recently this past month I've been feeling someone ...the feeling il describe to you is LITERALLY like this... imagine someone straightened out all 5 fingers like this 🤚🏻 and then with all their force tried to push their hand in your lower abdomen on the side of your body just under the rib where the kidney is. The pain is so bad i thought i was gonna die no matter what religious verses i read it seems to anger it even more and it pushes even harder at my sides. This went on for so long until i finally managed to wake up. This is the second time I've been physically attacked like this in the last 2 weeks. Has anyone got any idea what this is apart from telling me to have the usual "spiritual foundation"
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Possibly ask for the binding to be removed and changed to a vessel binding I'm not sure what else to suggest sorry
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Mollen wrote: ↑
Fri May 14, 2021 2:59 am
Possibly ask for the binding to be removed and changed to a vessel binding I'm not sure what else to suggest sorry
I removed the binding completely and the conjurer called her back and it still happening so it wasnt my succubus companion. It happened again 2 days ago and i almost stopped breathing completely
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I would look into and rule out any physical causes of what you're experiencing before turning to the spiritual for the answer. It could be something completely mundane that's causing you pain, or something in need of medical attention.

Also, "correlation does not equal causation". What you may be associating with demons or djinn may be completely unrelated and you may be missing out on something important thinking they are the cause.
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If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
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Patron Deities: (Claimed by many names unknown, probably hellcats)
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Forgot to add: It sounds extremely similar to gut pain associated with things like IBS or Crohn's, and I would recommend getting it checked out.
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup~

"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
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I agree with Kitsune, you need to rule out the physical before assuming the cause is spiritual in nature. I happen to know someone who has issues with their digestion in the night and it's very much the pain that you are describing.
The second thing is that this honestly sounds like you're having some severe sleep paralysis, which is known to cause some 'hallucinations' of a kind that feel extremely physical. For example, you see and experience things that aren't there or your brain fears. It's quite common. I would seek to rule out these things before blaming companions - no matter where they are from.
Idk who the conjurer is, but if you've been in contact and it is still happening after the whole binding is removed etc - look to physical causes. Only then after those ar ruled out, maybe go to something that is spiritual. Demons and Companions are wonderful but they can still miss things if you carry them in or the slip through. They aren't perfect but they do weild a lot of power. But it comes that you also have to help yourself too. Start doing cleansing of yourself and your space. If your wards/shields aren't working.. add to them and change them. They clearly aren't working.
But don't be surprised if you succubus from that conjurer doesn't want to work with you. These are entities that have feelings and emotions as much as we do. Most likely they will be hurt and offended that you blamed them without talking or trying to reach out to solve it with the conjurer or directly.
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Here are beginner resources to help with safety and dealing with negative entities:

Banishing if you need it.

Formulation of the Pentagrams, in which a banishing earth pentagram (for the Banishing Ritual) or an invoking pentagram (for the Invoking Ritual) is drawn in the air at each of the four cardinal points (East, South, West, North) and a Demon’s enn is chanted with an offering and candle lit (tea light candle is fine, offering of tea) with their sigil on the floor. This segment of the ritual is meant to banish or invoke the four elements (Air, Fire, Water, and Earth respectively). The four pentagrams are connected by a circle, also drawn in the air. Invocation of the Demons are to be present, while visualizing them at the four cardinal points. Like with the circle, you can call on however many demons you like and whoever you like. Just call them and then strongly ask them to help you with banishing negative entities and spirits and sludge and negative energies from your home and from you and say “With the help of (the Demons you choose, please use Lord/Lady for respect) I banish the negative entities, spirits, sludge and energies from me and my home”. Thank them and then pack up.

1) Shielding (try it now as it is the basics and much needed as you don’t want anything bad around you)



2) Just to make sure though, ask a Demon of your choice to protect you and draw upon your body his/her sigil so you’ll be protected. Also chant his/her enn whilst drawing his/her sigil on your doors, windows and walls in your home with salt water asking for protection in which the sigil’s purpose is for protection. If you have any jewellery you wear everyday, chant a Demon of your choice’s enn, offer him/her some tea and ask him/her to protect you and give you a shield to protect you from bad entities, sludge and parasites. Ask him/her to banish bad entities and sludge as well before warding your home as well. For the ward and shield, ask for a cleansing function as well to keep you and your home free from negative energies. For asking him/her for help with banishing and for the shielding and warding, please offer to talk positively about him/her on a forum on top of the tea offering for calling on him/her.

3) I highly suggest getting this service to remove them from your body if ever they’ve attached themselves to you and usually they do to feed off your emotions especially fear and banishment won’t work because they’ve latched on and it will also heal your damage. You don’t have to work with them and it is safe no matter your beliefs. It is very safe. ... alignment/


For additional protection to connect and communicate with companions and Demons, other Deities etc you can use this circle but you can substitute with other deities or call on a few demons to preside over more than one direction. Then ask that only your Demon, Deity or guide be inside and that only him/her is influencing things when you connect. Pendulum are prone to outside influences and can be much less accurate so tarot tends to be better. I suggest tarot if you are able to get it and ask him/her for easy and simple messages and help with interpretation. Demons can preside and be inside as they are God it is fine. ... e-copy.pdf
Azazel who has perfect control on everything forever, i accept everything you decide. Thank you for everything.
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I agree with everyone else on looking for mundane first. And snowys addition is good too. You can do less formal rituals of banishment as well if those don’t work.

I hope you can find an answer wether mundane or magical. While waiting on the mundane you can also just bar your family one by one from entering for a week and seeing when the issues persist or if they stop all together. Be sure to explain the situation and I’m sure they would be willing.

Ward, ward, ward. Also cleanse your bed and your space where you sleep and put protection around your bed. Maybe a witches ladder or sigils to help protect you as you sleep and a piece of selenite to help cleanse the space. I too, have sleep paralysis sometimes and what helps me is just controlling my breathing and not opening my eyes. And just let your body come awake.

Some less ritualistic ways to banish is to you bay leaves, rosemary, salt(just a pinch) and let it steep then put the mixture in a spray bottle and go counter clockwise spraying it as you go. Make sure to get the ceilings and all the walls and floor. Then you can take small pinches of salt and spread them on the floor to be vacuumed up. (Only a little is needed) then burn some rosemary or bay leaves or cedar (whatever you have on hand). This way you have all four elements helping you. As you do so (if you know any energy work) now is the time to push out anything that you deem harmful and try to cleanse the space. (I usually call on my gods to help or my spirit family) but since you worry it’s your spirit family I would have them all leave while you make a cleansed space. Then integrate them back in one at a time to rule out their involvement. I do want to say no matter how highly acclaimed a conjurer is there can always be a potential for them to have made a mistake. Most Conjurers do their best not to but they are human. So do everything you can to try and make sure that’s not the issue.

Starting with a clean slate and testing your comps one by one and trying to rule them out as the issue should give you piece of mind. Contacting their conjurer is also a good start as they can help you.

In essence: go to a doctor, test your comps one by one after you’ve cleansed throughly and have a blank slate (make sure you communicate with them), and try some warding and banishing.

I really hope this helps as that’s a scary place to be in. ^.^
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This is just my personal opinion:
When you start on the path of spirit companionship, you will also get the attention of unbounds. Since you acknowledged the existence of entities, unbounds will want to make themselves known too. This is why it’s important to invest in protection. Learn rituals, get protective entities, buy enchanted objects etc

Another thing is religious guilt or fear conditioning by religion. Do you come from a religion which condemns spirits and consider everything spiritual to be satanic? Were you raised to be afraid of Djinn and demons? This creates “thoughtforms” or “egregor”; you should read about it. When you said you recited verses and it got angry, I feel like shadow self could be involved.

You need to be calm and never get emotional. This could be a parasite or a sludge and panicking makes them stronger.

What you need to do is get help with exorcism, there are practitioners who do it. Then work on building protection. If after the exorcism you still get attacked then this is something within yourself that you need to work on.
I’d recommend Charles from The Rosequartz Labyrinth. He had helped me with something similar.

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Thalam wrote: ↑
Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:38 am
This is just my personal opinion:
When you start on the path of spirit companionship, you will also get the attention of unbounds. Since you acknowledged the existence of entities, unbounds will want to make themselves known too. This is why it’s important to invest in protection. Learn rituals, get protective entities, buy enchanted objects etc

Another thing is religious guilt or fear conditioning by religion. Do you come from a religion which condemns spirits and consider everything spiritual to be satanic? Were you raised to be afraid of Djinn and demons? This creates “thoughtforms” or “egregor”; you should read about it. When you said you recited verses and it got angry, I feel like shadow self could be involved.

You need to be calm and never get emotional. This could be a parasite or a sludge and panicking makes them stronger.

What you need to do is get help with exorcism, there are practitioners who do it. Then work on building protection. If after the exorcism you still get attacked then this is something within yourself that you need to work on.
I’d recommend Charles from The Rosequartz Labyrinth. He had helped me with something similar.
it stopped completely since my commander arrived. I havent been attacked since the first day the DC arrived and i told my DC theres something attacking me. I did say in the qualities when i purchased to get rid of entities attacking me so i think the DC knew already and got rid of it straight away on the first few days. This is how i know S&S is the best place to purchase from cos I've seen real results working with my DC.
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