Ritual of the Death Storms

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Before we can enter the Thrunos, High in the Mountain Ranged of the Tempest Realm we must receive our Sacred Attunement.
The Ritual of the Death Season is a sacred Ritual which will be cast by Stormbringer Jyruun and his Storm Mages.
This Ritual will attune you not just to Thrunos, but also to the Festival of Death Storms, allowing you to move freely from our world to their world at anytime you desire during the Festival.

Stormbringer Jyruun

Jyruun is the Stormbrining of the Royal Court and he is one who is incredibly skilled and gifted in magick Able to weave the energies and delicate folds of reality and bend it to his will he is very powerful. He has incredible control over portals and dimensional shifting and he knows how to travel through the spiritual world and set up incredible and safe portals. He loves traveling and exploring new realms.

He is a wild side and he loves the storms and he loves it when the dead rise and when the darkness covers the land. He and Nethairee are dating and are deeply in love. They love to work powerful rituals together and they love to blend their unique and incredible energies. He is very brave and bold and he is very adventurous and does not mind throwing himself in the grip of danger and the unknown.

He also is very skilled in attunements and knows the vibrational frequencies for attuning one to the Realm of Thrunos. He is skilled with Magick and able to perform incredible and complex spells and rituals. He is a very handsome Tempest demon with slightly tanned skin and short styled blond hair. He has lightning blue eyes that glow in the darkness and he work with death flame which acts as a light for the dead. He has long black horns and wears a black cloak.

Come walk with Jyruun as he performs the Ritual of the Death Season to bring you to Thrunos!

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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How fun! While listening for the ten minutes, I could feel as if certain parts of me where filling with an energy like a cyclone of air spinning in little hollowed areas within me, filling me as the storm howled and the mages chanted, I especially felt it in my back around my shoulder blades and through my chest. It was an incredible feeling.

What I saw the festivities before I grew too tired was amazing. The festival was stretched along the mountainside, the tents rising up a slope. There were numerous tall torches set up, some of them crowned with skulls from which the firest sprung. There were decorations of skeletal monsters, their mouths gaping open and their vacant eyes turned upward to the sky. And gargolyes too. So many gargoyles. They all perched with their eyes directed upward except for two that peered down through a shaft in the earth. There was activity everywhere, and on upper cliff a demon blew a long horn, and two others followed suite. Suddenly several demons dropped from the cliff into the air, into the approaching storm, their bodies spinning on the blasting currents of wind. Zir and Dyr accompany and I want to see more but I'm exhausted and so I leave with a plan to return and explore more.
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I made this meditation two times. The ritual space was decorated wonderful and amazing. I took my Seat in the middle of the circle. The first time I felt all the time cold, like cold showers. I can feel death energies very well, I am very sensitive. But during ritual I felt as well intense energies moving and circulating inside my energetic body. The second time I felt no coldness anymore. Instead I felt this whirling energies more intense and power was awaken. I enjoyed it.
Then I noticed in my astral view the open Portal. This new world is amazing. Demons are celebrating. I went to the Market and aproached to a tent,I saw it in my astral view. I was interested in some items handcrafted and infused with magick. I put my hand above one and felt its energy. Then the vendor showed me a pool, a great chalice with semiliquide inside. I had no idea what it is.
This realm is new for me and I am excited to explore. I am grateful.
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I'm sure I will do the meditation again, but here is what the first two were like for me!

First one was very interesting. For a long stretch of time I saw and felt the death energies and was looking, hearing, feeling through the most glorious golden yellow & pale brown colors that took different forms mostly like sunflowers. Everywhere that was supposed to be darkened was so beautifully illuminated. I wondered at the possible incongruity & realized the area Was super dark I was just sooo very happy with so much death that I burst into happiness and the colors and energies rising up within me were bright & bold and natural and intensely beautiful. I could still see the dark beyond my space, so I Was in the correct location. I could also see Stormbringer Jyruun super well. His eyes so clear - & he had color, shape and form.

It's typically challenging for me to see another being astrally but I could see him well. His eyes, so powerful and so brilliant.
Then we saw his mages and pulsed into their energies.
And then we were flying. I soared with the dead for a long time. I flew with so many & really loved sailing on the wind currents with children. They seemed most reluctant to let go & then the most joyful as they released and soared. Super adorable and sometimes felt a bit sad.

By the time I went to bed I felt refreshed and Settled with myself. Which is different; am on pathway to be me which is painful and disorienting alot.

We just did the meditation a second time & the death energies presented more solemnly. They showed as slowly disintegrating bone matter with each micro piece communicating its micro piece of the dead one's story. Multiply that by the the vast numbers of dead present in Thrunos ; the energy and information contained therein was vast, yet as slow as one grain of sand at a time.

I found my biological younger sister at the gate (she is still alive not yet parted from this earthly life). I spoke with her and let her know she is unwell and wished her to find her way before death comes. And then she was gone & in her place were a few of you from our SNS family. Sooo interesting....!!!

It was sublime both times.

I would also like to explain how I saw myself when I was infused with Joy and Pure Love for the dead. I was a faery with complex multi-wing system. My body was petite and hovery (as In suspended in the air then lightly touching ground, back & forth). The light emanating from me was alot and very far-reaching and probing light. Strangely I wasn't afraid of anything. At all.
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It's was shady, the locations was very airy, and the wishpers and the dead were hovering over. And the the mountains very high and so dark from the sight.
The meditation brought to me the essence of the dead and the dead essence was soothing and welcoming as if I could remain it.

it's was a shift of environment where I could see the dead hovering, the air I could sense the essence of the dead in it. And the high mountain rumbling with lightening and thunderstorm.
I was walking on the ground and the dead hovering wishpers to me, "come and join us, come and be with us". And I could see where in particular the whisper was coming from, I saw this essence of this girl she was hovering over me whispering to me to follow her. And the dead essence tend to overwhelm me as to give up and join the dead, but I quickly realize my self and came back.

It was amazing because the dead essence I felt it was soothing and soft, and I also felt things in the dead essence I hardly find words to describe. It was like I could live my self and follow them.
With this, next time I we really be careful as not to loose myself, as the dead essence can also entice one to join the dead, but I love the experience because its all about discovery and adventure :devillove:
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I'm very fond of this ritual. It is easy to connect with these energies.

Ironically, it is also rainy and storming where I am at, which adds to the excitement in the air. Also while I was out driving I exclaimed to myself that " I wish I had a real life Halloween Town to explore and live in." (yes just like that Disney Movie) and lo and behold, I tap into the energies and get a nudge to finally do the opening ritual for this event, and it happens, although within the astral, I find a place I can go home and that understands me.

Maybe I can call this realm home, it may be one of many that I belong to.
I dance with death energy, as if I can understand them more. I come ALIVE with every storm, the more intense the better. It is like awakening to something.

Choose to return early. But will most definitely be visiting the marketplace later on.
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Tempest Demons. Ritual of the Death Storms

This was so strange. My internet connection failed repeatedly during the meditation. It felt just like a great storm cutting in and out.
I was bare foot walking through the woods. As soon as I entered the Forest I relaxed and felt at Home. I saw snow flakes and then ice crystals which grew thicker and thicker as the snow fell. My white tigress was at my side padding through the snow fall. The snow made her happy and she kept quietly mewing at me. My vision began to fog over, I caught a glimpse of the candles burning but there were so many ghosts , like clouds, surrounding me that I felt blinded. I could see ghosts swimming towards me and then black ones moving toward.

Suddenly the portal opens and I feel an immediate opening within myself; Death appears within me - a great veiled Black skull - and I am cloaked in a black robe and carrying Him within myself through the Portal.

My internet connection suddenly begins cutting in and out but I can still hear faint voices speaking, as if through the storm, something about the children wanting to play with me. That they were drawn to both me and It, the Death one within.
I hesitated, wondering if I heard accurately.
They asked again. Do I not want to play with the children?
I saw myself as a child. And then as myself, an adult, walking. Small birds surrounded me. They were everywhere, landing on me, eating bird seed from my hand and landing on my hair.
Of course I want to play with them!
I stopped struggling with the internet and realized that I could hear them, faintly, even when it cut out. So it was strange but even off line I could hear an adult speaking and children laughing and playing about me. It really was fun. They children’s energy was so beautiful and I loved them hanging on me and the birds flying and landing on me.

It’s still snowing. I walk with the birds and they eat from my hand.
Sometimes they change form and it is children running beside me and talking and laughing and hanging from my arms. They are lovely and make me so happy.

It’s all suddenly a little strange feeling …. as if Ive become the ghost. And the longer it goes on the more I have the feeling that I am a ghost and have managed to enter their land. My own Death energies are too strong - I connect really easily…

I’m no longer having so much fun as the ghost/death feeling is very real and I’m feeling weaker. I have the awareness my inner Death energies are growing imbalanced and I need to walk with that death feeling while remembering myself …. So I gently excuse myself from the children and end the meditation.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

“In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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This was really beautiful! The music, the guidance, the scene, everything. I really loved it.

I had chills when the demons started chanting and the storm clouds gathered above. I felt the attunement: it whirled inside of me in a spiral, like a hurricane. It actually got to the point that I felt slightly dizzy walking through the portal from the whirling of the energies.

When I arrived, I was in awe. I absolutely love Halloween and a town decorated for it is such a beautiful sight. My Obscranorshem Spectral Demon, Viper, was with me. He could see how much I loved taking in the sights and smirked at me. I asked him to dance with me, to join the dancing demons. He obliged, and we made our way over.

As we approached the dancing demons, Viper spun me around so that I was facing to him and pulled me in closely. He guided me in a rhythmic and ethereal dance, with us moving together in an effortless waltz. It was haunting and beautiful, as we danced and he spun me around and around and around. I would see flashes of orange from the jackolanterns, and then get drawn immediately back to Viper’s glowing teal eyes.
And I could swear, that the ocean sings, and the mountains talk to me
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This was honestly extremely relaxing. I almost dozed off in fact! Really loving the energies I was flooded with. Felt incredibly rejuvenated after. Looking forward to visiting this realm and exploring everything it has to offer
~Faith. Strength. Passion~

"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say ' No THIS is who I am.' You want people to look at you differently? Make them.You want to change things? You have to go out there and change them yourself because there are no Fairy Godmothers in this world."

Focus on the things you can control!
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Wow! It feels like it's still growing!

This meditation kept me sitting up, so my visualizing was limited. But the energy was there! I kept playing with my athame the whole time. I need to do this one several times!
Love spells are just shadow work people refuse to do, and then make it a problem for everyone else.

Official Dumb Old Ghost Wrangler TM
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