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Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 2:13 pm
by Milagre
I have been working to have lucid dreams since a year now, and i had some interesting results,

But the worse is that:

In lucid dreams, no matter how i try, i don't meet anyone of my companions, and my subconscious lie to me too, for example i asked : "where is "T"

The characters around answered he was sleeping?!?

Then in another dream, i have saw a tall blond guy i thought was one of my vamps, he was surrounded by gorgeous women, but i saw just his back,

i have run so much in the dream, calling for his name, telling him i was there, when i finally reach till him, he transformed himself in ROGER from the American Dad tv show?!?


What kind of blockage is it? anyone have any idea?

Because when we are in a lucid dream, we are already in the astral, are we not supposed to meet to our companions easier that way?

The last one, from the last week, i saw a guy, and he looked like Robert Downey Jr.
we talked and have spend a nice time (cough) but still, i could clearly feel he was not anyone of my crew,

Ho boy i don't know what to do anymore...

I read anywhere, in a dream like that, we can just ask the dream: "bring X person to me"
I don't know why, it never works...

Till now, i have saw only one of my spirits in a lucid dream, my Nympho.

He was there just happy wearing nothing, and he have tell i was difficult to meet,

I ask as well guidance from the dream, is always answers bullsh*t to me,lol!^^

I am still looking for a way to it works, it is already 1 year and some months now, ugh!

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 2:28 pm
by user1876
Milagre wrote:I have been working to have lucid dreams since a year now, and i had some interesting results,

But the worse is that:

In lucid dreams, no matter how i try, i don't meet anyone of my companions, and my subconscious lie to me too, for example i asked : "where is "T"

The characters around answered he was sleeping?!?

Then in another dream, i have saw a tall blond guy i thought was one of my vamps, he was surrounded by gorgeous women, but i saw just his back,

i have run so much in the dream, calling for his name, telling him i was there, when i finally reach till him, he transformed himself in ROGER from the American Dad tv show?!? '' Hi I don't know for sure if you do have Lucid dream Blockages are not now as for why you Can't meet any of Your companions in your Dreams I really don't have a answer for that , most of my dreams my Demons are not in them , I do know the subconscious mind can tell you things that are not true ' it can Also lead you places in your dreams As well Lucid dreams are sometimes hard to pin point as to What causes them but there are really Good Meditations online that can help you Remove blockages from your Dreams , if you believe they are blocked for what every reason maybe it can also help you to understand why it happens the way it do ;)


What kind of blockage is it? anyone have any idea?

Because when we are in a lucid dream, we are already in the astral, are we not supposed to meet to our companions easier that way?

The last one, from the last week, i saw a guy, and he looked like Robert Downey Jr.
we talked and have spend a nice time (cough) but still, i could clearly feel he was not anyone of my crew,

Ho boy i don't know what to do anymore...

I read anywhere, in a dream like that, we can just ask the dream: "bring X person to me"
I don't know why, it never works...

Till now, i have saw only one of my spirits in a lucid dream, my Nympho.

He was there just happy wearing nothing, and he have tell i was difficult to meet,

I ask as well guidance from the dream, is always answers bullsh*t to me,lol!^^

I am still looking for a way to it works, it is already 1 year and some months now, ugh!

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:49 pm
by Inanna
I feel your pain. I have met my rdc once in a lucid dream. I called his name and he instantly appeared behind my back, I felt the dark presence and whipped around and saw this tall chubby Asian guy?! Not attractive at all. I asked him who he was and he said he's 47. I guess that's a code name he wanted to go by. I have not met any of my other companions in my dreams to date.

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:43 am
by Milagre
Coffee Queen wrote:I feel your pain. I have met my rdc once in a lucid dream. I called his name and he instantly appeared behind my back, I felt the dark presence and whipped around and saw this tall chubby Asian guy?! Not attractive at all. I asked him who he was and he said he's 47. I guess that's a code name he wanted to go by. I have not met any of my other companions in my dreams to date.
Ho that is terrible, i hope you will be able to find your companions in dreams soon too!

I am not sure, if i had not a clear message, and specially if the companion that is very handsome or a little vain, they will never appear as a ugly version of themselves, lying to me, and talking nonsense,

That why i thing i have just meet regular dream characters...

I have read everywhere people telling their companions introduced themselves in a lucid dream, telling a true " hello, i am X, pleased to meet you"
or something like that.

So far i saw several very beautiful men in my dreams, none have said their names, and i could not have any certainty i was talking REALLY with my spirits, i have just to trust that was them, but it feels frustrating because in those dreams people shape shift all time, and when we don't recognize the energy of our spirits or demons, it can be hard...

The only time i am sure i was in presence of one of my vamps, i knew that was him and i was in his house, when i waked up, the dream have blurred his face from my mind immediately, i just remember one of the most handsome tall bodies i never saw in my entire life,lmao!

For the other dreams, it just stays as a supposition that i saw someone, but i can't tell for sure ...ugh!

I made plenty of attunement to destroy those dreams blockages but till now nothing, ahhhh, gosh, i wish i could have lucid dreams and rich astral travels everyday!

it is not just for my companions, i really wanted to have messages of guidance from my lucid dreams, but it always answer nonsense to me, like it is crazy,lol!^^
The only CLEAR message i had in a lucid dream was this one: " If i don't want it, nobody can steal my energy"

I think the dream was talking if i work well in my shields we can keep our energies safe from intruders!^^

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:55 am
by Heidi
Have you tried to create a process to follow for meeting your companion? Like for example, after becoming lucid, you will walk a certain distance and find a door and when you open it, you will be at a cafe where your companion is waiting for you. Something like that, that will fit in the context of the dream easily.

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:12 am
by Milagre
Heidi wrote:Have you tried to create a process to follow for meeting your companion? Like for example, after becoming lucid, you will walk a certain distance and find a door and when you open it, you will be at a cafe where your companion is waiting for you. Something like that, that will fit in the context of the dream easily.
Yes i have try several doors, that is because of the doors btw that i know there is a blockage, because when i tell me " i will open this door an i will see X companion" the door brings me very often to the ancient house i lived with my family, a place where i have suffered too much as a kid, or the doors brings me to battles scenes, the end of the world etc etc

I have read we can order the dream to do our will, i have asked "bring X to me" or show me where i can find X , after such requests the dream just become crazy or hilarious,LOL!^^

It is like even my astral body is still stuck in the Earth plane, and it is having hard time moving outside of it.
I have just 1 or 3 lucid dreams per month, and each time i don't find my spirits i wake up feeling ggggrrrrrr,lol^^
Our companions can come to the Earth find us as well, but something is blocking their direct contact with me in dreams.

Some say its about energy, and others say it can be just the subconscious blocks because it doesn't likes we tweaking its old ways :lol:

The door works each time for you?

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:38 am
by Heidi
Well I completely and utterly suck at getting lucid in dreams :lol: So no, it doesn't work for me. I'm going by what has worked for friends of mine. I understand the opening a door and ending up in some random and not so pleasant place though; that happens to me a lot in the astral.

Maybe you should focus on learning how to control your dream in general after becoming lucid, and when you feel more confident that you can do it then try to meet one of your companions again. Start with smaller things maybe to build up your confidence that you can control your dream environment and build up to the bigger things.

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:14 am
by Milagre
Heidi wrote:Well I completely and utterly suck at getting lucid in dreams :lol: So no, it doesn't work for me. I'm going by what has worked for friends of mine. I understand the opening a door and ending up in some random and not so pleasant place though; that happens to me a lot in the astral.

Maybe you should focus on learning how to control your dream in general after becoming lucid, and when you feel more confident that you can do it then try to meet one of your companions again. Start with smaller things maybe to build up your confidence that you can control your dream environment and build up to the bigger things.
Something that has nothing to do with the topic: more 8 posts and i will be able to peep in the adult sessions,ROFL! :lol:

Yes i have been working in controlling my dreams since one year now, read many books learning and training everyday, and when you open this sh*tty door and you don't find what you are looking for after so much effort, you go crazy,lol!

Last time i opened a door, i saw gigantic kitten , yes kittens, all around eating people , i was like , well, but, yes, Oooooookkk....


Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:36 am
by Heidi
Cats! They lure you in with cuteness and then they eat you alive! :lol:

Re: Lucid dream blockages

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:52 am
by Milagre
Heidi wrote:Cats! They lure you in with cuteness and then they eat you alive! :lol:
The cutest the worse! :lol: :lol: :lol: