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Simple Rites

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:43 pm
by User1265455 ... ple-rites/
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This is my altar for my most recent evocation. What you see is the bare bones of a ritual. The canvas bears the sigil of the demon I am working with. Upon the canvas, I have a candle, in the color he requested, and below that, a plate of offerings. The offerings are gemstones which match his specialty, and an incense mix which he chose. The herbs are cat nip, rose, chamomile, jasmine, lavender, lemon balm, and lobelia. The resin is copal, and the essential oil is an amber blend.

This is also the incense which is burning on the charcoal. The incense serves a dual purpose, in that it is an offering to the Air element, but is also tuned to the intentions which I and the demon are working towards. I have a red candle, which is an offering to the element of Fire, a bowl of purified water as an offering to the Water element, and a bowl of sea salt as an offering to the element of Earth.
Once my altar was set up, I settled on my meditation chair, lit the candles, added the incense to my charcoal, closed my eyes, and began to breathe into trance.

As I drew each breath, I counted down. I drew three deep breaths, and as I breathed out, I chanted in my mind the number three. I then drew three more deep breaths, and as I breathed out, I chanted the number two. I drew three final breaths, chanting the number one. As I counted down, and breathed, I entered a state of holding – of stillness.

Once in that state, I began my evocation. The evocation is simple. I place the first two fingers of my right hand upon the canvas which bears his sigil, resting my fingertips lightly, as I chant, “I call to you, ‘(name of demon goes here). Join me in my sacred space. I seek counsel from you. Come forth, and join in companionship,” three times.

This is a soft evocation. It is an invitation, a request. It is not a demand. It does not use force. It is not reliant on the force of others. It does not require any tools – the items on my altar are not tools, even those which stand as representation of elements of my ritual. They are offerings only, and unnecessary save for politeness.

The key to my ritual is respect. This demon is one I have worked with many times. In the beginning, I did a lot of research about him. When I felt I was ready, I set up my altar of offerings to him, and drew his sigil on three small pieces of paper. That morning, I burned his sigil, while making my request to work with him, and then I meditated, paying attention to the energy that flowed through my sacred space. Throughout the day, I paid attention to the world around me, taking note of any favorable or negative signs. That evening, I burned the second sigil, again making my request, and meditated, feeling out the flows of energy around me. That night, I placed the third sigil under my pillow. The next morning, I noted my dreams of the night. The signs I had received, the energies I felt, and the dreams I had, all indicated to me a positive response.

I took the third sigil out from under my pillow, went to my altar, and burned it, repeating my evocation request. At this time, he arrived, and we sat down to have a serious discussion about why I had called him – what I hope to learn from working with him, hope to gain, and also what requests he had for offerings, specific behaviors he required of me when working with him.

For this demon, he requires a white candle, certain gemstones, and certain oils to be anointed on his offerings when I evoke him. He has requested that we meet at a certain time, and that if we’re not going to be working on a daily basis, that I follow the 24 hour procedure when I do wish to work with him, unless we have an agreed upon schedule. Right now, I am working with him daily, but eventually as this current growth cycle comes to a conclusion, it is likely that I will only be working with him on his weekday, and that may eventually become only a lunar cyclical pattern.

This particular demon and I are doing extensive shadow work within my soulscape. We are working on correcting some long-held negative emotional patterns, and the experiences with him, while they have often been quite difficult and challenging, have been extremely beneficial, and the release of so much repressed emotional baggage has been truly freeing.

When I began working with Angels and demons, my first research was Goety. The Lesser Key rituals were extravagant, and for certain entities, brutal, violent. I felt extremely uncomfortable with the style. It’s not in me to abuse, especially when I understood already that the entities I was working with were deities of ancient pantheons, and only recently demonized by the newest religion. As I’m not a practitioner of that religion, I felt that to approach Goetic angels or demons in this fashion would be disingenuous of my own true nature and path.

Because I had already had a strong grounding in the fundamentals of magick, because I understood that most of the trappings of ritual are tools for the developing magician and not truly necessary once a practitioner reaches a certain stage in their practice, I decided to look for other practitioners and their ways of doing things, and I decided to experiment.

In my journey, I found a book on Demonolatry, where the goetic entities are evoked in a similar formal manner, but without the egoic posturing of the magician, and without the abuse of those entities. I also found even simpler rituals of evocation in the works of Frater U∴D∴, which I truly felt most in tune with my own mindset, and which eventually became the backbone of my own evocation practices. Finally, I met a demonolatry priestess, whose written invitations, with minor editing, became my own.

I feel that it is important for each practitioner who wishes to begin evocation of entities to study many sources of evocation practices, and to eventually build their own rituals, rites, and practices from those studies, in accordance to their own nature, their own will, their own ethical and moral perspectives. It is also important for each practitioner to continue to develop those perspectives and practices even after they have codified them. We can always learn something new – and isn’t that mostly why we practice evocation in the first place?


Re: Simple Rites

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:53 pm
by Darth Moronius
very great step by step :)devil:

can you also tell what book by frater u.d. mentioned?

Re: Simple Rites

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:37 am
by User3246
Very beautiful set-up Raven! I have struggled with an acceptable way to summon demons, as well, and not just the goetic ones. In all things, I strive for respect, and a good dollop of humbleness for these amazing beings we call demons, who might at one time or another have been called gods. I still use a circle to protect and concentrate the energies, but the practice of using three angels to surround a demon and force him/her to do my will in a 'triangle of the art' is out. If they decide of their own will to help and teach me, then great, if not I will find another to teach me.

Re: Simple Rites

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:43 pm
by Eilana
This is beautiful Raven, thank you so much for sharing it with us ^-^

Re: Simple Rites

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:55 am
by User1265455
Darth Moronius wrote:very great step by step :)devil:

can you also tell what book by frater u.d. mentioned?
I work with two of his books - a series. They are: High Magic, and High Magic II - the information about burning the sigils and allowing signs to come to you, and using the sigils to evoke them rather than any goetic rituals, came from book 2, the chapter entitled "Introduction to Magic Demonology IV" pp365 to 369.

It's worth noting that I exclude the casting of a circle, the LBRP and the magic triangle from my rites, and my working takes 24 hours, and not twelve. He uses one sigil, on wood, called a lamen. The lamen is placed in the triangle in the morning, and the demon commanded to appear. Then, when the ritual is closed, the lamen is worn throughout the day, and then before midnight but after sunset, the process is repeated. In every step of working with the demon, they are commanded - to appear, to show physical manifestation, and to leave.

He also perceives demons as both entities in their own rights, but also possible manifestations of the shadow psyche to be banished to correct personal flaws. His comment about why he commands and uses a triangle is that demons require respect from magicians, and that because they have their pride, it's important to not ever be casual with them.

I actually agree that casual behavior should really only be permitted once you have a relationship with the entity, but beyond that, you'll note that I only use a triangle when I'm actually conjuring and binding, and my own triangle is purely energetic - it's a gold pyramid embedded in my magic mirror. As I'm not usually conjuring to bind, I don't include my mirror in my basic rites, so I don't include a triangle. I don't believe that "commanding" a demon is necessary. If I'm conjuring as an equal, or even as a devotee, well - I don't command my teachers, I don't command my friends. I would never presume to command a deity I'd summoned, and these entities are, as I've said, gods who have been demonized.

I do agree with him that SOME things can be called demons and evoked in this manner which are purely psychological in nature - however the demons that we work with here are not. I personally feel that even the word demon might not be necessarily appropriate - because demon is a religious word, and we don't follow that religion, so why should we use their words? Especially when their words have such negative media attached. However, They use the word demon (though I think it's rather tongue in cheek, tbh) to describe themselves, and I can't think of a better word. I do try to find their source names, so that I can get as close to the old godform as I can, and if I manage to find their origin and their name, I refer to them in that manner, but if I'm working with their current demonized form, I refer to them as demon. It simplifies things... and I like to think that both of us being in on the joke creates a more relaxed atmosphere for us. :)


Re: Simple Rites

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:07 pm
by Nefer
I went to hit thank you but there was no space to click the button.

So, thank you for this share ^^ it is very informative

Re: Simple Rites

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:10 am
by Preston
His ritual is simple, straightforward and handsome, I have been preparing for a ritual in Greece for over a month, it is very laborious, although I have already been advised to approach the demons more simply, as soon as I buy the book on demonolatry I will seek to follow, even the self-initiation ritual to which Belial, Asmoday, and Satanas are invoked is simpler to do than the ritual of Gotic Solomon or Luciferian.

Re: Simple Rites

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:57 am
by Passchendaele
Your grasp of detail, better yet, the clarity with which you share it, is a wonder. Thank you, Raven.