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Satanic Orb Spell

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:01 am
by MarakG
I did a forum search on this spell but didn’t see this question.

Earlier this week I received the Satanic Orb spell. I was really anxious about it and wanting as many of the benefits possible that were mentioned in the write-up. The “...everything went black and I saw Satan standing in front of me” (loosely quoted) experience described there would have been amazing (or scary as Hell). Anyway, the problem is that I’ve felt nothing at all and I’m not sure what that means. Worst case scenario is that Satan is not wanting to help or work with me.

For anyone who has received this awesome spell casting, can you tell me how to know it’s working? Was there something you have to do to activate it? Thanks everyone!

Re: Satanic Orb Spell

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:01 pm
by Red6joker
Some people feel it when it's placed some don't. It's different person to person. When they email you the write up of it, there will be a page with exercises that can be done to strengthen the Orb and help you connect and use it.

Re: Satanic Orb Spell

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:36 pm
by wanderer
It may take a few days to notice it. I got the lucifer core infusion and felt nothing that night. a few days later it started to feel like something was there.

Re: Satanic Orb Spell

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:49 am
by Passemoon
To me it’s like an embedded tool. I don’t feel it unless I consciously focus my will on it and I will see an orb in my mind’s eye. But whether u feel and focus on it it consciously or not, it should still be working and functioning.

Re: Satanic Orb Spell

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:48 am
by MarakG
Thanks everyone for your replies and advice. I love you guys. You are all right about it taking time. I can say now that I do feel different and looking back the change started almost immediately but I didn’t pay attention.

I’ve become more serious, quiet, and spiritually focused. I also feel a lot more confident in myself. The biggest change is the lessening of fear about what lies ahead being on this path. This path is new to me (this year) and I’ve been somewhat freaked out the whole time. Freaked because it came out of the blue and there was nothing I could do - or wanted to do - to stop it. It feels so natural and familiar to me almost like I’m remembering and once again feeling the emotions of an event or experience from so long ago that I’d forgotten about it. I don’t know how else to describe it.

Not being fully understanding of what’s going on has been stressful. I was raised my entire life in church (Pentecostal, and a preachers son & grandson) to flee from these things. But now I find myself running toward them as fast as I can because they and I are calling to each other.

I’m 54, gay, and single. I’ve been living within the confines of a religion that teaches that my God considers me an abomination. So I’ve sacrificed personal happiness and suppressed my desires for a loving partner. I want to be married! But I can’t share that or even speak about that with the people I’ve known the longest in my life. My family is well known so I am constantly on guard.

So where does that leave me? Feeling like a fraud and poser. To look at me you’d think I was Mormon (my moms side of the family) because I’m clean-cut. I’m well dressed, very polite, and raised the Southern way of saying “yes ma’am” and “yes sir” to all. I fit in no where and never have.

When I first received the be Orb I was confused because I felt nothing. I wasn’t sure of what I was supposed to feel but I had hoped for a resounding feeling of acceptance. Acceptance from Satan in a way that I’ve been missing all of these years. I actually emailed Yllidra to verify if the spell actually took place. I told her I was afraid that Satan rejected me. She probably thought that was the most stupid question ever, but for me there was a lot of history packed into it. She assured me that wasn’t the case. Still I worried.

Looking back now, the Satanic Orb has been helping with the fear. Hopefully it was be a tool to help me move forward, find my soulmate partner, get married, and live in love. As far as I know, Satan doesn’t find me to be an abomination - so I ask that He’ll grant my request. If any of you speak to Him soon please mention my name and ask for His help on my behalf. Wow! My first Satanic prayer request. Now that is something you would NEVER hear in a Pentecostal Church.

I’m sorry guys to share all that with you. I’m just trying to process this stuff from my head out into the open.

Re: Satanic Orb Spell

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:26 pm
by Red6joker
Don't be sorry for sharing or expressing what you feel.

It's a journey, relax and take it one step at a time.

Re: Satanic Orb Spell

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:09 pm
by MarakG
Thanks. I really appreciate that. I have to say that my new magickal family is the most accepting, and embracing people I’ve ever known. Much more so than even the gay community.

It’s nice to be part of a family that’s messed up and not afraid to admit it or even try to hide it from each other. The most beautiful people in the world.