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Solar Beauty Magickal

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:54 am
by windyjune
I've been meaning to rave about the solar beauty magickal for a few months now. I have a few other magickals that I work with, but this one in particular really impacted me on a deep level. When I received it I committed myself to try to passively and actively interact with it by sleeping with it under my pillow, meditating with it, and bringing it to work in case I had a quiet moment. The energy around this crystal is so beautiful and lovely. It's hard to even place in words how much love and warmth I feel from this piece. Throughout my childhood and now into adulthood a lot of focus was placed on appearance especially as a measure of worth. It's something I've been working through, but with the incorporation of this piece in my practice I noticed a big shift in my perspective. This piece to me is far deeper then simply feeling beautiful it's about connecting to the inner layers within, seeing beyond the flesh and into the core of yourself.

Through consistent interaction I feel uplifted and balanced in my energy. I can sense the magenta and black energies when I work with it and feel it when it surrounds me. Whenever I hold this crystal it serves as a wonderful pick me up in energy or if I'm trying to go deeper within myself to connect to my feelings of worthiness. I noticed I don't see the blemishes of my body anymore (which I used to critique a lot) and if I do I feel peace instead of frustration. Working with this magickal I really saw that in combination with my efforts I can really transform myself and grow tremendously. I really love and appreciate this magickal and I love that in addition it comes with a copy bag to copy it to jewelry I own. I would definitely recommend this piece if anyone feels drawn to it.