Lord Caim Fur Baby blessings

Testimonials from our work here at Satan and Sons

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Kore Serpens
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I normally get my fur babies blessed every year but I missed the last couple of years. I just had a blessing from lord Caim for my fur babies done and I’m thrilled with the results.

I have 2 new street cats that I recently took in. They had a lot of issues, especially the little female. I’ve seen some horrific things done to animals in the area I live in, including birds. But I’m happy to say that I managed to catch these two and get them off the streets and keep them protected so that they can heal. They are finally starting to be more playful and both are healthier but there was still a lot of stress especially if they would go outside and hear human voices (I have my entire back yard enclosed and cat proofed ) or if anyone rings our doorbell. I was overjoyed to see how positively both young cats responded to lord Caims blessing and they are gaining confidence.

My two elder cats - P& T, ( 18 yo), have had several fur baby blessings and I swear their long healthy lives are due to Caim’s care. They are getting older and require a bit of extra loving care but considering their age they’re still pretty playful and healthy.

In the past Lord Caim helped one of my other cats with insecurity/developmental issues and his recovery was absolutely a miracle. I swear to Caim’s blessings for our animals and they really seem to enjoy it as well.

Just as an afterthought, when P was younger she was terrified, like bat-shit terrified of thunderstorms. Then one day I brought home some beautiful Imp friends and asked them if possibly they could help her out with her fear.
That was over 5years ago.
And she hasn’t been scared since! ♥️♥️♥️ to my Imps.
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Kore Serpens
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Patron Deities: Satan, Lilith, Sonnelion, Azazel, Kali ma, Belial
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Has thanked: 297 times
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It’s been a few months since I had the Camino blessing done for my 4 cats and I thought I’d share their progress because it’s been so dramatic.

Two of the four cats, siblings, are soon to turn 19 y/o.
Since Lord Caim’s visit both cats have improved far greater than I expected or even hoped for them. I mean, they’re almost 19 so I just crossed my fingers. But They’re doing better than great!

And my two strays had been so terrorized prior to me rescuing them that, even after a year of love and care, the little female was mostly feral and couldn’t learn to trust. She would have regular ‘bad days’ and go hide in her house in the dark and batten down the hatches and just cry. PTSD. She wouldn’t play. She gobbled her food and ran back to her hidden place. I had to be careful of my movements, to be slow and never raise my voice, because she was convinced humans meant being hit or hunted.
Her brother has a different personality but he was struggling too.

So both their responses to LordCaim have been dramatic. F, the brother, is now like any normal happy cat while baby, the female, is happy, loves to be petted, and eats normally. She rarely has bad days anymore and if she’s feeling a bit off I can sit and talk to her and a gentle tone usually helps. She swishes around my feet, plays with balls and toys, and is more like a happy balanced cat. She and her brother play tag and hunt butterfly’s.
That might not seem a big deal but these two little were tortured into little Selves that didn’t move, wouldn’t play, and hid all day. It is The worst thing to watch young beings, whether human or animal, lose their play instinct. To play is to be alive. To stop playing, to loose that instinct is Death.
The play instinct is necessary at every age but it’s so very important for the young so that they learn to release stress naturally and keep in touch with their little selves and grow up wit a healthy self-understanding of how to claim ‘safety’ (self) within.

Lord Caim is absolutely amazing whether it be physical issues or emotional/mental.

Ave’ Lord Caim xx
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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