We all deal with people...we are humans and it is kind of forced on us to integrate into these social dynamics, that being said it is always good to educate yourself on the many facets of manipulation and abuse, it is not often made clear...especially not at first, not until you have sunk so deep into their quicksand that escape seems almost impossible. Let's try to avoid that, shall we? Trust me, it saves a LOT of time and emotional energy... It will be a whole hell of a lot less messy.. and bloody.
The interwebs is littered with sites that list off signs and methods of spotting the narcissist...and they offer some help I suppose, okay.. let's explore them.
According to psychology today, the narcissist is a person who is in love with an idealized self image that they project to others which is often rooted in a deep seated inferiority complex making itself inversely manifest.
There are lots of signs and lots of words that I don't feel like capturing so lets focus on a few in particular that really stood out to me..
The Charm!
Oh...they make you feel so good, yes? They drown you in compliments, they sing out your praises until they're blue in the face..it's almost funny how much they seem to like you, isn't it? It's actually...actually kind of weird, kind of strange, a little bit uncomfortable. Why are they doing this? Well, it is actually a method of breaking down your walls... we humans are vulnerable, ego driven creatures who love to be stroked and pet and caressed with the silky sweet admiration of another. This seems to forge a sort of camaraderie between them that the narcissist quickly infiltrates like the parasite it is.
They are really very good at making themselves seem likeable, admirable, sweet, and genuine at first... really good, so good in fact that they can come across as unreal...like a super sugary candy that just sits wrong on your tongue. It seems like it tastes nice...but there's something off, something artificial...
The Grandiosity!
They are able to paint a picture of themselves as being so much more than they actually are, they use whatever methods they excel at; whether information hoarding/distributing, ambiguous claims of experience/success, falsified stories of status, etc.. You have to remember there is an art to what these people do, they are quite literally painting personas...and using their works of art to further their methods of manipulation and control. It fascinates me, it really does...they are very skilled in their craft, so much so that it blends and it bends and it warps all the other personas around them and even within them.
They will make claims that boost them up while simultaneously putting others down, they will boast exclusivity like nothing else, they will see to it that every last facet of them is made to appear desirable, powerful... a power that ignites envy, a power that fuels pettiness. This sort of power they boast wobbles atop a shaky foundation and if you look closely you can see the way the winds shake it, the loose pieces that fall from its structures every so often..But you must look fast, for they are quick to cover up the signs of damage.
The Wordplay!
Words are weird, I know this very well...I often exploit them for their weirdness, but that's besides the point. They really are not as static and concrete as the structures of language would have you believe, they can so easily be crafted with an empty vacancy, they can so easily be manipulated and warped. The parasite knows how to handle words in a manner that will always benefit them and only them.. Actually, if you know what to look for this can easily give away their toxicity for it bubbles up unconsciously through their use of words, through the way they handle and interact with words of their own and others, and through their methods of twisting around words and meanings, always with a sharp noxious fume to it..
These are the types of people who are able to make you question that which comes out of your own mouth, they are able to, no matter what, come out right/superior because of the manner in which they can strip the words of meaning and turn it all into a game of ego, a game they know oh so well... A game they painstakingly crafted from all their deficiencies and insecurities. (and no, this is not candyland...)
The Negativity!
Tantrums. Enough said.
No, actually I am going to quote the passage from the website, for they have elucidated it perfectly.
It is incredibly important to observe your feelings when interacting with another, how do they make you feel? Do their words seem to evoke a sense of inferiority within you? Pay close attention, the toxic fog is never hard to spot when you have your eyes open...it is only when you stay in the dark and continually breathe it in that it really gets to you.Many narcissists enjoy spreading and arousing negative emotions to gain attention, feel powerful, and keep you insecure and off-balance. They are easily upset at any real or perceived slights or inattentiveness. They may throw a tantrum if you disagree with their views, or fail to meet their expectations. They are extremely sensitive to criticism, and typically respond with heated argument (fight) or cold detachment (flight). On the other hand, narcissists are often quick to judge, criticize, ridicule, and blame you. Some narcissists are emotionally abusive. By making you feel inferior, they boost their fragile ego, and feel better about themselves.
Now... let's go a bit more in depth beyond this, shall we?
We know the signs, we know the traits...but what if we love them? What if we think they're amazing and wonderful and full of delicious substance?
We wake up. We look past the false highs we've been entertaining and we move on. We realize our worth and what they will potentially bring and we move on. We drop the games and we move the fuck on.
Remember, this is NEVER as clear as it is made out to be. Those of us who are trapped in the webs, we don't want to acknowledge this...because then we can no longer dance with the spider, then we have to plan our escape. But what is this about? It's about taking responsibility for our greater well being, it is realizing that not everything is as it seems and acting accordingly. It is growing up beyond the helpless maiden who couldn't see the prince as the predator he really was.
Stay cautious... we have wolves lurking about in every corner.. they are never far.