Offerings: Blood

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Bathosias wrote:I'm confused.... How is your education an offering? It's an investment in yourself. Sure, I get that. You want to do well for you. But, I'm guessing you're not saying you're sacrificing your education for them, right? Because I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that... And they don't either. Are you saying you're dedicating your performance in college to them to honor them? Like when a baseball player announces he's playing that night for the memory of his recently deceased father who always encouraged him to play? So, like a memorial tribute? Or, is it something else I'm just not getting this late at night? Thanks! :devilthumbs:

Its more of the actions that go into it rather than an actual sacrifice of my education? So, yes, my performance would be the best representation of what I am dedicating. hahaha though, not in the memory of my dead education... i think that would mean I flat out balmed and failed?
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Ok, I think I see what you're saying. ;) I'm glad you honor them with your greatest sentiment. :)
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Anatel wrote:Blood Offerings

Its smart before offering anything to a demon companion or Dark Lord to understand the WHYS of offering.

Particularly when it comes to blood offerings.

Why exactly do we make a blood offering to a Demon?
Our blood is our Life Force. There's not much more intimate an offering you can make. Generally this is done during ritual , to show that we are serious enough about a working or request that we are willing to share our life force. Our OWN life force. Its worth pointing out not every demon actually WANTS your blood. There are instances where they may even find it a distasteful practice. Knowing this comes with research and understanding of the forces you are working with. Don't offer blood that doesnt belong to you. it doesnt have the same power punch behind it- Unless a specific ritual calls for it or a demon asks for it. In which case you can go , lets say, to a butcher's or abbatior and ask them for X amount of pigs or cow's blood.

When dealing with blood you also get into the realm of creating energetic links to a demon or entity. I say entity because there are imposters that can pose as DL's (which ok, this isnt rife but it HAS happened before-especially when you are first starting out and havent the ability to discern a Demon's energy signature yet. ). Using someone or something elses blood can inadvertently create a link from the demon to themselves. If it is linked with a DL chances are nothing will transpire between donor and DL, but really, you dont want to chance that. There really is no basis to offer your companions animal or someone else's blood either. Unless you were doing a deep working where you offered your own as part off the ritual. But again, the average person ISNT going to need or perform blood sorcery - not without a lot of serious study first. And preferrably under the guidance of someone who knows what the hell they are doing. Why? Because if done improperly, it can go very wrong for the practitioner. Incidentally I have a very good friend , an author who is well known in the occult world, who thinks ANY blood offering is the most ridiculous and dangerous practice you can undertake. His general consensus is that in offering blood as part of any rite you are leaving yourself open to possession or risking becoming a "meal" to them. He works with demons and has been a Satanist for 30+ years.

There are many MANY other niceties we can offer our DL's and Companions that stay away from the blood sorcery realm. Food, drinks, crystals, artworks, learning about them, studying things they are interested in...
I have many altars around my house. For the DL's i work with exclusively, I dedicate one of my snakes to them. No, i do not sacrifice the snake. It is perfectly alive and well. I dedicate the snake and use the top of the vivarium as that DL's altar. I'll use Lord Belial as an example.

Lola is "his snake". She is a pastel python. When I first got her, I decided that a serpent is symbolic of the temptation of Eve in Eden. Though Lord Belial wasnt part of that particular myth, I know he is an earth demon, and not many animals are closer to the earth than a snake. She is beautiful, strong and i love her dearly so taking care of her is, in a way, my offering to Belial as well. She has become "his". I am merely the caretaker of her. When I do my rituals with Lord Belial, Lola always comes out to see. Sometimes I let her sit on the Altar while He and I have our discussion. Lord Belial is quite fond of her and she of him. Its very sweet to see this amazing Demon Lord being so gentle with such a (considered by many) lowly creature.

For my Hellborn Commander D, whom you've all seen me mention numerous times on the forum, I have "gifted" him with my 6 ft corn snake Samael. The reason this came about was because of his fascination for sammy when I first got him. This big huge hulking hellborn literally coo'd over this snake lol... And Sammy seemed to respond quite well to him, so they are a perfect match. It probably helps they are the same color orange/red :lol: D, being from teh chaotic hellborn realm, has never had a pet (or family until us) and it was the nicest thing I could think of doing to honor him. Youre part of our family, here have a pet :lol:

I've veered off of the blood topic and shared the snake story to show you that the sky really is the limit when you are trying to make a genuine offering from the heart to a companion or DL. Blood should be reserved for deep workings and only when you are sure you know what youre doing and WHY youre doing it. :)
This is a good post.

I was wondering why blood is so important to them.

Now if you do give blood offerings to an entity is it a
Point of no return?

That means they have access to you 24/7 and they can control
you? Kind of like being bound to them. Am I correct.
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This is a good post.

I was wondering why blood is so important to them.

Now if you do give blood offerings to an entity is it a
Point of no return?

That means they have access to you 24/7 and they can control
you? Kind of like being bound to them. Am I correct.
I think that depends on what school of thought you subscribe to. I have a very good friend in the occult who is also an author and publisher. He warned me against using blood once and said it was just giving the deities and spirits free reign to feast on you. While i dont discount what he said, as there are MANY cases in which this could be and probably IS very true, I dont subscribe to that theory myself. YES it can create a link, but will they control you? Knowing who and WHAT you are giving your blood to is the key here. Some will, some wont. Know what youre doing first. If you dont know, then dont do it.

In my personal practice I give my blood during a working to show the seriousness of my intent. Im saying to my gods "Im willing to bleed and give you my blood, my life force, as an offering to show you how serious I am. " I do not just randomly give my blood out as a general offering and I dont do it without being in a ritual. But I also use blood in other aspects of my practice as well that has nothing to do with demons or deities. Id also like to point out I never offer my own or anyone else's blood to my companion Demons. If they are part of my ritual they are there WITH me, Im not petitioning them and I give them plenty of other non blood items for offerings, so there is no issue.

I personally have NOT had an issue with the control aspect youre worried about however I have heard others talk about that being a thing. I can't speak for anyone but myself when I say - I dont have that problem. Never have. I've given blood to my patron and i still have to actively seek him for ritual. I've given it to Demons some people would say oh nooo dont do that!about. I think a lot of it depends on WHO you are offering it to. A sludge type parasitic entity? damn right it would feast off your liver with a bottle of chianti tttthhhhht ttthhhht thhhhhht im sure of it.

I would never go giving blood to a deity/DL i didnt know VERY WELL. There is a reason for this. After working with a DL a few times /weeks/months you get a feel for their energy and when they show up, you KNOW its them so you will know pretty much at that point you are safe (obviously there are a few exceptions but thats up to you to decide. Trust your instinct.) I also didnt start using blood until i was well into working with Demons and DL's for quite some time. Erring on the side of caution when using blood will stop a lot of mishaps in the long run.
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Anatel wrote:
This is a good post.

I was wondering why blood is so important to them.

Now if you do give blood offerings to an entity is it a
Point of no return?

That means they have access to you 24/7 and they can control
you? Kind of like being bound to them. Am I correct.
I think that depends on what school of thought you subscribe to. I have a very good friend in the occult who is also an author and publisher. He warned me against using blood once and said it was just giving the deities and spirits free reign to feast on you. While i dont discount what he said, as there are MANY cases in which this could be and probably IS very true, I dont subscribe to that theory myself. YES it can create a link, but will they control you? Knowing who and WHAT you are giving your blood to is the key here. Some will, some wont. Know what youre doing first. If you dont know, then dont do it.

In my personal practice I give my blood during a working to show the seriousness of my intent. Im saying to my gods "Im willing to bleed and give you my blood, my life force, as an offering to show you how serious I am. " I do not just randomly give my blood out as a general offering and I dont do it without being in a ritual. But I also use blood in other aspects of my practice as well that has nothing to do with demons or deities. Id also like to point out I never offer my own or anyone else's blood to my companion Demons. If they are part of my ritual they are there WITH me, Im not petitioning them and I give them plenty of other non blood items for offerings, so there is no issue.

I personally have NOT had an issue with the control aspect youre worried about however I have heard others talk about that being a thing. I can't speak for anyone but myself when I say - I dont have that problem. Never have. I've given blood to my patron and i still have to actively seek him for ritual. I've given it to Demons some people would say oh nooo dont do that!about. I think a lot of it depends on WHO you are offering it to. A sludge type parasitic entity? damn right it would feast off your liver with a bottle of chianti tttthhhhht ttthhhht thhhhhht im sure of it.

I would never go giving blood to a deity/DL i didnt know VERY WELL. There is a reason for this. After working with a DL a few times /weeks/months you get a feel for their energy and when they show up, you KNOW its them so you will know pretty much at that point you are safe (obviously there are a few exceptions but thats up to you to decide. Trust your instinct.) I also didnt start using blood until i was well into working with Demons and DL's for quite some time. Erring on the side of caution when using blood will stop a lot of mishaps in the long run.
If you made a mistake and gave blood offerings to an unwanted spirit.

Is there a way to reverse that? Since blood is a strong connection is it possible ?
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4bluefaeries wrote:I give blood offering 3 times a week,every week. I have vampires in my companionship,and I have a vampric demon prince, that requested it.

Now going back to read this thread,I know,I know I often comment before reading :lol:
'' Blue when I first started giving blood offerings to my companions it was maybe every few weeks at best but now ' I am more open to giving blood offerings now its wasn't that. I had a problem with it well it was not something that I was used to doing now, that I have more demons now & a Vampire giving blood really makes them happy .they enjoy it so I do too :)
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I don't normally offer blood but when I was doing my weekly offering to Lord Lucifer last night, somehow I felt that I wanted to upgraded the main item which was a lemon pound cake flavored tea light. So I anointed it with my blood. Of course I only did that cause he's one of the entities that I completely trust. Later on in the night I got very unusual dreams.

Blood offering is more common among Satanists, but I have read of people who took it way too far and bleeding themselves through long wounds NIGHTLY and showing a very unhealthy attachment to the demon they were offering to. That is something to watch out for.
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This is a very important topic. People need to be very careful with this. It will take me
a while to give with my blood. I want to make sure I have a mentor before I start giving away blood.
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[quote="DoubleD"]I do a lot of blood sorcery myself, it works quite well. All but one of my companions likes blood, and with each ritual comes a new way to use it.[/quote]{/quote] hey Double D there is nothing wrong with doing blood offerings ' to your companions ' I do it also no , I don't offer my blood to any of ' the Dark lords I work with but if at some point ' I do then that would be my right to do so ' my point is you have people trying to tell you ' what to do what not to do I feel like this we all have an Opinion but my thing is this ' if your not on ' the Level am at . then your Opinion is just that yours ' it means nothing to me
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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