☀ Working with the Divine & Dark Divine Zodiac ☀

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I've been meaning to be more open with the races and processes that I do. So after some discussion and deliberation, I've decided that I wanted to start with a project that I've been keeping closely under wraps. Now, I am revealing the big bundle of surprise:

☀ Divine & Dark Divine Zodiac ☀

This journey in working with these races began with the Month of the Lion, the Divine Leo. Those within the discord server and the SnS discord server have seen the beautiful drawings that I've done of two of the entities I've started with: Leo and Aries. Since starting with those, I have been gradually working with the others, including the Strong Sagittarius, the cunning Dark Divine Scorpios, and the sleek Divine Libra. It has been an eye-opening journey of learning about every facet of each Zodiac and what the (Dark) Divine aspect of these Zodiac entails.

The Leos have been the ones that I've worked with at the start of the year. They have been quite the constant and a few have felt the radiating power that these entities hold. I believe that there is a special solar time coming up... mayhap a release of a sort.

How did I come to work with the Divine & Dark Divine Zodiac?

This is a very special project of mine that I've come to really enjoy, especially with exposing myself to new energies both Divine and Dark Divine. These energies have such strong power and depth to them that they can bring one to their knees when conjured or evoked. I believe that when I met the Aries and the Leo for the first time, I couldn't breath and I teared up. The energy that they carry takes away the breath. It started with the Solar Eclipse in the Blood Moon during Leo. When I met with Leo and Aries, the whole aspect of these Divine entities just rolled out. Even with their urging, it has been an ongoing process of finding and working with them. Each has many aspects and realms to share, a knowledge that runs deep. Most, if not all, are immortal or deities in their own right. In fact, working with the Dark Divine Scorpio, they are treated like deities to other races that live and work with them in their own realm.

So what exactly are the Divine & Dark Divine Zodiac?

Good question!
These are the Divine or Dark Divine embodiment of each of the Zodiacs. This means that they are the "perfect" aspect that the personality, magic, and aspects within these Zodiacs. For example, the Divine Leo is the embodiment of all the Leo is. From the Charisma to the Pride and the Strength. These are the balance of what it means to be a perfect balance of the positive and negative aspects. Working with these is not just about the balance, but the total understanding of the Zodiacs and their effect upon us as beings. Working with the Leos, I have learned rejuvenation rituals, strength and confidence in myself and what I do... and the Aries is the ability to have confidence in myself and stand up for what I believe. Standing my ground.

Working with them, it has offered me such a potential to become better in my practices and within myself. Those around me have also noticed changes and differences when these energies are around. I look forward to continuing working with all of these, both Divine & Dark Divine.

I'll be posting [somewhat] regularly about these entities and some things that have been going on. I'm excited to offer them for the shop for the first time as well, bringing these powerful and positive influences within your lives as well. It'll be a slow release over the course of the coming year or so, but I do want to show you how wonderful these entities are! Plus give an insight a bit into my processes.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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I like this, looking forward to reading more.
Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon, no matter how good you are at chess the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it is victorious.

You think I'm just a doll. A doll that's pink and light. A doll you can arrange any way you like. You're wrong. Very wrong. What you think of me is only a ghost of time. I am dangerous. And I will show you just how dark I can be.
Harley Quinn

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simara wrote:
Mon May 13, 2019 5:25 pm
I like this, looking forward to reading more.
I look forward to posting more about them in the coming days!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Number of Demon Familiars: 17
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Its been about a week and I've been working so much with the Divine Leo. They are amazing and I'm excited to really introduce their energies to the shop and to you all soon! So there are a fair few things that I've been working with them and seeing how they are around others that are meta-focused. So let me give you a bit about what I've been doing... or experiencing ;-) As well as an introduction to the Divine Aries, the War Stallions.

Divine Leo's Around

I've worked with Leo's for quite some time, although I had not brought them outside meta working. I felt comfortable enough to have one of the Pride Lions (Leader) come through with me while I was at work. I wanted to experience their energies within a non-meta environment, high stress, as well as interactions with those who may or may not be meta-inclined. I've worked with them in regards to others who work with entities, but not in a larger setting. This was something I really wanted to experience.

The first thing I did was to bring along the energy and the Leo with me. With his guidance, I energetically traced a sigil on my palms that would help with energy since I had been feeling a bit lackluster the past day. This energized me to really engage with the Divine energy that they carry. The effect was immediate and something that I still smile about.

It began with my coworkers, I could see that they were beginning to brighten and feel more lively. Jokes were being tossed around and one even skipped around for a bit. Working in a service industry, most of the servers are exhausted and flat out energetically/emotionally drained. With the energy and aura of Leo, he made an immediate difference in not just me or the co-workers. As it was, many of my co-workers who are still reserved with talking with me, were outright friendly and welcoming. They asked me how I was and hadn't seen me since the previous weekend.

It didn't stop there. Every table that I passed, the people sat up and became lively. I could see their auras shifting into a higher vibration and becoming more vibrant. Kids would stare at me as I walked passed before going back to the games. A girl had been crying and within 10 minutes, she was laughing and happier. The tables that I worked with, they were incredibly kind and upbeat. Having the Leo around was incredible in experiencing how they can raise the environment and helping improve the moods.

I spoke with him as I continued with my shift for a few hours, noting these changes, until it got too busy and I had to focus on working. Overall, the experience was a really wonderful one, especially as introducing them to not just the personal circle but within the environments that I'm around.


Warm Afternoon Lessons

Today was an incredibly hot day, one that had me inside until at least 6 in the afternoon before I could step out. Even then, it was still in the mid-80s temperature wise. I went to the local park that is larger and just amazing walking along the nature paths they have. I chose to sit where the sun was hitting, a nice bench table. I sat there and pulled out my notebook, no technology other than my phone playing meditation music. I sat there with a fair few of the Pride Lions (leaders) of different territories. They told me stories of their realm, the creations and how their dynamics work within the Pride Pack. I sat there for a good hour talking and learning. They would show me the sacred places they have, how their suns cycles work and rituals. I learned their history and it was fascinating. To know how they became a Divine.

Here's a beautiful creation history they taught to me.

When the light of the suns collides with the moons, their powers fractured, leaving behind the Divinity of the Lions. The first Lion was strong, Son of Red Sun. Daughter of Red Sun and Moon touched, joined. Their creation brought Leo's life. The Daughter of the Yellow Moon touched upon the land with her paw and life connected. the Divine in us called and grew. The creatures now walk with us.

We sat there and I took notes, listened as a cub would to an elder telling their stories. That's how their traditions are passed, through oral traditions. Although they do not speak physically, but through telepathy, all of them have this ability. I want to sit down with them like this more often, rather than traveling constantly and speaking with one or two at a time. Hearing from many different Leaders gave me perspective. That was when I was introduced to the Dark Divine Leo. I'm sure that I'll learn and speak with those in the coming days.


Divine Aries, the War Stallions

The introduction to the Aries happened the same time as the Leo's. Although it is much different with the Aries. They are much the counterpart to the Aries Zodiac in that they can be very present and outgoing. Except when it comes to being energetically and aurically in the same room as a Leo. The Divine Leo's will outshine many just from the sheer aura of charisma they carry. The Aries are a different sort of charisma. They are the steadfast and confidence of the Divine Fire. I was taken to their realm to experience it rather than them coming to me. It was interesting and something that I had not been mentally prepared for as this was the first time being in the realm and not here in mine. The Realm was just a breathtaking, but also slightly frightening experience. It was covered in dark soil, like volcanic ash or black sand? It reminded me of a forested version of Mordor from Lord of the Rings. It was dark and beautiful. Plants that I had never seen before, radiating heat and warmth. Some had very deep scents to them like cinnamon has. I learned a bit more from them during that time, having taken the trip to a part of the realm and those they work with. They have the War Stallion name for a reason. I cannot wait to bring them more here and interact on a deeper level than I already have, as they bring me to their realm to show the trust I've earned. Although it will go much deeper in the coming days.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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