Using Flameless Candles for Magick and Offerings

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Ok, while I admit I absolutely cannot wrap my brain around led candles in magick and ritual, more and more people are moving that direction. There are a number of good reasons, from parents not wanting you to burn down the house, to not wanting to set animals and small infants on fire, to not being able to deal with wax particles in the air (allergies, WOO!)

Until the question was asked, I hadn't really thought about it other than that I absolutely do not want to use flameless candles for any reason whatsoever. I didn't even bother to figure out why... but I realized once the question was posed and I was trying to answer it, for me it's more than just aesthetically pleasing to burn actual candles. Fire is a portal - it's a visual representation of the principle of energy. Fire is a powerful offering and a powerful manifesting tool, for spirit and spell workings. Fire is primordial - we aren't sure which came first, control of fire, or eating meat - but once we had control of fire and began eating COOKED foods, we began the road to becoming human. Fire is the living embodiment of the journey from animal to divinity.

That being said... fire is not safe - even when you're watching it, fire can go WRONG (just ask Oflight Lokebrenna - he has a few hundred pictures of wax gone wild)

If you're in a situation where candles just aren't going to work for you, here are two articles about the use of flameless candles in magick and ritual. Since I have absolutely no desire to test out the information, I would really love for people who are in this situation to share their experiences and the choices they make as they go.

Some of the questions I've had come up are: "When I'm done with the spell, do I just turn the candle off?" "Can I use a spell candle for more than one ritual? Spell? Offering?"

I honestly have no idea on the first one - my suggestion is trial and error. My second answer is, possibly? I think that flameless candles used as offerings to deities, demons, and companions should probably be only used for that particular deity, demon, or companion, but that means you may end up with a LOT of flameless candles and if you don't have storage space, that's a bad idea - plus, I'm not sure how delicate these types of "candles" are, so I don't know if storing them would work long term or would cause them damage. What I recommend is that you put the candle on top of a charged sigil, and when you're finished, smudge/cleanse the candle. The sigil can be stored and reused, or disposed of as you see fit.

The two articles below were all I could find on this topic, which is why I'm asking those of you who have used, or are using, flameless candles, to please weigh in on this subject.

The Magic of Using Flameless Candles in Ritual

As pagans, we love what's natural and real—we seek the authenticity of things, especially in our magic. We cherish hand-made, carefully crafted items. We love real stone, wood, metal, and plant materials. Most of us would never consider a plastic ritual chalice or artificial oils; some pagans even insist on real matches for lighting fires—no modern lighters allowed. While that may be an extreme case, we do tend to scorn the modern, "fake" things in favor of what we deem real or "traditional."

As a maker of candles, I can't imagine ever abandoning the real flame. In fact, I just wrote a book on the subject—Magical Candle Crafting—in which I explore making candles for rituals and spells, charging the wax with your energy. For magic, I still prefer this type of candle. But, in some situations, it's nice to have a flameless candle on hand. They can be used to complement real candles on an altar, or to safely illuminate your sacred space, leaving you free to focus on your magic.

We already know that many modern conveniences can be useful in magical practice. Many of us use a computer for our Book of Shadows, or use an mp3 player for ritual music. And so, why not the "flameless" candle? Many people have invested in these recently, and some of them are made of real wax. In fact, from a distance, they are often indistinguishable from real candles. One good thing about them is that they last forever (although you may have to replace the battery), and they are safe from pets and human forgetfulness or clumsiness. Some of them simulate a flicker or have a scent, and some have a sensor so you can actually "blow" them out! These have a sensor activated by sound. Flameless candles may just have a place in magic and ritual after all. I can hear everyone groaning. But I just bought my first one during the winter holiday clearance. Everyone thinks it’s real—sometimes I even forget it’s not!

For some types of candle magic, you really do want to burn something. But sometimes the candle light is secondary, especially if you’re creating a mood. Obviously, without a real flame, I don’t recommend these be the basis of candle magic itself, but they can certainly enhance a ritual space or be used for convenience when you need them. And batteries are energy, after all.

Batteries convert chemical energy to electrical energy; a chemical reaction produces electrons. The first battery, created by Alessandro Volta in 1800, was made of zinc, paper soaked in salt water, and silver. Today’s batteries are made of a variety of chemicals and metals. Rechargeable batteries are common now, helping to conserve our resources. Electricity is everywhere—we sometimes forget it’s part of nature. We know matter is composed of atoms. In metals, there are electrons that move around more freely than in others substances, making them good conductors of electricity. We’ve all played with a magnet at some time in our lives; magnets are like generators of electricity. A generator is like moving a magnet toward a wire so the electrons can flow—it pushes them; a battery acts as a source of electricity, like a generator. This is a form of energy. It might not seem as mystical as the beautiful flame of fire, but this is still energy. It’s more sophisticated, perhaps, than a primitive flame, but it can serve a purpose in our modern age. Certainly our modern harnessing of this power would seem like magic to those living thousands of years ago.

There are some very practical reasons for using a flameless candle. For example, sometimes we want to bring magic into a place where candles aren’t allowed, such as our workplace. Battery candles can offer a solution. Safety and cleanliness are two of the other factors in favor of the flameless candle. Since you can let them "burn" all night without having to worry about leaving them unattended, they are ideal for keeping a vigil. You can set them in a windowsill without worrying about catching your curtains or blinds on fire. And, since there’s no dripping, you can use them in wall sconces and in pillar holders without worry. In meditation, these candles can provide perfect lighting, smoke free, and no worries about keeping the candle safe. Without the concern of an open flame, you can use them on low shelves or in other tight spaces. You can put them in jars, bags, wrap them in fabric, or decorate them almost any way you like. You can use herbs, leaves, and flowers near them without catching them on fire. Many of them even have a timer that turns the candle off after a few hours.

Just as you magically charge any real candle you purchase, you can charge these or anoint them with oil on the outside. Like other man-made magical tools, our intent makes them special. Buy a few that you can dedicate to magical use and soon they’ll become part of your practice.

For use outdoors, try these as quarter candles. No more fumbling with the lighter or matches, no more worrying about the wind blowing out the flame or knocking them over. And, since these candles are available in all shapes, colors, and sizes, you can find them in all the Elemental colors.

As modern magicians, we know that there are times to hold to ancient traditions, and time to embrace new inventions. We can combine the old and new to create our own brand of magic, which is no less authentic, as long as our intent is true. ... ost=427946

Flameless candles
By: RubyJade
Post # 1

I just bought a white flameless, battery operated candle, and was wondering about how I would go about consecrating it? I read somewhere you use "Lucky Oil" or "Love Oil". Would that be safe for a battery operated candle? And how would I make/find it?
And would there be limitations on spellwork and ritual, like if something I wanted to do involved passing something through a candle flame? Would the flameless ones have the same effect as real ones?

Re: Flameless candles
By: yajra009
Post # 2

intentions are more useful than tools.. tools are just a way of setting your mind to a particular situation in doing magick.. if you would want to use battery operated tools or electronics, then do so but the danger of using electronics than the natural ones are much higher (especially upon consecrations, and if you are using liquids in rituals).. you should also consider your safety in doing rituals/spells..

namaste.. ;)

Re: Flameless candles
By: ArteziaCroix / Beginner
Post # 3

Although battery operated candles are safe and all, but I would rather choose candles that spill wax anyday. It's not just because of the safety of it or the convenience of just flicking a switch never striking matches ever again. I just would like to use a real candle as it gives a representation to your unconsciousness. The flame stands for activity and the color of the candle stands for something else (depends on the color.) I am not saying the flame less candle is obsolete, just that I would prefer real candles, there are no limitations to magick, but what you don't feel comfortable with limits your progress.

The thing is for me, if you consecrate a candle for a purpose or spell then it is suppose to burn out until the wax is all or mostly gone. This is a form of transformation or messaging from the physical plane to the astral plane, as the rule of all magick states: "It must be in the astral plane for it to manifest in the physical plane." As for annointing of oils, I do not think it is safe as most oils are highly flammable and the candle might spark (Yes, this does happen in some cases.) The flame less candle can still be useful but I urge you still not to use it and purchase the original candle. But you know, be creative see what works best :)

Re: Flameless candles
By: bttrflymoon
Post # 4
Jul 17, 2012
I don't know, I'd be afraid to put oil on it, but that's just me. Beyond that, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.

Re: Flameless candles
By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

If you're using a battery operated candle then it is just for a focal point or to create the an atmosphere you desire. Atmosphere and focus points are very important for the beginner, and even the more experienced enjoy it. I take it you're not allowed to burn candles in your home.

I wouldn't do anything to it besides cleanse it with smoke. The "power" of a candle is within the flame's energy, the energy you place into the candle, and it slowly burning down, releasing the energy within you have charged it with. And since you don't have a flame or burning down activity, there will be no added "magick" to the item.
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Hmm nah, nope, doesn't work. I've done lots of experiments even as a kid. Might as well don't use any candles then, if it just for aesthetics, or you may put photo of candle in front of you. How about a virtual candle app on your phone, or a screen saver on your laptop? We can go completely ludicrous with that idea. But the laws of (meta)physics are very straightforward, for any magic work , of the more serious kind, be it spell of invocation or what not, you need readily available energy source, and depending on what you do and what you want, you have 3 options (can be combined, mixed and matched): rapid energy of Fire (candle or any other open fire), slow energy of Decay (like preservatives-free food offerings, dead things. I hear graveyard dirt is quite potent stuff), and there is You (but we are not readily available most of the time, and you cannot, at least most cannot release/channel as much energy as even the smallest candle, nor could maintain it for long). Each has it's own pros and cons. Beyond all that lays what we refer to as land of "kangaroo magic", but I'd love to be proven wrong. I really love the idea of powering my non physical industries and other shenanigans with lithium ion batteries, alas no matter how hard I tried those damn electrons refuse bend to my will.
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Cerber wrote:
Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:47 pm
But the laws of (meta)physics are very straightforward, for any magic work , of the more serious kind, be it spell of invocation or what not, you need readily available energy source, and depending on what you do and what you want, you have 3 options (can be combined, mixed and matched): rapid energy of Fire (candle or any other open fire), slow energy of Decay (like preservatives-free food offerings, dead things. I hear graveyard dirt is quite potent stuff), and there is You (but we are not readily available most of the time, and you cannot, at least most cannot release/channel as much energy as even the smallest candle, nor could maintain it for long).
Ok, so like I said, my brain honestly breaks at the idea of fake candles. HOWEVER, the use of electricity in magick is NOT new to me, and it is absolutely a viable energy source. From lightning to the movement of ocean waves, to the wind, to the wiring in my house, electricity and magnetic energy are my favorite sources to power pretty much anything... and whether your candles are plugged in or battery-operated, you are still using electricity, and if you bend your brain the right way (the way mine can't bend), there's no reason why the decay of a battery, or the surge of energy through a plug, can't be used in spells and rituals.
Cerber wrote:
Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:47 pm
I really love the idea of powering my non physical industries and other shenanigans with lithium ion batteries, alas no matter how hard I tried those damn electrons refuse bend to my will.

As I said... it takes a bendy brain, I think. Definitely something for the younger generation than we. *flicks her bic*
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Nyctophilia Raven wrote:
Tue Nov 19, 2019 2:02 pm
Ok, so like I said, my brain honestly breaks at the idea of fake candles. HOWEVER, the use of electricity in magick is NOT new to me, and it is absolutely a viable energy source. From lightning to the movement of ocean waves, to the wind, to the wiring in my house, electricity and magnetic energy are my favorite sources to power pretty much anything... and whether your candles are plugged in or battery-operated, you are still using electricity, and if you bend your brain the right way (the way mine can't bend), there's no reason why the decay of a battery, or the surge of energy through a plug, can't be used in spells and rituals.
Well.. I never actually seen it actually working, so.. perhaps :shiftydevil:
But then again, what kind of electricity? What from and shape? Like electrons flowing through copper wires, or 100W light bulb hanging from the ceiling, even if ten those, gives me zero response, but I never tried working open electric discharge - plasma :umm: maybe there are ways, not sure if any of those ways better than good old fashion fire
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Oh, absolutely. I'm a traditionalist. Fire is best, imo.

But... the question was asked, and I felt that I'd be doing everyone a disservice if I didn't try my best as an educator to answer the question.


Look, just because I have no interest in feet doesn't mean that if someone asks, I'm not going to research enough to discuss Japanese kink in a serious manner, y'know?
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:devilgrin: of course, it's an interesting subject, and idea (not necessarily in exact same context ) I've been pondering my self a lot. To our eyes, electric light bulb or LED bulb seem very similar thing to a candle and I was struggling to understand how come those are not similar in working, until someone (from non physical reality) came and explained me that "nah dog, it's only seem similar in physical sense, while in metaphysical sense candle is much closer to a rotting corpse, than few wires in a glass jar"
I'm huge fan of technomancy but from all my experience I'm yet to find way to replace any of the traditional base elements of all the workings. Technology can wrap around those, expand things and improve, but not able to completely replace anything. In a way, -mancy can work without techno-, but techno- stops working the moment I remove the -mancy bit. At least for me personally, so far. But our labs shall continue exploring even the most bizarre ideas, perhaps one day we'll find radically new ways of achieving same results.
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I use flameless candles in places I cannot have an actual flame (at work, in small spaces where they would be lit on fire otherwise, etc.) and as constant passive offerings for certain deities. I have a flameless pillar in black and white for Hel that, when lit, gives off an eerie purplish white color of light on her altar space, and it is set on a timer so that it comes on and turns off at consistent times every single day, without fail. I also have a similar candle for Odin and Freyja, in more natural colors, which lights and goes off a little earlier than Hel's candle does. As a passive offering, it works well. When I notice it lit, I give a little acknowledgement to the deities in question. At work, I have a little orange LED tea light for Forneus that I "light" every day after my first teaching period and "extinguish" when I leave for the day.

These offerings have not been rejected in any capacity by the deities they are offered to, but they are also not my only point of contact, either. When I can, I offer them regular-ass candles lit in their honor, and I generally use regular-ass candles for spellwork as I find the intensity of fire to be more useful, productive, and potent.

Dismissing "flameless" candles outright seems rather foolish to me, as they have numerous practical applications especially in conjunction with other focused workings, but y'know. Using something as an anchor point for an astral overlay is sometimes one's best and only option, even if it would be "ideal" to use other tools. An LED flameless candle serves as a convenient point of reference for me to overlay the energy I need when I do not have access to the 'real thing,' as it were, and allows me to do quick offerings and magic in a pinch.
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Kharybdis wrote:
Tue Nov 19, 2019 3:30 pm
I use flameless candles in places I cannot have an actual flame (at work, in small spaces where they would be lit on fire otherwise, etc.) and as constant passive offerings for certain deities. I have a flameless pillar in black and white for Hel that, when lit, gives off an eerie purplish white color of light on her altar space, and it is set on a timer so that it comes on and turns off at consistent times every single day, without fail. I also have a similar candle for Odin and Freyja, in more natural colors, which lights and goes off a little earlier than Hel's candle does. As a passive offering, it works well. When I notice it lit, I give a little acknowledgement to the deities in question. At work, I have a little orange LED tea light for Forneus that I "light" every day after my first teaching period and "extinguish" when I leave for the day.

These offerings have not been rejected in any capacity by the deities they are offered to, but they are also not my only point of contact, either. When I can, I offer them regular-ass candles lit in their honor, and I generally use regular-ass candles for spellwork as I find the intensity of fire to be more useful, productive, and potent.

Dismissing "flameless" candles outright seems rather foolish to me, as they have numerous practical applications especially in conjunction with other focused workings, but y'know. Using something as an anchor point for an astral overlay is sometimes one's best and only option, even if it would be "ideal" to use other tools. An LED flameless candle serves as a convenient point of reference for me to overlay the energy I need when I do not have access to the 'real thing,' as it were, and allows me to do quick offerings and magic in a pinch.
:shocked: Did you just call me a.. Fool!?
:devilgrin: jk, I get that a lot.
Your given example is not within the same context. I'm talking in technical, practical aspect of it, "can LED candles be used instead of traditional candles as a source of energy?" In that context, they cannot. And fire, in magic and general spiritual rites, since ancient times was used as a source of energy, and not just to set cosy and romantic atmosphere. For all the technical magic work, like charging spells, creating entities, opening portals, gateways and whatnot. When it comes to shrines, you can put there anything you like, whatever feels right to you, whatever invokes good feels. Items we decorate our shrines don't have to qualify as "energy source". Statues, pictures, stones and other things that reminds us of some person, non of those qualify as energy source. A burning candle would, a mouldy 3 weeks old sandwich would, even a bucket of slowly dying flowers does qualify as source of energy. without either of those, there is just you and your love. But LED candle can boost your love output, so it can work, but very indirectly.
Still don't believe me? Well I can't prove it with very serious scientific paper from very reputable organization, completely legit.
You can't beat science :umm:

I'm giving you here advanced level fundamental knowledge, which can shave off good decade of your "spiritual growth", if you dare to utilize it to its fullest capacity. Mark my words. No, really, save it somewhere, even if it all sounds complete bs in this very moment, it all will come around in time. :devilgrin: You're welcome
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Cerber, snarking at people is not conducive to a solid debate and the potential of a rounded discussion that educates.

While I agree with some of your perspectives here, I don't agree with your presentation of those points, because they draw hard lines, are put forth in ways that alienate rather than draw in, and are just generally you being mean/rude.

There are few hard lines in magick, and while, as I said, I agree with the boundaries you perceive re: the candle flame debate...

Talking down to people you disagree with doesn't actually make anyone comfortable but you. You are shutting down the purpose of this thread, to discuss and educate. Please stop.
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I admit I haven't read through this entire thread. I mean no disrespect.
I'm just gonna say, when an offering begs for fire and it's not the candle type that I can make or that they ask for, I am offering other contributions which resonate with the fire element. Such as hot peppers (there exists a world of peppers... different extremes which different presences are fond of).

I think replacing candlelight is simple if we understand what the candlelight represents.
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