Tea Chat - The Higher Self

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Tea Chat – Higher Self

What is the Higher Self?

There are a lot of different thoughts and theories on the Higher Self. In this Tea Chat, we are going to breakdown and do an overview of this concept. It will be based around what Akelta has uncovered and put together through her own exploration of the spiritual world and understanding of how of how the system works.

The Higher Self is a complex aspect of who you are. There are different sides, or called aspects, of who you are as a being. We have a lot of different layers to us.

~Physical Body
~Mental Body
~Emotional Body
~Spiritual Body

There are all connected with the physical world. The Higher Self is the mediator between what we call the True Form Self and the Physical Self.

The higher Self is a projection, an aspect of your True Form Self who acts as a guide and mentor to us who walk in the physical world. There is another Self that is between the Higher and the Physical Self. This is called the Universal Self.

In the spiritual world, there are planes of existence. We have the physical world where we live. Then as you move out, you get to the astral realm then to the causal realm. After those you have the quantum realm. There are all different realms within the Inner Spiritual World.

The Inner Spiritual World is basically everything that is connected to this Universe. Spiritual, physical, and everything in between. It is the entire makeup of this universe from a spiritual aspect as well as a physical aspect. This is because there is series of dimensions and different layers of reality. There is the Astral realm and different spiritual realms. There is this huge component of energies that exist within the Inner Spiritual World. This concept of what is outside, what is beyond the spiritual world is actually talked about in many different cultures. It is not a new concept.

The concept of ascension covers these ideas as well. What is beyond the spiritual world, even moving up the Kabbalah Tree of Life or any of the Trees of Life. There is a point where you reach the top of that and then in order to get past that, you have to ascend beyond that. So this ascensions beyond those points would then lead to the Outer Spiritual World and what is within it is the Inner Spiritual World.

When Akelta speaks of the Outer Spiritual World, she is talking about what is beyond the boundaries of this spiritual world, which is covered within different spiritual texts. It is mentioned in many different writings and philosophies and in many different spiritual paths.
The True Form Self is beyond in the Outer Spiritual World. The Higher Self is the bridge between the True Form Self and the physical Self. The Higher Self is a projection of the Outer Spiritual World Self within the Inner Spiritual World Self to act as a guide and mentor to help direct and aid us on this journey.

Your Higher Self can be male, female, both, neither, and a bunch of other different genders. It depends upon the individual. It can be very complex and complicated. Every single person and their connection with their Higher Self, they’re going to have a different experience seeing what their Higher Self is. If your Higher Self is a completely different gender, this is normal. Many people find that once they uncover what their Higher Self is, it makes a lot more sense of how they feel within their own bodies physically.

When connecting with your Higher Self, if they are completely different or has completely different gender that doesn’t even exist. Be open. Be open to it because that is all a part of it and the experience. Akelta talked about when she connected with her Higher Self, it was incredibly empowering and she felt more confident about herself. She felt that she was more capable of doing things and being more secure in existing here.

I just felt so alien here. And when I started connecting with my higher self, I started to actually feel more comfortable in myself. I started to feel more comfortable with my journey here. I started to feel more comfortable being here so it can, she answered a lot of questions for me too.

How do you connect to your Higher Self?

Akelta speaks of beginning working to connect with her Higher Self through meditation work and moving into her higher chakras. One meditation that really worked is where you meditate and move into your crown chakra, then you invite your Higher Self to join you in that energy. Another option for meditation is to go into your Higher World and invite your Higher Self to join you into that Higher World and be open to that experience.

One issue is that people shut down spiritual experience because there is a perception that it should be experiences a particular way. Sometimes they are like that and people feel if it’s not that experience they thought it would be, they shut it down. Being open to any type of experience with the higher chakras and your Higher Self will help you to connect better.

I'll see something on TV or something and it'll jog a soul memory and I'll follow that soul memory and that'll lead somewhere. But because I literally found that soul memory through a pop culture reference, a lot of people would be like, that's not a real spiritual experience, but it is.

When you have these moments where something triggers a memory or something inspires you throughout the day. It doesn’t matter what it is, it can be the most ridiculous thing ever. Those things are spiritual experiences in a way.

~Why did they trigger a memory?
~Why did that inspire you?
~Why did that draw you in?

Because an energy was activated in your mind because of this. These elements in our life that activates these aspects in our mind, they’re actually opening us up to the spiritual world. Don’t shy away from the things that seem silly or weird, because those are the things that could be the most profound and incredible.

It is actually the things that are silly and weird that have led to some of the other most profound spiritual experiences that Akelta has had. The spiritual world is not all serious and about having these deep profound and mystical experiences all the time. There will be times where it is silly. It could be a moment where you see a clip from a carton that stimulates that side of you and opens those energies.

When you connect with your Higher Self, just be open to the experience. Go into your Higher World, go into your Crown Chakra, and invite them to join you.

Exploring the Higher Self and your Path.

This journey to learn about your Higher Self should be exciting. It should be fun. It should be enjoyable and something is just exciting to do and learn. It is not meant to be something that is geared to having a right way or wrong way. Everyone communicates differently. Everyone has those own way of doing things. People who come at it from a rigid perspective, they need to relax with it a bit. Some rigidity can be good, but rigidity is not for everyone. Just because somebody finds empowerment on a more rigid spiritual path doesn’t meant that it’s right for everybody. Some people find empowerment on a more flexible or fun spiritual path. Different things for different people.

Some things we’re just not connected to, something don’t resonate with us. That is the fun part of the path. Part of the ‘coolness’ of it is because all of us exploring our individual path, we bring together this big, beautiful, multidimensional and complex picture of the Spiritual World. With this, the concept of the Spiritual World is more attuned to the truth than any rigid document because there is this huge multi-dimensional component to it.

Imagination and Spiritual Experiences with the Higher Self

This is another way to connect with your Higher Self. The imagination. This is one thing that is interesting about imagination. The imagination is actually connect to the third eye chakra. The imagination is actually used to translate and interpret spiritual energies. When we are children, we are open to the spiritual world.

Akelta talks about believing a hundred percent in the concept of imaginative journeys and being able to connect to the spiritual world through those. Yes, there are times when there is imagination is just that. Other times, they are not just imagination but spiritual experiences. Some of those imaginary friends are not just imaginary friends. They are our spirit guides. What happens is that when we grow up we are told it is just imagination. We don’t get the chance to develop discernment between what is spiritual experience and what is our imagination.

One of the ways that Akelta explains to learn discernment of imagination versus spiritual is to break it down. Imagination is energy flowing from within the brain, outward into imagination. A spiritual experience is energy flowing from the world around you into the mind. Even the Higher World is external to the inner regions of the third eye chakra.

The place where the brain translates things and as an experience that’s coming from the higher realms, Higher Self, and all of that will come from above into the mind. The imagination is a very important part of psychic development. Akelta explains that she believes that this is why a lot of people have a hard time connecting to their psychic abilities. This is because we as a whole have been told all our lives that ‘it’s all imagination’.

The Higher Self and Dimensions

The Higher Self vibrates on a higher frequency, so it can depend upon your skills on whether it is challenging to connect with them. This doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. Everyone has the capacity to translate those higher frequencies. Akelta speaks about when they worked on the Higher Chakra Course, that they worked up to the 12th Chakra, which is the Master Chakra. This means that it vibrates at 12 Dimensions. Being able to perceive the world in 12 dimensions is challenge, but it is something that is possible for anyone to do.

When you begin to tap into those higher energies, you’re capable of seeing those dimensions. The fourth dimension is the next one to see, which is the time dimension. After that, you have the fifth and sixth dimensions, working all the way up to the larger ones. It’s a sort of growth going through each and elevating to the next.

How does the Higher Self relate to the Akashic records? Is connecting to them a way to access those records?

The Akashic records is the record of everything within the Inner Spiritual World. Everything within this Universe, unless you tap into the Outer Spiritual World which are called something else. The Akashic records everything within the Inner Spiritual World. It is everything that has ever existed. It is everything that has happened in the past, present, and future of everything and even the quantum universes. The Higher Self can open up a connection between you and the Akashic records, so you are able to download information.

When you connect with your Higher Self, they can open up the energies so that you are able to download the information from the Akashic records. They can also take you to the Archives so that you can receive information that is needed. If there is a specific question that you have, your Higher Self can take you to the section where you can look up or download the answer. Your Higher Self can act as a bridge to the Akashic records.

When we go back to the Outer Spiritual World, how much does our Higher Self integrate in our True Form Self? Like would we integrate every life and personality lesson we've had here?

Yes. Everything that you’ve done goes back with you. Everything you are, everything that you have been. We all go back.

Will we remember who we are? Will it be the Higher Self consciousness that take over after Ascension?

This is a multi-dimensional component to this because we can still communicate with our ancestors. We can also communicate with our ghosts here. We have to remember that everything is in multi-dimensions. Both will exist at the same time, we will still exist and we will be a part of them. When we go home, we will still have who we are but we’ll also be a part of our Higher Self.

Can your Higher Self be different races?

Absolutely, your Higher Self can be Fae, Angelic, Demonic, Draconic.. anything else that exists out there. Be open to that. Just because we come here to be human does not mean that we are human in soul. Your Higher Self can be anything. If you are something like an Elf or Fae or Demon and they appear before you, just go with it. Because these are the energies that are opening up and that you’re opening up to. They are connecting with you.

Why is it that we are here in this existence?

Akelta speak about conversations that she has had with her own Higher Self. There is speculation as to why we come here and why we experience the things we do. Some of the theory stemming from these conversations, Akelta tells us that she believes that we come here to experience things that we can’t experience or that we haven’t done so before. It is a way for us to experience things here in a different capacity than out there.

Sometimes we opt into thing and other times our Higher Self opts into things that we don’t like or that we don’t approve of. There is a whole process of going through and changing your soul contract here. Akelta recently taught the Seven Higher Chakra course, where she taught people about those Chakras as well as accessing them. There is a Chakra within the Seven Higher ones that you can learn to access and learn how to rewrite your soul contract. If you have things that you don’t want to experience, that you know your Higher Self or your True Form Self signed you up for or themselves, you can go in and change that aspect. There are several ways to go about that.

Is our higher self an observer? Or is it more like they are in the "future" and serve to guide us, by already knowing what has happened up to the present moment in our lives?

With how the Inner Spiritual World works, there is a degree in which you can see what’s coming in the future. To go into pure philosophy, there is the deterministic mindset, the soft determinist mindset, and the free will mindset. Akelta believes that the truth is a mixture of all three. There are certain things that you’re set out on the road to experience, which are things that can be predicted. Although, we do have a degree of control over it and you can free yourself from that and have this free will to change it. If you don’t change it, you’re set to follow the path that the Higher Self has laid out for you. They can act as an observer.

They can also act as a guide. They can connect you to things and even help you to change the soul contract. They can teach you and guide you into tapping into that aspect to be able to change it.

If you don’t connect with you Higher Self, they can just sit there and observe you. If you connect with you Higher Self, they can help you and direct you. Working with them, you can sort of pull them into an engagement here to help influence things. If you’re set on a particular path that they’ve signed you up for and you don’t want to experience that, you can connect with them and change that contract.

Higher Selves are us, but they are also beyond us in the manner that they are a librarian or Self keeper. They have a record of everything we have done, all our memories, all of our past lives. This includes who we were in those past lives, the connections that we had, and even our ancestors. They have all this information on who we are and on our journey here, connecting with each one. You can also figure out what it is they signed up for, as part of the process of changing soul contracts. You can talk to them and ask them what you were signed up for or what you volunteered to be signed up for.

Can the Higher Self help with Self-Esteem?

Your Higher Self can help you to overcome self-esteem. The can also help you to overcome self-esteem issues. When connecting with the Higher Self and just see who you are at your core and the power that you have and the power that they have. Akelta talks about when she first connected with her Higher Self and it was a profound experience.

Will the essence of your Higher Self always seep through into your human life?

Sometimes you come here to experience the opposite of what you are. Akelta explains that he can see elements of her Higher Self in her, but then there are things where her and her Higher Self are completely different. She also talks about in her past lives, she has been closer to her Higher Self in this life than the previous ones. Her last past life was the complete opposite. This is where it is sometimes that you are here to experience everything that is opposite of your true or higher self. It is part of the journey of discovery in wanting to experience something different from what you are in your True Self and Higher Self.

My favorite way I, well, accidentally and unintentionally found my higher self was with my first tarot deck. Beautiful. I felt an immensely potent, energetic pull towards the Queen of Cups. That is beautiful. And come to find it. She's the grand master of unconditional love and devotion to another. And my inner strength has always come from my other half.

These spiritual tools and spiritual experiences, are sometimes where we find our power. That’s where we find connection to our Higher Selves. Akelta talks about how she found her name, she was at a slumber party and everyone didn’t like her name. She was about 11 or 12 years old at the time. Back then, it was the only witch book out there with Silver Ravenwolf, which was about finding your spiritual name. This was where she found the name Akelta and when she mentioned it, everyone had said they didn’t like it. Follow your intuition and it can lead you to places.

I never connected with my Higher Self, it’s never been there even with being in the Higher Chakras.

Akelta says that she has always believed that whenever we decided on something that is, there will always be something that comes in that is different. Some people might not have a High Self, some people might have a different aspect of themselves. Some might be from different places. Some people might not even be from the Outer Spiritual World. It depends upon the individual.

She explains the things that she has learned and lay out everything that she’s discovered is to help people figure things out. If people have different experiences or spirit experiences that are the complete opposite, she knows that it is very likely possible.

People are on different paths. Some have completely different aspects. Some people are from these different places. Places that Akelta explains that she may not have access or open to or haven’t experienced. This is all part of the journey of discovery. If you have not felt a connection to a Higher Self, then it means that there might be something else.

You mentioned that you had challenges being here & wanted to leave up till 7 yrs old. You later connected to your Higher Self. I find I have challenges being here and many times don't want to be. Would connecting to my Higher Self help me connect or settle here for the time being? Anything else you suggest?

This was a direct question to Akelta in reference to an earlier question about the purpose being in this dimension. Please note that one should always seek professional medical help if they are struggling mentally or physically.

This began when Akelta was seven, and she was struggling with depression and feeling like she didn't want to be here anymore. Her mom took her to get help, and it was a struggle for some time. She talks about how her mother came to understand that it was only through spirituality that she was really able to start to find herself. Akelta was able to understand about being here and that she had an entire spiritual network of being that was supporting her. All of these spiritual beings and she connected with her companions and her soul family.

She began to uncover her soul family and started to realize that even if she never fit in, even if she never felt like she belonged, she belonged with them. She was here for a reason and to have this journey. She was here to have these experiences. She was meant to do something in this world.

One of the biggest things for Akelta was that she was connecting to her Higher Self. She was opening up to her soul family and realizing her challenges. She had a lot of challenges when she was younger, bullying and not fitting in anywhere, and having issues in school. She struggled to communicate with people and talk to them. There was this difficulty with connecting with people. Akelta felt that she was in her own little world. In doing so, she looked at these challenges that she was having.

Akelta began looking at these and going, 'All right, I can do this. I can overcome this. I can get past this". She began to break up what the challenges were. She then worked out that she was going to stay here and make it work. Trusting in the Higher Self and her soul family and everything that happened to make her come into this dimension. She started facing those challenges and start to see them as a game. How can she overcome them?

If there were issues or she was having a hard time being here, she would go sit with her companions and sit and vent to them. She would tell them that she didn't know what to do. They would talk to her and they would guide her. They would help her.

Learning how to hear your companion, hear your Higher Self, and trusting what you get. There is so much wisdom from within you. There is so much ability within. You have the ability, we all have the psychic abilities. It's just been blocked from us. Take it one step at a time. A part of this is also realizing that you're not always going to have good day. This is okay. Sometimes you're gonna have really bad days. Everyone has really bad days, no matter their experience level. Accept that this is okay to have these.

Having these connections helped and also having a spiritual support network can really be a strong foundation for getting through things and getting through obstacles of life.

Akelta suggests connecting to your companions and connecting to your soul family. Asking your soul family to come through, because sometimes having that spiritual connection and seeing how you belong can be very empowering. Akelta explains that this was her issue: not feeling like she belonged her or could connect with others. She felt like an alien and it was challenging. But having that soul family connection, it was her seeing that she did belong somewhere and that was all she needed to know what she belonged.

How do I connect with my Soul Family? Millions of people don't this planet and I don't click with them.

Sometimes soul family is spiritual beings. For Akelta, the first soul family she connect with what the spiritual beings. She thought that she would be living in a cabin alone all her life. She did not know that there was a plan for her.
A way to connect with your soul family is to start with spirits family or within the spiritual world. See who some through and start to make those connections and connect with them. This was one thing that Akelta did that was incredibly empowering when she did connect with them.

The way to connect with them is to go into your Higher World and/or if you can go into your Crown Chakra and ask to connect. Ask to see spiritual being and those that are connected to your soul. Ask them to come forward and Don't worry about their names. It's okay to get those wrong in the beginning or not know them. Translating energies is part of the journey. It is not something were you get the energies and poof! You’ve got it. It’s a journey to translate them and unlock them.

You will get faster at it, but in the beginning or when there’s a new energy or you’ve got new information. You don’t have to get it right. Be open to the possibility that it’s going to change or you’re going to have new information and you don’t get it right.
Akelta says that she believe that the spiritual world and the spiritual connection gave her the opportunity to not be a perfectionist as she could just be her and let it flow. She could just play with things and didn’t have to be perfect. There was just her and exploring. This is a beautiful element of the spiritual world, is just exploring and being open to the energies and being open to the experiences.

Can Outer Spiritual World demons or demon companions interact with our Higher Selves?

Absolutely. They can because Outer Spiritual demons have both the Outer Spiritual component and the ability to interact with the Inner Spiritual world components. They can interact with all aspect of ourselves and even connect to our True Form Selves.

When a demon becomes your companion, is it just to the you in this dimension that they are joined to for life or the higher self, in interacting with us in multi-dimensions and lives at once?

The demons come here for us in this life. They can decided to continue with us as our Higher Self. They can decided to continue travelling with us into our other lives. When they initially come through, it is for us here in this dimension working with them. But some of the demons can know your Higher Self and are already friends with them.

Could our OSW demons help us with Crown Chakra work to help us remember our True Form memories and such?

Absolutely! Your OSW demons can also take you to the Akashic records. They can help you move in your own archives, move into your own memories, and uncover who you are. You can uncover your soul’s journey, your journey here in the ISW or in other universes you have been in. They have that power to help with these areas. Akelta talked about how her demons have helped her to learn all of this through teaching her and downloading information. Her first OSW demon she had, came when she was six years old. He taught her about opening up to all these energies. She opened her up to the possibility and all this inspiration. He started showing her things so that she could learn to interpret and translate what she was getting about the ISW and OSW.

When deities meet us, do they meet our Higher Selves?

Deities can see all aspects of us. There’s the Higher Self, but they also can interact and see the True Form Self and the Universal Self. The Universal Self is an intermediary within this universe. If you look at things like quantum mechanics or the quantum theory, where there are multiple and infinite versions of ourselves (where the quantum realm would be). There’s different aspects where you have inhabited, such as universes where you have inhabited your Higher Self (not a replicate or someone else), but where you have a Universal Self that oversees you within that universe. The Higher Self kind of oversees all of it. The Higher Self can help you to connect to different versions of you and other universes and different paths that you are on.
When we meet different deities, they meet many aspects of ourself.

~Higher Self
~Universal Self
~Shadow Self
~They can see on a multidimensional spectrums and therefore those aspects as well.

Can deities change soul contracts?

They can. You, your Higher Self, and different deities you connect with can absolutely change this contract. The contracts can change the trajectory of your life and shift things. Sometimes it is through connecting with deities that we actually learn how to gain that power to shift our lives and change things.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Thank you so much for posting this!

Does SnS do consultations regarding higher selves, true selves, shadow selves and universal selves?
I feel like I'd need help figuring it all out.

I've never felt my higher self etc. Maybe I dont have one.
I'm also comfortable with my essence.
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