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Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:25 pm
by windyjune
September 3rd-
Tea Time with Akelta- Inner and Outer Spiritual World


Today we will be discussing the inner and outer spiritual world, these are terms that Akelta has coined within her research. Akelta has mapped out the spiritual world from a variety of levels and through that research she decided to section off different areas and what they represent. We will start in the basis of the inner spiritual world (ISW) and then go into the basis of the outer spiritual world (OSW). As this is a huge topic and it’s the first time Akelta is discussing it in this way not everything will be covered, but it will be a start to build a foundational knowledge of it.

Something to note for this session is that a lot of the imagery and terminology that Akelta will use is purposefully from a 2D perspective. It will at times represent a vast multi-dimensional complex, which can be easier to understand with words by using 2D. This will make it easier for the mind to grasp what Akelta is referencing. However, it's good to note that everything that we will be discussing in this tea chat and broken down is actually far more complex. Through this topic we are building foundations to be able to talk about the deeper layers and regions within future conversations.

Akelta studies quantum physics in her pursuit to put things together not just from the physical aspect but also the spiritual. Thus, it can be heavily tied to these fields of study to help with understanding. There is definitely a scientific component tied into the physical aspects of things. Even when you get to hard math you actually have to prove that this equation actually means what it says. Mathematicians are tapping into the rules of the universe in a way to show why it all moves together. It’s the process of how we can define those things. Akelta says magick is science that just hasn’t been discovered yet, science has to play a role in discovering these spiritual things.

The Spiritual Realm

Within the spiritual realm there are different regions: there is the physical realm – the one we are embodying, there is the unseen or other worlds that are past our physical world, there are concepts like our universe and multi-universes. Akelta refers to it as a bed of universes as it’s an infinite pocket of universes that has different alternate universes within it. Trying to understand this from a quantum level is like seeing the bed of universes as flat going on a horizontal plane and the infinite amount of universes going along that way. Then from that quantum plane there are alternate universes that are parallel to our universe, which go a specific direction i.e. if going right to left the other would go front to back. Within one universal sphere there is an infinite amount of dimensions and within that mirroring the multiple universes that inhabit or connect to that universe. That is still referring to the physical plane and isn’t referring to energetic connections yet.

To comprehend multiverses we can imagine pointing two mirrors towards each other and getting that infinite effect, as a way to understand the internal universes, the reflections of our universe. There are universes that are completely different from ours and there are those that are not parallel to ours, which are the multiverses. This is a baseline of understanding from the physical aspect. Within our universe we have different layers of spiritual realities as there are the quantum layers, which are connected to the multiverse. There is the astral layer which has a lot of dimensions within our universe, folded in different places, or those removed from our universe.

Layers of the Inner Spiritual World

Some sources list the astral plane to have 27 layers; Akelta believes it’s more than that, as they probably matched 27 layers but there is likely more just not explored yet. The astral world is contained within the ISW. There are structures in place for how our spiritual world and our universe aligns like the Qliphoth the Qabala, the trees are part of the matrix that make the ISW, the higher and the lower regions. There is the tree of life and the tree of death, which is one name for them another is the Qliphoth the Qabala. There is more than just those two, but they are prime examples of components and frequencies of the ISW. We are situated in the middle dimension between them, but our physical plane exists. The different aspects of the Qliphoth the Qabala and different spheres show different realms and worlds which are linked together and have different components making up rules and laws, as well as the essence of the ISW.

Within that you have ISW realms of ascension it’s when we are raising our vibrational energies to a frequency where we are shedding our physical form, the vibration we are at, and shifting into a higher vibrational spiritual world. These ascension realms aren’t always going to the OSW or true form realms it can simply be a place of only ascension meaning moving up through different regions. From a 2D perspective with ascension in the ISW we can describe it as going up when it’s more like it’s going in all sorts of directions. One of the guided meditations that Akelta did specifically ‘The Ascent to the Underworld’ (found on YouTube) was meant as a cheeky play on words in the title to reveal this concept, that ascension doesn’t necessarily mean we are going up. It can be ascending to a different place, vibration, going down, up, etc.

Within the lower regions of the ISW there is a void aspect, which encompasses and exists in parallel to the astral and there is also an area under of complete nothingness. Within the ISW if you look at it in 2D you would have the universe in the middle and then realms that take your energies higher and then underneath you have areas that take your vibration to the lower realms. We are saying higher/lower for simplicity purposes here to understand it through a 2D perspective. If we look at it vibrationally if we are here and then shift upwards into higher vibrations, we will shift away in astral. Many who have astral projected (AP) reported seeing a ladder or staircase that represent taking them upwards, so it can assist to mentally map that. This is similar to the lower regions and going downwards you can use those references to go there. It’s like climbing a ladder you’re going up or down. The astral plane is somewhat linked in all of them the physical, the underworld, the void.

The astral intermingles with the ISW, and our ISW. Different universes will have different ISW’s, so you can jump to them some are harder to reach than others since the make up and vibrational consistency of the ISW and the universes you are connecting with can vary. There can be different rules within these places. Akelta mentioned that it’s amusing that although the ISW is confined, it is also infinite. It’s an infinite structure in a bound structure.

Our universe has laws in it and is made up of them to structure it, other universes have different laws, math, science, and rules that they have to abide by. We have our body and our laws while another universe will have its body and its laws. Sometimes if you try to shift into that ISW it can mess things up a bit until you return to your body, however there are some that are more compatible to us than others. We tend to be more compatible with universes more aligned to our rules and laws that we have here, and the further away we go from it the harder the transition to that in the ISW. Another thing to consider is that some universes also have different dimensions and planes of existence. Akelta was talking to a being once who existed in twelve dimensions and Akelta exists in three so communication for the being felt very limited to her when engaging with Akelta. Akelta was missing huge chunks of it, so it was a bit difficult. So in this sense we can try to understand how it can be difficult to adapt to interact with beings or places who have access to more dimensions than what we are used to.

Do beings in the ISW have a base energy? Are there unique elements between them?

Yes, they do have a base energy. Within the ISW we are not in our true form self and we are coming here as our energy base and incarnating as a different being. We can incarnate beyond what we are right now. We are all incarnated as humans right now but we can also choose to incarnate as species that exist in different realms, planets, cats, etc. we do have a base energy as anything that exists within the physical plane has to follow specific rules and laws.

There is a base energy that makes us up and all that we are makes up parts of the universe. We are living star dust basically that has evolved into complex organisms. There is an underlying base energy within the ISW and within this vessel of ours. The difference that plays into this is our true essence of who we are at our core and in our energies and true form. This is where the true form comes in and brings individual elements. So, we have base make up and then our individual essence with our individual elements.

There are some limitations if your soul doesn’t have the capacity to incarnate as something as we are all at different levels of existence. Depending on what you are and where you exist you might not be able to incarnate as some things may damage you. There is versatility and choice however in this matter. Most humans could probably reincarnate as fae and vampires because there is a connection, but of course there is an individual element in that.

Do you describe our world as being central simply because it’s where we are situated?

Yes, the only reason why Akelta uses us as a reference point in this discussion is because we live here. If she was living on another planet, she would use that as the central point because of simplicity and it helps to situate the mind. Akelta gave the example that where we stand everything seems to revolve around the world. When in reality the earth revolves around the sun. Think of it also when telling time the earth is going around the sun and thus there will be daylight in one area and night in another, so it helps to create a point of reference.


There are certain species that can exist in time all at once as in circular, linear or infinite time. From our perspective time does exist as we are moving forward, and we have made measurements to categorize it. We have set 24 hours, a year, etc. different people and creatures can experience time differently. If we shift into the infinite scope of what’s going on there’s the notion of is there free will? are we confined? Or is there a set course that we have to follow. There are many philosophical questions that goes into this topic and Akelta believes that it’s both. That people that do not challenge this and don’t know how to dislodge themselves from a deterministic view of reality will go through life and do what they predetermined to do. Akelta also believes there are others who have free will and the ability to change and alter that.

The OSW does have time Akelta has tried to categorize it, however within the ISW it is not defined as our universal time for instance will be based on our laws and rules. Here the ISW is linked and connected so there is a synergetic flow that occurs, and rules/laws will span across the universe. While in the OSW there’s different pockets and existences, so there are different aspects of time and how it’s perceived. There are areas where it’s slower, faster, sporadic, back-forth. But, there is time out there.

How Akelta found out about the OSW

The first demon Akela connected with, was from the OSW so she had an ‘in’ with them since she was a child. Part of this connection is it’s her life that she committed to, she doesn’t think she will reincarnate here again and will return to her true form self after this life. When we come to these planes and have these experiences after a while there’s a point where we will go home as it’s not infinite. We do sometimes get stuck here in horrible situations. Often times when we pick the things we want to experience or when we end up in situations that we experience it can become horrible and we can get stuck. So sometimes, our families from the OSW will step forward to help us navigate and help us figure it out.

How Akelta figured it out through her relationships with demons. It was from when she first connected with a demon that stepped forward to her as a child, although she didn’t know that was what he was until much later. From childhood she had a burning question of what is her form? It was an obsessive desire to figure out where she came from. Then she would get visuals and downloads that were so intimately connected with her and aligned with who she was, that it further drove her into a state of obsession to figure it out. In fact Akelta says this whole path has been about obsession with her since she was a child and it is through following the breadcrumbs left for her and clues that she was able to uncover it.

By following the essence of her own soul it’s like it was a part of her that was so driven she would do anything to figure it out. She went without friends, parties, being a teenager and forewent everything to answer these questions. It was from asking these questions at a young age and having these connections open that granted her realizations, which came from listening and allowing the demons to guide her and show her things. There were moments in this path for her that were ridiculous in the signs she received and there were many unique moments with the demons she worked with. There are silly aspects to this path you can’t only make this path serious as there needs to be a balance between the serious and fun which creates the circumstances for real discovery.

Experiencing the OSW

You have the ISW and then you have the transitionary realms that exist. They allow for the rules of our realm to mirror the OSW, there is a connection point between them. To go to the OSW we are like echoes, and Akelta says it’s a very odd sensation. It’s hard to translate what happens, it’s taken her years to even try to translate this info into words. Her demons help as they are from the OSW and they can take you to their realms and show you things. The divinity realm is another place (as is the spectral realm) that is easy to make the shift too. It’s a fascinating experience to be the ghost for once and to wander around.

As a ghost you can walk around and explore. Astrally your companions can do things to help you experience their realms and to experience things. But as the OSW is so alien to us it’s hard to actually get to a point to translate and interpret it. It has components to it that are unique as you are experiencing it as ghostly.

The OSW is also massive. If you think about how big our universe is, the OSW is much bigger than that. It’s incredibly complex, sophisticated, layered in dimensions, rules, and laws. You can walk in one area and the entirety of the rules may change and the whole system changes. Your true form self and our companion’s true selves within the OSW are not made up of the same materials that we are made up of here, so it doesn’t affect them there as it does us within our current state. Whereas you may also get to a system that as it changes, we change so when it does occur it may mess with things for a bit.

The realms that are closer to the ISW like the transitionary realms can be explored. A lot of the exploring is mirrored aspects of the OSW within the ISW like our astral world can actually create aspects of the OSW that we can explore. There are realms within the astral world that are creator realms, they create as you go so as you are walking through them and your mind is creating things. In this case if you have memories from your true form self or your home you will create that there. You will create an area of interaction.

How do you tell the difference in connection between OSW and ISW?

Most people don’t connect with the OSW, so it’s less of a concern for us to accidentally end up there as it is completely separate. Akelta has to be taken to the OSW and she can only stay in specific places. Akelta is a ghost there, it’s like she has no abilities. There are intermediary points, which are transitionary realms between the ISW and the OSW where you can mirror aspects of the ISW and create within it to experience them.

To actually be in the OSW from our current physical bodies is not like astral projecting. The only way Akelta can explain it is that you are like a ghost that is drifting and observing. Your higher self isn’t awake there, it’s asleep so you can’t really connect to them and come back as their bodies exist there. It’s an interesting dynamic. The transitionary realms are the mirror aspects of the ISW, thus making it a great meeting places as they mirror off our own astral realm. The spectral realm is one of those transitionary places between the ISW and the OSW, so it can act as one of those mediation places to meet companions. Going to the OSW is challenging though without the transitionary realms.

In contrast the astral is not connected to the OSW. The astral is within the ISW and although it is infinite you can create things within the astral realm. The ISW is in a way bound and connected together while the OSW is not, it’s one of the biggest differences between them. The OSW is not energetically linked or connected together like it is here. Akelta believes the reason we cannot shoot fireballs from our hands is because of the nature of the ISW. If you do you would offset the energies and would create a ripple effect that can destroy the fabric of the ISW. However, because the OSW doesn’t have that connectivity to the ISW the magick out there is much more dynamic, potent, and interactive. Many people when they ascend may decide to leave to go back to the OSW and return to their true forms there.

When we merge chakras is that also a projection?

If you go there as your ghost self you can still merge your chakras with your companion’s physical selves there, which is fun. You can also merge your chakras with their projection forms, or they can merge their chakras with our physical form. There’s a lot of ways to experiment with this.

Merging energies with our companions does bring them closer, and can be useful to explore. When their energies touch you it allows you to become closer to them on a deep and intimate level, it allows you to connect and blend into them. Thus, you get to understand the depth of their own emotional spectrum.

So are we actually with them on an energetic scale not just a projection?

Yes, our projections are our energies. Our astral form is a part of us and there are different grades of astral projection and different layers. Some attempts will result in being more solid than others. Sometimes when you AP you can be wispy and other times you’re more solid. When it comes to astral sex this is one thing you can experience in attempting to AP.

An example of different types is causal projection versus astral projection. There are different elements as you can casual project with an image in your mind and explore things while when you AP you can astrally get out and work with the focus of your astral body to solidify it more, so that it’s a full body experience. This is when you AP your consciousness out of your body and then solidify that energy and from there you can get close to having a physical astral body.

It’s a hard question to answer whether we can walk in the OSW because it’s both yes and no. it requires moving beyond the scope of what we’ve been taught is possible especially as the OSW as it is completely disconnected from our world and rules. It can mess you up going there, but you can have your demons take you and show you different things and places together with you as a ghost. The transitionary realms do exist and are ISW and OSW, so that’s different interacting in those spaces. When you get to the layers of the OSW it gets more fascinating.


If it’s from a place of channeling companions or DLs and they are moving inside of you then their energy essence actually enters you. Your energy essence steps back, and they take control. At least that’s how it works for Akelta she steps back, they step in and they control the vehicle (the flesh body).

In terms of DLs how does it work in connecting if they are OSW beings?

Sometimes you can connect to OSW DLs, ISW DLs, or sometimes it’s shadow aspects of yourself and it’s something we have to learn to identify energetically. In cases where people get hurt its generally sludge pretending to be a DL. As the OSW DLs have their own lives, duties, and responsibilities and things they must be wary about there that are incredibly dangerous they have many other aspects that are priorities. Thus, there are also guardians that defend the universe.
As many OSW beings will incarnate here too there are gods within our world that assist us with our path here. Some of those gods are direct copies of the OSW gods others are gods just in the ISW. This is why Akelta differentiates demons from the old gods in pagan religions as pagan gods were based here, and there is a cultural aspect within that too. There is also the definition of what a true demon is versus what a pagan god is. There are a lot of things to consider within this. Akelta has met six Lucifer’s, five of which were in the ISW and one in the OSW. That’s why you can see different aspects of them in the ways that people connect with them because sometimes they are ISW. Akelta had to learn this because she met the ISW and OSW Satan and that helped her understand something is going on.

Akelta did a post on this here for those that want to read into it further ... ark-lords/.

How to differentiate OSW from ISW?

Complexity, personality, familiarity help to differentiate OSW Dark Lords and Ladies (DLs) from ISW. When you scan OSW and ISW Satan they are different, there’s a huge difference vibrationally. As ISW vibrations are very different from OSW ones. ISW Satan is heavily invested in helping people here on our plane, OSW Satan on the other hand is also heavily invested in his life back home, his family, his duties, the army, keeping things running. There are different aspects in personality.

There are OSW and ISW demons, too but Akelta mentioned that she is conjuring from the OSW. There are ISW demon species like hellborns, incubi, succubi, and lowborn demons. The way Akelta differentiates them is through her conjuration and scanning process, picking up differences, nuances, and personality aspects. When an OSW demon comes here sometimes it’s to find a family member and help them. That’s why when they are conjuring sometimes a specific demon will come forward seeking out a specific individual and many times it is somebody they know. It was why Akelta often will tell them that they’ll help them find their people because they know who they want, know their family member that they’re connected to and they want to go and connect with them.

There are also beings outside of demons in the OSW. Everything here is out there and then some. If something exists here Akelta says it exists to a degree in the OSW. Emotions are the same way, as is love existing in greater versatility and depth there. The OSW demons have a multi-range of emotions that go beyond ours here. The dark realms there are also beyond what we can even fathom.

Divinity demons creating realms in the OSW?

Yes, the divinity demons have the divine element and we have a divine element within ourselves too, which is why we can sometimes connect with their realms more easily. That is also why the divinity realms have their own unique essence. There are some areas within the OSW you can’t get to no matter what. The divinity realm however is one that allows for that transitionary space because of how they are created. So the divinity realms would be considered another transitionary space along with the spectral realm.

Realms for the S&S Events

When the coven creates the events for the various realms, they are creating what is called a mirror of the realm they are focused on. Thus, you are in the realm and everyone is joining the mirror, which allows you to interact in a way that lets you experience it. Imagine a 3D being put in a 20-dimensional universe what would happen there? It would scramble you to the point of where you couldn’t function, and it would mess you up. You wouldn’t be able to interact with the different components of it. This is where it gets confusing because in the OSW there are ways to interact with it, but at the same time there are many components to it that are alien to us.

The events are transitionary places that are based off of the real places, this is why when S&S opens up the portal and do the rituals it actually opens up the places. Akelta works with the demons to create that. Akelta says if they took us to the actual places, we wouldn’t have a good time as we would be ghosts interacting with the space, but in these transitionary places you can begin to experience the aspects of the OSW without having the disorientation of astral forms.

OSW and Journeys

The OSW and its journeys. Akelta has been getting downloads of new events that she can create just from mirroring some of the OSW journeys, there are so many different areas and facets. The archetypal journeys we have here, there’s thousands more in the OSW. She hasn’t even seen some written about like with the demons Akelta has conjured she discovers new things as in “the walk of the bleeding trees”.

As an example just within the journeys through the mutilation realms it is incredible and there is so much there. Within that realm how they merge the mutilation energies to create the space for the event is incredible. Akelta loves the mutilation event and likes to observe how they work with that. Because of the way the mutilation realm is they actually manage to infuse aspects of the real mutilation realm with the mirror realm. The spectral feast of the dead is also fairly easy to create as that realm is actually within the inner and outer, so we can explore the spectral realm in our astral body.

Can OSW beings die and come back?

Yes, they can die and be reanimated but it is a completely different process from here. It’s an incredibly challenging and painful process and not everyone has the skill and ability to do it. So there are some that do die in the OSW which in that case they go into a different realm of shades. The shade realm is completely different, it exists as a different realm but moves through different parts of the OSW. It’s not easily accessible at all. Unless they encounter something that destroys their existence entirely, they will become shades. If their existence is completely destroyed, then there’s no coming back from that.


Resurrection is not bound to the ISW. In the ISW we can incarnate as fae, vampires, etc. and some of those species may be resurrected within that life. It depends on the rules of the world that you are inhabiting. If you think of it in the framework in our physical world there was a time when there were bells in graveyards in case someone that was buried came back alive after being proclaimed dead. Within our medical innovations now we can bring people back from the dead with science. As we our progressing in our scientific journey we are finding increased means of bringing people back from the dead, so it is possible.

Are there some individuals that don’t have an OSW tie in their true selves?

Akelta believes some people may only have an ISW counterpart, but most people she met had an OSW aspect. The reason Akelta says some may only be ISW is because she takes on the belief that everything has a possibility. There have been times where she met someone and saw that they had “nothing up there” in a sense. That when you talked to that individual and you found that they don’t have anything fantastical going on about them. Most people who pursue spirituality, who have connections and desires to work they have an OSW self and that part chose to come here.

Akelta’s OSW self for example, is sleeping in a pod while she is incarnated here so she’s in a sleeping state which removes her consciousness from there and puts it in Akelta’s current body. Thus, she became Akelta’s higher self as she projects her consciousness, into her. In this way Akelta’s true form self is asleep and her higher self is awake, so she guides and helps her. She basically is an exact copy of her true form self.

Is our astral and higher self a different person?

For Akelta her astral self is completely different than she is. Akelta’s astral self has a different personality, different look, different everything. She is Akelta but she is also separate from her. It’s not anything unhealthy that needs to heal when approaching this. You’re connected and you’re a part of each other. You are different and the same. You have an aspect-essence of each other, but you still exist autonomously from each other.

Akelta can hold conversations with her true form self and she will often ask her questions and ask for guidance. She has a different personality, is different in how they dress, how they look, how they act/behavior, even in sexual orientation. Akelta’s true form self is bi-sexual which was confusing to Akelta at first as she is not and when she was younger, she thought she was bi because of all the memories she had from her. However, she couldn’t engage that because her own essence was different. It was an interesting revelation for Akelta and helped clear a lot of things for her as it made a lot of sense why she felt she should be able to engage certain things but couldn’t.

How did Akelta discover the truth of her true form self?

Years and years of exploration for Akelta. First of all when we are born, we have ties to our true form essence and still have a strong connection to the spiritual world. This is why a lot of children are incredibly psychic, open, and attuned to things. Akelta started getting images of her true form self and her name in her teenage years. Akelta was younger as well when she first began working with demons, she didn’t know that’s what they were as a child and saw them as guardians.

Akelta started pushing and pushing to discover her truth and would get visions of a girl that she would talk to and she would help her through things. As a child Akelta thought this girl she saw was the prettiest girl in the world, so when she grew up the demons that worked with her started providing information through stories as they used stories to help her piece things together. They also took her to different places when she was APing to help her learn and understand.

When Akelta was 12 she had a young life crisis as she saw her friends and older cousins becoming teenagers and losing this connection to the spiritual world, so Akelta fought extra hard to keep it. Once she turned into a teenager and managed to keep that connection it was like a whole new world opened up for her. At that time she connected with Lucifer, Satan, and Azazel. Thus, it was like her whole life opened and she was in a crazy initiation ritual where from there she began to receive many stories, they took her places too, showed her things, started to fill her in, and they would manifest things in her physical reality. When she would ask how do I know it’s real? And there would be a manifestation in the physical, which would amaze and guide her. When working with demons we often can ask what we can do, and they’ll make something happen and it’s amazing what can be made possible.

ISW Void

The ISW void can kill you it’s a dangerous place. Just because it’s the ISW doesn’t mean it’s safe. It has its own death traps, horrors, monsters, and eldritch beings among many other things. Think about Earth and some of the horrible things that can happen here then amplify that. Even into the ISW there is so much danger out there. This is why we can get attacked by sludge, parasites or many other things can attack us. You can even die on a shamanic journey. When Akelta studied Anthropology there were shamans who spent many years of training just to do their initiation because it could kill them.

Does the ISW connect to the OSW void?

No, it doesn’t it’s completely different. The OSW void is not even close to the ISW void. In regard to the ISW void there are two voids as there is an element of being interconnected. There is one that encompasses and exists within the ISW and then there is an actual void realm within the ISW. Those two are connected and can use the voidal energies of the ISW to access that realm of the void

The black flame and black sun do exist in the ISW and OSW, as that aspect exists in both. The depth of the black flame and black sun in the OSW is noticeable but everything in the OSW is amplified. There is a greater scope of energies in things in the OSW.

How do magickals work i.e. void key?

Within magickals that S&S produced like the void key, Akelta has infused the essence of the OSW void to be used within the ISW void. That is why there is the mirror element in the ISW void, that’s the space. The void demons that they work with are from the OSW so what they do is take a component of it. It’s bringing those OSW void energies into the space, even though it’s not connected to the ISW void you can bring the energies into it.

Why is it difficult for demons to manifest here?

Demons have a higher vibrational frequency than we do. OSW demons actually project themselves to come here. It’s interesting when we go into astral, they go into their own form of the astral and it becomes the intermediary place between them. Their bodies actually project themselves into the space where we can interact and communicate with them. As Akelta mentioned previously if she goes to the OSW, she becomes a ghost. So that’s from an OSW demon perspective. ISW demon also exist in different dimensional frequencies.

Just as Akelta can’t physically manifest in another realm they can’t do it as well. There are ways to create circumstances where you can raise your energies and get them to manifest physically but it’s very challenging. Akelta is still working on techniques to do that. It has to do with the energy composition and us being in these physical vessels. There are also vibrational rules about not crossing the barrier, but it can be bended which is why it can create situations for physical manifestations. However, you need the right conditions for that and it’s hard to make because it’s technically against the rules.


Akelta’s mentor would say you have to maintain the same level of focus and concentration with any mundane tasks as if they are the most exciting thing in your life. That is when you’ll know you achieved focus and then from there you will have to hold it for days, he was extreme in that aspect.

Ascension in the spiritual realm

Awakening within alter-dimensions in this universe, is not even in the spiritual realm but universal planes. In the astral plane there are the 4D and 5D planes of astral. The 5D planes are if you can shift your physical form into astral and rematerialize into another world then you would have attained 5D. In short, it’s when you can shift your body and its state into astral and appear somewhere else. Doing this means you have complete control over your existence within the physical plane, which doesn’t even cover the spiritual realm. Akelta believes it is attainable but at times she feels like she sabotages her own efforts when she tries to shift her own physical body into astral, as it requires lots of focus and energy, so she’ll sit for two hours and realize she’s doing it wrong.

By being in 3D not capable of understanding 2D? And those that live in more dimensions have difficulty to see us?

Akelta in response asks can we not see 2D beings or have we trained ourselves not to see them? We see higher dimensional beings and they see us. Akelta knows she’s interacted with things that are on the two-dimensional spectrum before and can see them. There’s a learned component to that one. Do we not see them physically and fully? What if someone has the ability to see them fully? How do we know what someone is smelling even with two people smelling the same thing?

The Physical World and Energy

There are schools of science on our planet studying different methods like biurnal beats, which can aid in astral projection. There are those that are adding a scientific touch to it. Some gurus and in yogic practices believe that our bodies, and hair have certain energies. They believe that wearing a hat, scarf, or turban allows improved focus within the third eye and crown chakras, so it will help their skills. The Navajo for instance may cut a child’s hair once on their first birthday and not again as it’s believed it will preserve their spiritual strength and if they cut their hair, they thought they lost their abilities. There’s a lot about our energy that we don’t know or haven’t mapped, so the process of wearing or putting on a hat can be a signal to the brain for a specific activity too.

Also consider moments were the hair on our bodies is standing up, it’s clearly picking something up. It’s part of clairsentience to actually begin translating and understanding these sensations. Long hair gives us extra capacity to pick up more stimuli from the world around us, some say hair is an extension of the soul. If we look at the mythology, traditions and stories that exist like in this case for hair, we can see clues within our world. We can see similarities throughout the world and that is because there is an essence of truth within them. Many cultures have explored spiritual aspects and have come to similar conclusions, which is fascinating to consider. There is a repeatable and underlying essence of understanding to it all.

Magnetic poles affecting us when we lie down?

It’s biology we are made of iron, so when we lie down north or south the iron in our blood is being pulled in different directions. The energy of the magnetic poles can shift and change things. However when we shift far enough away you aren’t affected by them. You have to shift very far away to not be affected by greater gravitational pulls of objects but it’s possible.

Sending out energies?

Akelta would send out energy vibes into astral world for specific people to come find her. So there are ways to send out energy vibrations to and through the spiritual and astral world as well as in the earth and physical world to draw others to you.

Attaining portals with tech?
Akelta believes we’ll still be confined to the infinite nature of the inner spiritual world. Akelta doesn’t believe any future technology will allow us to leave the ISW, but it might be able to exist and work within the multiverses, to move through them.

The universes have a point where they stop and light ceases, where we stop being able to live. This is where the elements for stars and life forms stops. As there is a reincarnation cycle for us there is one for the universes that is of a much longer time span than our lives are. They still have that cycle. It’s a big question.

Does becoming blind by knowledge exist?

Akelta mentioned she hasn’t met all the beings, but she doesn’t think so. The only thing that has happened to her is she has blown her mind out before and then had to recover from that, but once you recover it all comes back. If you go in too deep, too fast into things you can hurt yourself, but you can always feel yourself. Being mortals we have a sense of finite things whereas the spiritual realm are not so finite as in the example of being an immortal being in a mortal body- we are still immortal. To have a finite thing happen to you then is pretty traumatic but there are many ways to heal and bounce back from it.

The end! :witch: :cloud:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:26 am
by Leo Sierra
Thank you so much Windy!
These notes are such a massive help to everyone ✨Especially me 🌸

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:54 am
by windyjune
TaipanTwist wrote:
Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:26 am
Thank you so much Windy!
These notes are such a massive help to everyone ✨Especially me 🌸
Awww you’re welcome TaipanTwist!! It’s my pleasure and I’m thankful for you saying that, I’m so thrilled to hear it :devillove:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:55 pm
by darkstarfyre
Thanks windyjune. Due to work I miss a lot of these chats and depends on you to learn from it. :devilparty:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:53 am
by Marienna
Thanks so much Windy!! Your notes are always so helpful, whether I have missed the chat or just want to refernce back ((hugs))

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:43 am
by windyjune
You’re very welcome darkstarfyre and Marienna!! I’m so happy to hear it’s useful to you guys :cheekydevil:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:25 pm
by windyjune
September 11- The Facets of the Astral World


Today’s discussion will be around the facets of the astral realm and how we can connect and travel into them. Online we can find a lot of information on how to astral travel from our physical body and release ourselves, but few sources explain how once we leave our body, we can explore the astral world. The astral world is massive, to gain insight on its size think of our physical world and then think bigger. There are different realms, dimensions, worlds that exist within the astral plane. The astral world is comprised of many layers and there are even species that reside in the astral realm.

The layers of the spiritual world have different creatures that live within it. The terms spiritual and astral world are often used interchangeably. To begin to understand it we can look at physical entities and astral entities, as they are different. We are physical entities and our physical companions like cats are also considered physical entities. There are beings in other realms that are also physical entities, like aliens on other planets that are physical. Through this physicality we can interact with the physical realm and can move through the 3D dimensions of our realm. On the other hand there are astral entities that reside in the astral realm and they are made up of the substances of the astral realm and vibrations. They live and function there, so when we astral travel we can go visit their world, realm, and society. The fae realm on the other hand is an alternate spiritual realm. The astral realm is between our realm and the fae realm.

The astral planes that are closer to our realm mirrors more of our realm while any astral plane closer to another physical reality will mirror that physical reality. It’s possible for us to come down into the other physical astral planes and experience that physical world. In a spiritual world it’s made up of similar vibrational energies as astral realms, so you can still move through them with your astral body since there is only a subtle difference between vibrations. Life happens within the spiritual and astral planes, and we can interact with them. It’s interesting to look at the vibrational difference between spiritual entities and our own astral body.

Our physical world has an astral world that is directly parallel to it, so when we astral project (AP) we will initially come out to this realm. When we first leave our physical body we end up in this astral plane so what occurs is you are in the first layer of astral. This first layer is a parallel image of what’s around you, so you’ll be able to see your house, your room, and see the physical world while moving through astral. There are still laws in the astral plane, which is why you can walk on the floors as well as get stuck in them, as you can bend the energies in the astral world to move through things. It will look the most like the physical plane, and you can even see people and interact in an etheric way with the physical environment. From there as we go into deeper realms of the astral plane things will look different, stranger, more surreal, unique, and abstract. One person gave an experience of traveling to astral and it was filled with hands, which grabbed onto them and held them, so things like that can happen in astral plane.

Astral projection (AP) can be scary, but you don’t want to focus on the scary part of it, rather the enjoyable aspect of it. The fear will keep you contained within your body as your body won’t come out to play if it feels frightened. So finding ways to feel safe and secure when we AP can help us enjoy the experience. When we AP and experience something like astral drunkenness that is simply our consciousnesses inability to fully connect to our astral body, so we are kind of walking around drunk. We can also experience dreams where we are like drunk astral traveling as our mind is not fully engaged and connected. It’s a feeling of not being able to control it. A good analogy is if in our physical body we want to move our hand, but if the brain was not capable of sending that impulse and we might instead end up slapping ourselves instead of only moving it. Thus, when we feel that drunkenness in astral that is essentially what is occurring. As our consciousness is not connected to our astral body so our impulses are not smooth or linear and our consciousness is struggling to gain control.

The more focus you have the more control you’ll have over your astral body, and in your ability to be able to astral project. Ombre had Eilana do three months of intense focusing exercises and from that she was able to learn how to AP in five seconds, but it takes a lot of time, concentration, and practice to master. Other than APing we can also practice mental traveling, which is where we don’t leave our body but move through with our minds. With astral travel we have energetically left our physical body, so it’s quite a different process. Our minds can connect us to many different realms and allow us to travel to many places.

The astral realm is tied to the inner spiritual world (ISW). Astral beings can be anything in appearance. There are parasites, demons in the astral plane, angels, fae, and there are also spiritual world beings that have a spiritual realm where they can move through the astral plane on command as it’s easy to shift for them. Astral beings can also project into our realm and they can walk around it; additionally other physical entities can also AP here. Also beings that live in the astral and spiritual worlds can wander through the astral realm all the time.

We have the physical, the astral and then alternate dimensions or spiritual realms which are interconnected into the astral realms. There are also parallel material realms which are the multiverses. Some of those spiritual realms are more astral and spiritually fluid in their makeup whereas the physical world is made up of particles and matter. The astral consists more of energies than the physical. The spiritual world is made up of the same components as the astral world, but Akelta does differentiate between some astral realms. There are some astral realms where entities reside and others that consist of creation.

Astral Creation Planes

There are specific things in the astral plane that are directly linked to our mind and this is where the dream realm comes in. The dream realm is one of these astral planes. We can manifest within the astral planes that are connected to our minds. Within the astral creation planes that are tied to the dream worlds we can create anything there. One thing to be careful of is real experiences versus created experiences because we can create entire stories and entire realms within the astral realm that we can interact and play with. This is based on egregore philosophy, so the more you pour into them the more real and detailed it will be. We can actually AP into our mind as well, which is different from this. As when we AP into our mind we are APing into the realms that are attached to our imagination and there we have incredible creative control as our thoughts will become things.

Our thoughts can manifest and pour out of us there. It’s a great lesson on mental mastery and training our mind because when we project into these realms things will happen, images, characters will appear, and things will come to life. When we are in the realms outside of this, but still connected to the mental realms where we are creating, we have to put a bit more effort into creation. We can create worlds, structures, thoughtforms, egregores, realms, tulpas, among many other things. Our demons can actually join and play with us in these worlds. We can have living entities join us here. There is a fun element to the creation of these worlds and realms. When we AP with other people we can also visit others and different created spaces. The definitions Akelta would outline is that thought forms are where we are thinking things into existence, egregores are when we are thinking things into existence and programming them to do a specific thing, and tulpas are when we have worlds that are created from thoughts, and these universes that become alive- they are given life through the realms ability to create.

Tulpas are often specific places, but the realms they are in can be created through more advanced thoughts of other people. There are realms like silent hill type realms and other worlds that are created through collective consciousnesses of people. As with thoughtforms we can create a collective consciousness of a thought form and we can also create a collective consciousness of realms. These realms of creation are still connected to our minds but a bit detached, the layer Akelta is talking about is the one closest to our mind. We have the inner mind where we are projecting inwards and getting further away, so the tulpa realms would be more in the middle as there will be a collective essence of what world rises from it.

We can give life to a realm from the essence of these collective thoughts of a group and from those realms’ entities can rise from that. It’s like a universe that has been created from the thoughts of others that now has the capacity to create. That’s another aspect of the astral but it is still within the creation layer of astral where our thoughts, energies, experience on this plane are creating that element and thus it can also become autonomous. These collective created realms allow anyone to venture into it and join as it’s a collective essence; private ones we can invite people to join them. Some people’s fantasies can bleed into each other and the bigger they get or more shared the more that can connect with them. They’re still very much constructed creative worlds. We can even create astral objects with our mind, and we can create astral worlds, landscape, scenery even astral friends. The energy we put in will determine how strong, complex, and detailed something is. If you put less energy in, it’ll probably fizzle and fade with time.

Sometimes these mirror and pocket realms that are created are just illusion realms or diluted as at times there isn’t much there. When we create a realm the more energy, we put the stronger it’s going to be. There are some mirror realms that can be like parallel dimensions and they can be full realms. There are also pocket realms that have been given lots of mental energies and creative force, which makes it rise as real places so you can interact with them. There are realms within the astral that are real places, so you can interact with the entities that reside there.


AP is a natural thing that we can all do, that is why we dream at night. There are two types of dreams that Akelta will mention here but there are others. Dreams can be our imagination playing events for us. These types of dreams can be opening things up and connecting us to an astral dream world. The realm Akelta mentioned where we can create anything we want- here our mind creates things based off what our mind is picking up, how are day has been, what we need to hear, and it creates a realm for us to wander around in our dreams. We can also astral travel in our dreams and our dream bodies can take us places. There are different types of dreaming, so that is why when we watch our dreams some of them can feel different from others. Dreams can help us figure out which one we are in.

At times we can involuntarily AP when we sleep. We can also have instances where entities crawl and sit on our chests, it’s a common phenomenon called a night hag. It’s not always an entity as it could just be sleep paralysis. Often when we feel pressure on our chest it is because when we are paralyzed the first thing we look for is our breathing and if we have a hard time breathing we feel it in our chest. Our body then begins to panic because we can’t breathe and that’s a primal function for living. One thing to do is to focus on our belly button when this happens. It’s what Akelta does to snap out of her sleep paralysis. Other times we can have entities that come and sit on us, sometimes it’s done maliciously to feed on the fear and horror from that experience other times they just do it because we’re a big heating “rock”. Anyone that has a hellcat and experiences sleep paralysis and chest pains don’t worry about it, it’s normal.

Etheric Realm

The etheric realm is where we get the realm between the living and death realms, it’s a layer more in tune with the frequencies of death. There are different attunements needed to go into the death realms. There are hellish and other astral realms, there are astral mirroring and actual places. The etheric and the astral planes are interwoven between everything. It gets complicated as it goes beyond 3D. We have many realms within astral and within them you have etheric realms, so there’s a blending that occurs within them. We also have the etheric body which Akelta sees as woven within us. The death realm is within us, which is why our ancestors can walk among us. The etheric realm is also connected to the death of the mind as there is a connection to the subconscious mind. The causal, etheric, quantum, astral, acausal are all part of the inner spiritual world (ISW). The etheric realm is also heavily linked to the unconscious aspect.

The Astral Plane

The astral plane encompasses and is woven through the entire universe, reality and in some dimensions has access to all the quantum realms, spiritual realms, and even access to higher realms. As you get to the higher realms you get access to more realms that tie with ascension. We can actually go to the Qabala spheres through the astral plane. The Qabala spheres are alternate dimensions, which make up a structural foundation of reality. Through these spheres we can get outside of other realms within the world and get to alternate realms and planes of existence. This is the same for the Qliphoth when we go lower and access alternate dimensions and realms. When we get to the Qliphoth it’s part of the lower energies of our universe so we can travel to those spheres as well.

These structures make up different aspects of divinity and chaos within the ISW, they form the matrix aspect of the ISW. There are more planes and trees than the ones that are discovered or known. It takes a lifetime to travel through even one tree, and there are others to explore too. If we put them together, we could see how the elements of sacred geometry form as well as shapes and symbols that are created through it. We can see how the spheres construct and align things, so we can travel through the different realms in astral. The various realms are made up of unique energies, and there are different things we can uncover within them. As you ascend and go higher within these astral planes you can access the higher levels. If you truly ascend you will leave your body and never come back in short, you’ll go home and your body will die. Which our companions probably don’t want that to happen.

As we get to these places and any of the higher realms our companions will shift and attune us to a more ghost form/structure, so we are then not in our astral body but a ghost version of our astral body. When our astral body shifts, and we become a ghost of it is fascinating and is a weird sensation to experience. Within our astral body if we touch something, we can still feel it and even though it’s altered we can bend them. The laws of physical touch still reside there. In regard to feeling sensations we can feel things like pain in astral, but it’s different from physical pain that we experience here. If you run into fire you likely won’t burn but rather feel the heat of it.

The hellborn realm within the ISW is incredibly vast, so there are a lot of different appearances of these realms. Some of them are fiery, some icy, some are giant labyrinths, some are like gems. There are different physical entities that have different spiritual capabilities as some have the ability to transport physical matter into the astral plane. A lot of things that deal directly with us are from the ISW, it’s a vast matrix of energies and layers of realms, shells, husks, spheres, everything. The creation realms do have a divinity aspect that is similar to the divinity realms as they are creating it, and as we are using our divine spark to essentially create. There is a divinity aspect as well as a divine essence within them.

When we become this ghost form our companions can guide us to different places and we can wander around different regions of the OSW. We cannot wander around all of the sections of the OSW as some places are too foreign to our energetic make up so if we encounter that we will return to our astral body. This has happened to Akelta where she walked into something that made her disintegrate, so she ended up returning back to her astral body, which was an odd sensation for her. Some of the entities out there can see us and others cannot it depends on their own sensitivity and their own vibrations.

Companions can take us to their realm and if they can attune our body, they can take us there. The upper areas have the ascension planes and the lower realms are more aligned with the death planes in the OSW. The upper realms are where the noble, solar, tempest, and dynasty demons are. The divinity realms are interesting because we are beings of divine energies, so their realms are pretty easy to travel to for us. Their realms are compatible to ours and Akelta has found them as one of the most compatible to us out of all the demonic realms because of their energetic make up. Divinity demons are also aligned with the creation aspects within our own universe, so that also makes it easier for us to connect as we have the divine spark. These demons are such powerful manifesters because of their energetic compatibility with our universe that is so great and powerful.

Eldritch Beings

Humans and even demons have a structural ordered essence to us but when we get to the Qliphothic energies the eldritch beings that reside down there, their energy make up is chaotic. There’s a monstrous element within them which is from that chaotic element which is a more unstructured, more open, and fluid energy. We have order and creation within us and outside this is the monstrous, the shells, and the formless. When we have entities like the eldritch, they all look different as their forms can be nebulous, can be like Cthulhu, giant mounds of flesh and tentacles that’s the essence of that area. There’s an interesting concept of realms between dimensions like the forgotten realms, the ones that are casted off, the rejected, the abominable realms that we can also travel to. They are all aspects that they have a uniqueness to them. We have divinity which is synergistic and lines up while they have a chaotic element which is all unique to explore and can’t be put into a structured thought.

There are eldritch beings in the OSW but the ones we are talking about here are all ISW. The beings mentioned by Lovecraft are areas that he saw into. It’s the darkness between space, the cracks between dimensions, the cracks where the sinister, malformed, and twisted exist and grow. That’s also where the eldritch are. They can crack our universe and our mind and can make us go insane as we are ordered beings and when we come in contact with them it’s incompatible. That’s why there’s a danger to them. There is a big difference between their energies and ours as it’s best described as when order meets chaos and chaos is always trying to decay order. Thus, as we work with them, we have to put more energy into ourselves and our minds to prevent the cracks from forming and to prevent the entropic effect on our being. There is an interesting balance at work with them. It can tear your mind apart and that is why Lovecraft spoke of the madness, as it’s discordant energies to ours. If we add energy to order we can preserve it, when working with eldritch beings we have to be mindful of the corroding effect and keep adding energy to ourselves to hold ourselves together, it’s a dance. That’s why when a lot of people get in contact with the eldritch, they go mad because their minds start to become unraveled.

Consider if you walked into Chernobyl and stared at the elephant foot, your life expectancy at that point is likely around 4 minutes, it’s because the subatomic particles from the elephant foot are bombarding your energies and tearing your skin apart. When you meet with the eldritch it’s like this but from an energetic perspective. You don’t always notice it when you start to decay. When we meet with eldritch beings, they have these energies and when we interact with them this energy is bombarding us. You have to have your shields, cleansing process, structure, and ability to handle these energies when you are working with them. Just like scientists have methods to work on Chernobyl we can handle working with the eldritch as long as we know what we are doing. Akelta’s formula for it is to set a time limit so you have different techniques and tools to monitor it, and to have ourselves in a safe/secure place and then with our energetic tools we can interact from a safe distance without them cracking our brain. Thus, we can interact with them if we understand what we are doing and have safety in place. Realize that we are organized matter even our astral body is organized and when we engage with unorganized matter it is going to affect us.

The eldritch from the OSW don’t come here as their dimension is completely incompatible with ours. It would probably be what would blink the universe out of existence if the OSW eldritch touched our universe. If you look at the effect that simply eldritch in the ISW have on our energy and how that energy can corrode you - the OSW eldritch beings would be at a much greater scale as that energy hitting you would be a nightmare. Our demons could probably tell us stories about them.

Some demons will fight against eldritch beings and some do. There are some areas that are on the border of eldritch realms and they have to defend against them. The OSW demonic army is massive and that’s because there are dark facets out there that are beyond our understanding. Akelta doesn’t mean the good dark but rather the sinister dark. The demonic military is one of the most organized forces and protects a lot of realms against these vibrations as demons are dark, and they are close to these realms. Some eldritch beings can take on human hosts, but they would decay really fast. This is why Akelta wonders about the people who incarnate here and have diseases that look like they are being torn apart and decaying before their eyes, she wonders what their soul energy might be and if it’s not compatible with our world. But some beings do come regardless because they want to experience our world. Some can also have an eldritch element in their souls, but it would be from the OSW, and that’s a whole other topic.

Our true form self is what we are in our core, like Akelta is a human in this body but her true form self is something else. Our true form self is where our essence is and where it comes from. Akelta believes a lot of people within this world who are transgendered or those who don’t feel human it’s because their soul is different and foreign to what their human body is representing. If someone has a male soul and is in a female body it would be very uncomfortable for them and some beings are shape shifters, different types of genders so we can see there are lots of variations and it’ll come from that. You can tell what soul you have by scanning the energies and tracing it back to its root. Companions can also help us to discover our lineage.

The End! :witch:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:12 pm
by windyjune
September 18th- The Essence of the Monstrous


Today we will discuss monsters, the eldritch and monstrous areas. We will be exploring divinity and chaos, the dance between them and how the monstrous works with it. To start we will look into inner spiritual world (ISW) monsters as there’s a bit more structure there than the outer spiritual world (OSW). Akelta has noticed that there are vast spectrums between dark, light, evil, and good. This concept is similar for the monstrous as it has its own spectrum. One of the spectrums of the monstrous that we will explore is the unformed and moldless versus more formed and structured monsters.

The essence of the monstrous moves through the darkness and through the essence of divinity, as well as the shells/husks and remnants of the misshapen forms of creation. Within the matrix of this universe we have the essence of creation, and for us humans we have what we can see, touch, and feel as we have a form. What’s intermingled within that is anti-creation, which is what was cast off or rejected. It is the misshapen and malformed as this is an aspect of the monstrous since it doesn’t fit into shape or structure. Although humans look different from each other, we still have a similar form while with the monstrous element it is completely vast and diverse. We see this with the eldritch beings as they are monstrous, and they are formed from dimensions of the twisted nether regions that are between the divine aspects of creation and the aspects of the universe.

Akelta approaches it as we have the universe that is formed and structured and then we have pockets of energies that have no form or structure, which are remnants of what was created, the cast off, the left overs, and the forgotten aspects. That’s why in the Qliphoth there are references of husks and shells because they are technically what was cast off from creation. Akelta disagrees from other opinions that they are simply shells and husks. She believes that entire worlds and spheres can exist within it, they’re just not in the structured aspect that we have come to expect. So, within these shells and husks we can find worlds and pockets of creation, as there are areas where we see the monstrous and eldritch rise. Within the ISW even by looking at our universe and our lore concerning the elder gods and eldritch they existed in the cosmos, the dark/forgotten/dead cosmos. These are all words to describe these pockets which are removed from divinity and creation, yet they are a creative force within themselves.

There’s an interesting parallel of creation from the divine, void or chaos aspects as they all have a creative essence within them. It’s a matter of how they are formed and how they go about rising. Thus, we get pockets of anti-creation within the universe and from this the monstrous essence rises. The opposite of eldritch energies is creation energies the aspect of divinity and creation in our world which has structure. These energies are incredibly fluid since there is no structure; there is an essence of eternity within the pockets of anti-creation. Even though the universe which has structure and bounds these pockets can open up vast worlds and dimensions that move through it in an infinite way. These dark/dead pockets create alternate realities and dimensions where the monstrous rises and the conditions within them are the remnants of creation and the universe. There is the essence of creation injected into these dead zones.

There is more to the universe than what is perceived as the normal, mundane, and structured bits. The monstrous essence reminds us of these forces that are acting from the shadows which can instill creativity within us, dread, stir the soul, and remind those who are unique of how different they are. They can allow people a domain or space to explore that perspective.

Spirituality and Science

The essence of the void within the ISW is that there is an actual void and then there is an essence around us. Akelta’s concept of the void is different and there is a scientific basis that she uses to explore it. Some people will say that when you explore the ether there is a void that transcends you to the death realms, and Akelta translates it not as a void but as a transitionary realm that lets you get there. The void is an aspect of itself. Within the universe many people will say we are nothing and that at the subatomic level we are nothing so there is a void. Akelta doesn’t believe that and after some conversations with physicists over the years that furthered her thoughts in that matter.

Max Planck in the 1900s made the theory of the space-time ether (or aether), it has since then been debunked but when Akelta first read about it she was very intrigued. The theory consisted of saying that the universe consisted of a substance that held everything together. It was debunked because they couldn’t figure out how to make it work mathematically. After Akelta talked with many physicists she learned how they were currently exploring a more evolved version of the space-time ether because the theory made sense, but they simply couldn’t make it work mathematically. Akelta believes that what this shows is when you magnify it down to the subatomic particles it reveals that spirit is there and the energy of the unseen forces are there and filling it, it’s just our equipment that isn’t able to pick it up right now.

This is why if you tried to film your demons on a ghost camera some won’t even walk in front of it and the some that will you’ll only occasionally see wavy lines. This is because our equipment isn’t sensitive enough for it, so we are not sensitive enough to see the spiritual essence that is between the molecules and subatomic particles. However, it shows in a way that the spiritual world is there. The universe thus is made up of that essence and intermingles with the spiritual world. The void on the other hand exists as voidal aspects within, around and through the spiritual world and then additionally you have the cracks in the world and the monstrous realms which are outside the divine spectrum. Even within the void there is everything and nothing.

We have the universe and the divine aspects of creation, the big bang theory is part of the creation aspect. Akelta believes we will get to a point where it all intertwines between spirituality and science and we’ll see a melding. Akelta often purposefully tries to tie her spiritual work with science. Theoretically she can’t prove anything to her friends in the scientific community but being able to explain and relate things back to the scientific spectrum is appreciated by them.

Monsters in Our Society

The monstrous in a literary sense is meant to challenge the norm and remind everyone that what we see before us is not the full story. Akelta has watched the evolution of monsters in movies and found it interesting that even 30-40 years ago monsters were simply that – monsters. They were a reminder in a sense to keep society good and proper. The monster was used as a symbol in a way, to show that if you deviated from societies norms you will have a problem as you’ll end up as a monster. There was a clear distinction that monsters were bad and humans were good, usually the lessons of those stories were that if you deviate from good society then you end up on the monstrous side and society unravels, thus acting as a warning to the viewers.

In more modern movies there appears to be a shift in perspective as there is some curiosity towards questions of why do monsters do what they do? Or what is a monster? A movie Akelta found interesting regarding this was Vincent Prince’s The Last Man on Earth because it challenged what a monster was perceived as. In the first half of the movie you are following a man who is fighting the monsters and seen as the hero, but at the end you find out these monsters are living in their societies and this man goes out every day to hunt and kill them, so he ends up being revealed as the monster. The monster within a societal perspective was seen as bad but now we are exploring more of that concept and there’s more empathy and understanding for the monster.

Monstrous Element Inside Us

There’s many of us that have monstrous elements inside of us, as this essence of monsters is to help people who don’t feel like they fit in. It reaches out from that and explores different aspects of darkness, which helps people find out who they are and find their own essence, shadows, dark side, and own aspects of the monster within. When you confine yourself to a box, which is what we’ve been led to do in our world by telling us we have to act and be a certain way, it’s saying this is how the world was created and you have to act within the confines of this world. What they’ve forgotten is that there are these shells and husks- fallen pieces of creation which get left aside when that happens, so these elements are scattered around. We are supposed to have a single point focus on what we’re supposed to be but that’s a control aspect. The monstrous element is about liberation from control as it brings out freedom and our own unique individuality. It also brings out the confines of what we were taught that society deemed as acceptable, and what we need to accept within ourselves leading to a shadow element that may come up within us.

There are monstrous elements in all of us. The essence of the monstrous and the monstrous aside from the eldritch (as they are their own species of monster) can exist inside of people. We all have aspects within us that exists outside of “good society”. When we have elements that we try to conceal and repress it, it becomes a part of our unconscious state and this in essence forms the monstrous element within us. Often when people meet with their shadow self- it’s a monstrous version of them. This is referring to the internal monster and not the actual entities that are monsters. Inside of us there are aspects that are suppressed and repressed so we form these monstrous elements inside of us and when we do shadow work, we often meet these elements. The monstrous elements inside of us is darkness that is not accepted and is considered the parts that are not part of “good society”. Thus, when we meet them we have to accept ourselves and these sides of ourselves that are distant, considered foreign or unsavory. Once we have accepted them, we then integrate them as part of us.

The mutilation master that we uncover from the current mutilation event is a monstrous form. It is our inner monster. We’re not only accepting our inner monster in this event, but also becoming that monster while allowing it to be free and play in the world. Thus, you are no longer constricted with shame, guilt, etc. but free and open to move through the world unfiltered and unchallenged by “good society”.

Working with the Monstrous

When Akelta is in the monstrous energies she is very removed from the linear essence and when she returns it’s hard to put in words what is experienced. Some people will die for knowledge and for the experience, some will torture themselves just to gain the insight that is offered. A lot of these journeys take you to places that can break and destroy you. There are LHP practitioners that are disfigured because of their pursuit of power from working with these energies. There are people willing to mutilate themselves for this knowledge, so it depends on the individual and the path you want/willing to walk.

Divinity and the chaotic monstrous essence have an interesting dance and unity to them. There is divinity and creation and then there is the monstrous and destructive element. The monstrous is different than entropy as entropy is aligned more with chaos. The monstrous vibration is different from chaos or void vibrations. Neutrality is not monstrous, but it can be explored by the monstrous.

We can be infected with these energies and we can become addicted to it. Eldritch energies have an addictive and insidious quality to them. Working with these energies can stimulate our hormones, endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine so it can cause an addiction. It can cause different sensations within us. It can make us desire to take on more of these energies and can have a drug effect on us as we bring more within us it destroys and corrodes our body.

When the energy gets on you it attaches itself to our energies and begins to corrode them. A sludge entity for reference will eat our energies, eldritch energy will just corrode it. As it corrodes it, it can be tingling and stimulating so we need to have rituals to cleanse and remove those energies. The way to deal with it is to keep yourself at a distance from them, having good boundaries, having the training/skill going into it, be prepared with good shields/wards/cleansing techniques. Having a good spiritual foundation is geared to working with eldritch energies too. We can infuse our energies with different vibrations and shields so that it doesn’t cling or get on us. By infusing energies into our shields and aura it can repel and slow the corrosive essence down to make us more adapted to working with these energies.

All monsters don’t have eldritch energy. The eldritch are a type of monster but there are different types of monster that exist. There are some that are more within the formed spectrum, thus there are monstrous beings that have a singular form and look similar but have monstrous elements. The eldritch on the other hand are their own being, they are one type of the essence of monster within the husks and shells, the anti-realms of the universe but there are others that exist there too. There are lots of very evil and sinister creatures that reside there that would rip and destroy us apart. Some of the eldritch would do that to us too, but there are many other types of monsters to be aware of that will do it for fun.

There are some pockets in these realms that are very confined and others that are spread out. The dimensions seem to move and can parallel our own. They can eat things as they grow their realms as they are corroding the essence to create their own realms and make them bigger.

Monsters from a Human Perspective

There are monsters in the ISW that would be seen as more formed creatures, that have a central look and appearance. To understand this a little more we humans have a specific look and essence while the monstrous that take on a human appearance would have structure that would be humanoid in appearance, but with characteristics that would alarming or challenging to the human psyche. As they would cause problems within the vision and the minds of what normal humans would call usual. So, a normal human would see this being and recognize the humanoid form, but it would appear monstrous to them. It would be uncanny and would take them out of their comfort zone, as it would be an afront to their view of normal.

The Eldritch

The eldritch have been around for as long as the universe has been. As the universe was created there were dark pockets that were also created and from there they rose, grew, and evolved. Their worlds have expanded since that time and their forms have also expanded and evolved. Many of them are very powerful, deep, and interdimensional in their abilities and skills. Some of the eldritch have humanoid forms, but the collective of the eldritch does not have a set form. They are very diverse. There are some like Cthulhu and Azathoth among many other eldritch beings; all of them are formed differently as there’s a spectrum there. You have the monstrous that are without any form and others with a general form but have an unsettling element if mirroring any other species. Some forms have varying amounts of mass while others change their appearance every time you meet them.

The interesting thing about the eldritch is that each one brings a lesson, but it might not be the same lesson with each time that you meet them. They all bring their lessons, and some are beneficial, and others are not. There is the spectrum of divinity where we can figure out this is good for me or this is bad for me but within the monstrous element you don’t have that. You have lessons. Some lessons may be meaningless and pointless, and we may get thoughts of why did it happen? And the answer when working with the eldritch can simply be take what you want from it. It’s an interesting component of the monstrous that just because you are confronted with a lesson doesn’t mean you have to go into it and if you do decide to go into it be prepared for the possibility that it might lead you nowhere and not be beneficial. It’s fascinating to consider these aspects because what is the essence of nowhere? And where has that taken you?

When we approach these husks, shells, worlds that exist outside of creation the energy is toxic to us because we are formed beings. There is a powerful component and dance that happens when we work with them. There is a confusing element when walking with them and that is part of the fun for them in the monstrous world, where there is no purpose for something other than to do it and see us get broken and destroyed. From a monstrous level there is that fun element. In our forms we have goals and steps we take to manifest something and then our life goes in that direction, so if we want something, we do different things to achieve it. The mentality with the monstrous forms is why would you want to do that? Or why would you want to do that for your benefit? Why wouldn’t you want to do something for your destruction or neutrality or any other aspects? To do something for the breaking of your soul. There is no linear path when working with them as it’s very complex and layered. These are things we have to be mindful of as we are the ones with a form and our mindset is what will take us through this, so we have to understand ourselves and who we are to be able to navigate this.

When you read about the eldritch and their interactions with our universe, they bring madness insanity, and destruction and that’s because of their energies. There are creatures that sleep within the dark pockets of the universe that enjoy the destruction that their power causes. Their way of thinking is very different from ours and there’s no morality. A lot of our thinking is very linear and structured in our categorization of them and trying to understand their actions simply based on good, bad, neutral doesn’t work as there’s a far greater spectrum than that.

The essence of the monstrous is to move beyond our levels and vibrations and explore new places. When we are working with monsters and step into their energies our minds open up and it lets us expand. When we are in these places our minds can also be destroyed by it, which is one of the dangers in this work as their energies are so toxic it can unravel our mind. The eldritch are known to cause these energies of madness. Akelta believes that Lovecraft did see into their world and saw into the cracks of the universe into the monstrous realms and was inspired by it. A lot in video games are inspired by his visions and works.

Eldritch vs. Void Energies

The location between the eldritch and the void are different as the eldritch exist in pockets within their realms. The eldritch and monster realms if you read the Qliphoth will describe it as the shells and discarded husks of creation where they sloughed off in a sense and created their own realm. There are voidal currents that exist within all aspects next to the divine aspects. The void and divinity have their own dance where they fill things while the monstrous elements don’t fill everything. While the void can fill everything within the universe next to divinity.

Thus, the eldritch exist within the pockets of anti-creation, the void is the essence of all and nothing within the universe so the void can give rise and destroy things. The void also has dark and sinister components just as it has the ability to heal too. The eldritch energies are like being corroded and having our skin ripped off of us while the void is like being swallowed whole and having yourself be incinerated. The eldritch can also create and the void also has the capacity to destroy. It’s the essence and vibrations of how they do it that vary. Even the eldritch can have offspring and there is that creation aspect through that. When you begin to explore the spectrums of it and the essence of what’s possible, they tend to overlap. The words to fully describe this in our languages are limited, however.

Neutralizing Monstrous Energy Corruption

Void energies are different from monstrous energies and if working with ISW void energies it can neutralize the toxic energy that comes from working with the eldritch. When Akelta scans the monstrous vibrations with the ISW void vibrations they do neutralize. The void energies are darker than the monstrous realm energies. As the void is very vast you can find destruction and you can also find healing. The void energies when met with the monstrous don’t work well and nullify them. You can surround yourself with the void healing energies (healing void spiral) while working with them and it can create your own radiation suit against the corroding energies. The ISW void and the ISW monstrous realms have a dance going on which is why it would neutralize. However, the outer spiritual world (OSW) void would not work as it can merge with the monstrous energies- amplify it and destroy you as well. The OSW void has an interesting mirroring component which is what can amplify it back at you in a stronger dose.

Other methods of healing from the corrosion energies is to use different healing frequencies. For instance, you can surround yourself with divine energies, void energies (ISW). The ISW is different vibrationally from the OSW. We are designed to live in the ISW and not in the OSW, so when we take the energies of the OSW, we have to be very careful. The black flame can awaken the energies of self-empowerment within us and if we can awaken it within us and surround it around us, we can also use it to push any of these corrosive energies off of us. The black elements can cleanse and help us with this also.

The divine energy if used properly can additionally stop corruption from the toxic energies as it can repel and heal it. Most monsters don’t know how to use divine energies because it is completely opposite to them. The monstrous and the divine also have an interesting dance and will often neutralize each other or will be at war with each other. The eldritch don’t really like divine energies so they may also say not to have it around.

Unless you have an eldritch being targeting you, which then there are bigger problems than repelling them but to simply repel these energies you can shield with voidal, divine, and demonic energies. Demonic energies can also keep them away. Angelic energies should also be able to repel them. The eldritch exist within the cusp of this world. If we stay within the confines of our world, we shouldn’t attract them unless there’s a part of you that attracts them, which in that case what you should do is release and clear that. Eldritch monsters are different than our inner monsters inside us.

Alchemy relies on the divine aspects and laws of our world and there are some energies that simply cannot be transmuted or if you do it must be done in a specific way. When working with alchemy we have to learn the unique properties of each individual element you’re working with. To learn the alchemy of monstrous element would be tricky and is something Akelta needs to explore more.

Healing with Monstrous Energies?

What is healing? What are our goals? What do we want to achieve? If someone wants to experience what it’s like to be mad that may be healing for them. It’s abstract as we go into the monstrous energies. It all becomes less linear and instead more open and fluid. There’s no negative or positive it simply is an experience. When we are within those energies and come back what it did to us is really only negative or positive based on us and our thinking. So yes, we can heal with monstrous energies, but it may be different than what we expect. It’s all about our interpretation of what happened within that experience in those energies.

S&S Realm Events

The realms and pockets that S&S creates for their forum events are injected with essences and vibrations from the OSW, which are attuned to work and empower the essences of the ISW. For these events a transitionary realm is created between the inner and the outer spiritual worlds. With the created space we can then experience the OSW energies while being in our ISW body, so we can still feel things, explore, and have fun. For the void event they had to get creative as it is created by specifically attuning energies from the realms that they are working in.

When Akelta builds them there are dimensions where we can move in and then dimensions where the demons can interact so they create/use about 5-6 dimensions. When these realms for the events are being created it is layered with different vibrations, dimensions, energies which are being injected. They are creating real places in the OSW that the demons from those places then come to interact with us, so it’s replicating the OSW while allowing us to move through an ISW. This is why Akelta also can get burned out at times as the rituals are often intense to do yet fun.

There is a lot of energy injected into these spaces and the demons will help Akelta in the creation of these places. They are designed so that the demons that help Akelta to create these places also help with maintaining them. The residents that come there are from the OSW, so when they come to do the events with us, they actually come. That’s why in the event schedule during the opening rituals that’s when everyone can then join in and then at the end there is a closing ritual where everyone will go home until the next time.

The End! :crazy:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:41 pm
by Midnightalice
Really, Windyjune, thank you soo much for sharing your notes! I really appreciate the effort as there are times I can't attend the tea chats! You are amazing!!

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 2:56 pm
by Raefn
Thank you! I missed the chat. So happy to see this article. I have long hair, so I was particularly happy to read the theory regarding that.