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Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:33 am
by Zygimantas Puze
Thank You so much. There are really much information in your notes! :Ddevil:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:05 pm
by windyjune
October 2nd –
Exploration of the Death Realms


Today’s chat will be focused on the death realms, realms of transition, and realms of necrosis and spectral demons. October is the darkest time of the year energetically. It’s when the energies open up and realms are easily accessible. It’s also a time when we can converse more easily with our ancestors and those who have moved beyond the grave. There is a combined collective essence of celebration of everything that is dark, which adds to the energies of October and November especially that we have so many holidays within this period centered around the dead, night, ghosts, demons, goblins, vampires, and witches. Within the inner spiritual world (ISW), which is where our universe is located there is an underworld. Additionally, there are death realms that exist within the ISW, which are basically places where the dead who are restless go and there they will wander, linger, lament. Also for the dead who haven’t found peace there are places where they can go and recover in these realms.

The underworld regions are connected to the spectral and necrosis realms. The spectral realm is a death realm and the spectral demons that reside there are demons of death and transformation. Death is not finite it’s a transference of energy- a shift. In death you are growing, evolving, and changing states. When we die, we don’t actually die permanently we just cease to be in our physical bodies. Our physical vessel has served its purpose so in that moment our spirit is meant to move on. If you have relatives that died and went to other places it’s open for people to explore, but it’s where you are drawn to and where you will find healing and inner peace.

Akelta’s theory on the afterlife is that every religion leaves clues for different variations of afterlives and depending on where your soul comes from that is where you will go. Not everyone goes to the same place as we all have different places where our soul rises from and different places, we call home. Akelta has been present when different religious relatives who are tied to Christianity and angelic energies have passed on and she felt them drift away to places she is not connected to. There is a distinction where each person will go it’ll vary.

Everybody is from a different place it’s not so linear as everybody is from heaven and if you’re bad you go to hell. Akelta believes in different afterlives granting many possibilities where some souls may end up going. She believes it’s very vast and diverse. Spectral demons tend to work more with those that have demonic energies and souls. So when those from the demonic regions die, they are there to help guide, support and comfort them. Those with demonic energies are greeted by a demon of similar energy as that will be more beneficial to help you to transition.

The ISW is vibrationally and energetically interwoven and connected in a matrix while the outer spiritual world (OSW) is more separate, it doesn’t have the same interconnected energies so it’s all more distinct. The underworld in the OSW is a massive place as well as infinite in a couple of dimensional points. The OSW has multiple dimensions and there is a dimensional component to it and there are dimensional components in the underworld making it infinite. There is the spectral realm which moves into the ISW and has ties into the regions of the underworld, the death realms, and realms of ancestors within the ISW and then moves into the OSW and the spectral demons have connections to the underworld. They can move through the underworld and take the souls and bring them back from that underworld. The underworld in the OSW has a different function from the ISW underworld. The lowborn or underworld demons reside in the underworld as that is where they are from. The lowborn name comes from the fact that they are from a world that is in a lower realm which means it’s vibrationally lower and it’s directional a low realm and not insulting.

The death realms are where the dead can linger and live there. Some ghosts and spirits choose to stay dead and they reside in these realms. On the other hand in the underworld realm the dead are there, but it does act as a facilitation place. It can help the dead move along to their next place, where they’re meant to go next, or to help them reincarnate. In the OSW underworld the function is different from the ISW as it is meant to help the dead shift states back into their true form self. When someone comes through to the OSW underworld what happens is they are ready to return home and take back their true form bodies. They are ready to return to their life out there, so that’s the main difference between the underworld inner and outer spiritual worlds.

The Spectral Realm

The spectral realm is very fluid and interesting to be in. We require different attunements to be in the ISW realms as well as when your demon takes you to the OSW and you become ghost like. Thus, the spectral realm also has its own attunements and energy. That energy if you can attune yourself correctly to it, can shift and align you to different regions of the death and underworld realms within the ISW. There are different areas where the dead drift and are at peace, choose to exist, or just live there. There are entire realms within the death realms where those who have died don’t want to leave and desire to stay in this world, so they created a realm where they can do just that and exist. When we die where we go depends on where we want to be. You have a role and decision in that. This is why some people do go to a resting afterlife or some people reincarnate and want to experience and try new things and meet new people. Akelta doesn’t believe the afterlife is stagnant and linear, but rather very fluid and complex.

In regard to the formation of the realms in the OSW the energy that forms that realm is what allows the beings to rise. There is a synchronization between the two and from there the realm will grow and expand since the OSW is expansive, and the realms get bigger. The spectral realm is close to the mutilation realm although distant. The spectral realm is unique because it has ISW alignment and can interweave with the underworld energies however the mutilation realm is separate from it. They border each other yet at the same time don’t, it’s more like they are in proximity to each other. The mutilation demons tend to stick to more OSW things whereas spectral demons have a purpose with the ISW and the energetic transference and transportation of souls that passed.

Healing in the Spectral Realm

The spectral realm is a death realm itself and when they guide the souls, they can take them to different places for healing. There are places where the dead are offered food and drink, offered something to help them be healed, restored, and rejuvenated. As we go through our lives our energies sometimes get damaged and we feel depleted, we have a hard time letting go of things and transition. When we live 80-100 years in a realm where we have family, kids, friends and suddenly we are ripped away from all that it can be difficult and some people may have a hard time letting go especially if they experienced neglect. Think about all the elderly individuals that basically die alone as no one comes to visit them even for their birthday, there is often so much sorrow and sadness on the time of their passing. These energies can stay with us when we pass so when the dead are guided by their guides to these healing places they can find comfort, companionship, healing, rejuvenation, and let any lingering pain or attachments go and heal from it. There are darker regions of the spectral realm it’s not just healing areas. However, there are healing rooms, which are spaces meant to help the dead pass on. Spectral Shimmers can have specific designated regions where they do more advanced specialized work.

Spectral Demons

The spectral demon realm is interesting because it’s interwoven with the ISW and the OSW, so the spectral demons can act as messengers and guides of the dead. There’s a lot more to the realm than that. One of the fascinating aspects about them and their realm is that they are an inner and outer spiritual world demon. They also have vibrational attunements to the death and underworld realms of the ISW, the spectral realm and their own individual realms in the OSW. They also have connections to the underworld in the OSW.

The underworld (lowborn) demons of the OSW are responsible for the underworld over there. While Spectral demons have passage through the underworld realms and have connections to all the death realms within the ISW and the OSW. Thus, spectral demons can also move through the ISW regions. There are only unknown dark lords that are spectral demons. There are a group like a council of demons that are the oldest of the spectral demons. A lot of the demonic realms have many who are the first demons who come together and rule the different regions of their realm.

Spectral demons are woven into our spiritual world, so they are connected to our world in a way at least through the death aspect. They understand it, us, and our journey here. They have a unique perspective of life and death and how we shift with things. Asking about their perspective is like asking a human how we view things about our world and each one of us will give a different answer. Each demon will have their own view and perspective though as all are unique as individuals.

Necrosis Demons

The necrosis demons aren’t as interwoven as the spectral demons are. The spectral realm intertwines within the necrosis realm due more to the proximity rather than a purpose. Spectral demons because of the way they are interwoven with the ISW and OSW underworld does have a purpose for that. While for necrosis demons it’s mostly just location. The necrosis realm is a very fascinating place.

The necrosis demons border the ISW and have ways to access it, so they know we exist and that the universe is there, which makes them intriguing as a group as a lot of demons aren’t even aware of the ISW and don’t know we exist. The further the realms get away from the ISW the less our existence and our universe is known about. The necrosis demons however are aware of the set-up of the ISW and what’s going on there. Thus, they have a unique perspective and have a strong connection to earth-based things like plants. Additionally, they have an understanding for our physical world and its physical attributes, as well as the dark side of the physical world, the elements, and how our bodies work as physical beings. They have a profound understanding of it.

Necrosis viewpoints are similar in remembering the early point with spectral demons that each demon is unique in their view. However, in general when speaking with them Akelta noticed many expressed they like our world, they like watching, and they like life as they enjoy that aspect of it. There is a nurturing quality to them and who they are. They see our spiritual world and see how things move, interact, live, function and exist. They’re very holistic and have a beautiful view.

Necrosis demons enjoy seeing the evolution of things and what happens to us and where we go. They have a curiosity about our world, and they love plants along with the natural world. They love the different spiritual journeys we can take, and they are very big on observing us traveling to the spiritual or natural world to get wisdom. They like to see us embrace different aspects of our world with wisdom. They enjoy the layering and structuring of the spiritual versus the physical world. Additionally, Necrosis and Spectral demons generally both love graveyards and panic rooms, crypts, funeral homes, mortuaries they love any place that work with death.

Death Energies

Think about how many people and creatures have died on this planet since the first ones that appeared on this planet, death is all around us. We have our ancestors, relatives, graveyards, sacred spaces where the dead rest. If you study death energies, you’ll find they have a healing essence to them. We all will experience it one day– it’s peace. The spectral realms therefore are also one of peace and the essence of death is like rejuvenation after transformation. We can see this in our physical bodies where we go through different stages in our life and experience mini deaths where we are reborn into a new stage of life and after we need a space of rest and rejuvenation. Akelta knows those who have had near death experiences and that experience completely transformed their life. It is an energy that’s heavily built on transition and transformation and the spectral demons come from that.

From a human perspective death energy can help us to find peace and let things go- to move along in our lives. This is way in many cultures they keep the dead around and even celebrate death. There is wisdom in death and power. The energy is transitionary and fluid yet when we have the physical element it’s more stagnant and structured. While for the spectral demons it’s wispier and fluid as the energy is meant to work with the transition energy. It’s to help move energies from one state to another at a base level. We want to teach people how to be empowered by the spiritual world to live in the physical world. When we approach spirituality often it tries to remove people from the physical world and insists on a separation of being either in the physical or the spiritual realm. What we want to do is integrate the spiritual world with the physical, we want to align those two paths so we can work in balance.

Within the ISW you get places like the death realms, there are also places where souls get lost. The notion of a lost soul is someone that gets detached. There are places where spirits linger and lament and this is why we have ghosts in the first place. There are also areas that get imprints where something terrible happened and the stain of energy on that space can be so powerful that it can create an imprint. Some of the energy of the people involved in the imprint of a space can be so intense that this is why some people in their future lives feel a calling to go to a certain place. An example is someone who died at Auschwitz and died horribly and in their new life they feel a strong desire to return to these places. It’s almost like they reclaim the part of them that was left and lost there.

There are many interesting phenomena that can occur when one has passed over. Wraiths usually are someone who died tragically and horrifically, and they choose to stay to seek out justice and go after the person who hurt them. They often end up doing what the person who hurt them did and enacting vengeance. A wraith that was horrifically raped and brutalized will then go after and attack rapists. Wraiths are spirits that have been consumed by energy and have lots of power to extract vengeance and influence in the physical world to bring balance on what was done to them.

Magick with Death Energies

We can harness death energies when working with necromancy. It is basically when we learn to channel, harness and bend death energies and infuse it into our craft and work. Death energies play a huge component in magical practice as you can divine with these energies, you can receive messages with powerful insight and wisdom, connect with ancestors, take death energies and infuse them with hexes and curses, any execration work can work well with it. You can also use death energies to banish people, so you can kill the connection between you and that person. Death energies can also be used to kill addiction, to end relationships between two people, to protect yourself- you can surround yourself in death energies and create a cloak and a shield which keeps you secure and protected against outside forces.

Energies in Spaces

Anything that accumulates a vast amount of energy can develop a personality, a consciousness. We see this with thoughtforms- if you pour enough energy into it when does it become alive? With thoughtforms there is a structured approach to it as you pour energy into the construction and program it, you breathe life into it and will it into existence. You then nurture it and let it grow and thrive from your energies, so you’re basically feeding it. Additionally, plants, animals all have life. The energetic vibration of our world is that things can rise in consciousness and it’s very complex.

Any space that was abandoned has energy or any space that had life has energy. How fast the energy dissipates from these places all depends on variable factors. This is why when you walk into places like Auschwitz or where something horrible has happened you feel disturbed or feel like there is something there. This is because something terrible did occur and lots of energy was poured into that. Akelta would describe Chernobyl as a dead space as it has a very weird feel to it. Even things like Ghost Towns have energies there, where you can feel the life that was once lived there and the energies that were there, you can feel it.

The Passage of Death

Reapers are another type of entity that allow for passage between the death realms. Some people are more connected to reapers and their energies, so they will be visited by a reaper upon their death to take them to their next destination. It’s not just spectral demons within the death realms there are many different types of other creatures like wraiths, banshees, ghouls, reapers, mummies, skeletons, etc. there are many different components of the death realm. There is also a fun element to it. In life there are often lots of boundaries and restrictions and things we have to do while when we are dead it doesn’t matter. So we can shed our inhibitions and shame and let loose.

The whole essence of death is a release from the physical body and can be a release into a giant party. There’s the possibility of an entire new exploration of a side of us that we neglected in our lives and the death realms allow that. There’s a lot of healing places and in these places, we can explore ourselves and our life. We can look at things where we feel, “I wish I did that, or stepped out of my shell and tried something new”, so the death realms can give us the option and opportunity to explore these different areas and what we might have shied away from.

Collecting Soul Energies

Reapers come to collect the souls, and this is where we get the darker regions of the spectral realm and death realms in general. There are beings that are much darker that collect souls and do collect different energies. There are beings that gather energies to empower themselves. We've seen stories of entities that take the souls of others, so within the death reams and other spaces there are those that can collect the energies of souls. There are also beings that may even take the souls of those who were really bad, awful, or participated in sinister acts to commit horrific things towards others. Once they have taken them, they then bend the energies to their will and infuse them for different purposes.

Akelta's mentor knew a LHP practitioner from India who used to capture souls of enemies and kept them in a special place where she could harness their energies for curses. Within the death realm there are darker regions where certain entities and demons collect these energies. Some of the necromancers S&S work with go into the graveyards and places where sinister acts occurred and collect the dark energies to use them in their execration work and use them to shape, twist and mold the energies to their desire. They can also use the energies to infect people and infuse these dark energies which will naturally react to the vibrations and break down the body. Some people when they get energy put into them will actually have their bodies broken down by these energies. There's only one way for something to cease to exist but within the case of collecting energies it's more of a shift or a change. They collect it and the spirit still remains, but the spirit can be dismantled and their energies can be used to siphon the energies from them. However, through this it will not destroy them entirely there's only one creature that are an aspect of divinity that can make someone cease to exist and we won't discuss them. Divinity is interesting because it has raw darkness with the power to create and destroy.

Ties with Death Realms and our Guides

Some people’s lineages can come from various beings and entities within the death realms as some can have spectral demon soul energy within them. It’s even possible to have reaper energy especially from the OSW where you can separate an OSW reaper from their "body" and have them reincarnate here, so it is possible for humans to have soul connections to the death realm.

Any entity connected to the death realm that gives warning that death is coming or helps with the transition once they passed is a psychopomp. Some companions do come with us when you die but it really depends on your connection with them, it's very personal. For a lot of people if you have cultivated the connections and bonds with your companions then yes they will keep in touch, remain friends, and travel with you even after death. It’ll all depend on how your connection evolved with them. A lot of Akelta's companions are actually members of her soul family that she knows back home, so she has a deep connection with them. Akelta knows that when she returns home, she'll go with them and go back to her life there.

Our companions can visit us in the death realms and our guides in this life will come and sit with us and might even follow us into other lives. One of Akelta’s companions has been with her for a few lives as she can trace his presence to at least two past lives but there are probably even more. He has followed her from those lives to now and Akelta finds it interesting the way they connect within this life versus the other ones. In one life she was convinced he was a god and she worshipped him; she didn't realize he was a demon. In another life she was more scientifically minded so she saw him as an inner guide of logic and wisdom whom she would consult with when she needed assistance with something. Akelta finds it fascinating how her view has changed as her life and beliefs have changed. She believes that her passion for the spiritual world and the demonic comes from the fact that this will be her last life here as she will be going home after this life.

Reincarnation as Another Being

You can reincarnate as an ISW demon but what consists of your soul make up is different. You may have demonic lineage within your soul in which case you are one, so you don't need to become one. However, we come here is to experience new things so we all currently chose to be human, but our true form self may not be. Within the ISW we can reincarnate and explore different things as elves, demons, humans, or any other being to gain the experience. If we think about it, we think that demons are so cool but they are demons all the time so they might equally think "wow being a human is so amazing. I want to go be a human". If we look at it from a different perspective, we can see the value of incarnating within our current form and what we may be choosing to learn about in this life. As we are human, we are used to living as a human every day and think it's boring, but when we were something else we probably thought the same exact thing. We may have thought "being a human is so cool look at their rounded ears, flat teeth, lack of wings, etc." so we may have wanted to come in to experience it it's all about perspective.


In your true form and higher self you will remember things, but as we come into the physical and into our physical bodies we forget it, so we can focus on our current life. An example of the usefulness of forgetting is if we reincarnated and knew that our relatives from past lives were still alive instead of living and experiencing our life as intended we might instead go and seek them out instead. Therefore, that is generally why we do not have ties or memories of our past selves. Although we do see children who remember their past lives and have things they have to heal and let go. Akelta believes the energies and vibrations of what and who we are, are stored and our higher/true self knows it. Therefore, the energy, memories, experiences remain but as we live in these bodies so we just don’t remember it during this time as it may interfere with living.

Past Selves vs. Us Now

We're different from our past self yet the same. This is where we get into the multidimensional aspect of it as we are a collective essence of our past lives, our true self, our higher self, and all these other aspects yet we are also ourselves as an individual and as a collective. It's layered and complex because there is us and then there are various aspects of our personality, as well as our ancestors here, our past live selves, ancestors of past lives, higher self, etc. and it creates the collective essence of our self yet we are also separate.

Our higher self on the other hand is like the ghost or etheric version of our true form self. It's the part of our self that is meant to help guide, direct, and help us here on our journey. It's interesting to think of the perspective of our higher self and what they were thinking when they came here.

Going Home

Akelta has known her whole life that it's her last life here on Earth. It's a sense of knowing and as she remembers much of her past in this lifetime and because she is incredibly connected to the spiritual world she wonders if part of it is because she is integrating with her true form self already. Thus, she is starting to get memories of home, get vibrations and essence of home and starting to integrate that all so while she is human, she is remembering her true self.

We can choose to go back or reincarnate, it depends on what we want to do. We have a huge say in this decision or really our true form and higher self have the final say. However, we do get to decide our journey. The way Akelta has pieced the way this process works is that when she returns home, she'll return to being her true form self. Therefore, she'll become her (true form self) again and this version of her in this life will become a dormant aspect of her and her true form self may perhaps bring her out to say "hey look this is when I was a human" but she will be integrated into her true form self.

If we go back home if we desire, we can still keep an eye on this planet. If we consider it even OSW demons can still come here and hang out so we can too. We can probably shift into a state where we could observe.

Becoming a Spirit Companion?

We can become spirit companions when we die and even now, we could be. When Akelta connected with a group of entities from another place one of them asked if they could bind her energy to a crystal in her room. This example is also where we can look into the difference between different types of entities and why some aren't as active as others because they have lives of their own. You can be a guide, ancestor, spirit companions, among other roles when you die it's not linear at all.

The End! :death2: :ghost: :death: :cuteghost:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:29 am
by Zygimantas Puze
Thank you for these notes!!!! So much useful information here. Sadly I always miss "Tea Chat With Akelta".

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:50 pm
by windyjune
January 1st- 2021 Open Tea Chat

Akelta led an open discussion on discord and opened the floor to any questions that popped up during the session. I have posted the topics and questions below it revolved mostly around sludge, the spectrum of darkness, diving deeper into the layers of the OSW and ISW especially in regards to the various versions of the Dark Lords and understanding the differences.


There are negative connections people can have with beings like sludge entities that pretend to be a demon to feed off a person’s fear. Due to the huge religious fear element around demons that stem from the dark ages that demons are bad many of the people who seem to have the most trouble with “demon” possessions come from those backgrounds. A sludge entity will often appear to someone and present themselves as “Satan”, but is a sludge entity. They imitate Satan often to scare the person so they can feed off them. When someone is afraid, they drop their guard very easily and become very intimidated about what’s going around them. This makes them easy to possess. The best way to handle this situation is to have wards, shields and be able to cleanse and stand in your power stating “I’m not afraid of you and you need to get out of my space.”

Sludge will try to cling and feed off you so sometimes they will create bad situations in your life to be able to encourage negative feelings. Even among sludge Akelta has noticed that there can be different characterizations and species of sludge too. Some of them are more mindless and follow primordial instincts and others are very sophisticated and intelligent, and those are the ones we have to be really careful about. Helping someone is not in their vocabulary. They want to see you suffer, see you fall to ruin, and see your life fall apart. This type of intelligent sludge can gaslight you and put you in horrible situations where you think something may turn around but gets worse and worse.

Spectrum of darkness

When you approach the demonic divine you don’t have to worry about negative things occurring. When looking at the frequencies of the spiritual world there’s the earthen plane, various vibrational planes in the spiritual world, then there’s the divine spectrum and the dark divine spectrum; demons are divinity themselves. Akelta says it’s important to differentiate energies like the ancient pagan natural vibrations (that draw their energy from there) and the demonic divine; there is a difference between the different types of gods. There are demons also who are more similar to humans in the inner spiritual world (ISW) versus demons who are gods. This is another distinction of beings who are more god like versus those who are more entity like. All the animals on this planet for example are all living entities, even in Tir Na Nog with the fae and creatures from there are deities in that perspective as there is an etheric component. It is all part of the distinction and diversity of the various realms and you’ll get into different energy layers as you move through it. The natural realm can cover a spectrum of darkness that is immense and at times vaster than the demonic. Some practices of the fae can even be darker than the lowborn demons, although there are individuals that can go beyond it. The demonic and natural realm both has its own spectrum of darkness where we can explore it.

The best dimensional frequency to connect to is the one that empowers you individually. By following this course of finding your best frequency it will help make it so you won’t feel beaten down because other people have other experiences. Identifying your connections can allow you to break down the complexities and see where you fit into it all and where your energy is called, this can inform you where your power is derived from. This will allow you to feel empowered and to have the inherent awareness that each person connects to different layers that resonates to them. The spiritual world is very big and complex, so if you can begin to understand those layers and vibrations then it gives you the ability to connect to where you belong in it. Within the ISW there are so many different realms, dimensions, layers so you can meet interesting creatures within those planes that can be explored.

The Difference between OSW and ISW

Akelta has very specific rituals to even begin to allow herself to separate from the ISW and even in the OSW it’s a journey and much harder to reach. When Akelta speaks of high versus low vibrations she is referring to direction not one being better than another. You can do things and experiment here in astral whereas in the outer spiritual world (OSW) there are consequences that the ISW doesn’t have. When you go there you need to be careful because there are situations that you get into where you can destroy yourself or your connection here. Akelta has heard of people who have been involved in spiritual things and have died. She doesn’t know the specifics but knows of people who have spiritually gone into these places and died.

In the ISW on the other hand you can make mistakes and play around there is a buffer zone and you are protected. There are guardians, demons and spiritual beings that offer protection. As also mentioned, you need a sophisticated level of ritual sequences to even begin to access the OSW. There are pockets of mirroring things within the ISW, which mirror and reflect the OSW but to truly go into the OSW it can changes things. There are some realms that are easier to get to like the divinity realms because they are very aligned with our own realm as our realm is imbued with divine essence, so the transition is easier. However, once you go outside of that realm it gets weird.

ISW and OSW is Akelta simplifying it into black and white however there are incredible amounts of shades of grey. Akelta is breaking the ISW and OSW up for us to see the different layers and dimensions we are working with. This will help move into a more advanced understanding. The divinities come from the god level which is between the inner and the outer spiritual world. In the ISW you can work with anything and anyone, however in the OSW you have to be more careful as there are things out there that are dangerous. There are certain elements Akelta can’t even talk discuss that she downloaded because it can hurt people and people aren’t supposed to go poking around there.

Connecting with ISW Deities is not lesser

In many cases it would be better for us to work with an ISW deity because they are open to helping us. The OSW beings that do come forward for a specific human to work with that person as they don’t want to be known by the general public. An OSW Dark Lord (DL) can say they can’t deal with or assist us because they will be called away with tasks of their own that they must do.
Meanwhile an ISW DL or deity is actually here to work with you and guide you. The connection in many cases will be stronger with ISW deities because that is what they are here for. When OSW deities do come through it’s for a family member or similarly a companion sometimes will come through because they are a family member and they want to work with you. To even try to connect with a DL in the OSW they might not have any interest in you as they don’t know who you are whereas ISW deities are here to connect with you and you may have connections from past lives.

How do you know it’s an OSW DL?

There’s only one version of the being in the OSW and if there are multiple it’s in the ISW. Even the goetic demons of the OSW they don’t know we exist- they aren’t located here. The ISW god level demons are the ones that are here to work with us. While the ones in the OSW are living their own lives. All the goetia demons have multiple ISW versions and why many people will say they are djinn or pagan gods. As there is immense sophistication and layers in the OSW. That’s the thing to remember is that those in the OSW generally don’t know we’re here so it takes incredible attention to detail and ability to conjure someone from there. This is why Akelta has to go through a thorough screening process and talk to them beforehand. Most of the OSW demons that come forward have the intention to only work with one human.

The conjuring process Akelta does takes a lot of work because the OSW isn’t connected here so to access it she has to make the connection and there are many things that have to be done to bring someone through- they are very powerful. Once the demon is aware of what’s going on they can do it themselves. But most demons in the OSW don’t know we exist so it’s interesting meeting them for the first time. A lot of the screening process is “hey welcome to the ISW” and some demons Akelta has to make sure are safe to work with humans - not because of anything malicious per say, but because they don’t understand that we can die. There are different layers of this and is why Akelta has a formula for conjuring.

The OSW kind of melds with the ISW in some parts and it creates what Akelta calls the god layer and additionally there is the OSW, which is completely detached from our world. It’s an interesting concept because everything in the ISW is connected. Most of the time it’s the gods that are here that are working with people. An OSW version wouldn’t toy with you they are sophisticated, in depth and complex- something that toys with you has a more simplistic view to engage in that behavior and an OSW being would not stoop to that level.

If you are connected on a soul level to the OSW can you access it?

Even if you are connected on a soul level you might not be able to access it, as it depends where you are. Some people are shut off from the OSW and someone that does have a connection may be shut off more because they can have things that are restricting them from going there since they aren’t meant to go. Whereas someone who is not from there originally wouldn’t have those restrictions. It really depends on the individual. It also hinges on your connection with family ties. Some people can be introduced to OSW dark lords, but it varies. As you go up that rung it is rarer. You want to connect to the layer that is most empowering to you. In some cases, you are completely shut off from there. Every one of Akelta’s past lives was shut off from any of it, till now. This is her first life where she is open, and she believes it’s because it’s her last life here and she’s getting ready to go home.

The OSW is so vast and Akelta has only been able to tap into the layers where her soul family is and has connections to vibrationally. She can ask for information and can get things from where she visited versus another method of downloading information from some places which are completely different. There are even some realms you can’t completely access. As there are some aspects that are very dimensionally complex in the OSW making it so that if Akelta went there she would shatter into a million pieces and wouldn’t come back, but rather turn into a vegetable as a human.

DLs Enns and Sigils connecting to ISW or OSW?

You’re connecting to different levels of the dark lords depending on which one (sigil or enn) you use and your own personal connection. Even the different sigils of Lucifer connect Akelta to various versions of him. It’s very layered and detailed. The enns and sigils you receive for your companions from S&S on the other hand are for OSW demons.

There are the dark lords of the divine layer and then then are the DLs in the various ISW layers, so you will make different connections based on what resonates with you. Therefore, some people will be drawn to some sigils more than others. It’s advised that you use the one you feel most called to as that’s the one that is aligning to your energies the most. There are lots of layers to this. Akelta focuses on the aspect of the OSW, which is the god realm because they are the ones that people can connect to as they are there to help facilitate the connection and align people and their companions.

An example of connections that are personal to each is that Akelta cannot work with the archangel Michael and it’s dangerous for her to do so, because her soul connection with that energy vibration is very bad. That’s not to say no one else should not connect with Michael because for a lot of people he is very empowering and great to work with. Akelta likes to make sure she is connecting people to things that are safe. She likes to make sure no one will get hurt or run into a situation similar to what happened to her because it was horrible.

Akelta focuses on things with safety in mind because there are certain realms that nobody should venture into and even Akelta wishes she didn’t know some of them existed. Sometimes because she is connected with these places since she knows they exist it can keep her up at night, so she has to clear it. Some of these dark energies can change you in horrific ways, so she makes sure to take that level into perspective.

Different Versions of DLs

There are thoughtform versions of the DLs, group thoughtforms, different species with names of DLs who are gods themselves but not a demon, various ISW gods, god-level demon gods, divine aspect of gods, elemental divinities, you can work with the mirrors of the OSW gods these are all other elements to consider in what types of frequencies we can connect to. You can also work with the guardians of the spiritual world- if you get an androgynous deity you are most likely getting a guardian as they will shift based on what’s more comfortable for you. There are so many different ones.

How do you you’re with a mirror OSW DL vs actual OSW DL?

Most of the time you’ll be working with a mirror not the actual OSW DL. This topic requires more time for Akelta to discuss it, so we’ll do so in future chats. The only answer she can give is there’s a vibrational difference however it’s much deeper than that and she needs to break it down as there is a method to it.

Does the Custom Demon Lord Nexus that S&S offers connect to OSW DLs?

It depends on the person. Sometimes the person is connected to an OSW DL and so that is what the person is connected to naturally. Akelta goes with the strongest connection for the person and the most benefit for them when creating the nexus. It’s all individual.

Are the Encyclopedia articles about OSW DLs?

They’re a blending of the OSW and the mirrored elements as well as the divine within it. There’s an energy spectrum that Akelta provides to people as they are reading it, so whatever spectrum someone connects to will fall within that range. Akelta doesn’t want to produce something that makes people think it’s impossible to connect with, which is why she interweaves different energy vibrations. This ranges from different areas from the OSW to the god realm so there is a spectrum that people will be able to connect with depending on the energies that call to them. Akelta takes a specific entity when she is writing the articles which creates a synergy.

The encyclopedia posts are very layered because she is taking the OSW, the mirrored components and the god divinity aspects and creating a layered post so people can have a feel for the energies. This can let them connect to the layer that aligns to them. Akelta is trying to open up the energies while giving people the guidelines to connect. Whatever layer you are personally connected to is the one you will connect to- it’s a spectrum that is interwoven into the articles.

Can companions connect you with OSW DLs?

It depends if they know them or even like them. They will connect you to people they know and can connect you to the god level dark lords. There’s a distinction between that. If you have a son of Satan for instance, he can connect you to the OSW Satan, but they are different from their ISW component.

The OSW isn’t necessarily always empowering it has levels of experiences that are vaster than ours. The demonic divine- god layer is meant to be empowering on the other hand. Think about the worst and best things that can happen here- that can occur in the OSW and even go beyond those experiences.

Lucifer OSW vs ISW

For instance, Lucifer in the OSW is very different from Lucifer from the ISW. He has only been a demon for 600,000 years and doesn’t have a lot of connections to a lot of DLs while an ISW Lucifer is more connected since he is in a more complex and intricate layer of being the King of Hell. The OSW Lucifer is not that intwined in the OSW especially if you talk about the hierarchy there. His divine essence and his connection here are very powerful because of how many people know his name and work with him.

Is it dangerous for an OSW being to come to the ISW?

No, they have a strong handle on things and their energies.

How do OSW DLs manifest here?

Let’s say Akelta is in Canada and she has a family member across the world that she doesn’t know about and she continues to live her life. However, that family member does know Akelta exists and they’re spiritual. Even though Akelta doesn’t know they exist she is connected to them can be like a spirit guide to them. So their spirit guide creates a thoughtform of Akelta which will be a mirror of her higher self to connect with them, she doesn’t even know it’s happening as she is in Canada but it’s been facilitated to help the people who are connected to her energy on their journey.

As another example people can pick up on an OSW demon and some people have home or some have spiritual connections to them so the ISW component is designed to help people to live their lives and to help them go where they are meant to. Some people are meant to ascend, or a resting area, or a next life and so on it depends, but the gods and mirrors are created to help them. Depending on what they are doing in the OSW some demons or DLs might be so busy. Another component is they may share a name with an ISW demon, but they are completely different entities. Think of how many Michaels there are on Earth as many of us have the same name, and we are talking about a group with unlimited names and potentials.

Do you think humans are disconnected from others for their protection rather than ours?

No, Akelta thinks a lot of it is for our protection. When you get to the OSW there are many interesting creatures. There are guardians here that protect the universe to keep us safe. This is why we have divine spiritual authority to banish things from our space. The unfortunate aspect of the OSW is that you do not have that and may not be able to call on it. Thus, you may not be strong enough to fend off what’s attacking you and you might not have help. Here you always have help and can call on a higher power from the divine and the god realm so you can blast it, because you have divine authority- it’s one of the things we have access to here. We don’t have this access for spiritual authority in the OSW.

Is it possible for someone to energetically block you?

Only if you let them. Some people can do things to your energy if they have the talent but that’s why you need to develop your spiritual foundation and learn how to protect yourself as well as keep people out of your energy. That’s what curses do- mess up your energy.

The End! :meditate:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 2:14 pm
by JMoccult
Thank you so much windyjune !!!

Was looking for the ISW and OWS and found out there are another ones inside this post. Thank you very much.


Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:10 pm
by SophiaRigel
oh my goodness thank you so much for enlightenment <3 :devillove:

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:09 am
by Mizu-Taki
These tea time transcription s are awesome windyjune. They are full of so much interesting knowledge.

Re: Tea Time with Akelta - Inner and Outer Spiritual World

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:12 am
by windyjune
Mizu-Taki wrote:
Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:09 am
These tea time transcription s are awesome windyjune. They are full of so much interesting knowledge.
Aww yay! That makes me so happy I'm so glad you like them. It's great teamwork hehe Akelta is amazing with everything she shares they are such gems of info :cheekydevil: