Tea Chat: Rise of the Demonic Divine

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November 13-

Essence of the True Demonic and Why the Rise of the Demonic Divine is Important!


When Akelta first began her online presence demons were seen as evil, nefarious, sinister creatures that if you worked with them, they would destroy your life. It was believed that all demons had to be bound forcibly, contained, and restricted that it was crucial for us to assert dominance over them. Thus, the inspiration for this talk came from this topic which also ties into the book that Akelta is currently writing and hopefully by the end of the year it will be published. In Akelta’s new book there will be chapters where she delves into the topic we are covering today.

One of Akelta’s passions is defining demons and answering what are they truly? Since it is still very unclear. Everyone knows what fae, djinn, vampires and so on are however when it comes to demons it turns into a blanket term for a bunch of different things, especially anything sinister which automatically gets labelled as a demon. When Akelta started her online journey everything that was bad was immediately a demon and people claimed you had to be careful with them as it was said that once demons became a part of your life, they would completely destroy it. However, this was the opposite of Akelta’s experience with demons so she wanted to make it more clear and do honor to the true demonic divine in teaching about them.

Religion and the Label of ‘Demons’

During the rise of Judeo-Christianity there was a rise to eliminate all other paths, faiths, cultures, and traditions because everyone was to assimilate to Christianity. The world went from a place of many cultures that followed different gods to the expectation to relinquish that and conform. If we look at Ancient cultures like the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Greeks they all had their own gods and different pantheons. However once monotheism began to take root it crushed those pantheons, anything really that wasn’t ‘holy’. Thus all aspects or species that weren’t angels were labelled as demonic, so we see even sludge being labeled and mixed under demonic entities. Everything at that time then that wasn’t Christian was labelled as bad or demonic. All creatures and other spiritual beings received the title as a demon making the true demonic beings and the meaning of the word demon begin to be corrupted, twisted, and convoluted.

Currently the term ‘demon’ is still very unclear although it is shifting to a place where it is being figured out through writing however there is still no clear outline. In today’s time we still can find djinn, fae and other entities being classified as demons which is the unfortunate outcome of putting everything under a single label. Akelta has noticed that there are more people working to restore the true identity and dignity of these various spiritual entities pulling them from the title of the demonic. The word demon actually comes from the Latin and Greek word ‘daemon’ which means helpful spirit/messenger of the gods, a divine messenger and so on. It evolved over time into ‘demon’ and it additionally became more negative in connotation.

The demonic divinity is the counterbalance to the holy light. Demons are written about by Christianity and brought to the world by Christianity’s understanding of them as the past cultures didn’t call their own gods demons. Ancient cultures may have said this god is dangerous to work with instead of one being good or evil, it had more to do with being careful versus not as much caution with. The specific duality of evil vs good comes from Christianity and monotheism since it aligns more with my god is good and all others are bad. There are real demons however, and that is what Akelta wants to focus on too as she defines them.

We now have more definitions and understanding for fae, djinn, vampires, and so on however, demons are still perceived as wicked. Akelta sees a parallel with these labels with the way people react to Satanists, Demonolaters, and those who work with demons. There is an element in society where all religions, cultures, traditions are being more accepted now. For example, if you say you’re a voodoo priest people may raise an eyebrow, but the reaction won’t be the same as if you entered a room and declare you are a Satanist. It would be nice to get to a point to be able to reveal that you work with demons and not have such a strong adverse reaction.

Angels and demons started back when the Christian church rose to power, and they were trying to diminish other cultures in order to assimilate others into their belief. The simplified version of this history is that they would say your god isn’t a god but a demon; they will all destroy you and eat your souls you must worship god and the angels instead or you will die a terrible death. It’s been going for thousands of years especially the belief regarding demons being evil making it ingrained within society even today. Therefore, for many people when they hear that someone works with demons that ingrained belief even if the person is not religious tends to become triggered by fear.

Separating Demons from Sludge

Within spiritual paths we can see reactions of uncertainty, fear, or negativity when saying you are a Satanist that is paralleled to the reaction of the word ‘demon’. Thus Akelta is passionate to recategorize demons and help define what they are and importantly separate them from sludge entities or other nefarious entities. By separating them people can start to realize that all the possessions and hauntings are in fact likely to be sludge.

We often see in movies of possessions where it’s declared that a demon is inside of someone, however if we stop to consider it: why would a demon want to do that? What would the purpose of the entity being there be? Why are they causing problems? From a sludge entity perspective Akelta could answer those questions as sludge feeds on our aura and our negative emotions. Sludge entities are parasitic, so they attach to us as a food source, naturally wanting to torment and torture us. They become stronger the closer they get to our energy as it lets them influence the world around us to terrify us. There is a reason why people have haunting experiences however the term ‘you have a demon’ it is using language that contains eons of fear programmed under demons stealing your soul and so on.

Akelta’s Journey to Learn About Satan

When Akelta was starting out in her youth and trying to figure out her path she found herself pulled to Wicca. However, once she read a section in a book that said we have no devil, it made Akelta pull away from it as she was trying to figure out how Satan fit into her spiritual path. Akelta knew early on that she was aligned with Satan however the journey to discover that path especially through searching online yielded little results. In the 90’s when she was first looking to understand and connect with Satan, she found a site called Joy of Satan and it was nightmarish as she realized it was tied with Nazis and Hitler. This made Akelta more determined and fueled her desire to have a Satanic path not run by Nazis.

Akelta’s stepdad was open to the spiritual path and from her childhood Akelta could always see auras, so he encouraged her not to lose the skill. He told her not to tell anyone as they would try to discourage her. From childhood Akelta has worked with demon companions as they were always with her. What started Akelta’s journey was ironically through a Christian Christmas song ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman’ because there is a line that goes: to save ourselves from Satan’s power. Although the song was against Satan his name stood out to Akelta and she felt so drawn and obsessed with his name from then on that she had to figure out why.

Akelta came from a family of atheists with no spiritual direction, so she wasn’t told to follow anything and when she found herself in a religious setting at a Christian summer camp that she realized she was a Satanist. It became so clear to her while she was there. It’s also why Akelta says that it’s important for us to find our paths since we can’t force someone to be in another path not for us. As it was through Christianity that Akelta found Satan, it shows we can really find our path through anything we just need the opportunity to explore and discover it.

Defining Demons

We can find similarities between demons in books and with who they were with pagan gods. Akelta has begun to break the demonic divine from the pagan gods because they need to have their own dignity and culture restored. By defining what a true demon is to also separate the cultures that were crushed as there was a period of time where many beings and gods were called demonic. Akelta doesn’t think the name ‘demon’ is derogatory but when it’s used with that mindset it is. Many gods like Amen-Ra the sun god in Egyptian culture was suddenly referred to as a demon which was used in a derogatory fashion, and that isn’t right.

The spectrum of darkness in old pagan traditions was very broad and beautiful however it became very simplified by the rise of Christianity, which took away its individuality. This made a lot of the unique elements of the various cultures and the gods stripped away. Demons in general are not bad they are simply another branch of darkness as they are dark divinity. The essence of dark divinity is important in todays world and to understand it we have to look into these old cultures and see that there was an injustice done to them. Thus, restoring that and defining what a demon is, is very important.

Aligned to your Own Path

Akelta doesn’t think it’s wrong if someone is drawn to the Christian path as we are all called to different things, the problem emerges however when someone tries to convert or control others. Religion has been used for centuries as a form of control. Our spirit guides are the ones assisting us and when we aren’t on the right path, they can guide us and let us know which makes it difficult to control someone who is spiritually connected and aligned with who they are. It’s easy however to control someone who doesn’t have that spiritual component which is why it was often aimed to be removed. Within religion there is a control and a worship aspect. The worship aspect is what can call to people and they should be allowed to follow that path. However, the control aspect usually tries to enforce its will on other people, which is what Akelta has an issue with.

An element of this control is something Akelta has experienced as within her education she was derailed by lightworkers because they found out her connection to darkness. There was an instance where they decided to expel her from their program which was so unwarranted that the President of the college reinstated her. However, the damage was done and from there Akelta took reiki instead of going back there. This taught Akelta that it’s important to be cautious when looking or working with a lightworker spiritual teacher because even if they say they are non-judgmental those people often hold the most judgement. As generally if things go outside their spectrum it becomes hard for them to accept it as they see theirs as being right. If we don’t have people to turn to when others tell us to conform or else, it’s scary. This is also why Akelta has built this online community is to have a support system where people don’t have to feel alone.

Channeling Guidance

If you look at philosophers like Socrates many spoke about receiving guidance or hearing/receiving information from within or something outside them. A lot of people are naturally connected to their demons, familiars, and spirit guides, which allows them to connect to their wisdom. It’s a central part of our experience here to explore our spiritual side, so it’s a pity it has become so restrained by the world because it was deemed unworthy.

If we look at inventors and the technologies they produced many were able to connect with their own daemons and their own spirit guides. The inspirations for our creations and sciences come from the spiritual world, it’s like when we create art, we open the flow and create beautiful works by connecting to the spiritual world too. Science and spirituality have a unique dance as they appear distant but also intertwined as we have other elements like quantum physics that work together in a sense. Spirituality is being proven by science more and more especially as our technology is improving and becomes sensitive enough to be able to test different theories. There is a balance to things and Akelta believes that as more people become smarter there will also be more people that choose to be ignorant. Akelta tries to apply as much science as she can when trying things.

Demonic Divine

Christianity came from a place of divinity, which is also why there was so much power to crush and conquer. This is why Akelta says darkness is always seen as evil and light is always good. When light is unchallenged by its own darkness it has the power to destroy everything in its path which is what we saw throughout our history like with the crusades. Eventually the truth does come out as we are aligned with energies and vibrations which reveal our own power and ability, as well as the path that we walk. If we’re cut off from our spirit, it’s hard for us to know if we are being controlled.

The divine light came in unchecked and unchallenged and proceeded to destroy and conquer all that came up against it. The members were militant to convert the population of the world at any expense. However, there is an interesting new element of divine darkness that is the demonic divine. From a demonolaters and demonosophers perspective Satan is the father of the demonic divine and is the balance. Akelta finds it amusing when people tell her God can crush Satan because in her view both are powerful. She finds that God can’t crush Satan because Satan is here to restore balance as it is something we need.

The demonic divine is rising right now; it is shaking things up and therefore also exposing many things. 2020 is one of the largest experiences of shadow work on a global scale. Peace is something to strive for and put our attention towards but there will always be times where there is rocking as well as conflict, and this is also a form of balance. However our focus and striving are what will help us move through even the difficult times. We see the ripple effect of the balance in our society as we are experiencing a series of huge waves especially this year. 2020 has been incredibly intense and has hit the world hard. Thus, there is an underlying aspect where the darkness is rising to bring balance back since there was so much unbalance for a long period of time. Despite the intensity that we have experienced there was a need for the world to be shaken up to see where we want to go as a planet and begin to restore the balance here. It’s interesting that Christianity is what gave us the road map to understanding and worshiping the demons.

There are centuries that consist of focus on the divine light that was focused across the world and now the demonic divine rises with it. The divine light named anything evil demonic, yet the darkness of divinity is demonic which is an interesting paradigm since in essence the divine light is labelling itself as evil and demonic not accepting its own darkness. We see this with how society views and ‘demonizes’ demons as nefarious and bad, yet society couldn’t accept its own shadow.

In the last few years we have really been challenged to face our darkness and make changes. Akelta growing up had to learn for herself how to walk in the darkness with demons as there isn’t much direction available. It’s available for other paths for example within Christianity there is a lot of guidance but walking with demons isn’t much talked about and still obscure. Many people who have uniqueness and diversity within them have been pushed and forced to conform to will of society which doesn’t mean the uniqueness or darkness goes away but rather that it becomes repressed. Lightworkers come from a place where we will all need to ascend so it becomes another version of you must give up all the other sides to yourself and your darkness however, it should be your decision. Akelta has been attacked by lightworkers before as she comes from a balanced perspective so when they realize that she comes from a place of darkness they see her as an afront to their world.

As the demonic divine is rising, although demons are still vilified, Akelta believes as we carve out the various dark paths, we can help people find guidance on the LHP. A lot more people are curious now about the Goetia as there are people like us who have been working with demons for many years and are not destroyed. Therefore, we are seeing a lot of interest in walking these dark paths especially at this time because humans crave the balance within their soul. This is especially true if they are not getting fulfilled or nourished.

We need to have the opportunity to explore and uncover ourselves instead of being repressed and pushed aside. We’re beings of light and darkness and if we ignore our darkness it comes up in terrible ways. Demons are a balance of divinity because it is the dark side of divinity as well as the dark path of divinity. It is rising to bring balance to everything that divinity has done, and it’s incredibly beautiful. The energies are awakening and spreading throughout the world, so those that are naturally called to the demonic are connecting and integrating with it more.

The End! :crazy: :mwahahaha:
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I'll have to finish the rest of the article later, but I wanted to point out something important related to the beginning of this thread.

The rise of Monotheism is not the reason for the loss of other religions. THAT is incorrect. You also cannot really use the term Judeo-Christianity here, because you are talking about two separate and completely different religions that are nothing like each other.

The reason for the takeover of monotheistic religions (Christianity and Islam, as Judaism did not follow this) is the 'One of us or an enemy' mentality that was prevalent, and the requirement in their teaching to convert and spread the religion. They incorporated parts of the nearby cultures to make people more willing to convert.

You also have to remember that at the time when things started gaining traction and spreading, the Roman Empire was a large power in the world. It was not just religions, but rather the natural part of human society to conquer and take over territory. It's been that way forever, and as a consequence, defeated groups get forgotten or absorbed into the victorious tribe/group.

There's a lot more that I feel is missed and overgeneralized in those initial statements, and it gives off the impression that monotheism is bad because of it.

Just my thoughts.
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Kitsune wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:54 pm

The reason for the takeover of monotheistic religions (Christianity and Islam, as Judaism did not follow this) is the 'One of us or an enemy' mentality that was prevalent, and the requirement in their teaching to convert and spread the religion. They incorporated parts of the nearby cultures to make people more willing to convert.
must add hindu and buddha in that.
hindu and buddha in east and south east asia show they spread religion.
we find old hindu philosopers debating to stop buddha spread in india.
we find old tao text complaint about buddha invading china.
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I would also like to comment on this, while there is only so much that can be covered in the tea chats, so some details may not be looked into. I am certainly glad that akelta is differentiating between pagan gods and the demons as well. While mentioned it also seems glossed over that all dark divinity are demons. However there are plenty of dark gods in paganism as well who are also dark divine and as mentioned are not demons, so its not really a “one size fits all” statement. I am glad also that other faiths were brought up as well as certain native faiths also have their share of demonic beings and they were not just labelled demons by christianity, they were actually considered “demonic” in the native faiths. Certainly the term demonic comes from the west and its translations but the concept is very similar not entirely the same though. Such beings come to mind as those that inhabit the buddhist hells, the oni in some cases are often considered demonic, it could be argued and by popular interpretation in hinduism asuras are, lamasshtu and some others of the Mesopotamian faiths, the netjeri of Ancient egypt- those these beings are more on the side of divine intelligence, the muet could also feature here. Also in certain east asian shamanic practices disease and other natural disasters were referred to as demons. And there are also more then mentioned here. I do think though that sometimes as was probably mentioned in the chat above, the term demon is used in this case as the english language has no other close translation of this. Though most popularly known definition of demon does seem to come from the christian divide etc, and certainly that influences a lot how these beings are perceived now as well.
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Kitsune wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:54 pm
I'll have to finish the rest of the article later, but I wanted to point out something important related to the beginning of this thread.

The rise of Monotheism is not the reason for the loss of other religions. THAT is incorrect. You also cannot really use the term Judeo-Christianity here, because you are talking about two separate and completely different religions that are nothing like each other.

The reason for the takeover of monotheistic religions (Christianity and Islam, as Judaism did not follow this) is the 'One of us or an enemy' mentality that was prevalent, and the requirement in their teaching to convert and spread the religion. They incorporated parts of the nearby cultures to make people more willing to convert.

You also have to remember that at the time when things started gaining traction and spreading, the Roman Empire was a large power in the world. It was not just religions, but rather the natural part of human society to conquer and take over territory. It's been that way forever, and as a consequence, defeated groups get forgotten or absorbed into the victorious tribe/group.

There's a lot more that I feel is missed and overgeneralized in those initial statements, and it gives off the impression that monotheism is bad because of it.

Just my thoughts.

your post takes me over the edge. For so many, for so long, Survival meant SILENCE... something today age know little about whatever the topic whether it be religion, sexual orientation, color , good vrs evil, whatever despite the ‘horror of TV education.’ Today’s generation has No idea how rough it was and often reveal it in being quick to offer criticism where there is no cost to themselves. I’m old enough to have seen our encyclopedias rewrite history.... of course, I’m certain it’s because today’s humans tell the truth more reliably (sarcasm). So, In light of the work and effort and intention of the author to affect and open the minds of the ignorant who are alive and thriving but there are laws governing at least their actions .... your post reminds of the quote : “miss the forest for the trees”... and I think it’s worth speaking up here for this reason. While we argue the interpretation of events for each individuals pov and our view/interpretation/bias of history over a tea chat , it’s easy to be a critic but at least someone else has put in the effort for you to pick it apart.... And I disagree heartily with your interpretation of events which illustrates my point exactly.

I’ll have to finish reading the of your paragraph later, I just read the first sentence and reacted, but I wanted to point out something important related to .... you get my drift?
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Kore Serpens
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Kore Serpens wrote:
Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:27 pm
Kitsune wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:54 pm
I'll have to finish the rest of the article later, but I wanted to point out something important related to the beginning of this thread.

The rise of Monotheism is not the reason for the loss of other religions. THAT is incorrect. You also cannot really use the term Judeo-Christianity here, because you are talking about two separate and completely different religions that are nothing like each other.

The reason for the takeover of monotheistic religions (Christianity and Islam, as Judaism did not follow this) is the 'One of us or an enemy' mentality that was prevalent, and the requirement in their teaching to convert and spread the religion. They incorporated parts of the nearby cultures to make people more willing to convert.

You also have to remember that at the time when things started gaining traction and spreading, the Roman Empire was a large power in the world. It was not just religions, but rather the natural part of human society to conquer and take over territory. It's been that way forever, and as a consequence, defeated groups get forgotten or absorbed into the victorious tribe/group.

There's a lot more that I feel is missed and overgeneralized in those initial statements, and it gives off the impression that monotheism is bad because of it.

Just my thoughts.

your post takes me over the edge. For so many, for so long, Survival meant SILENCE... something today age know little about whatever the topic whether it be religion, sexual orientation, color , good vrs evil, whatever despite the ‘horror of TV education.’ Today’s generation has No idea how rough it was and often reveal it in being quick to offer criticism where there is no cost to themselves. I’m old enough to have seen our encyclopedias rewrite history.... of course, I’m certain it’s because today’s humans tell the truth more reliably (sarcasm). So, In light of the work and effort and intention of the author to affect and open the minds of the ignorant who are alive and thriving but there are laws governing at least their actions .... your post reminds of the quote : “miss the forest for the trees”... and I think it’s worth speaking up here for this reason. While we argue the interpretation of events for each individuals pov and our view/interpretation/bias of history over a tea chat , it’s easy to be a critic but at least someone else has put in the effort for you to pick it apart.... And I disagree heartily with your interpretation of events which illustrates my point exactly.

I’ll have to finish reading the of your paragraph later, I just read the first sentence and reacted, but I wanted to point out something important related to .... you get my drift?

I spent the week sitting with the energy of this post ... trying to understand the emotions that it carried for me and also the very real awareness that though I meant what I said, it was spoken out of my hurt and frustration.

My challenge is to be me, to deal with the reality that I find myself in, and find a softer way. I finally realized tonight .... and I say this to you not as an act of contrition nor making excuses for who I am ... that what I have experienced in my life has been translated into rage because I’ve made the error of assuming that it’s intentional. And making it intentional creates a whole different scenario then not attaching intentionality and simply speaking my truth ... and trusting you to yours.

In a way you have unintentionally become a part of my awareness/growth. and what should have been done in private becomes a public act and, strangely, maybe it’s better that way. My regards to you... :hug:
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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