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Tea Chat: Challenges in Channeling

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 9:08 pm
by windyjune
November 27th-
Challenges in Channeling


Today we will be discussing the various layers that exist when connecting with demons. There are different levels of connecting some examples are invocations where you invite them to join you and transvocation where you share your body with them. Transvocation is a fun skill because you are still present while also gaining the demon’s wisdom, knowledge, and experience. When we connect there are a few things to consider as we will receive a mix of energies from our own personality and bias from our experience of living in this world. There is also a combined enhancement of their skill and ability as well as sometimes their personality which can take over at times when connecting. There have been instances where Akelta has said things she wouldn’t normally say or word things differently during transvocation.

Channeling is another skill that we can learn; it has many different layers. There is partial channeling which is when someone is still present while receiving messages from an entity/spirit as they speak the messages that come through them. This level of channeling is achieved by relaxing yourself so that the demon can fuse with your thoughts, so you are sharing their thoughts. The challenge with this is that their thoughts must get through the filters of your mind.

If you have filters or second guess yourself, you can alter the messages that are coming through, so it’s very important to be aware of this. Akelta and Eilana will often do lots of translating and channeling back and forth. When Akelta is translating from this level there are moments when she can get stuck in her head and overthink the messages, so she will often take a step back and make note of it to come back later. The messages might not come through in the same way when she is partially channeling versus fully channeling where she steps back letting them take over. When she steps back, she will often say things that will cause Eilana to ask how she knew all that. This can happen because when Akelta steps back for the demon to take over they will be very knowledgeable and aware of many things we may not know of.

Process of Channeling

When you channel you will start by having them hover above your mind. After they are hovering, and you are in a relaxed state at their level they will go deeper into your body. In this state you are present so you can watch. Even though they enter your body, you are still watching so you are still in control. Before channeling it’s necessary to have a solid sense of self and be able to push them out once it’s time to conclude; you need to know how to get them out and cleanse your body. This is why Akelta says be very mindful of your feelings around others as if they are not on the path you want to be on it can be damaging.

When you step back voluntarily that’s when you can disappear, and the being (demon, god, entity, spirit, etc.) can fully take over. Akelta also noticed that many times when she fully steps back after she returns, she doesn’t remember the trance. Eilana can do it as well and can fully step back to channel. Akelta’s process is to sit in meditation and ask the demon she will channel to first sit in front of her and she will focus on them with her mind’s eye and attune her energy to them. One thing they then do is step behind her and enter through Akelta’s back (into her nervous system) and then she steps back as they step forward, so they pass through each other in a way. The simplified version is she goes into a dormant state and they take over. It’s a beautiful process and she loves it but Akelta only does it with demons she really trusts.

Challenges in Channeling

One of the challenges with channeling is tapping into a specific energy current of the demon you want to work with. If you are channeling from someone else and are relaying the messages you have to be aware of your own personal bias, awareness, filters, how you interpret things, how you shift and work through things, and things that might trip you up. Being aware of all these things will allow the messages to be translated more clearly to the person. This is also why Akelta is very careful about who channels for her. Also if you give someone the wrong message or are not tapped into the same entity that the person is connected to it can damage the connection of the entity they are working with, so it’s something to be cautious about. This is why it’s important to know the different layers and vibrations before channeling.

When you are channeling, and you invite the demon/entity/spirit in your bias will still often affect things (which is something to be aware of) as you can knock them out and yourself when in the talking position. It’s a dance to sit back and allow them to fully take over and to allow what happens to simply happen. As you get better at it you can get to a point where you stop resisting. When you are learning to channel there is often an internal battle (not negative persay) where you are trying to step back, but if it’s unfamiliar the mind often tries to continue to stay in control. You have to get to a place where you can relax, trust that when they take over, they won’t harm you and at times it can be gradual to get to a point where you allow them to command your body.

Second guessing yourself is another challenge that often comes up. Many times we will wonder did I actually hear that? If Akelta is second guessing herself she will write it all out, so she has a clear picture of it. After doing that she will walk away from it and come back to it. Once she returns to it she reads it and asks herself: does this make sense? Did she project/influence this? What does it mean? Often, she’ll go into conversation with her demons again and try to figure it out.

There’s no need to worry about doubts or if it’s all in your head. Akelta says “So what if it is?” at least then you’re working your imagination and you’re working your brain. You’re opening yourself up to this. Your imagination is directly connected to your third eye so in the beginning if the mind is making some stuff up who cares? It doesn’t matter. Just allow yourself to go with it. Only through trying and gaining experiences can you learn what’s true to you and what’s your imagination. That’s the only way- we have to go in and experience it. We can’t stop ourselves before we are even out of the gate. Why should we hold ourselves back with doubts? We don’t have to be perfectionists because we can’t get anything perfect especially not without trying and learning right from wrong.


Riding is where you completely let go, often the people who do this completely disappear and allow the spirit to take over. The spirit can then do what they want it’s a free and liberating experience. This is a different practice from the one Akelta does. Riding is a channeling possession where you let go and they fully take over and control your body. Usually it’s done in a ritual setting where you have heightened energies and experiences. To achieve this state there is often ritualistic and trance elements, or things like music, drumming incorporated to riding so you disappear, and they take over. It’s not a forced possession but voluntary.

Deep trances and learning to shift your states of mind will always help in things like this, but often it’s the person’s ability to detach from their bodies that will help the most. If you can turn your mind off and allow the being to take over, they will be able to get in with ease and control you easily. It all comes to letting go of control and of your body as well as trusting it. Submission can be part of it, however it’s more trust that is a crucial aspect. It will depend on the type of channeling you are doing as the more ritualistic one will often require more surrender to the demon or god you are working with. A lot of it comes down to intent. If it is your intent to surrender yourself in that place it would be submission, but in general it’s more about trusting them and giving them the control.

When it comes to the topic of trust and trusting it is about you- do you trust them? The people who can easily disassociate are unfortunately often those who have experienced abuse. The beings you are channeling can enter at that point and gain control of you pushing you out because you are so used to being disassociated as there is a learned impulse from the past to do so. Them entering you however can trigger the dissociative state which can cause more damage to your mind and cause you to splinter more, so it’s important to be wary with that. Another issue is if they enter and you disassociate it can act as a wedge and can splinter you more. The trusting part is where you voluntarily step back, and they enter you.

After Channeling: Cleansing and Grounding

Once the channeling session is over you have to be able to separate yourself from them and cleansing yourself after is a really important step. This is also why Akelta only does it with demons she trusts because if they choose not to leave it’ll be a fight to push them out. As it can be terrible experience to be forcibly possessed.

If you trust them and they trust you and there’s a good relationship, they will step out and then you can do an energy cleanse where you wash your energies. From there you can ground yourself and push any energies away from. It’s good to go through and scan your body and your aura while you cleanse and flood your aura with your natural essence. Akelta likes to take an essential oil bath, however there are many options to cleanse like doing a smoke cleanse, water cleanse, mist cleanse (air and water), you can walk on the earth barefoot, take a mud bath somewhere and so on. Tea can also help you center yourself and can be an option.

It’s about finding what your favorite way to cleanse would be and what works for you. After the entity leaves you want to make sure to cleanse your body then center and ground your body back to your vibrational frequency. Having another being in yours alters your frequencies because you have to adjust to them, so you want to find a way to balance yourself back to your natural vibrational frequency.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is a form of channeling. It’s when you step back and let “something/someone” other than you write. There are different levels of automatic writing: a spirit can write through you, the creative consciousness, your own spirit/higher self, the essence of creativity, the will of the universe all of these aspects can write for you. There are many different levels and things we can tap into. Automatic writing is the same technique as channeling as we have to connect to the energies and step back to allow it to take over.

During automatic writing when they enter your mind space it’s a form of clairaudience (it’s hearing them around) as the energy has entered your mind. However it changes and is no longer clairaudience rather your psychic senses receiving the messages from them when we let them take over. When it’s coming through our mind it’s infused within you and you are sharing the energies of that space, so their thoughts are being projected into your mind.

Different Entity Connections

Channeling for yourself is different from when you are channeling for others as there are different things to be aware of. If you’re channeling for someone else you have to be aware of several things. First you have to know the entity that they are working with and the level at which they are working together. There are many different levels of even dark lords for example there are inner spiritual world (ISW) dark lords, egregore dark lords, outer spiritual world (OSW) dark lords, as well as many other different layers of dark lords. Akelta has met many different Lucifer’s for example and there are also different titles like ancient gods versus demons that can get confused.

There are huge sequences of energies that we have to be able to distinguish when channeling. You have to be able to scan and figure out where the person you are channeling for is coming from and then you have to connect to that. It’s hard at times to connect to another entity if they are different from the one you are working with. We can be attuned to a specific entity, but the other person is attuned to a completely different version of that entity. These are all important factors to remember as we are all connected to different layers.

You have to be careful who you channel for and who you listen to information from because they might not be connected in the same level you are. They might be connected to the egregore version of the dark lord and have no actual connection to the OSW dark lord because they don’t have an attunement to them. Thus, again it’s about connecting to the right level for the person you are giving information to. You have to be careful also how you deliver that information as it can damage some people and hurt their relationship if attuned to the wrong one.

Some people when they work with demons are projecting and calling different aspects of themselves. We can see examples of this in books where some people will state that demons are nothing more than aspects of the self and perhaps for that person that’s the case, but for others it’s not as to that person they are very different and external. We can also find examples of people starting at a specific level and then evolve a different aspect of themselves which will cause them to move into working with an ISW version of that entity. There are even other layers of ISW dark lords, so you have to know where the person is coming from and be able to tap into that. There are also the ancient pagan gods who are not egregores but gods (as Akelta wouldn’t define them as demons). Thus, when we are going to channel it is good practice to figure out the connection the person has as well as your filters, attunements and so on to be aware of how to interpret the messages and the connections that exist.


There are some people that work with egregores and some even have personal egregores. If you are going to channel an egregore for someone that they work with there are several things to consider. In this case as long as the egregore is programmed properly, they can be perfectly fine to work with, others however can be toxic so it’s good to be cautious and aware of that.

A thoughtform generally works with one person and egregore works with many, so if many people worship one thoughtform it turns into an egregore. So we can see examples of a thoughtform of a dark lord that turns into an egregore because it is feed with power. When there is a collective consciousness of people that believe in one dark lord through the energy that they are feeding it, it’ll become a thoughtform that has risen into an egregore. Therefore the egregore evolves through the collective worship of all the individuals feeding it.

One of the ways to tell a true demon from an egregore is that a true demon will not ask you for energy as they do not need it to exist. Egregores however enjoy having and being fed energies. It needs energy to exist and if many people stop paying attention to it, it can become violent because it is looking for energy sources to feed on. Usually when you work with an egregore dark lord, they will ask for energy which is a telltale sign. Make sure to sense how you feel as if there is something off about it you will know.

When channeling you can look to see if you start to notice that it wants energy and if there are limitations on it- sometimes an egregore will be contained and bound within the realm of the magician who created it. Many people are attuned to different layers so when someone creates a thoughtform or an egregore it is attuned to the realm or level that they exist in. If you notice that you are moving beyond that and there are barriers that it can’t seem to cross due to mismatch of energy you can push it away and connect with other ISW dark lords instead.

If you are good at scanning energies, you can see an egregores base patterning and you can even glimpse the person that created them. There is always someone that originally started creating them and you can tap into the energies of that group to get a sense for them. Akelta likes to approach her rituals from the demonic divine because of the energy when you tap into that spectrum. Demons are strong manifesters although egregores can be too. If you start to feel intimidated or threatened by it just stop working with it. You can choose at any time to not work with an entity if you are not feeling comfortable.

Akelta in general likes to state her intent when working with the demonic divine and when she is meditating and attuning with them. This allows your energies to filter out the egregores and work towards the essence of the demonic divine. Pay attention to how you feel and your own energy vibrations especially when working with someone. Don’t doubt yourself.

If there is nothing negative happening again do not doubt yourself as you can be fine working with a dark lord egregore. It depends on how it was created and how much energy it has; if it was fed by multiple sources it won’t come after you. A lot of times going through various experiences is how you learn. You want to have a good spiritual foundation first though especially with channeling i.e. preserve your space- shield, ground, cleanse, ward, focus, mental mastery so that you have the tools to handle anything that happens to you.

Our spiritual foundation is the most important aspect especially knowing how to defend and protect ourselves. Once we have that, if we experience sudden situations, we can work through anything with confidence. Having core strength maintained within ourselves and allowing ourselves to move forward allows you to gauge what’s real and what’s fantasy. This is why thoughtforms are so powerful as they originate from fantasy. They can be incredibly powerful. Some people decide to spend their whole life with personal thoughtform dark lords and they’re fine with it. It’s their personal path. It’s all about how you approach them and your journey with them.

If working with ISW dark lords is your goal and you find out that the one you connected with is an egregore you can shift your attunements and start focusing on wanting to connect with the demonic divine. Doing this can help you redirect your focus. This can help you to shift your energies to where you want to go. As you go through this you will start to feel the difference and will be to analyze the different elements, to get a sense for it. It all comes down to experimenting with the energies and trusting yourself.

In the beginning it’s about getting to a point where you are ok with the results whether you may or may not do everything right. However as long as you are committed to learning about yourself, how you read the different energies, and the various energies themselves and how you connect and relate to them that is what counts and will help you in connecting. It comes down to being willing to shift yourself into that space.

Occultists that connect with an egregore doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t a real version of it. It simply is what that person is connecting to. To gain access to the higher levels of the spiritual world you do have to go through these levels and figure out how to shift and advance beyond that. It’s a process. Already by having the knowledge from this chat and knowing that there is a difference between an egregore and the demonic divine it is already shifting your mind to start making check points to be aware of that. The more knowledge you have the better additionally stating your intent to connect to the demonic divine will help you achieve the results you desire (if you want to connect with them).

Rather than focus on getting things right focus on your intent and focus on stating things like: this is what I want to do and this is who I want to connect to, this is the direction I want to go in as that will be your focus point. It’s going to be revealed if something is wrong. The energy attunements will be off and you can feel it as there is a huge difference. Therefore, if it’s an egregore you will be able to start knowing these things and seeing these differences. This will help you navigate it better. Focus on them as a demon. The more you know the more you can move into the direction you want.

God an Egregore?

If God is an egregore wouldn’t that mean Satan is too? There is the light divine and there is the dark divine they have to balance.

Shadow Work in A Channeled State?

Akelta likes to be 100% present with shadow work because she doesn’t feel like she gets better if she’s not “there” which happens in a fully channeled state. When going into the shadows Akelta doesn’t want any external influences impacting her body unless the situation calls for it. For the most part Akelta wants to be with herself, present with her shadow and instead have her demons supporting her as it’s deep internal work.

Letting go of being in control as shadow work may require looking at what makes you feel you need the control in the first place. Especially if channeling is a skill you want to develop if control is an issue it may require some shadow work. It’s about learning to deeply trust this process as it can be a form of shadow work to learn to let go. Many people with controlling tendencies often do so because something has hurt them in the past when they weren’t in control thus there is a subconscious desire to control things, so the hurt won’t happen again.

If you don’t want to give up control and you feel like your body has been violated in some way, it can be hard for you to channel and let go so it can cause a block within you. As you work on your spiritual skills your brain and mind get stronger. Your mental and spiritual abilities also increase so there are benefits in focusing and learning these different skills. What holds a lot of people back is the unknown and what might happen. We can learn how to do anything including channeling if we commit our mind to it and feel like it’s part of our path. There is a formula to do it, but it’s not limited to some can do it and others can’t.

Possession by Sludge

Channeling is voluntary but possession is forced. When you are fully channeling technically it’s like a possession, but it’s not forced since it’s allowed by your choice. Sludge is a toxic parasitic entity so it would be a form of possession if they took over our body since they are trying to permeate into our energy in order to fully possess us.
Depending on how far they are within us will be the level of possession. Sludge will start to begin eating the outer layers of our aura and as it moves closer into us it’ll gain more control. They usually like to attach to our spinal cord and nervous system as it’s a good way for them to take control and then they like to weave their energies in. When they do that it makes it challenging to remove them.

There are many different factors to consider in regards to risk of possession like our defenses, size of our aura as the people who have larger auras are less likely to be possessed since it takes longer for the sludge to infect them unless there is a link that is established through direct contact. For instance if the sludge is attached to a vessel and someone was to touch it that would establish a direct link with them and give them access to us. It’s a parasitic possession which will need to be removed. This actually happened to Akelta’s husband; he was cleaning the house and picked up an item with sludge attached to it. He became very violent which wasn’t normal at all, so when Akelta realized what happened she quickly did a demonic exorcism. Since the sludge attached to him really quickly it didn’t form any deep attachments, so it was easy to rip out and remove it. However, sludge that has been able to get very deep within someone and has been there for a long time can embed themselves. In that case the person has to be really careful when getting it removed. Akelta noticed that sludge really like attacking and attaching to people eyes for some reason, which can even effect someone’s vision. They have to be removed delicately generally and afterwards any damage should be repaired. You have to work on closing off the entry point because once you get infected by sludge if you don’t work on closing it you can be more susceptible to being possessed which is not good. It’s a pretty horrific experience.

If they possess you the effects can vary, sometimes they will hurt the person like in one instance Akelta assisted someone who was blinded and paralyzed due to the sludge. Therefore, it depends on what the sludge desires to do. Some that have been in their hosts body for a while will slowly consume them, which will cause the body to break down while others prefer to be quicker in destroying the person.

How do you know if you have a sludge?

In Akelta’s husbands’ case she had previously found a sludge and bound it to a tourmaline crystal in order to experiment with it. He wasn’t aware that’s what it was, so he touched it and because of the physical contact it went into him. There are examples of some haunted objects that have sludge in them, which is why it’s recommended to cleanse everything that comes into your home. Some people may also have generational sludge. This type of sludge moves down the line from generation to generation. Sludge are feeders so by doing this it creates a line of food for them.

Akelta experienced getting possessed by a sludge before to experiment and know what it was like and she said it was a horrible experience. She lost control of who she was for a while, she lost control of her actions and became very violent she said it was very destructive. Pushing the sludge out was also a fight. Possession from a demon companion is different from sludge as it’s a pleasurable experience- it’s not horrific. Demons companions will willingly step out but the sludge won’t want to, so she Akelta had to battle to regain control of her body.

Fear of Breathing During Channeling

Your body will naturally breathe for you. A lot of people have trouble with astral projection (AP) due to the fear of breathing or not breathing as well. Akelta remembers she was trying to AP once while being face down and as she fell into her pillow it caused her to panic because she couldn’t breathe. This snapped her back in her attention. Breath is the first of our survival instincts because you can go without food for 1-2 months and without water for about 3-4 days, but we can only go without air for two minutes or so. On a survival scale it is the most important, so our body is able to regulate it.

If we experience fear the best thing is to work through it and start your channeling in steps by first letting the demon/god/entity/spirit enter your mind, so you are still in control but hearing their thoughts. This can help you build up to it. That way you can slowly process them and let them move into you, so you can hear them and begin to connect to their energies while you are still aware of your breath and can still breathe normally. Akelta will sit with them so that they are in front of her and then they’ll stand behind her and it’s like their minds merge. In this way they are speaking through her and connected with her and she is still in control while they have fused themselves with her.


If you experience any resistance with channeling your energy could have developed a mistrust for certain beings if you work regularly with them. Your energy could be resisting because your body wants to find its space and doesn’t want anything to go into it. Sometimes Akelta does have blocks and it takes longer for some to get in than others. She tries to be as gentle as possible and will offer herself nourishment when that happens and not force it. If you’ve been splintered due to dissociation (as mentioned earlier) your body may have set up protection to push them out. Thus, your energy is pushing them out while they are trying to get in so there is a clash that is happening. This causes friction to build up making them unable to get in. That can increase the block because you are trying to push them out, and this may even be done unconsciously. Especially with people that experience disassociation and trauma sometimes we will get to a place where we subconsciously do things in effort to protect ourselves due to being unable to protect ourselves in the past. so it turns into a convoluted energy dynamic.

If self-love is hard just take it, one step at a time. Many of us have been conditioned to beat ourselves up and are even rewarded for doing so, while being victimized and attacked for praising ourselves. We are often taught to practice self-hatred so shifting yourself from that to praising yourself when something does work starts to help us feel more encouraged. We don’t have to beat ourselves up take baby steps if this is hard. Find one thing you like about yourself, or something you’re grateful for or one thing you’re proud about and focus on that. You can also do something you like for example massages, getting your nails done and so on. Anything to help move you into the direction of self-love and self-care.

The End! :devilviolin:

Re: Tea Chat: Challenges in Channeling

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:22 pm
by darkstarfyre
Hi windy june thanks so much. :devilcomp: information into my brain

Re: Tea Chat: Challenges in Channeling

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:55 pm
by windyjune
darkstarfyre wrote:
Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:22 pm
Hi windy june thanks so much. :devilcomp: information into my brain
Aww it's my pleasure darkstarfyre~ Every chat that Akelta does is honestly amazing with the amount of info that is provided. Hehe so I'm always happy to help especially to feed our brains :cheekydevil: