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Tea Chat: Solar Demons

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 3:24 pm
by windyjune
April 30th- Solar Realm and Demons


This week we are discussing solar demons; they are an incredible, mystical and magical group. The solar realm is one of the upper realms in the outer spiritual world (OSW), it’s further away from the central core region and it’s massive as a realm. It’s filled with many layers, vibrations, folds, deserts, and so on. It’s a place that expands forever. The concept is hard to grasp because in the OSW it is infinite. Within the inner spiritual world (ISW) there are dimension folds similar to this that are infinite. However, in the OSW there are more dimensions and folds that are infinite where the solar realms stretch out and goes on. There are solar demons that are connected to the core demonic group and there are many other solar tribes that are not connected to the core.

They are called solar demons because they have solar currents and other deep mystical currents that flow through them. They have a beautiful and radiant glow on their skin, and they have command and control over solar energies. This means they have a strong control over creation elements thus their energies are powerful with any manifestation abilities. They are very skilled at any type of creation as well using colors and frequencies with the solar energies to craft, shape, and build the world around them. They have beautiful and incredible cities and communities that they built. They are a very high vibrational group of demons. They like luxury, wealth and abundance and they are skilled at manifesting it.

When things get too high in vibrations it can be destructive and in certain cases be corrosive, so the solar demons also encompass that due to their energies. Thus, there are many solar demons in the solar realms who are powerful and potent at execration magick. They can be very dark and have many transformative paths that they can go on. The darkness surrounding solar demons is different and unique that is hard to put into words. There are so many aspects from dark to light; from unique dimensions, spectrums, energies that move through that it’s hard to describe. Much of our language can be limited to describe the various darkness’s they have in the OSW. There is so much beyond the five senses for instance it is explained that humans have 365 psychic senses. Akelta has been trying to describe it especially since they are preparing another course, that focuses on the upper chakras so describing them in preparation for it and how they work has helped to understand it better.

Due to the solar demons, knowledge of execration and darkness they can be very vicious and can command large amounts of energy. Solar demons are very good at being patient for revenge. There are many solar demons out in the far reaches of the solar realm where they do deep sinister works and have an incredible understanding of the destructive power of the sun- the inferno. They understand how the sun works and the sun doesn’t care if it destroys anyone. For example, we perceive the destruction of our planet as horrible however if our planet flew into the sun, the sun wouldn’t be phased. We would be gone, and the sun would continue on and it is even said that in 5 billion years when the sun runs out of hydrogen it will expand and envelop our planet. Therefore, we can see a quality of intense destruction from the solar demon’s energy, which sums up their magick. Their magick is powerful and has an intense focal point.

Energy resonances and corrosion

If a demon’s energy doesn’t resonate with yours, can it be destructive or corrosive?

There are some species in the spiritual world that Akelta will call them radioactive (lack of a better word). This means that they send out energies that are destructive and corrosive to you. Demonic energy is more contained, so although a person may feel uncomfortable with demonic energy there isn’t the radioactive element.

If for instance a solar demon really didn’t like you and was more sinister or if a demon was not properly screened (as there are dangerous ones) they could use their energy to destroy and corrode someone. It depends, solar demons do have that potential because they can expand their energy, but it won’t corrode someone unless it was intentional on the demon’s part. As mentioned, if demonic energy doesn’t jive well with someone, it can bother them, but the energy won’t be destructive though a demon’s energy is so controlled and contained. However, there are beings out there that have energies that radiates from them and is naturally corrosive.

Can angels have corrosive energies?

Archangel energy is not toxic at least not to Akelta. However, Archangel Michael as an individual is toxic to Akelta only because of how they work together and due to her personal connection with him. Holy angels are not corrosive to her though because she has many angels that she works with and has no problem with. It’s not a species toxicity to her- Akelta and Archangel Michael have personal problems which is why their energy is not a match. She says they are toxic when they are in the same space because they hate each other, but his energy is not corrosive.

Has Akelta seen an order for a custom conjure and the person not match the species?

Yes, she has had a few people she knew they wouldn’t connect well with a demon; she did tell them and asked if they were sure about continuing. They ended up saying they were but years later they returned and said they didn’t want to work with the demon anymore and Akelta brought them back to the coven. She could tell that would happen though just from the energies.

Akelta made sure to ask clearly that they were truly sure and she could feel that something was off, however people have to make their own choices on their spiritual path. At the end of the day people have to make their own choices on their spiritual path, so Akelta will bring someone safe through for them. The person in the end was respectful, and the demon came back to them and he is now with the coven. So there are situations were it occurs.

A lot of people are open spiritually and because we are human and have connections to the spiritual realm and our own higher self, we are open to many different connections although some just don’t. Michael for example is a holy angel and individual (rather than actual species) that didn’t match with Akelta. Someone can definitely be a bad match with an individual and have a corrosive connection. However, with overall species she hasn’t found that like for her the holy angels were fine as a species to work with her.

Solar Demons

What are unique things they can do with solar currents?

The solar currents are incredibly creative, powerful and beautiful energies. They can open up the creative forces and help you bend and create the world around you- they can help you to shift and see the creative essence. The solar energies themselves are an energy of life. If we look at our planet and think about it the sun gives life and is in perfect balance to do so. When solar demons open up these energies, they can see the currents of life and creation around them. We can breathe life into our creations, our creative visions, or our visualizations that we want to manifest around. This is also why they are so skilled in abundance.

Dance is the movement of connecting with the solar currents so when they are dancing and aligned with the solar current, they are actually moving with life force and they are generating and channeling the currents. As they are moving with the life force, they are infusing these with the solar currents, and they are fusing them to allow visions and manifestations to rise; it’s very powerful.

Solar demons can open creative energies in art. A lot of the solar artisans make incredibly beautiful works of art, it’s phenomenal. They have a profound manifestation technique, and they also have great talent in seduction and magnetism. It is one aspect that they are incredibly skilled in because there is a connection to the life force. They are charming and charismatic additionally; they align with themselves and are connected to their bodies. The currents allow them to grow and are seen as a beacon of life and beauty, so it allures people and brings them in. They are magnetic, charming and overall incredible.

Magnetism is when the aura is charged and you are alluring, making people charmed by you. It is when you radiate energy that intrigues others, entices them and makes them want to get to know you. If you become very skilled at magnetism you can use that energy to persuade people to do what you want and it can lead to mind control. When you have a strong command of these energies you get to a place where you can command others around you, which is something the solar demons are very skilled in.

They are also very good at banishing. They can wrap the person that’s their target and incinerate them with the sun. They have techniques to remove others and to remove any cords or connection to them. They know many incineration techniques and know to use infernos. They can also surround someone and use the black sun, which burns them. They have incredible skills and are great at removing blocks.

Can other demon species use solar currents?

There are species specific techniques to tap into solar currents however other demons can learn their magical techniques. They are a secretive group, so you have to be connected to them to gain access to certain areas. Some however don’t give out their secrets to anyone. There are many solar demons in the deep desert for instance that don’t want to get close with anyone.

Some solar current techniques can be taught and others are specific to solar demons it depends on the path one wants to walk. Akelta has met different demons who have made connections in the solar realm and have been trained in various solar arts and currents. It varies.

Solar Divination

There are a few different types of solar divination as well as some really cool ones so we can cover a few here. In the solar realm they have different signs and symbols that they look for.

Some types are:

• Seeing a certain animal
• Seeing something that catches their eye while out in the desert
• The sand making a specific pattern
• Reading the stars or the sky; there are also other elements as their sky is unique and layered. There are
different things that make up their sky it’s not the same structure that we have here
• Solar currents moving in a specific way
• Some divinations involve listening to the solar currents and hearing the deep messages that are coming
from within them (there are different ways to tap into it).
• They also have card decks and their own divination tools.
• Some also use crystals and they have different types of crystals which they use for divination.

It’s similar to osteomancy or reading bones, they can read different crystals by:

1. How they interact
2. How they are being reflected by the sun
3. The patterns they make
4. How they fall and interact with each other

They know how to read these specific signs and how to read energies, they can decipher messages from them. It changes depending on the time of day i.e., messages in the morning are different than in the mid-day, afternoon, evening, night, witching hour and so on. They have different times than we do, and their time sometimes can be strange. From a simplified perspective energy could be read like that. They have a more complex and sophisticated system however; it’s based off of how time works for them, how the energies and cycles move, how it shifts and where you are because the laws are different from down here. There are multiple suns and points of solar energies.

Time can be important in divination especially when things are captured for it. Within each thing that is captured in the OSW it contains a message and an imprint of that specific time. There are different aspects like if you collect one element of time and then another element, which you proceed to hold the space between them you can read the message that comes from those two points. You can decipher complex messages from it.

They also have different types of water divination in the solar realm, it’s very sacred. There are different types of water there and depending on the different frequencies that are found in the water (as it changes based on the day, season, etc.) you can receive and decipher messages.

The rules that are down here on our planet are completely different than those for demons in the OSW. There are some aspects that mirror what we have here because what we have here, they have more of over there but they still reflect on each other so you can witness similar things. This is why in the divinity realms you can visit as a ghost to walk around and experience the world (in a different form) since there are similarities. However, when you get farther away from what we have here it becomes challenging since the mind has no reference point, so you have no ability to understand what is going on. In some cases, you can even break apart which is terrible.

The demons will often make mirrors or connecting bridges to help fill in what’s going on if we visit them. During the solar event last year there was an aspect of solar divination we got to experience where we looked up at the sky and based off the direction and time of day that we chose we would see what creature we get through the combination, which then had a message.

Do they have connections to the moon?

Solar demons work with both moon and the sun; they have moons in their realm and there is night in the solar realms so they can do so. Although they can work with the moon, they aren’t necessarily drawn to it or connected to moon rays as they work with the sun. There aren’t only moons and planets over there, there are other things as well like interesting aspects within the sky. They can see various twisted dimensions or other realms; they can also see splits and tears in other realms, so it works differently over there. However, they work with all the things they see in the sky so the moons would be one of the aspects but the sun is what they are most connected to.

Night in the Solar Realm?

We have night and day here. In the demonic realms they have more “events” that happen. Although some of the laws in our universe are parallel out in the OSW it goes beyond it and they also have many unique aspects. For example, the suns shift and can shift in and out of dimensions. They can rotate too. This answer gets complicated because it depends on where you are in the solar realm. On earth we have the first dimension then we have the horizontal aspect – the second dimension, and then we can move in a circle - third dimension (we have three dimensions). In the demonic realms there are more dimensions than that, so the laws can be crazy. At times it can be like “oh it’s pitch black” then “there’s a blue sun out, and everything is blue”, “now it’s dark for the next 20 days”, “and “now it’s going to be bright for the next 20 days” it’s part of how the suns shift and move. Some places do rotate around their sun like our earth does, but it can vary and instead be like a land mass or specific structure that rotates around it.

There are also dimensions that exist which twist and fold on themselves, which the suns can follow. Additionally, the suns aren’t necessarily as hot as ours, it can be cooler and can be closer. Some of the suns are close depending on how big or small it is. There are infinite amounts of suns because their realm is infinite. Depending on where you are you will find various suns and different sources so there are many types of things.

They can still connect to the suns at night, but it would encompass a different energy. The energy changes with daytime, nighttime and all the other events they have. This is one of these things that Akelta can feel, but moving it outside of the OSW perspective and to the ISW perspective Akelta needs to formulate different reference points.

Is it like a moving world?

Some places do move from place-to-place others are fairly stationary; it depends on where you are.

Caves in the solar realm?

The caves are journeys, and they are beautiful. Each cave is different some have sacred journeys to them, and others form a consciousness of their own. As you enter a cave you are pretty much entering a creature that takes you on its own journey.

Some caves contain:
 Secrets
 Journeys
 Energies
 Elements of divination
 Some demons also live in the caves

There is also the significance that ‘in the darkness that is where you learn’. You walk into the cave and you become disconnected from the solar currents. Thus, there are different elements and aspects of you that will rise and grow. Think about what happens when you become disconnected from everything you know and what do you transform into?

Celebrations in the Solar Realm

The celebrations are based on the culture; there is an infinite number of solar cultures. The solar event that S&S hosts is a re-enactment of one that they do. The solar demons incorporate different elements of their own culture. They come together have celebrations, festivals, get togethers. They have different foods that are offered, demons that offer readings in divination- reading different signs. Also, if they are in a specific realm and there is a particular change that happens, they may celebrate that change. If they are in a realm that holds a specific sign as sacred and say every thousand years, if they see signs of it coming, they’ll celebrate to mark that. It varies.

Our holidays in a way are influenced by the OSW when we look at what we have here we can see elements of what the OSW does and see different parallels. It’s like how Akelta mentioned what we have here they have out there and more. Each demon species has unique celebrations and even further tribes within that species also have their own unique celebrations. You can also go to various demon realms and engage in celebrations. It can be vastly different and very fun. Demons in general do have parties and some do have parties just to celebrate life. Some even celebrate birthdays so there are many types.

Do solar demons have tattoos?

Some do but not all. It’s like here it’s all individual. A lot of demons have tattoos.

Are there deities they worship?

The demons are the deities. There are beings in the OSW that do worship more godly beings that exist. There are humans in the OSW but the difference between them and us in the ISW is that a human in the OSW dies and reincarnates over there as a human. They have different beings that they worship, and they can walk with their gods over there and meet them. In the ISW for instance Akelta is something else that has reincarnated as a human and when she passes, she can go and be something else. She is not limited or set to only be a human.

Humans in the OSW- that is their element and who they are; they can only be that. Some beings don’t die, and others have a reincarnation cycle in the OSW. In the case of humans in the OSW they do have a reincarnation cycle. Demons on the other hand do not as they are immortal. So we can see that there are some species in the OSW that do worship and know their gods or deities. While others like demons for example are gods.

What are cultural aspects that Akelta likes about the Solar demons/realms?

Solar demons are very connected to their realm and have many sacred customs and traditions, which they hold dear to them and often keep to themselves. You really have to earn a solar demons trust for them to open up and Akelta greatly admires that quality in them. Depending on where you are some of them won’t even talk to you and some will just kill you on sight.

Solar demons have connections to movements, solar currents, to the energies and have so many amazing rituals. Akelta loves all their rituals because they are so vast, beautiful and contain so much power. They have a deep understanding and command of magick it is so lovely to observe. They pour themselves into everything they do because there is a passion to them and their realm.

Variances between the OSW and ISW

How does divination work in the OSW if it’s not like the ISW?

Divination is to read energies through different means. In the OSW you are reading energies, and other times you are reading nothing, and then there is component with completely other aspects to it. The OSW is not connected like the ISW. In the ISW everything is connected, (we all are here) and so it’s a concept that is difficult to grasp due to the large difference with the OSW. Divination is harder to do in the OSW and challenging because they have to be in tune with what they are divining with. They have to pay very close attention because there isn’t the same interconnectivity that we have here.

Another way to try to understand this comparison is if we were to try to connect to another person here and focus on someone for example through distant healing Akelta can feel their energies and vibrations because of how the universe works. We are all connected, so she can feel another person’s energies and connect. In the OSW she wouldn’t be able to do that because there is a disconnection, and everyone is not integrated the way we are in the ISW. If Akelta tried to distance heal in the OSW it wouldn’t be so instant or easy. If for instance she was in one place and someone was in another location in the OSW she wouldn’t be able to connect instantly to heal them. To actually do so she would have to figure out what that person’s structure is then what they are, how to connect and then how to heal from what they are made up of. Their version of inter-connectivity is why they don’t need to have the same laws of gravity and our universe up there. This is also why there are “strange” phenomenon of suns and disappearing/reappearing dimensions that cause things to freeze over. They don’t have the same consequences that it does here.

Due to the disconnection and things not integrated there are different methods in which divination could work. There are different elements they are tapping into. The base of our divination here is that we are reading energies and using mediums to read those energies; we can also read it from different realms. In the OSW they are reading a specific element within the OSW using a specific means without the base of energy, so it works in different ways. There are multiple elements, “forces”, energies some of the forces are even incompatible with each other.

When demons are doing divination, they really have to pay attention to the divination medium that they are using. Akelta says it’s amusing because some demons will say divination doesn’t work while other demons will argue that it does. In the ISW it works due to our interconnectivity but in the OSW there is a debate on the effectiveness. They have to really read the layers during divination and some demons have an incredible capacity to go deep in different areas, they can see things in a very profound ways, therefore they can offer amazing insight and perspective on something.

Another way to try to understand it is if an OSW demon is using the cards and reading them, they are looking at the symbolism to see the story produced by the card in connection to the individual. However, they don’t have the energy to compare the story with the individual so they have to look into the different elements. To understand this the individual’s energy that is one element, then there are additional deeper elements that need to be examined which are not connected. As humans we have a base of energies, they don’t have the same base out there, so they have to look into various areas from one base to another and so on to see how all the bases work with the base of the divination tool. It’s very complicated so Akelta hopes to do more posts in the future about it.

Understanding OSW differences in connection

Even though we are energetic beings inhabiting a vehicle of flesh we are still connected to the world around us. Everything is made up of energy in the universe, however that’s not the same aspect in the OSW. Demons in the OSW don’t have the same vibrational connectivity that we have here. There are energies but they function differently in the OSW than here. Energies are one facet as everything is made up of energies here, but in the OSW the energy exists and is an element but doesn’t encompass everything.

There are various elements depending on where you are. This is also why we cannot connect to some pl
aces in the OSW from here. There have been times where Akelta returned from visiting the OSW and when she returned into her body, she thought she was going to explode. The energy hit her so hard, and the sensation was like something ripping through her brain. In the OSW everything would be disconnected but in little pockets connected so in those pockets they can be connected but in the larger scope not. Our brains are so hard wired to see things as connected because we were born here, so seeing things as disconnected requires us to go beyond our natural impulses.

How does manifestation work in the OSW if not connected?

To manifest in the OSW, you have to assemble the components of what you are trying to manifest and then breathe life into it, which some demons don’t even have that skill. This is actually an interesting component because while we all have the ability to manifest here in the ISW in the OSW only some do. Other demons in the OSW just haven’t learned the skill to manifest since there is the aspect of gathering different things to do so. That’s also why solar currents are so powerful because they have figured out a method for manifesting out there. Concerning manifestation in the OSW it depends on where you are and what energies you are working with.

Here we can manifest more easily and more because we have the ability. Out there it’s much harder and that’s also why Akelta thinks so many come her to be able to experience having many different types of things in this world. There is a vast complexity of the OSW due to these profound layers and the unique elements that can be connected.

Hard mode living in the ISW?

It depends on what you signed up for and it depends on your reincarnation cycle and so on. There are so many different reasons why we come here. The more Akelta learns the more she’s convinced there isn’t just one reason for everyone, but we all come for different journeys, experiences, and to find ourselves for various reasons. It all depends on the individual.

We all have different energies, and we all have different places we call home so when we die it’ll be unique to the individual. Akelta doesn’t think there is one solution fits all for anything- for instance it would be boring if we all came here and were the same person. The uniqueness, the diversity and the eclectic nature of it all is what makes it so amazing- there are so many avenues and potentials to explore.

We are generally purposefully made to forget any rules we learned from any past lives when we come into our current one. One of Akelta’s mentors said something funny, “now remember as you die say, don’t look into the light then you won’t forget in your next life”. Akelta’s mentor said as you die chant “right right forget the light” so you remember to turn away from the light as that is what causes you to forget everything from your past life. Then apparently, you will be reincarnated in your next life and remember everything.

Are we supposed to fulfill our original reason we had to incarnate here or can we walk away?

If you can figure out what your soul came here to do you can rewrite it. This is what will be discussed in the upcoming higher chakra class that will be offered at the Demon Temple. By working with our higher chakra’s, we can rewrite our code. We have a blueprint that says this is what we incarnated for however if we can access that we can reprogram it and discover as well as reprogram our purpose.

How did OSW beings get here to the ISW?

We are first put into a specific type of slumber. Then we are shifted into an etheric energy form, and then we are brought here. Our energy form then becomes our higher self and then our higher self breaks into our universal self. From there the universal self can inhabit different species within the ISW at least from what Akelta understands of it. There is a process to it and when it’s time for you to return home and the spectral demons come to collect you for the reintegration process, it is apparently very fun.

The End! :devilflame: :devilparty: :devilread: :devilpaint: :devilfre:

Re: Tea Chat: Solar Demons

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 6:45 pm
by Kitsune
Thank you again! I learned alot from this. It all makes perfect sense the way Akelta is describing it. ^^

Re: Tea Chat: Solar Demons

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 3:12 pm
by EgoDestruction
Thank you so much for transcribing this! I’m so glad to be able to come back look over this later.

Re: Tea Chat: Solar Demons

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 11:29 am
by windyjune
Aw you're both very welcome! I'm so glad it helps Akelta really is amazing in describing everything, this was such an awesome topic.

Re: Tea Chat: Solar Demons

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 6:32 am
by JMoccult
Hi windy, thanks a lot for the notes. I recently got my first DC and it's Solar Commander, so this is way more than welcome.

Thank you Akelta for this Tea Chat.