Deep Cleanse (Parasite Cleanse)

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UPG Disclaimer this post is how I have learned to cleanse and is one of many methods I have used. It’s a good method to deep clean after/before/during a healing or when you are facing a parasite infestation or possible parasites. This is not a catch all and can’t fix everything but it’s a start. I also am not able to cover everything under this post. Please seek a professional if you feel you have parasites.

First, you need to check what needs to be cleansed For a deep cleansing to work when parasites are concerned no stone should be left unturned. Here is a list of everything you can check and recheck while cleansing.

List to cleanse
Outside of Self
  • Astral shields/Wards
    Physical shields/Wards
    Astral home
    Astral earth (Go deep)

Any tools used in the process
Your electronic devices if used
Aura/outside energy field
Energy storages
Physical body (take a good cleansing shower)
Energy body/Astral body
Energy pathways
Energy Points
People (Think Hazmat)

All people who have come into contact with you since infestation
Treat it like they would treat the plague. They would burn all the possessions of the person any anything that came into contact with them or was regularly even in their presence. But in this case don’t burn everything just cleanse everything.

Methods for cleansing

Starting at your head working your way down envision “cleansing” energy coming from your top point down. Wash away any foreign bodies. Wash away any sludge or slime or anything that you feel needs to be moved out. Pay attention to any abnormalities. Do you see a worm? Wash it out. If the parasite persists seek a doctor.

I will envision scrubbing bubbles and really scrub what I am cleansing with energy. The energy circles and scrubs at the item I need cleansed and I wash it with cleansing energy and envision soap suds to get my intent across. Scrub until you can feel the ‘bristles’ scrubbing. There is a difference in the feel of scrubbing nothing vs scrubbing the thing you need cleansed.

Search for pustules and scabs as well as spores, needles, knotts, tangles, hooks or energy wrapped around itself. Cleanse the air repeatedly. Scrub the outside of yourself as well as the inside.
Wash clean and repeat. Scrub outside, inside, and all points, intersections, energy pathways, bonds and connections.
Cycle energy with intent to push out stagnant, cursed, hexed, tainted, malicious, negative, harmful energy, blocks, seeds, pods, pustules, infection, needles and anything that does not belong. Pull in cleansed and clean energy to replace it. Pull in love, healing, purifying, cleansing, and the energy you most need to the places you most need it. Color associations can be helpful with picking the energy.
Visualize light (or what you associate with energy) coming down to wash out the tainted energy from your spaces while also scrubbing it clean. Make sure you go deep and do NOT JUST HIT SURFACE AREAS. You can call on your Gods to assist as well.
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Sorry it posted early.... please excuse the lack of formatting
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(Not recommended)

This step by step guide is pretty helpful for when you don't know where to start cleansing!
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Valerian wrote:
Tue Jun 01, 2021 5:01 pm
(Not recommended)

This step by step guide is pretty helpful for when you don't know where to start cleansing!
🤣🤣🤣🤣 thank you!!
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