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Warding Against Parasites

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 12:43 pm
by EgoDestruction
I wanted to share some posts I've made about warding against parasites. This does require some knowledge of energy work.

When warding against parasites it’s important to remember that sometimes just warding to keep them away won’t always help. There are some parasites that can eat through all of your most well intentioned wards. The best way to counteract this is to craft wards that repel the parasites as well as protect against them. I would even weave multiple wards while crafting your wards so if one is breached they aren’t all breached. (Check your wards often)

Below are some good options for parasites wards.

1. A ward that emits a frequency they can’t handle. A high pitched squeal that only they hear and they can’t stand. (Good for short term solutions like rituals)
2. A ward that feels like a natural predator for parasites
3. Confusion ward to make them eat themselves instead
4. A ward made up to show the parasite the opposite energy to the one they feed from
5. A ward that hides you from parasites altogether
6. A ward that burns parasites before they can even reach you
7. Offensive wards against anything with parasitic intent

Most Parasites are opportunistic feeders if you show a hard enough front they won’t bother to try and work their way through. I suggest you have multiple layers of protections against them and multiple ways to protect against different types of parasites. Create fire wards, earth wards, light wards, run through the whole gambit. Light wards seem to do the best against the vast majority of parasite species. But there are light energy parasites as well so always double up with differing energies.

Another very important part of staying Parasite free is to ward your rituals. Please ward your rituals, ward your curse breaking, unbindings, and cursings; ward against parasites any time you wield large amounts of magic, as they will be attracted to this and just see a free feast if it’s not warded. This also includes cleansing and dispersing energy after the ritual but that’s another post.

Also keep in mind while warding there are different levels of parasites. But at different levels you’ll need different strength wards. Ward against opportunistic parasites, ward against mid range intelligent parasites(the repel ward helps here) and ward against high level parasites that are actual high intelligence entities that wish to feed from you.

Adding a parasite protection on the outside of all your wards will save you a lot of upkeep in the long run.

I hope this helps you! I'm open to other methods if you want to share them here!

Re: Warding Against Parasites

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 12:57 pm
by Zygimantas Puze
This information will aid me a lot! Thanks for sharing! :devilread:

Re: Warding Against Parasites

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 2:35 pm
by JMoccult
Thank you Willucifer for sharing all this info and the way you explained it. :devilread:

Re: Warding Against Parasites

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 8:25 am
by Abini:tan
Willow I love your posts on parasites and the detail you put into what one might encounter and how to remove them. There's enough information that one can approach the situation logically and not inhibit their own technique / creativity. This goes for all your posts, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate them.

Re: Warding Against Parasites

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 11:46 am
by EgoDestruction
Serendipity wrote:
Mon May 24, 2021 8:25 am
Willow I love your posts on parasites and the detail you put into what one might encounter and how to remove them. There's enough information that one can approach the situation logically and not inhibit their own technique / creativity. This goes for all your posts, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate them.
Thank you so much Seren! I just wanna help other people if they encounter the same or similar. Sometimes just knowing how to handle what you encounter can take away the fear.