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Parasite Post- The Tickler

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 12:58 pm
by EgoDestruction

First encountered: September 2018

Occurance: Found in Swamps: Common

Contagion Level: Low

Last updated: April 10,2019

Appearance: Long and worm like; almost looks to be made of pure energy have a white glow to them and look like they are glow worms when pulled out.

Relationship with Host: They center themselves into a hosts energy pathways and ‘tie’ themselves into knots creating a knot/ block in the energy pathway that they then use to feed from the energy flowing down the energy body. They are not contagious outside of their hosts bodies and within swamps. They will ‘eat’ their tail completing a loop much like an ouroborus.

Food Source: They Feed from their hosts energy.

Symptoms/How to Find: Look for white glow in the hosts energy system and the energy pathways being knotted up. The easiest way to see them is to look at the knots. They will also bulge out the energy pathway depending on how long they have they have been attached to the host.

How to remove: The reason they are called the Tickler is because of the removal process. You ‘find the head’ by energetically feeling along the worm until you find a place where it is rounder and looks like a head to a snake. Then you ‘tickle’ behind its head gently and it will entice it to release. They must be handled gently or they will bite and knot. Discard after removal.

Effects of Removing: The energy will flow normally unless they were well established then look for tiny leaks. There will also be a leak at the entrance point of the parasite. Unless they are well established and have been in their host for some time they do not cause much damage to the host. If they have been there for long periods of time the energy pathways beneath them can be necrotic where they tied up the energy pathways. This can lead to necrosis of the energy body. However this is only in cases of extreme infestation and those are rare.

After affects of Healing: The energy pathways must be rebuilt and it will take time for energy to flow smoothly again.

How to prevent: A ward to specifically prevent against this parasite will work. Preferably one that burns them on contact as they cannot stand fire energy.

Re: Parasite Post- The Tickler

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:57 pm
by Alexandrine
They sound like those tube worms at the bottom of the ocean that feed off of whale bodies. Gross gross gross!