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Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 4:54 pm
by windyjune
May 7th- Noble Demons


Today we will be discussing Noble demons. Noble demons are one of Akelta’s favorite demons to discuss in part (no bias) because she has Noble DDE (Demonic Dark Energy) and she has known about them for a very long time. They are one of the demon groups who first started the core alliance and were the instigators for it. This began with Noble demons starting alliances with other demon species that then formed the core. They have a very noble high vibrational energy and thus is how they got the name as Noble demons. Most of the names of demon species are translated into our language to help identify them.

The Noble realm is outside the infernal realms in the upper demonic spiritual realms of the outer spiritual realms (OSW). Their realms exist closely to the essence of divinity which is why Akelta says Satan is the father of the dark divine and the father of dark divinity because of their connection to it. They are not divinity demons but they have connection to that so they can work, command and shift the powers of the darkness of divinity. Divinity isn’t only limited to light it also has darkness- there is an entire spectrum of darkness and light as well as in between that. There are many facets and different dimensional spectrums that divinity operates on. Often our mind works on a dual mindset of either darkness or light but in reality those are just singular facets within a multi-dimensional spectrum. There are other energies, elements, and concepts within it.

Even within darkness many people often say it’s horrible and evil when it’s not. Of course, there are facets that can be horrible and evil but there are facets of light too that are horrible and evil. There is a spectrum, and the essence of dark divinity has those concepts woven within it. Within darkness there is also the creative, the vibrant, the majestic and deep aspects of it and then there are more sinister qualities too. The spectrums in the OSW are vast and fun to understand.

Noble demons are an ancient group of demons and they have a rich history. If you think about our universe, it’s millions of years old but the OSW is even older than that- you are getting into a history that is billions and billions of years old. They have a deep, powerful and passionate culture. They love art and creation as well as working with those energies. They love discovering things and doing explorations of deep elements. Noble demons love philosophy, and they are very creative. They take great care of things like their surroundings and places they inhabit.

Noble demons are very balanced in their magical working and they have interesting elements within them. The darkest demon Akelta has ever worked with was the noble demons in terms of mannerisms and understanding darkness and the world. They have an incredible depth to them as well as deep understanding since many of them work with high vibrational energies. Noble demons keep detailed records of their history, of all experimentation and magickal workings they have done, any alchemy work, stories, etc. They have vast, huge libraries that are dream libraries for anyone who loves books. Some of the structures they have are massive to the point it will take days to walk through it. They love exploring art, history of other cultures too.

Noble Demons like beautiful high vibrational currents so they want to create and keep spaces where the energies are clear, open and flowing. They are very intelligent and can find solutions to powerful problems, so they are adept at helping teach people how to overcome blocks and obstacles in their life. They often see things from a multi-dimensional perspective so they are able to see complex scenarios and they can formulate a solution for them. In this way they can see a situation from all sides and can assess what’s going on and what is the best course to take through it.

Noble demons are very family oriented and well connected. If you mess with one of their family members, they will be sure to get revenge. They will go after anyone that hurts their family because they do not let them get hurt. They have complex family structures and are polygamous like most demons. They make sure their families are taken care of. Additionally, they are a passionate group of demons and they like to explore their passions. They are incredible warriors and fighters. Noble demons make things fun and exciting- they see things in a passionate and powerful way. They are always ready to act. When you work with them their energies are aligned and vibrant, ready to go forward and seize the world.

Eilana has amazing stories with one of the coven noble demons and working in investing that resulted in incredible manifestations and guidance. Working with them you start to feel the energies rise with you and you begin to see the world around you in a different way. You start to see potential and opportunities all around you because the world is a creative platform for us to manifest or shift and create things. We can walk within it. Noble demons have incredible knowledge and understanding of this.

The Noble realm is very beautiful. There are many structures that are old and have a history, but there’s a blending of newer structures too. There are many places within their realms that someone can go to learn and travel. They are very big on keeping records, historical contexts, information, stories (they love them). Noble demons are also one of the health-conscious demons. They love to explore as they have curious minds and are very innovative, but they also have an appreciation for where they came from. There is a blending of old and new energies especially honoring the old ways but eager to embrace innovation.

Akelta loves working with Noble demons. Noble demons are very powerful and skilled in magick. Their high vibrational energies can help with astral projection (AP) and can help raise your own energies so you can astral travel to different realms. Due to their skills in manifestation and love of abundance they are very skilled at creating wealth and helping with business. They were one of the first group of demons Akelta worked with. There were three groups she discovered when she was younger: Noble, Chaos, and Mutilation demons. It’s actually because of the noble demon she worked with who had ties to the mutilation realm that helped her discover the mutilation demons and make the connection.

How does the Noble realm compare to ours?

Time is quite different. In comparison to our realm they have been around beyond millions of years. Noble demons have billions and billions of years of knowledge and stories whereas we have a fraction of it. There is a huge historical map that can be explored there depending on the time period. Time works differently in the OSW. There is a huge history, from the evolution of their art, to how things are and move.

Noble demons like coming here and learning about us and our culture. They enjoy seeing the evolution of our species, where we’ve come from and where we’ve gone. They have a deep understanding and can see things in completely unique ways. They enjoy seeing how things work and how we and our energies evolve, shift and move through our own journeys here. They love knowledge, learning and magick. They also have their own magick, which is incredible.

The Noble realms are also one of the easier realms to grasp mentally for us because it is closer to divinity, so there is a parallel between the Noble realm and our realm however there are still elements of expanded time out in the OSW. There are also things like shifts in time and different time pockets woven into each other, but it is closer to things we are used to in our realm. Here we have a short life span while out there they are immortal, so things go slower but there is still an extended amount of time. Here we move quickly and have to move things swiftly since we have a short life span of about 80-100 years.

Ruling Families in the Noble Realm

In the Noble realm have main ruling families as well as other noble and royal families who govern the realms. The realms that they oversee in the OSW are massive and infinite. There are royal families who expand out from there and under them there is also other nobility there. It is a hierarchical system- in terms that they have an understanding of their land. They don’t die like we do so they have an understanding of how things should be organized and how to protect their land. The intention is to create a space where noble demons and their culture can thrive.

Those overseeing the realm want other noble demons to explore their passions and to embrace what they are good at. They create beautiful realms, and they are all unique depending on the noble demon who runs it all. Each demon that leads has their own ideas and own improvisations of things. Families also help to oversee the realms, so everyone works together. There is a big community element within the Noble realms.

Community in Noble

It is very unified in the Noble realms and with all the Noble demons working together for a common cause they are very social and cohesive. They enjoy their big communities and large gatherings. Some demons can be more private but for the most part they do love their community.

Noble Demon Magick

Some things Noble demons deal and are skilled with are the energies of manifestation, healing, and working with high vibrational currents. High vibrational energies can incinerate people, so they have their own unique cursing methods using and working with those currents. They can also use these energies to get what they desire.

Noble demons are proficient at working with energies that free one from thoughts, concepts, and ideas that bind someone. They are great at releasing blocks from the mind or the body as well as any limiting thoughts or beliefs. They can help surround those they work with, with high vibrational energies so they can step into and claim their power. Due to their manifestation abilities Noble demons often live in luxury and surround themselves with beautiful objects and things. They are very skilled at offering inspiration and helping people to find and improve aspects of their life to step into their power. Noble demons can assist people to attain the life that they want. They like to help raise people up; to raise their vibrations to attain what they want in life and to help them raise a situation where they can work with the energies around them and claim their power to create their desires.

As mentioned Noble demons have their own brand of magick due to their knowledge and energy they work with.

Their own brand of magick varies from:
• Abundance
• Love
• Healing (very skilled at healing)
• Sinister and Execration work (it’s phenomenal)

They have an incredible ability to cut through things with their curses. The darkest demon as Akelta mentioned working with was a Noble demon. The curses he could cast were incredible. An example is that Noble demons can see and cut through the energies, through any shields, wards, and also could implant energies. It’s really amazing what they can do.

Noble demons are life changing demons. They can come in and cast away a block and obstacles holding anyone back. They can help someone to progress forward and to help someone claim what they want in life and to claim what they desire to build their world, business, abundance all around them. They are very good at taking action, motivating and excellent at getting things done.


Their realm is one of celebration and parties. They love to celebrate and hold festivities. They love to have any reason to get together. S&S has done the Yule ball event on the forum in the past and it’s based on Noble demons. It’s basically a masquerade ball and Noble demons invite a lot of different species, as they are very open and don’t only keep things to themselves. They like to share. They are very social and they can also help with charisma and creating confidence. They can help raise vibrations and awaken power inside of us and help us get back in touch with our self.

Speaking of events, the events are going to be starting again. The next event will likely start around the summer solstice.

The Noble Realms

The Noble realms have beautiful ancient forests some of which are stunning. There is one forest Akelta knows of with purple trees and green leaves. They have their own plant life, and the diversity is amazing. The plants and animals that exist there are even more in the OSW than we have here. There are also different types and aspects of this beyond plants and animals; there are different living creatures. Their realm is forested but there are also lots of cities with beautiful architecture and energies. There are tons of plant life and flowers, lots of gardens, and old beautiful architecture.

The peacefulness of their realm comes from its ancientness, as it’s an established realm. It’s well protected since they started the alliance and many of the Noble demons are heads of the demonic armies, so the army is situated there. Thus, the realm is peaceful, and they keep it that way. They also keep it beautiful and safe because they want to create and maintain a safe place for each other without having to be worried of being killed.

Museums in the Noble Realms?

Noble demons love museums and art. They have objects from working with other demon species and they have lots of knowledge and wisdom from others too, not just from their own culture and history. They are curious about other different species of demons as well as other species in the OSW entirely. Some dedicate their life to reporting, recording and putting these things into the museums since it’s something important to them. They love knowledge. There are museums, libraries, archives, art galleries, and many other things with information that can be found out there.

How does economics work there?

Akelta has to think on this question as she hasn’t dived too deep into the dynamics of it. She just knows it’s abundant and they have a lot of wealth as it’s important and a big focus for them. Lord Mammon is the demon of capitalism.

Are there typical traits for Noble demons?

A lot of them are paler although there are others that are tanner. They have the general tails, horns and wings. They are tall but they all have different forms it depends on the demon just how we are all unique and individual here. Their unique traits are as mentioned manifestation and creation.

Are they an older group of demons?

They are an older and established society that is very skilled, so they have a lot of history and understanding of how the world works. They understand the energies that are around them. They know how to keep their society going and how to take care of everyone. Noble demons again are very wealthy they have been building it up for many years. They can easily take care of their army and can take care of their society, so they are very proficient with that.

Fallen Angels Residing in which Realms?

A lot of fallen angels settled in different realms some settled in the Noble realms, others in the Abyssal, it depends.

Differences between Mutilation and Noble Demons?

The Mutilation realms are completely different. Mutilation demons are in the lower outer infernal realms and have different energies that they encompass. Noble demons on the other hand are in the upper divine regions and they are not in the infernal realms. On our planet there is often the notion of classy and glamorous meaning something is good or desirable while decay and ruin is bad which is very different from the OSW perspective. Each one is its own energy to explore and there is no good or bad.

The mutilation realms are more corrosive in nature, so they have a unique artistic decay that goes on in their realm. They are big on exploring the mutilation aspects of the self and how they can bend and mold the flesh. While the noble demons are about how they can create and craft the world around them, so there is a difference. Noble demons are very high vibrational; Akelta doesn’t classify high and low vibrational as good and bad but rather as directional and how the energies work. For example, high vibrational energies move faster in how it interacts with the environment. While mutilation energies are slower, and their realm is in the lower regions in comparison to upper regions where noble demons reside. Perspective wise Noble demons see things in terms of creation and building wealth and abundance, while Mutilation demons see the obscurities of the world and they see beauty and depth in deformity and mutilation. They have an incredible understanding of the world and they have an abstract perspective while the Noble demon’s perspective is in tune with how they can create.

Solar vibrations having immense pressure?

No, not always. Sometimes Solar vibrations can be incredibly light and airy it depends on the vibration. Some will have immense pressure others will be airier there’s a spectrum in the OSW. It makes it hard for Akelta to put it into a category since we are 3D people and she’s trying to categorize something multidimensional. There are some areas where you have nothing and others that are very dense, so it depends.

Spectral vs. Necrosis demons

Spectral and Necrosis realms exist in a similar place to each other; they are beside each other. The Necrosis realm does blend into our realm a bit they but they are more outer spiritual than inner spiritual versus Spectral which is both inner and outer spiritual realm. The Necrosis realm is more in the outer spiritual world but due to their realm seeping into ours and due to the proximity they do have an understanding of our realm.

Spectral demons deal with more etheric qualities and they have an understanding of the wispy aspects while the Necrosis demons deal with soil, dirt, the elements, and flesh. Necrosis demons deal with it from warmth and living while still dead (Akelta loves their realm). They understand plants and they understand bones as well as the signs around them. They are very in tune with the natural world and understand how it works and exists. The Spectral demons on the other hand are very skilled with the etheric, dream and lucid realms- the realms of the dead. Necrosis demons are skilled at understanding the dead that walk like zombies and those elements, as well as working with the black elements. They are masters of the black elements.

Would feeling pulled to a specific DL be an indicator of realms that are better to work with?

No not necessarily. You can be connected to Lord Satan but find good companionship with Crypt demons or Necrosis demons. Akelta likes to base it off individual demons and what you are drawn to. If you are drawn to explore different energies than go with that, but it depends on the level you are working with. There are demons that exist in the Qliphothic regions i.e. the lower trees, the underworld realms and within our realms and so on. There is a Satan down there that is completely different from the Divine Satan and different from the OSW Lord Satan so there is a disconnect between the different layers, so it depends.

Akelta says go with what you feel pulled to and learn about it, since if it’s drawing to you, it’s for a reason- there’s a connection there. However, the resonance doesn’t mean that one realm is better than another. You may have a resonance to one and then find another resonance to one completely contradictory to that. There is a connection there and by exploring it you can uncover it.

Understanding the OSW

The OSW has spectrum of other dimensions that adds lots of layers to it while the inner spiritual world (ISW) can be categorized at the level more energetically as low, slow, heavy dark versus high, quick, bright light. Out in the OSW the concept of physics is broader. Everything seems to exist in spectrums, and you have scales of vibrations.

The divine god Dark Lords (DLs) are always around and here to help, they want to connect and help people however a lot of the OSW DL’s have many responsibilities out there so there is a disconnect with the OSW and ISW. Many OSW demons don’t even know that we exist. The God level of the demonic divine is considered its own- it’s not considered ISW or OSW but the divine layer so it depends on where you are drawn to. Some people will find working with different ISW DLs most empowering others in the Qliphothic it depends on where your energies take you. The best one is the one you resonate the most with, it’s the resonance that’s important. It depends on where you connect to. Akelta has tried to force connections before, and it doesn’t work they fizzle out.

Akelta’s rituals for conjuring from the OSW are insane in order to connect with them. She has frequencies that she has to work with and incredible energies she has to connect to. She opens up portals but the initial opening up of portals is a mess. It’s a complex topic but they do come through to connect sometimes. Usually, they are the ones that do the connecting but not always. Generally, they are on different layers.

Lord Satan

Lord Satan is the head of Noble demon society. He is the first Noble demon and the absolute head of the Noble demon species. Lord Mammon, Lord Belial and Lord Satan are all Noble demons.

Lord Asmodeus

Lord Asmodeus is an Incubus and is one of the Incubi King’s. He is the father of Incubi.

Lady Lilith

Lilith is not a demon. Akelta classifies her as a Dark Goddess and more of a vampiress. Some would call her a demon but, in this classification, she wouldn’t be called one since she doesn’t have demonic energy within her.

Do DLs travel with guards to visit other realms?

It depends on where they are going and their method of transport. Some are so old and ancient that no one would dare to mess with them. They are an immortal species so the older they are the more experience they have and the more skilled they get. If they are going to a dangerous place or a place where they have to deal with conflict, then yes. However, if they are only going to visit a friend probably not because they are so ancient and powerful no one will bother them or try to mess with them.

Do DL’s talk with others?

Akelta knows they have friends on all levels. It’s based off age and compatibility, so the DLs won’t shun someone that’s younger than them. It’s more like they have more experience and wisdom, so they want to teach others and talk with them. They all get along and chat amongst each other. There are kings and high-ranking demons talking to sorcerers and even non ranking demons. It’s about personality and compatibility- who they connect with rather than rank. They want to share their wisdom and knowledge as well as connect with others.

Any rules to build altars for Noble demons?

Akelta likes to put citrine in their altars. She also likes to work with moldavite and gold colors. It depends on the individual demon though. As long as you are respectful to them, you’ll be fine. Each one will desire different things in their altar. It depends on the demon for instance when Akelta looks at her altars for Satan and Mammon they are completely different. She also has six other high prince Noble demon altars, and they are all very different. They all have different crystals, elements, colors that they like.

How common is it for S&S to discover a new demon species?

It happens as they connect with different demon species and work with them. When Akelta started there were three but now they have like fifteen- sixteen.

New Life in the OSW

A lot of the ones that Akelta has worked with are ancient. There are things coming to existence all the time. The demonic energies would blend with divinity to create new life or if they are in the lower realms more voidal energies. It’s not going to happen in our lifespan here because one year there in the OSW is about 3,000 years here. Thus, it would take a long time in comparison to our life span here.

The End! :devilviolin: :devilpaint: :devilread: :ideadevil: :meditate:

Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 5:16 pm
by darkstarfyre
Thanks windy june. Expect month of june to be cool and windy. :devilclap:

Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 5:29 pm
by windyjune
darkstarfyre wrote:
Sat May 22, 2021 5:16 pm
Thanks windy june. Expect month of june to be cool and windy. :devilclap:
Bahaha my pleasure! And fingers crossed thank you I would love that it's already getting too humid where I am. It's so funny I couldn't think of a username when I started so I was like well my birthday is in June and it's always windy and lots of thunderstorms the week of my birthday so why not :devilparty:

Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 2:01 pm
by JMoccult
Thank you windyjune !!!

Like always, you rock :devilclap: :devilbow:


Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 8:56 am
by Abini:tan
Thank you for all these notes windy. This one still makes me wanna tour the noble realms.

Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 7:55 pm
by Ravenfire
I honestly can't thank you enough for this post. The Noble Demons will always hold such a special place in my heart. I learned a lot from this thread. Thank you

Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 6:06 am
by SerenitySpells
Thank you once again for such detailed and easy to understand note taking. I am looking forward to the June event

Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 11:44 am
by EgoDestruction
Thank you Windy!!!! This is amazing as always.

Re: Tea Chat: Noble Demons

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 9:12 am
by windyjune
Aw I'm so glad you all enjoyed the notes, thank you for all the kind words :devillove:
I appreciate the thanks I'm so happy to be able to take notes and help out in this way. The events will be super fun too, it'll be a blast.
Serendipity wrote:
Mon May 24, 2021 8:56 am
Thank you for all these notes windy. This one still makes me wanna tour the noble realms.
Gosh me too!! It sounds incredible the description of the ancient forests and cities. I would love to just hang out there all day, all the realms sound so amazing~
Ravenfire wrote:
Mon May 24, 2021 7:55 pm
I honestly can't thank you enough for this post. The Noble Demons will always hold such a special place in my heart. I learned a lot from this thread. Thank you
Aw I love that! That's so awesome it's so exciting and beautiful when there's that deep resonance. I love the noble demons and realms too this was a fun one to write up I'm so glad it helped :cheekydevil: