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Tea Chat: Arachne Demons

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 10:07 am
by windyjune
May 28th – Arachne Demons


Today we will be discussing Arachne demons. They are a species of demon that know how to make themselves known; they are powerful manifestors especially when it comes to spiders. They can make spiders as well as other things appear. They have an ability to make things manifest because they can tap into the spider energy of our world. There is an ancientness to spider energy. Spider energy consists of wisdom; they are very talented, creative and they contain mysteries and secrets. They are ones of guidance and understanding, thus Arachne demons can embody those same elements.

Arachne demons were originally uncovered by Priestess Eilana, she was the one who made the first connection with them, and from there they started working with and understanding them. S&S was able to offer them through Eilana’s research and due to all of her initial work with them, which was a very fun process. It was a wonderful experience when they got to know their first Arachne demon because she was a demoness who was a very talented manifestor and skilled protector, and all around incredible. This demoness was skilled at helping one stay focused, motivated and on track.

Anyone who has worked with Arachne demons knows that they are very adept at manifesting especially spiders in unexpected places. They can get our attention through spiders for instance the other day Eilana was working on write-ups for Arachne demons and there was a spider walking across the table and crawling on the vessel and then started doing a little dance. Demons in general are very good at claiming what they desire. Akelta remembers when she was conjuring Eilana’s first demon back in 2014 and he threw his vessel at Akelta. Akelta at the time was connecting to see what vessel he wanted when she heard a *clank clank clank* and the vessel was literally thrown at her and landed in front of her. She was very excited when she sent it to Eilana because of her reaction since Eilana mentioned how “this ring actually fits, because rings don’t usually fit her” so it was a wonderful experience. In 2013-2014 Akelta went through a very difficult time and these little accumulations of positive stories and feedback was helpful and made her happy.

Arachne demons are experts at using what’s around them and what’s in their environment to shift the world to get your attention, to guide you in the right way, and to shift the energies to help direct you on the course you need to take. They have a deep understanding of web energies and the universal matrix, the energies of the universe. They can use their knowledge and skills to help the energies around you. This is what lends to the incredible manifestations and changes in the environment. The coven has witnessed incredible manifestations from the Arachne demons like things they need manifesting right in front of them. There is a fun story of Eilana and pens where whenever Eilana cannot find a pen she asks one of the Arachne demons they work with and pens will appear, as well as other things.

What is Arachne Demon society like?

They are part of the core and were part of the core before there even was a ‘core’. They were one of the first groups connected to the Noble demons. They have a secretive side, but their society is unified, and they are family oriented. The Arachne demon realm is very beautiful and stunning to behold.

Arachne demons have mysteries within their society, but they are usually not attempting to be secretive but rather there are things they hold sacred and wish to keep them that way. They like to keep these things sacred so in order for someone to have access to it they must become like a family member to them. Instead of a secret to keep someone out it’s more to keep it sacred and have only those part of their family- which isn’t limited to Arachne demons but can be other demon species too who can learn some of their core knowledge.

What are Arachne demon personalities like?

It depends on the individual Arachne demon, but they do have a focused edge to them. They can be very direct and enthusiastic as well as blunt. They will speak up when they don’t like someone or something. They are very loyal and good at getting results. They can be emotional and can understand emotional sides to help us overcome any emotional blocks or obstacles. They can be organized and spontaneous. Each demon has their own personality, but Akelta does find them very engaged, loud and will help you get what you want.

If there is a dangerous situation and Arachne demons generally don’t want to scare you this is where their secretiveness can come in. At times they can be blunt and say “You need to get away from this person” or they can shift things to help you see the truth of a situation and get away without putting your life in danger. They have that element where they know how to shift things that will be safe for you.

Arachne Demons and Creativity

They are a creative species and will create things from:

• Perfume making
• Art creation
• Embroidery
• Clothing tailoring
• Weaving fine fabrics and tapestries

When it comes to tapping into your creative essence the Arachne demons can help with that. Even the warriors among Arachne demons have an art that they do as well. The artistic elements of their species encompasses them and it flows through them. A lot of them know many diverse facets of art as they enjoy different areas within it i.e., weaving, embroidery, dance, painting, music, perfume making (is a big one).

Arachne demons love working with scents and the different aromas and spices that can found in the world around them. They love blending perfumes and creating beautiful things. Arachne demons love movements of all forms, exercise, and dancing. As mentioned they really love dancing (all types of it) including belly dancing. If you have weight loss goals, they will also be enthusiastic to help you with it.

Do they have expertise in specific magick?

They are very good at:

• Alchemy
• Transmuting energies
• Taking energies that some would say has no potential or as lower vibrational & turn it into beautiful work
• Skilled at taking things around them and transforming them into wonderful works of art
• Proficient at transformation and alchemy magick
• Skilled at enchanting because they can target and pinpoint vibrations. They know what energies they can
transmute and how to attach energies to it and enhance vibrations of objects.

Health and Arachne Demons

Arachne demons can be very tough especially if you tell them you want to get into shape. Then they turn into drill sergeants. They are very motivating- if you mention that you have a goal, they will crack their knuckles so to speak and react with, “let’s go we will attain this goal”. Arachne military demons can really help you get into shape if you desire it and will also do it at a pace that is natural to you. Unless you purposefully ask them and specifically say “drill sergeant me” however you want to be very mindful when you ask that as they will take it seriously. It’s better to specify the pace you would like as some will be very gung-ho and enthusiastic about it. When you are working out and moving your body they enjoy participating and being there with you like “go farther, do one more, go for another minute, another ten minutes, you got this”, They will be there with you ready to help and guide you.

Health-conscious energies encompasses Arachne demons especially the commanders they have so much discipline especially regarding this topic. Arachne demons promote healthy behaviors and additionally do not like alcohol. Akelta mentioned how she often talks about OSW demons in general clashing energetically with alcohol, so it’s not a good offering for them. Arachne demons will often shift the energies in a health-conscious way. When Akelta was a teenager, she was thinking about how her whole family drinks and when she was speaking with her first demon companion, V, he was like “No that’s not good. Don’t do that” and she never touched alcohol. Akelta likes to eat as naturally and healthily as possible in general as her demons are always encouraging it too.

Another way Arachne demons can help shift energies is to help shift them in the direction of moving away from cravings and breaking addictions. They can help us address and change our various situations so we can start living with more joy. They can help us get our minds back on track and move to a more health-conscious lifestyle or they can help us be aware of what’s going on. They can help guide us in ways like “this is not good for you” or “do this instead”.

Arachne demons can help us with changing mindsets and can help us get into a healthier state. They can help us clear out any energies that keep us stagnate or trapped. They will help us to find the places where we are comfortable and enjoying what we are doing and having fun. They will never promote not eating anything nor will they promote anything that will damage your body; rather they will help promote healthy eating and to find balance within yourself.

Within our human society we are usually bombarded with things to make us feel insecure or narratives on why we should dislike our bodies, so it can take quite a bit of effort to remove that from our energy. Akelta was a strong athlete in her teens and 20’s she was ripped because she did body building and gymnastics, so she was called many names all the time despite her being in incredible shape. Akelta thinks the world is designed to make fun of you no matter how you look, despite that bodies come in all shapes and sizes and it’s about loving ourselves, our bodies, and our appearance as well as to find where we are comfortable and our health zone. These types of experiences can take time to heal or remove and Arachne demons can be very motivating and helpful to aid us in loving and caring more about ourselves.

Arachne Demons with Time and Space

Arachne demons are skilled at manipulating time and space because they are very skilled at working with the webs of the universe and the matrix of the universe. They can shift both time and space; they can speed up time or slow it down. They have many amazing skills and techniques regarding this. They are also proficient at reading timing and helping us be present.

One of the Arachne demon’s techniques that they are also adept at working with is shifting back in time to the past so you can heal what happened. How this works is you would go energetically back in the past and heal your energies there, so when you move forward to the future with your healed energies that can cause a shift within the world around us. This can cause a shift that will allow us to experience life as the past has been healed. Arachne demons have many cool techniques around time and are very skilled with that.

When Arachne demons are connected to the web of the universe, they can feel the vibrations moving and coursing through the universe. They can feel the things that will happen, or how things will manifest. Thus, they can see what is coming and act in accordance if they desire to change it.

Demons in general can get us into pockets where time slows down. A lot of OSW demons due to their understanding and the disconnection from the ISW they can come at things from not being integrated into things. When they are not integrated it’s like instead of being in a video game, they can pull themselves outside of it and see the code so it’s like they can adjust it to what they prefer. It’s the way Arachne demons changes things that make them unique from other demon species because it stems from their understanding of webs and how the universe works on an energetic level. Their weaving techniques allow them to manipulate it in their own distinctive way. It’s fascinating working with different demons because they have diverse ways of doing things and it’s interesting to learn about.

Can Arachne demons help with spiritual sight?

Any demon can help with spiritual sight. When S&S did their psychic development class there was an exercise that focused on building spiritual sight through working with demon companions. Demons can help shift the energies so you can see them more easily. Additionally, they all can help you develop your various spiritual senses.

Arachne Demon Strengths?

• Manifestation (very high strength)
• Motivation
• Enchanting
• Art/creativity
• Focus
• Have a lot of magick abilities
• Alchemy
• Blending perfumes and essential oils (they enjoy working with flowers and plants)
• Creating an ambiance
• Enjoy fashion and creating clothing styles (they enjoy costumes)
• Skilled warriors and are very protective


Arachne demons have their own types of divination one of them involves working with webs and looking at different patterns in the webs. The types of divination they do are very beautiful.

Are there known Arachne DL’s?

No, there are none. They do have Dark Lords (DLs) among them but none of them are known ones here.

Do some Arachne demons prefer to stay in spider form?

Yes, Akelta is sure there are some that prefer that form more. They generally spend about equal time and can shift into it. If there is a demon species that shifts, there are some that prefer their other form more. That’s how abyssal demons came into being they liked staying in their water form, so they ended up shifting from the energies of the deep and stayed in it.

When in spider form does communication change?

Akelta has noticed that when they are in their spider form it affects her clairsentience differently. It is more of a telepathic connection, but it depends on the demon as some will have the telepathic aspect and others will have additional means. It depends on how each demon prefers to connect with the chakras.

In their spider form there is an extra sense that emerges and connects in a different way that sends layers of information, so it’s more like a telepathic connection. Akelta finds it like a deep layer connection. When she connects when they are in their spider form it’s like seeing the world in alternate realms and in fractals, so there is energy that comes in, in that way. It is like a picture that unfolds in the mind.

Can they spin webs in their humanoid form?

Akelta and Eilana have never seen them do anything like that, so they would say no but they need to do more research into it. Akelta believes it’s only in their spider form.

Are webs incorporated into their society? Used as protection?

Yes, they can weave web shields. An example of this is that they can make shields from webbings that can be encased all over someone. There are shields that are woven out of webs and they use them in a lot of creative ways. They can also use their webs for manifestation; they can hook things and bring it to them. Banishing and entrapment can also be done with the webs. They can also make beautiful, intricate, and shimmering designs with the webs. They love to weave and create different fabrics as well as beautiful tapestries. They love anything that involves weaving, embroidery, or any form of creation.

Is it rude to ask demons lots of questions about themselves?

A lot of them find it cute how curious we are about them and what they do. Akelta often asks many questions like “can you do this or this or this?” so no she wouldn’t say it’s rude to ask things. They enjoy answering us.

Demons helping with body functioning?

Akelta cannot speak on medical related things and cannot offer medical advice. She says it’s crucial to always follow your doctor’s advice as they are demon professionals not medical professionals. This is a layered question. Demons can assist us in helping us energetically work with our own body. From Akelta’s own experience growing up she could not answer questions if she didn’t rehearse it prior and struggled to engage in conversations. If her younger self saw her now engaging in conversations she would have been horrified specially to speak in front of many others and making sense while doing so. Her younger self would of asked “how are you doing this?”.

In the past Akelta would shake and go blank for presentations. However, connecting with demons, working with them and listening to their guidance and how to do things as well as receiving different energy treatments from them she can now not only have full on conversations with people but she can speak in front of others. In the past if someone asked a question that her brain couldn’t engage in, her brain would react by not answering and she would panic and retreat. By working with demons, she was able to overcome this challenge with public speaking, and communication challenges.

Demons can also help us develop in various areas. For instance, Akelta was told she is horrible in computers and writing and was told by a teacher she should avoid any job where she would have to write which is funny because both things are a big part of her work now and she is now in the process of publishing her first book. All the things she was told growing up she couldn’t do she now does. Demons can help us strengthen the flow of energies and help us overcome energetic obstacles.

They can help us stay focused and stay on task. When Akelta works with them she does feel more focused and engaged. In the past if Akelta messed up in anything she would feel embarrassed and wouldn’t want to do it anymore, but she now doesn’t feel embarrassed by these things and knows how to laugh at herself and enjoy the process. Working with demons helps open the energies up overall and for Akelta this helps clear things out of her body especially if she is in a funky place. Akelta noticed that when she is feeling depressed it has helped her when she engaged more with her spiritual side.

When Akelta met Eilana it was after Eilana’s Arachne demon assisted her, and so Akelta would have never guessed that Eilana had social anxiety or discomfort when driving if she hadn’t told her. The improvement was so great that she felt like Eilana was a natural in the car. One example of this is one time they were driving and there was a trailer hooked to the back of their car and suddenly about thirty prairie dogs ran simultaneously into the road and they stood straight up waiting and Eilana goes “NOO” and swerves the car and luckily there was no incoming traffic so they missed all of them. It was horrifying in the moment but it’s amusing now. Eilana acted like a natural in this situation so Akelta would never have guessed she had anxiety driving.

Hearing others’ experiences and struggling with your psychic skills?

Results you are getting is what is important to note and something to ask yourself is are you making efforts every day to grow? It’s about doing the little exercises to grow like the ‘yes/no exercise’ where you take time to sit with your companions and ask them yes or no questions that you have written down. As you’re asking try to hear beyond the yes and no and try to see if you can hear short sentences. Then from short sentences try to hear longer sentences. It comes down to doing exercises daily and building on your skills. In this example you would ask yourself can I hear the yes or no answers and don’t second guess yourself write down the first thing you hear.

A lot of the time people sabotage themselves because they second guess th
eir skills like “oh well I didn’t really hear that”. However, when you are starting out you want to write out everything and not worry about it being right. So many times, people will focus on whether something is accurate but in the beginning that is the last thing you want to be concerned with. It’s more important to focus on learning to trust yourself and listening to what you get.

We are having psychic experiences whether it’s within our mind, external or being created by something else. The imagination is connected to the third eye, and it’s used by the third eye to translate these experiences. Many people cut out experiences from our imaginations because they second guess themselves. Follow your intuition and write everything down. Does it really matter if things come up internally or externally? Even if an experience comes from your imagination, it might be because it is something you wish to do. Let’s say you say you have a calling to work with a specific god then great go for it. Even if they weren’t really calling out to you it still came from inside of you, and it might be because you might want to work with that god and now you can take the steps to do so. So many people block themselves with “is it 100% right?”. So many more people would be able to open up their psychic senses if they weren’t second guessing themselves.

It is upsetting to Akelta to see others critical of another’s spiritual experience to the point they talk them out of using their psychic senses instead of allowing them to experience their intuition. Through what is happening someone can learn to differentiate where different things are coming from. Even if something is coming from within you it is still triggering you and creating psychic experiences; the only way to learn how to distinguish the energies is by feeling everything, writing it down and going with it. What’s the worst that can happen if you are following your intuition? Ask yourself where you are being guided to and listen to what’s coming in. Through this you are training your psychic eye and learning to translate spiritual energies. As you do this more you can start to learn how to tell different companion energies apart as well as what are your own energies, which is great. Talking to yourself is how so many people create things because they bounce ideas back and forth in your brain it’s a good thing to do so.

If you have 10 mins, an hour or even a minute every day to practice your psychic skills it will help so much- it’s all about consistency. Thus, even if it’s a minute it helps immensely in the long run. Even just sitting and asking your companions things is great as an exercise. Journaling will help you see how far you come, and it will help you keep track of things. Allow your imagination to run and go with it. This is why children are so talented with these things because they haven’t had the magic beaten out of them. When we allow the magic to flow it allows us to be inspired. By connecting to all of this from a place of wonder it also lets the energy to flow. Magic can be found in random places and small moments too. For Akelta even staring out at the beach towards the waves and watching their movements is a moment of magic and connection for her. In that moment she feels the energies around her very strongly and these little moments are what can help us feel alive and are personal to us; no one can define it for us. Working on discernment comes later but letting the energies flow in the beginning is key.

Our companions don’t want us to be stressed out and worried if we are connecting correctly or if we are hearing their messages accurately. Our companions want us to have fun and they want to work with us. They are here to guide us and to help us grow. You do not help someone grow by yelling and beating them down all the time but by encouraging and inspiring them. Our companions do this while wanting to help us feel confident in our skills. Therefore, believe in yourself and have fun!

***Announcement Update***

On discord there will be some art events coming up. During the art event there will be an opportunity to go on voice chat and create together allowing the creative energies to flow. In addition, there are a lot of fun things planned in the coming months including events. The first event of 2021 will be the Carnivale event, and it will be posted around June 21st. After this event the Hellborn tournament will take place, following a Necrosis Halloween event and a Crypt Yule event at the end of 2021.

The End!

:devilpaint: :devilviolin: :crazy: :witch2: :meditate:

Re: Tea Chat: Arachne Demons

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 10:17 am
by EgoDestruction
Thank you Windy! Wonderful to read as always!

Re: Tea Chat: Arachne Demons

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 10:22 am
by Abini:tan
Thanks for the notes, Windy. Wonderful structure as always.

Re: Tea Chat: Arachne Demons

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 6:22 pm
by ensa
Thank you so much Windy! Your notes are always the best. I look forward for the art event Hehe!

Re: Tea Chat: Arachne Demons

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 6:57 pm
by AlchemystCollective
Thank you for posting this! I'm definitely going to have to get myself an Arachne soon. I've been infatuated with their energy from the very start and I think they can help kick my butt into high gear.

Re: Tea Chat: Arachne Demons

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 8:29 am
by windyjune
Aw yay I'm glad the notes help~ Thank you all for your thanks! It's my pleasure as always :devillove:
AlchemystCollective wrote:
Sat May 29, 2021 6:57 pm
Thank you for posting this! I'm definitely going to have to get myself an Arachne soon. I've been infatuated with their energy from the very start and I think they can help kick my butt into high gear.
Oh you're welcome and YASSS they're so amazing! That is so awesome, I'm so excited for you they really have the most beautiful energies and the spider manifestations are seriously insane. I have a purple hellborn/arachne gladiator and the things we have done together and his manifestations blow me out of this world. They're very good at kicking butts in every aspect haha I run with my gladiator and his enthusiasm is so infective.

It's funny before the Arachne demons were noted as the topic for this tea chat I had a dream about a spider teaching me this last Monday and honestly every morning/night this week spiders have been appearing in my room. There was one spider that kept returning (despite me sending him outside each time) to run a lap around my room, another decided to appear in my curtains last night and another in my bed under a pillow on a different day lol to this extent has never happened to me before so I've been so amused. They are such incredible manifestors and so great at getting our attention. I can gush about them forever, so I think if you're feeling the pull especially with the energies I am so so so excited for you it'll be such a wonderful journey. You will have so much fun and from creativity, health, fitness and so many other things they are incredible.

Re: Tea Chat: Arachne Demons

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:39 pm
by darkstarfyre
Thanks windyjune