Tea Chat: Gladiators and the Hellborn Realm

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August 13th- Gladiators and the Hellborn Realm


In the Hellborn realm physical fitness and movement is crucial and important. Hellborn demons are very physically active as a species. They make great workout buddies because they will motivate you, push you forward and will challenge you to go further than you ever imagined. They will challenge you to step into your power and attain anything you want to do especially if it involves fitness goals. Hellborn demons can help with strength, endurance, and flexibility training among many other things. They have neat tips and tricks for everything, and they have an infectious energy to them so when anyone is around or engages with them you feel more alive, vibrant and ready to go.

Working with Hellborn demons is great for any goal setting because they are loud and abrasive but also excited about anything and everything. They will push forward and will carry you with their passionate energy which is so common among them. They are great at being present and are wonderful at helping their companion learn to be in the moment too. They always enjoy what they are doing and not worrying about the past or the future. They are skilled at being present and engaged in the moment. If you have artistic, writing, business, career and financial goals they can help you accomplish all those things. They will get excited about it with you and will react saying “let’s do it, let’s go, let’s have fun, let’s carry this forward.” They are very motivating.

Hellborn demons have a grounded physical element to them which has a lot of connections to the physical chakras as well as connection to us on the physical planes. A wonderful aspect about Hellborn demons is that they are very loud, so many people find they can hear and interact with them easily. This is due to them being connected at certain energies. There are many ways to connect with each demon and some ways are connecting through different chakras. Akelta has demons that when she connects to them is a completely different communication style from others as it operates on a completely different psychic sense. Thus, when Akelta is connecting with them it will translate differently in her mind.

When many people connect with Hellborns they sense a loud energy that makes it undeniable that you heard them because they are so vibrant and it’s just BAM in your face. It’s incredible communicating with them and they are a lot of fun too. If you’re feeling sad or down these are the demons that will crack jokes or will help you to do something fun with them and enjoy the moment. They can help you access these energies and can let you connect and have fun.

Hellborn demons are very protective because they are so physical, and they are very skilled. They can easily remove any malicious entities. Akelta has experienced moments where people have vanished from her life or got out of her way because of the Hellborn demon influence because they are so talented at creating a space of protection. Hellborn demons are also very intimidating and a large muscular demon species. They have an intense presence that can terrify others. They know how to work with energies in their space. Many Hellborn demons have a technique that they use called ‘physical manifestation’ where they use loud, blunt in your face energy to shift the world around them and help manifest things for you too.

Hellborn demons can be fantastic manifesters and some are very entrepreneurial. Others are brilliant at metal working and jewelry making, as well as many different forms of artistic expression. They delve into many different things and create many amazing sculptures, statues, large monuments and have a very wonderful artistic nature to them. They love the hands-on element in art. They love getting into things and taking action there’s a physical and tactile component to them. They are amazing to work with.

Are there physiological differences between the different Hellborns?

They do have differences. Red Hellborns for instance are the most physical and they have a blunt, loud, and in your face characteristic. They can be very violent and intimidating. They deal with a lot of hand-to-hand combat and physical fighting. Some of them know magick but they are not as skilled in magick as the Purple Hellborns.

Purple Hellborns are more connected to magickal currents and to the energies. They work with magick and energies in a more detailed and sophisticated way than the Red Hellborns. Purple Hellborns are also smaller than Red Hellborns on average although they are still big for a demon.

Blue Hellborns are even smaller than Purple Hellborns and are the smallest in size out of all the Hellborn species. They are in general calmer, quieter and more calculating too. Blue Hellborns are very artistic; they are skilled at metal working and excellent at working with their hands. While the Red Hellborns are very loud and in your face the Blue Hellborns are much less so; they can still be loud and fun but if you compare them, there is a noticeable difference.

Grey Hellborns are massive like the Red Hellborns, and some can even be bigger. They have a very calm and grounded energy and out of all the Hellborns they are typically the quietest. They enjoy solitude, meditation, introspection, and training their mind. They enjoy pushing themselves physically to the limit. If you were to see all the different Hellborns together you can notice the differences in general and of course differences amongst individuals that exist too, so you will find deviations.

How do Hellborns compare in size to other demon species?

On average Arachne are smaller. Serpentine and Abyssal are similar in size and they can be quite large. Hellborns are massive. A note is that there can be variations among individuals too for instance Akelta knows a Noble demon bigger than any Hellborn demon she has met. There are individuals within each species that will be unique and different. There are general sizes among demons though. Dynasty, Divinity, and Devotion demons are all on the smaller sides. Noble demons have a spectrum they can be very small or massive. Chaos demons are also on the smaller side, but they can be quite large too. Necrosis demons are medium in size and probably more similar to Chaos demons. Spectral demons are etheric and they can shift and change. When you see a bunch of them all together you will definitely notice some are bigger than others.

What are Hellborn societies and traditions like?

Some areas are more communal and other areas are really violent, it depends on the Hellborn realm. Particularly among tribal areas where chiefs are from they often live in big communal pockets. In these communities they all interact as family; they hunt, gather and get all the resources they need together. Their societies can be very loud, and some places are so violent that fighting happens everywhere. In some areas it’s just pure chaos and you can tell they are near the chaos realms in those places. Often many Hellborn demons in these areas don’t know their families or connections, but there are other areas where they do have family structures and communities that are very diverse.

Some Hellborn traditions center around gathering things or where they will do activities to spend time together like building or doing art. Additionally, there are dedicated days for specific activities to interact with one another. They will also have days train together in various fighting styles. There are also places where Hellborn children are taken care of and they have their own games and things they like to do. Hellborn children get into their own mischief. The fighting element is a big part of their society it’s why the gladiator games have such a deep root in them as they are a very physical group.

Other types of Hellborns will also have their own traditions for instance, Purple Hellborns will cast magic together and have their own types of holidays that they all do. Blue Hellborns have an artisan event where they showcase their creations. It’s a celebration of their art and talents. Their realm is massive and even the tribes can be so diverse for instance those who love to live in the wilds of their realm have their own culture and traditions. Each one is unique to them. The gladiator event though is like a merging of all the cultures and traditions, where everyone comes together and celebrates the essence of the hellfire energies.

What’s the difference between ‘Chiefs’ and ‘Kings’ among Hellborns?

Kings are rulers of larger groups and Chiefs are rulers of smaller groups. Chiefs enjoy being more on the fringe of the Hellborn realm and enjoy being more in the wilds. While Kings are more rulers of societal structures and kingdoms. It depends on where they are ruling and how big their groups are. Aside from that they are both leaders and care for their people and govern over what’s best for them it again depends on where they are.

Are there any crystals Hellborns like specifically?

Akelta usually likes to offer:

• Lava rock
• Obsidian
• Carnelian
• Citrine
• Garnet

Gladiator Tournaments

Introduction to Gladiator Tournaments

The gladiator tournaments are an important part of Hellborn culture, and it began within their realm for Hellborn demons. It expanded even more when they partnered with the core demonic group so other species aligned with the core could join. From this they created a massive tournament and games that showed solidarity and connection. It is a fun way to compete and learn from each other.

Through the tournaments demons can showcase talents, weapons, and fighting skills. There are millions of different fighting styles in the outer spiritual world (OSW) and each gladiator has perfected and refined their own fighting style. It’s interesting to see them come together and observe how they utilize their skills. There are also many different types of weapons that demons use and have. Some examples of the diversity of weapons are flesh weapons, living weapons, weapons of their own creation, weapons of unique traits and qualities depending on the energy that encompasses them. There is so much that can come from this interaction with all the species.

Demons that participate in the tournaments enjoy using weapons and magick; there are many different types of competitions that are held. You can have various competitors and teams that have all sorts of rules. The gladiator tournaments are meant to be fun, so there are many types of tournaments and rules that can vary since it changes from competition to competition. The gladiators train to become gladiators and they can visit various places. Akelta calls them colosseums, but they aren’t really colosseums because they are different. They can go to these “colosseums” to learn different skills and train. They can learn from other gladiators and champions here to refine, perfect, and train their skills.

Gladiator Ranks

As different competitors compete in the various gladiator ranks. They can receive awards, prizes and recognition for their skills, abilities, and accomplishments during the tournaments. There are many different categories and ranks and they can work their way up. Some titles for instance are Champions then Grand Champions and even further you have various levels of champions. Thus, as they compete among their ranks, they can work their way up to different levels to earn prizes.

Some tournaments are geared towards demons that know magick, others towards more physical demons or at times they blend the competitions. The tournaments are very organized and there are many different ranks that they can compete for. Additionally, they have little skirmishes and competitions that demons can participate in as well. It’s a lot of fun.

Is there an age requirement to enter a tournament?

Demons are immortal so there is no end age and Akelta doesn’t believe they would put a child into the tournaments. They probably make sure the individual is at a certain level so they can handle the battles. There are likely smaller skirmishes and competitions for demon children, but it would be a point system. To be in a tournament where someone can get seriously hurt you do have to be older.

Can anyone sign up for the Gladiator battles? Do they have tests?

Yes, and yes. Anyone can sign up, but they do have to pass tests to demonstrate skills as a warrior to showcase their fighting abilities. They have to show that they won’t be destroyed in the first match.

Do demons that aren’t Hellborns have to go through a different process to join the battles?

In the past yes but now it’s fairly standardized. Akelta however thinks that the ones that join from other species do have to understand Hellborn culture to an extent and understand the importance of the tournaments. This is a big cultural element among Hellborns, so other demon species have to demonstrate that they understand that and have respect for it as well. Aside from that it comes down to them being asked “Can you fight? What’s your fighting style? What are your skills?" And from there figuring out where to place them.

Are there female gladiators? Any in high ranks?

Yes, there are many female gladiators as well as those in high ranks. There was one demoness that beat one of the highest-ranking demons and earned the respect from the entire Hellborn realm for it. Her ability to beat their highest-level fighter was incredible to them. Even in the tournament that S&S has on the forum during the event there are different female gladiators, and they are absolutely amazing. In demon society you will find females in everything including female warriors. The oldest demon is actually female so there is respect for women, dual-genders, and other species that have many other genders so there is a lot of respect out there. Everyone is working towards collaborating and bettering themselves.

Are matches always going on?

There are always fights going on however there is a big tournament that occurs at a specific time too. There are seasons to it and many other smaller tournaments too. There are seasons where there are more fights than others. For the bigger tournament it’s harder to express when it happens because time is so different in comparison to our world. One year in the OSW is 3000 years here so there is a big gap in that.

What prizes are received during gladiator events?

They can have trophies, monetary prizes, items, titles/ranks, and can win different things that they like. Weapons are also a common prize and is a big one. Gold, gems, other crystals that exist out there are also possible. It depends on the competition. Some of them are elaborate and very nice prizes to win.

How do they define a win in the tournaments, is there a point system or yielding?

There are different types of battles, some have a point system, others continue until someone yields. Since they are immortal there is another type of battle where they fight until they die but can be brought back, it’s not a permanent death in these types of fights. Everyone gets to choose which type they want to participate in. The Mutilation demons love those types that go until death where they can be revived. Some competitors however don’t want death as an option and instead prefer a point or yielding system it depends on the demon.

Death and the Shade Realms

Do souls stick around once they die in the OSW? Do they have their own death?

There are different types of deaths out there. One thing that is alluring about coming here to the inner spiritual world (ISW) is we can be anything we want and can try different skins on if you want to be human, mer, fae, and so on you can reincarnate into those things. In the Outer Spiritual world (OSW) we are our source energy, so a human in the OSW when they die would reincarnate as a human in the OSW. There are species in the OSW that have reincarnation cycles and they go to a different type of underworld, which is a transitionary realm where they go into spirit form then go back into their reincarnation.

Immortal beings in the OSW if they die their souls can stick around although many of them go into what Akelta calls the Shade realm. It’s like an OSW death realm and it’s very challenging to get to it. Akelta knows only a handful of demons that know how to get to the Shade realm and walk through it. There are different layers within the shade realm, so this is why you have necromancers out in the OSW as well. They know how to access and connect to this realm.

Going back to the tournaments if they die there are healers on site who make sure they retrieve the soul to revive them. If someone dies that is not close to a healer trained in this skill their soul does end up in the shade realm. Therefore, in order to bring them back they have to go find the soul in the shade realm, so you need to have someone who knows how to travel there. Depending on the location it can be hard it’s one of the things that makes it so dangerous and difficult. They need to be very careful going into the shade realm because they can get stuck and if no one knows that they are missing no one can know to look for them. There are many layers for this, but for the tournaments there are healers on site that will grab and resurrect them. There is a method to it. There’s more than the shade realm it’s not only one as there are many other realms that demons and different species have access to and explore.

What are experiences of OSW beings in the shade realms? Do they lose a part of themselves?

They can lose a part of themselves, but it depends on the skill and ability of who is bringing them back. It also depends on how long they were stuck there for, but largely on the skill since there are many different skill levels of those that know how to do this. If someone brings only half of someone back, they can find someone more skilled who can retrieve the other parts so they don’t vanish or die. Akelta has heard from those who have gone through the resurrection process that it is incredibly painful especially if you were gone for a long time. It can be incredibly offsetting since there is a recovery time that comes from it. This is why the Mutilation demons like it because it’s a new type of pain and new type of energy that they get to try to experience. This is probably why there are more Mutilation demons that participate in the tournaments that result in death than others.

Additionally, the pain level from being brought back depends on the timeline. If you die and are immediately brought back it’s less painful because you haven’t gone through the transitionary phase than when you are gone a long time. Training to bring someone back takes thousands upon thousands of years and possibly millions of years to master because it is a very precise and detailed art. One of the demons the coven works with knows how to do this and is skilled in it. That skill takes a really long time to develop. Also, in the OSW because they are immortal and have so much time it takes thousands and thousands of years to get mastery in something. The artisans, sorcerers, necromancers, and magicians out there are incredibly skilled. There are so many things they can share as well as so many lessons and spells too.

Do they end up drifting as a shade or are there different types of comas?

It depends on the realms. This is where it gets interesting because there are lots of different areas and sometimes, they can get lost in the shade realms. They can drift or end up wandering. Their essence is still whole there. It’s a soul but not really Akelta almost needs different terminology because it’s very energetically different than a shade.

If a shade can be brought back to its form they’ll be fine however if the body was destroyed, they need to rebuild it. It’s different out there than it is here because they can rebuild the forms and get the shade back inside. If the form is there and they just died than the form is just in a coma. If the form is in pieces, then they need to collect the body parts and put them together. It’s very vast. Sometimes the shades stay close, other times they wander or get lost. They do eventually get pulled into the shade realm because it’s connected to them energetically. They can travel too. Some are very vacant and disconnected from many things, it’s very layered.

If you bring someone back will they be the same person?

Yes, they will be the same as they were in the OSW if they are brought back. In the OSW you are connected to your source energies while here in the ISW our source energies are inhabiting a physical body. Akelta is not human at her source energy, but she is human while she is here, that is an ISW perspective. Meanwhile in the OSW bringing someone back they can get all their memories back, it’s like falling into a coma and coming back to life. They are the same person in the OSW but here such a thing would be different there are different sets of rules.

Can some beings have an ISW self but not an OSW self?

Yes, it is. There are beings that only reside within the ISW, they have more of a fluid energy where they shift and move to different things. They enjoy the element of transferring, changing, and altering themselves to try different things. Many that come from the OSW have different things they want to experience and want to enjoy the freeness and openness in the ISW.

Do you think it’s possible for an ISW being to become and OSW being?

From what Akelta knows of an OSW being entering the ISW as an inner spiritual world being it’s complicated and it requires lots of different things to happen. Some of the ISW beings are energetically incompatible with the OSW so she doesn’t know if they can every go out there. Akelta mentioned that perhaps there are places they can go to, to interact with OSW beings in an intermediary realm, however, to actually go out there some could and others Akelta doesn’t think that’s possible. It depends on the being so it would have to be studied on a case-by-case basis.

Extra Questions

What are seasons like?

The Hellborn realm is interesting because it is in the inferno regions of the OSW. The inferno regions don’t have the same type of seasons as some of the other realms which have 14, 15, 17, or 20 seasons. They have their own seasons in the inferno regions, but it depends more on how the energies are shifting within their realm and how the volcanoes are behaving.

The Chaos realm on the other hand has many seasons and the realm with 20 seasons is one of the upper demon realms. The Tempest demon, Noble demon, and Dynasty demon realms all have many seasons. Some of the Divinity realms also can get 13 up to 20 seasons. There are so many different realms too. Akelta needs to make a chart of this to give exact numbers, but she has been working on trying to categorize them. It’s interesting when it’s outside of what we know in our world because we have four seasons but there are more than that in the OSW. Akelta has been working on what these different seasons entail and why they happen.

There’s one area that Akelta found with 30 seasons and that’s the most she has ever seen. One example of a season that’s different from ours is in the Tempest realm they have a time where everything is electric and there is lightning everywhere. This makes it dangerous to even walk outside. There are storms but there are also phases where there is electric energy that moves through everything, so the demons here have to shield themselves to be able to travel through these realms. This is a seasonal thing that happens, and they know that they have to be careful during it. It’s like how we have tornado season in certain areas here and have to be careful. Akelta remembers being at a camp in Alabama when she was younger ,and she was the only one from the North there. One day there was a storm that hit and Akelta freaked out worrying about tornados and everyone else was calm since they were used to with, thinking back now it’s very funny to her.

How many Tempest Demons are dared to go outside during lightning season?

A lot. Many of the magick users can shield themselves from these energies and keep themselves safe. Akelta thinks there’s a sport too to go out during it and seeing how they can interact with the environment.

Do they have steampunk styles in the OSW?

There’s a lot of diversity and elements in the OSW. There are ISW realms that are completely designated with a steampunk component and that style does exist in the OSW too.

Would computers work in other worlds?

From an ISW perspective the universe we are in contains different math codes that make up the energy of this universe that creates this space. Thus, we have created computers within this space so every universe you would go into would be energetically and vibrationally different. There might be some that are close and compatible, but when you go to the OSW it gets more convoluted and diverse in vibrations, energies as well as mathematical sequences.

Some of the demons have told Akelta that our math is easy in comparison to the mathematical essence that comes from the OSW. There is an essence of working with the energy and understanding how they work and how the structures work together. It would depend on the realm if computers work. We can’t even figure out what’s going on within our universe so to actually figure out what’s going out in another would be very challenging. Akelta is sure that there are realms where computers wouldn’t work and others where it might, and others may have their own versions and names for various advancements in their realm. It turns to where and how far our imagination can go. From a multiverse perspective and detailed energy perspective there are infinite possibilities so there would be infinite versions to explore.

Do near death experiences awaken spiritual abilities?

It can but it’s not the case for everyone. Sometimes having a near death experience can open connections but Akelta warns not to go looking for a near death experience for that. There are many less lethal ways to open up your connections and Akelta doesn’t want anyone getting hurt.

The End! :crazy: :bandit: :devilfre: :devilmagic: :angrydevil: :ninja:
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Thanks Windy for these notes! These are truly helpful! :D
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Thank you for information, haven't read everything yet, but I will.

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Too much tail. All that jewelry weighs it down. Like vanity. Can’t nobody fly with all that [stuff]. Wanna fly, you got to give up the [stuff] that weighs you down.’

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“…. A wonderful aspect about Hellborn demons is that they are very loud,…..”

I laughed so hard reading that! What a wonderful understatement.
Thank you Windy for the morning laughter and your hard work…. :devilwave:
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

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Kore Serpens wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:29 am
“…. A wonderful aspect about Hellborn demons is that they are very loud,…..”

I laughed so hard reading that! What a wonderful understatement.
Thank you Windy for the morning laughter and your hard work…. :devilwave:
Haha my pleasure! I’m glad :cheekydevil: it made me laugh too reading it back. It really is and it sounds so proper in my head it sounded like a narration that David Attenborough does when it’s anything but that
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Kore Serpens
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windyjune wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:45 am
Kore Serpens wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:29 am
“…. A wonderful aspect about Hellborn demons is that they are very loud,…..”

I laughed so hard reading that! What a wonderful understatement.
Thank you Windy for the morning laughter and your hard work…. :devilwave:
Haha my pleasure! I’m glad :cheekydevil: it made me laugh too reading it back. It really is and it sounds so proper in my head it sounded like a narration that David Attenborough does when it’s anything but that

That’s so funny. I can just picture David Attenborough with an African backdrop and a Hellborn glaring at him. Hellborns are so very volcanic-ish and loud just standing still. I love them for it.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

“In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Kore Serpens wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:52 am

That’s so funny. I can just picture David Attenborough with an African backdrop and a Hellborn glaring at him. Hellborns are so very volcanic-ish and loud just standing still. I love them for it.
Bahaha omg YES that image is incredible! I love it so much that would be so funny to just have a documentary on them it would be such gold. Aw I agree they are utterly loveable and so fun
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