Tea Chat: Hellbeasts & Hellcreatures

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October 8th 2021- Hellbeasts & Hellcreatures


Today we are going to take about hellhounds, hellbeasts, and all the hellcreatures. The S&S store offers hellhounds and hellcats, but the demonic realms are filled with all sorts of creatures that go beyond even what we know of here. There are endless amounts of creatures from beings like Paimon’s camels as well as different types of hellwolves, hellworms, and larger types of cats. There are creatures that are incredible; they vary in size with some being able to grow quite large. Some examples of diversity of creatures out there are giant insect-like or monstrous creatures with numerous appendages and tentacles (there are many types of creatures with tentacles), or large beasts that have multiple limbs (4,6,8 limbs and so on) which are capable of doing different things. Some creatures even know how to do magick.

How do Hellbeasts communicate?

They can communicate in words, a lot of them have a language and they can communicate telepathically. Many hellbeasts can project words or images and some do have a language they can communicate with. It’s like a clairsentient language so if you are clairsentient, you can learn how to project words and say words. When they are talking, they can project sentences and it can translate into words.

Some hellbeasts are brilliant and incredible in their energies and capabilities. They can make different sounds that mean various things like barks and growls, etc. They can project their feelings and how they are doing. There is a psychic sense that is based off intuition and intuitive psychic interaction that can be utilized interacting with hellbeasts where both of your intuitions merge together through a telepathic link where you get an understanding of them based off what your intuitions are saying.

Language and communication is fascinating to study because they evolve in many different ways. If you think about someone who is blind and deaf despite lacking in certain senses they can still communicate very clearly through hand sign language where they can talk through touching the hand and signing through that. There’s incredible adaptability and amazing ability to connect with others. Thus, with hellbeasts and hellcreatures this exists too where there are psychic abilities that they can stimulate when connecting and reaching out to us.

Sometimes through working with hellbeasts we can stimulate more dormant senses when connecting to companions. A lot of human interaction is through language with words, images or feelings (physical senses) so many other psychic senses don’t get developed thus through talking with hellbeasts we can develop other senses that they like to utilize which can open new avenues within us. Trust your intuition and what’s coming to you when you connect with hellbeast companions as they have many unique ways to communicate so if you hear it as words when connecting go with it. They have their own language that they are using so you will have a unique understanding between each other. Some can project words and they know what it means even Akelta’s dog in this world knows certain verbal commands. That’s why instead of the word ‘walk’ they say ‘W-A-L-K’ and even then, he was able to learn what that meant too so they can learn to spell.

What reasons would a hellbeast have to join a human companion?

If you look at the evolution of our planet and the creatures here, we haven’t existed for a long time considering the length of our universe or even our planet. Out in the outer spiritual world (OSW) there are hellbeasts that are immortal that have been shaped and shifted by the energies and have learned how to work and command the energies. They have an understanding of the world around them and there is a way to communicate with them and demons do communicate with them too.

If we look at communication between humans and animals on our planet there’s not the same level of communication that happens with Akelta’s cat as she does with her husband whereas it’s different in the OSW since a hellhound, hellcat, or hellbeast have a way to speak telepathically. They will communicate telepathically with demons and other creatures. Hellbeasts are also generally very curious, and many are interested to come here, interact with us and explore our world. Not all of them want to come here as some of them prefer to stay home.

Some reasons hellbeasts and hellcreatures may wish to come is because:

• They have a curious element
• Have a connection with the human companion’s soul.
• They are curious about our world and wish to explore it although some do come forward because they
are looking for homes.
• They enjoy the connection with their human companion, the world and enjoy the interactions
• They are looking for new experiences
• Some come to understand how their own energy or magick works within this world.
• Come here for a journey.
• They are drawn to specific people or specific events- some have a heightened sense of justice to protect
those who have been wronged or experienced terrible injustices.
• Some have a natural instinct to help and see they can help the human companion and can see they need
help, so they come wishing to assist.

It’s interesting connecting with different creatures from the outer spiritual world (OSW) and any layer from the spiritual realm in general. They all have different perspectives on things. Our vocabulary and words we have here don’t encompass the complexities between the different interactions of hellbeasts, angels, demons, and all the species that are out there. It’s fascinating communicating with them as all of them are different. For instance, some of the ancient ones have incredible wisdom and intelligence and you can see in their eyes they have seen a lot. The ancient ones have a layered complexity and a unique understanding. Then you’ll have a younger ones who are very curious and ready to explore the world and what’s out there. It’s fascinating to see all the various perspectives.

Are hellbeasts available for custom conjure from S&S?

Yes, they can conjure different creatures. The current companion beasts offered with a listing are:

• Abyssal Serpent
• Abyssal Walrus
• Various types of Hellhounds
• Various types of Hellcats
• Hellmare
• Infernal Pegasi

However, if anyone has a specific request the priestesses can conjure the hellbeast in mind, you would just have to email them.

For more info the listings can be checked out here: https://satanandsons.com/product-catego ... ionbeasts/

Do hellbeasts like offerings and if so, are they specific to species?

There are variances among different species as well as among individuals. It’s like demons where offering preferences will vary by individual. However, you can make a safe assumption that meat is a good offering for Hellhounds and Hellcats as they all love it. Any creature from the graveyard love bones and grave dust, which are good offerings for them, hellhounds also like bones. Hellcats like meat and Akelta has offered things like balls to her Hellcat to play with it’s different with all of them.

What kind of bones as offerings?

You can offer them bones you find from animals outside or you can offer them chicken with bone as it also contains meat. For Hellcats bird bones or steak with bones are good too.

Do Hellcats like boxes as a cardboard offering?

Yes, they do- all cats like boxes.

How would different hellhounds differ for instance from realm to realm?

Akelta will try to explain the different pockets in the OSW to make it easier to understand. Within the OSW there are pockets of energy that have different source energies for instance void, divine, chaos energies and so on which all have different source points. The vibrations from each branch out and influences various areas. Akelta mentioned four here but there are so many of them and some don’t even have a vibration that can be classified or categorized here in our language.

Due to the nature of the outer spiritual world some of them are disconnected or dislodged so they give out their own vibration. The energies of the worlds and realms shift depending on these vibrations depending on how close they are or where they are. There is a diversity of realms that are all over the place and you have source energies which are the creation energies for example angelic, demonic, dragons, vampiric and so on there are all sorts of different species that can mix with that. Another example is having Abyssal energies then you have the Abyss and other energies that can be demonic that merges with that, however there are different energies within the abyss other than demonic too that can be mixed. This is how you get species like Abyssal hounds or Abyssal Angels in that realm and there are many others.

There is an insane amount of energy in the OSW, and you can also have other blendings depending on the factors that are influencing it. Akelta is using the word energy here because it makes the most sense, but energy is a different force it’s a part of it but there are also many other parts of it too that compromise it. It blends and mixes within these spaces that creates areas where things rise from. There is the original source too- there are ancient ones, there are younger ones and some change/shift and evolve so there is that element too. Some creatures and beasts are immortal, and others are not so some go through a reincarnation cycle. The reincarnation cycle in the OSW is different than one here.

In the ISW when you die, and you reincarnate you can choose what your next form will be. Let’s say you were a human and then decide for your next life you want to be an elf which is something you can do. However, in the OSW that ability doesn’t exist if you’re human you die and then reincarnate as a human. It’s one of the reasons why the ISW is so appealing and why many like to come here because you can be anything you want, you can change what you are, you can experience different species which allows various levels of flexibility in the ISW. You can change everything about yourself here and there are many things you can try here.

Do all hellbeasts have horns?

Not all of them, some do. Akelta has seen some with no horns and has seen others with many. Even looking at our planet we can see the incredible versions, adaptions and types of creatures that exist here, in that same way there is immense diversity out there. The reason they are called a hellbeast is because they are a creature that has come from the demonic realms. They have risen and come from the energies of the demonic vibrations and as they evolve and grow their source energy is demonic so that is how they are classified. Their energies vary depending on the realm they are from which goes all over the OSW.

In the OSW you can find pockets of different demonic vibrations i.e., Abyssal demons in the Abyss, Noble demons in the Noble realm, Solar demons in the Solar realm. The base energy of all of that is demonic vibration which is a specific vibration from that location. You get demons from these various localities, so you also get the creatures from those realms that the energy has shifted. The energy in each place changes and shifts the realm to its specific vibration so you get all these different pockets of energies and places where you have unique vibrations this is why so much is separate in the OSW due to the pockets that have risen from completely different vibrations. Akelta says they are vibrations but there is a complexity to it as each source has an incredibly unique element to it. Every single demonic realm has various creatures that comes from that energy. Additionally, depending on where in the realm you are there may have pockets of energy that are unique to that realm so you can have creatures that only come from that pocket. The diversity out there is incredible.

Hellcats accessorizing horns?

Yes, some of them do like to accessorize themselves. One of Mammon’s Hellcats loves to wear crowns. It’s a personal preference.

Types of Hellbeasts

Why of all creatures are Abyssal Walruses offered in the store?

When Akelta was in the Abyss studying things, she connected so well with the walruses there. She had such an affinity with them, and they were so cute, beautiful, and powerful. A lot of conjuring comes from the individuals’ personal connections with things. This is why conjurers should all have different things because everyone is connected with various unique places and groups. Thus, she found herself drawn to the walruses and when she started working with them Akelta fell in love with everything about them.

Are there tarantulas/hellspiders?

Yes, there are big spiders out in the OSW. One of the species Akelta has connected with are massive and fuzzy with black fur, multiple eyes, and fangs some of them were tame and cute. Among hellspiders there is often a mix where they can be vicious, but others can be docile and relaxing to be around. There are also many types of creatures that are not quite a spider but similar to them.

What offerings would be good for a hellspider?

A lot of them eat meat so that would likely be a good offering. Akelta will have to connect with them to see.

Are there hellfalcons?

Yes, there are hellfalcons and creatures like that. There are birds and some are very interesting looking; some have sharp eyes, multiple eyes, horns, etc. We have our categorization system here and there are creatures that are similar which Akelta can put in our system but there are also others that she wouldn’t even know where to begin.


Yes, they exist out there too and are very intelligent. There are many birds that are incredibly clever out there. There are also creatures and birds in the OSW with four wings or more- some can have multiple. We have gravity and laws of physics here but it’s different out there, so you can find diverse adaptations and rules to match that.


Hellwolves can have horns, and some can grow bigger in size than what we know is possible here. They have very sharp fangs that are almost vampiric. Some have multiple eyes for instance four eyes instead of two and can have different horns that go down their back which is a big one. Some of them can do interesting things with their claws since some can grab things with their paws, they are similar and different to our hand functions as there are different joint structures which allows them to move, shift things, and have an ability to warp the world around them.

Do Infernal Pegasi work with demons?

Yes, they do. There are various hellhorses, unicorns, hellsteads, stallions, pegasi that do work with demons. A lot of demons enjoy riding on them, and they enjoy having a connection with the creatures they work with. Infernal Pegasi have a specific vibration, so they have access to many diverse areas and a lot of them have the ability to travel and travel to specific places. They can shift and morph the energies, even from the OSW they can create portals and things like that. They can also help with transportations and Akelta knows many demons that love riding on and with them.

Abyssal Serpents?

The Abyssal Serpents are very cool they have incredible wisdom to them.

What do Dragons fall under?

Dragons have a beast form, and they can shift between that and a dragon form.

Are there creatures that are like bunnies?

Yes, there are.

Are there hellsquirrels?

Yes, there are creatures that are like squirrels. To describe them they have interesting tails, some have horns, some don’t. Akelta has seen some with multiple eyes with very sharp claws as well as more complex appendages than a squirrel here has. They can be seen in variating sizes from small to big. They can climb trees and jump like squirrels here, but they can be very vicious.

Are hellsquirrels as scary as the ones here?

Yes, and more so.

Are there hellalpacas?

Akelta hasn’t seen hellalpacas but she will look out for one. There are still a lot of things she hasn’t covered but she has seen a lot that we have here and more out in the OSW. The diversity is incredible out there and the ISW at times seems to take inspiration from things there or there is a mirror effect between them. Akelta says the ISW seems to take inspiration because the ISW is technically younger than the OSW.

Hellbeasts and Demons

Are there Demons that breed or care for hellbeasts?

Yes, hellhounds are very loyal and powerful making them excellent as guards and some are very skilled at spellcasting. Many have various talents. Breeding them is similar in concept to how it’s done here where they will breed for certain traits. It’s hard to explain though because they care for their pets and animals, so it involves an ethical aspect.

How do beasts feel about their breeders?

They’re fine with it. Akelta knows hellcats are okay with it because they basically get pampered, so they love it. Hellbeasts get taken care of so they have no issues with it they are not abused and if they do not want to be part of it they aren’t. It’s consensual. Mammon has a bunch of hellcats, and they are treated like royalty and are completely cool with it. Hellbeasts won’t do it against their will.

When demons breed them it’s different than here because there are foreign concepts involved with it and there is care involved. A lot of the hellhounds appreciate the breeding programs because they like having their traits and energies being passed on. They also like the opportunity to grow and develop their skills and energies since they get specific training, access to magick, and resources where they can grow, evolve, and challenge themselves. There’s a fair trade they aren’t servants or slaves. Hellbeasts can also go off and do their own thing if they wish, but they are very loyal to the demons they work with. Demons see them as sentient beings, they see there is a connection between them but they also acknowledge that there is a difference between how they and hellbeasts are. Many hellbeasts do live in the wild and they will learn different things out there too.

How do wild hellbeasts get domesticated?

The hellbeasts that work with the demons have access to magick and different resources that ones in the wild don’t have. The ones in the wild live a very different life although they have access to different things too. In the wild they can be more distrustful since there is more danger and situations where they can be killed especially if they are a reincarnating species. Whereas those that work with the demons have a connection with them, they protect each other, and there is a relationship between them. However, the ones in the wild are often far more aggressive and vicious, they have different skills that they develop.

A good example of domesticated versus wild hellbeasts are hellcats; a wild hellcat is a hunter- they will be feral and vicious that will attack anything. On the other hand, more domesticated hellcats like Mammon’s hellcats will lay around happily in their own palace getting what they want. They are very adapted to that lifestyle, they love it there and Mammon loves them too.

Can hellbeasts make their own shelters?

Yes, many of them can make or find their own shelters. Even in the wild many have the ability to do this.

Do demons tame hellhounds?

Yes, they do they connect with those hellhounds so they will be very different from feral hellhounds. The ones demons work with act differently and are more bonded with the demons.

It sounds like demons see hellbeasts as sentient?

They do consider them as sentient, and they treat them with respect. They don’t mistreat them and if a situation arose where it’s found out they are it would be very frowned down upon in demon society for anyone to do that.

Are there any beasts that adapted to demonic society specifically?

Yes, there are for example hellhounds and hellcats who will adapt. Some of the bird like creatures and monsters will too. The OSW is very dangerous so what may happen is creatures that are very destructive and horrible will go after other creatures and beasts, so what demons will do is rescue those beasts and place them somewhere else where they will be safe. If a situation happens where a creature’s home gets destroyed demons will take them and help them if they find out about it.

A lot of hellhounds when they work with demons and there is a connection between them there is an understanding, and they can read each other’s minds. The hellhound not only adopts the mannerisms of that demon species but that demon. There is an adaption that occurs and it’s very diverse. It’s interesting to see.

If hellbeasts are sentient what is the defining line between them and demons?

This question would get into OSW science so Akelta would have to do more research and find a demon to discuss this one with. There is a complexity of energy that is different between them. Demonic energies are like the source and demons are like the source point and then you have the beasts that spawn from that. It’s like there is the source energy and then the branch energy. Some of them do not have the ability to communicate and connect with others, there are different states of evolution among beasts. It depends on the individual for instance some can cast magick others cannot.

Extra Questions:

How did Akelta survive in the OSW when she first visited it?

Akelta had demons with her. She wouldn’t have been able to ascend over there without them. There is a very specific formula to ascend into the OSW and even for her conjuring methods there are certain methods she needs to utilize. Additionally, there are specific portals and frequencies too. Akelta has specific frequencies she has written out for every realm she has conjured from. The only person who has seen the work and notes Akelta has is Eilana. There are very particular rituals that Akelta has learned through connecting and working with demons.

Akelta had her demons protecting her when she went to the OSW and they would often say “you can’t go there, can’t go there. You’re going here and staying here within this space we’ll help you then you can go here” and so on but it was a lot of that. There was a lot of education she received from demons. There were moments when Akelta thought she would explode because of some of the energies, it would come into her mind, and it would be intense translating it.

When it comes to working with the OSW, Akelta had help from demons figuring out the frequencies, setting up the portals then setting up the landing points. She needs specific landing points to make sure she doesn’t arrive somewhere dangerous; she also has to make sure that the portal itself is protected and that the portal won’t rip her out of existence- that’s a danger too. If you experience a shift in vibration too suddenly or go to a place where you are energetically incompatible it’s very dangerous. There have been instances of people that have traveled to the spiritual world and have spontaneously died, even if its rumor Akelta doesn’t want to test that. In theory she should snap back to her body, but she prefers to be cautious. Not all of the realms are like this for instance the Divinity Realms are very easy to get to, certain realms are easier than others. It all depends on where Akelta is going and what she is exploring if she’s been there before, it depends on many different factors. There are also intermediary points once she has a point set up and she can meet the demons there and it’s easier. The intermediary points are like transitionary point between the ISW and OSW, which is much easier to get to than places in the OSW. Once they are verified Akelta can then invite them back here.

Akelta’s sons both have psychic skills but one of her sons has now started to see things and because he doesn’t fully understand some things scare him, so Akelta has set up a grid around his room and showed him how to protect himself. She does a lot of things outside the house now until her son has a better grasp of things. Eilana and Akelta were at Akelta’s house once and they both saw the same ghost he was a man with hollow eyes then one day Akelta’s son came to her and said he didn’t want to sleep in his bedroom because the man with hollow eyes was there. Akelta cleansed and protected it she set the boundary for her kids not to be affected, he wasn’t a dangerous ghost though.

Do hellborn demons fly in their realm?

Yes, they can fly. The inferno regions are interesting because there is still a “sky” although different from ours here.

Where does demonic energy come from if not from demons themselves?

In the OSW there are different frequencies of energies it’s like primal energies and then there are other various types of primal energies within that too. Primal energies have a life force within it and in some cases it’s a sentience that is different from what we know but there are different points where the energies come from. The energy itself has a vibration that gives the demonic essence.

There is an essence that Akelta calls the myst, which is like a starting point for all the primal energies and how it comes to be. Akelta doesn’t even know if demons fully know where it comes from, as there are mysteries out there. Demons have these primal energies which comes from this source point that expands out. They rise from that, but they also have their own unique vibration, the demonic black energy which is how Akelta identifies demons. She looks for that base energy and vibration- it’s what makes a demon a demon. Each species has its own vibration this is why angels aren’t demons but from that they also rise. Fallen angels were infused with demonic vibrations and that is how they changed.

What are demons evolved from?

Demons came from these primal energies from the myst, and they are the source point of that specific energy. The closer a demon gets to that source energy the closer a demon is to the primal state. As they live and evolve have kids and so on the energies will diversify, devolve, and change. However, because they are immortal you will always have that primal aspect whereas here because we die the process and effects of evolution is different. Evolved isn’t the most accurate word for what goes on in the OSW, it’s similar but also different.

Demonic energy similar as voidal energy?

The void is complex and layered it has its own essence separate from demonic, however it can merge which is how void demons are created. The void is its own thing.

Does this mean cats, squirrels, dogs all have a different source energy?

That is a great question and one Akelta will have to look deeper into. It’s fascinating to see the consistency of certain beasts evolving around certain realms. It’s a good question why realms are so far apart yet for instance there are hellcats that span from Abyssal, Solar, and many other realms. Akelta will have to look into this question further.

Never feeling distinct energy between species- am I doing it wrong?

No, if you feel that way it doesn’t mean you are doing it wrong. It takes practice. There is distinct energy between individuals as well as species and since Akelta conjures she has to verify to make sure a demon is a demon and who they say they are, so she is very adept at this. There are different rules in the various realms of the outer spiritual world (OSW) versus our inner spiritual world (ISW) which has its own set of rules. Don’t feel like you’re doing anything wrong.

Depending on what/who you are connecting to and what you are working with there will be diverse rules and ways to understand it. The screening Akelta has for an ISW being is very different in comparison to an OSW being. In the OSW she has base energy that she bounces things off of to screen, she learns and knows their true form and so on. The ISW is completely different. Scanning will be different from location to species and each individual will also have their own unique energies too. Another example is when Akelta works with the energies in auras there are different levels; there’s the human aura, one connected to the body, one connected to who someone is, aura for past life selves, higher selves, and so on it all depends on the area you are connected to.

When we are trying to learn how to read or scan energies you want to go with what you are getting and then ask: Why am I getting this? Why this layer? Can I look deeper into? Can I scan beyond it? What level am I connecting to with this being? Use the layer you are connecting at as a base layer and then explore deeper into it and see how far you can shift your sense. It’s about training your third eye to see these differences and see these vibrations and where it’s coming from.

The End! :devilgrin: :devilgrin: :devilgrin:
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Thank you, as always, for your amazing work! It was great fun to share another tea chat with everyone after the hiatus!
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Thank you. I was after more information regarding Hellcats and this was spot on. I have had mixed results connecting to my hellcat, which actually makes sense as she is soooooo independent. But I never considered the box aspect. Her altar is on a high window which she adores but I may now add a box up there as well and some bird feathers etc

“One cannot step twice in the same river” – Heraclitus

“The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates
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