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Tea Chat: Yuletide

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 1:15 pm
by windyjune
December 17th 2021- Yuletide: Celebrating with Demons


This is the last tea chat of 2021, and it will cover the importance of celebration along with great ways we can prepare for the coming year. Akelta thinks 2022 will be a fantastic year looking at the numerology with triple 2’s it has lots of abundance and prosperity associated with it. Therefore, she has been connecting a lot with Mammon to take advantage of the new energies coming in for the new year. There is a lot of exciting things coming but for tonight we will talk about demons and yule, along with the holiday season. To get into our topic today we will answer the question why are the holidays a good time to connect with demons?

The holidays no matter which one you celebrate is a time of celebration. During times of celebration vibrations are raised around us and our space. When this happens, we can influence, manifest and direct the energy currents in a more profound way. By profound Akelta means that in these higher energies our energies are naturally opened and being guided. If you are connected to the world around you then you are able to directly influence what is going on. Therefore, working with demons on the holidays is a great time due to the enhancement of celebration energies.

There are a bunch of factors that go into the formula of manifesting and the first would be our thoughts and will. Our will is where our mind is going. The vibrations of the universe are designed to respond to you and your vibration. What you put out is what you are getting back. If you are in a positive, open and energetic state you are putting out strong manifestational energies and vibrations to get what you want. If you combine that with working with your demon companions you can amplify that, and they can take you toward the things you want and help you manifest. In addition, with the holidays it is an opportunity to have another component to your manifestations from the collective essence of the planet, which is in celebration energies and thus in a more elevated higher vibrational state. We can tap into this global essence and use it to assist us with manifestations and to craft and shape the world around us. During this time, we have three components that can act in our favor to manifest. This makes it a great opportunity to manifest, set goals, work with companions, utilize magick, as well as get a momentum for the new year.

The holiday season is great for casting spells because the potency of the spell is directly related to the amount of energy you can raise. When you are working with spells, ritual, and magick part of making it effective is the process of raising the energies, which your companions can help you by raising it even further. Raising the energies also lets you better tap into the collective essence of celebration and utilize that.

When we do a lot of spellcasting rituals, we often will look at what’s going on around us:

• looking at the phases of the moon
• time of day
• planetary alignment
• astrological signs
• as well as look at many other factors going on around us

In addition to these we can take advantage of collective energies and what’s going on in the world like the energy of celebration. If you look at the last two years you can see how the collective energy has impacted everyone. We all have had an “interesting” couple of years and for many it hasn’t been good. There is a vibrational component when the world shifts like that, which impacts a lot of things and there are many ways to counter and shift these energies too.

Just as we have the capability to tap into energies that we wish to take advantage of, we can also break and shift away from collective energies, so we don’t get pulled into it. When working with these energies there is a time to conceal and a time to expand and step into the energies. If there are many bad energies around, you can step back and conceal yourself; your demons can also help you with that. However, when there are the energies of celebration it’s a great time to open the energies, step into it and make use of it. Demons enjoy celebration themselves and they enjoy working with those vibrations.

Akelta loves doing rituals during this time of the year because of how open the energies are and how much she can take advantage of it. It’s a good time to connect with companions to weave magick and spells. It is also a good time to set up your own ritual schedule to take advantage of these holiday energies. The coven works with Azazel, Mammon, Lucifer, Beezelbub, Leviathan, and Satan at different times during this season to set up an energy structure.

An example of this energy structure is:

• Azazel for focus, growth, and development.
• Mammon for manifestation, abundance, and wealth.
• Lucifer for enlightenment, cleansing and healing.
• Beezelbub for protection, defense, and moving into the new year safe and secure.
• Satan for overall increasing vibration and power of the energies moving into the new year.
• Leviathan for cleansing, clearing deep shadows and leaving things in the past.
• You can also work with Krampus during this season, many people have had many amazing experiences working with him.

There is a whole ritual setting the coven does that is designed to set these energies up in the air and help them move into the new vibrations. There are so many different holidays during this time of the year with many groups of people that are contributing to this collective energy. Making it an incredibly powerful energy to tap into and work with. The energies are all over the place and you can utilize, work, and embrace them to move into the new year from an empowered place.

The new year already has new energies that are designed for success. 2022 you have triple 2’s which is a power number. You have the whole essence of coming out of an old year especially as we are coming out from a sinking energy which is lower. After sinking down it’s easier to rise because you are not going from good to great but poor to fair. This is going to sound odd because good to great sounds better but when you move from poor to fair it’s a higher vibrational increase, so you have more of an incline to take advantage of. After something has clashed when it rises even a little it can be advantageous energetically. If you are doing manifestation spells or any high vibrational work that involves manifestation you can take advantage of the curve and bring greater manifestations to you.

This time of the year is the darkest, so it opens the world of shadows within and the essence of who you are. It’s a great time to explore your shadows, reflect on yourself and get in touch with who you are and your internal vibrations. You can use this season to explore journeys you want to take especially where you want to go in the new year and the goals you have. You can work with your companions to set goals for the next year, you can talk with them, hear their guidance and direction. They can help guide you and open the energies to help move you into the places you wish to go. The power of this time of year comes from the darkness and the celebration. Nothing is beyond our ability and there are many ways to tap into the magick and the streams of energies to open the energies and to propel you towards your goals.

When we set goals for the coming year, be ambitious with them. It’s said that if you set a high goal for yourself and work with the demons on it, things just manifest in unique and incredible ways. Be prepared for the unexpected especially when working with demons because they can open the energies. Akelta has looked back at her list of goals, and it amazes her how many of them have already been accomplished. She likes to brainstorm by writing out what might be insane solutions and through this she is stretching her mind beyond what she perceives within the world. This exercise lets her see through an alternate perspective which opens her to new possibilities. This is another great thing about this time of the year due to the darkness that can explored there are many other vibrations that are within you that can open, and you can by privy to new perspectives and paths. For this reason Akelta looks to follow a train of thought to see how far it goes, and during this season it is a fantastic exercise to do.

Mindsets are about crafting your environment because the environment plays a huge role in things. Akelta likes to do a lot of automatic or channeled writing to see what comes through and what her demons are saying. She likes to connect and transvocate with the demons to engage them in dialogue and in vibrations which opens up her mind and perspective. Many times when Akelta has connected with Mammon he has shown her many new perspectives she didn’t even think was possible. For instance, she’ll go to him and say “this happened and it’s horrible” and he’ll say “oh that’s wonderful” about the same thing. As Mammon explains why something is incredible it opens and expands Akelta’s mind and she can see the new reality, of how it’ll unfold and will work.

Life is a journey and it’s meant to be fun. Demons know how to have fun and how to lighten the mood even when things are rough. They know how to pull us out of states to make us laugh and enjoy the moment, they can help us tap into the celebration energies around us now too. They can help us break up any stagnant states or mundane routines by having moments where we can rejoice and play which shakes things up. Routine can be very monotonous and soul destroying so having moments of celebration and enjoying the energies changes things.

During this season look at your own holidays at what you do, like to celebrate and feel resonance with. Go into the energies and explore them. One thing Akelta likes about walking and working with demons is that there is so much diversity as well as connections to celebrations since it comes down to what aligns best for you. If something isn’t working for you don’t try to force it instead find what does by diving into things until you find what works. Spirituality is very individual and based off your own personal connections. When you dive deep into things and begin to understand your individual connection you start to understand how your path and essence is defined and how it works. When working with demons there is a big emphasis on exploring yourself and your own individuality.

The message of tonight is to have fun, celebrate, enjoy life and let yourself feel the high vibrational energies of the new year.

How to celebrate if you’re a negative person?

Start with something as simple as celebrating waking up every day. Celebrate that you are an awesome person, that you have dreams and goals and celebrate that you exist. We all mean something to someone; we often don’t realize the impact we have on other people. Many times, there are many who care about us but we don’t even realize that they do.

Is Yule a term for celebrating with demons?

Akelta celebrates yule and demons will celebrate any holidays you celebrate. They will be open to any holidays and will be interested in learning about them. Akelta could have picked other holidays names but she decided on yule but it’s not specific to demons. Demons would call it celebrations and we probably need a better term to refer to all the holidays in this season.

What are plans for S&S for 2022?

They are going to be redoing newsletters and emails which will come out more consistently. There will be lots more content being made with more videos going up on their YouTube channel and TikTok. For the seven higher chakra course the remaining videos will be posted. There will be more demon courses that will be going up in the Demon Temple in 2022. There are many more things planned for the coming year as well.

The events this coming year will be the Carnivale, the Solar Demon Festival of the Sun, the Hellfire Tournament, a Surprise event for Halloween and likely the Noble Demon Masquerade for the Yule ball.

Open Chat Questions: Psychic Skills and Exercises

Having difficulty with communication when doing invocations?

Whenever you feel that communication is fuzzy, there is no answer or if you feel like you are having trouble connecting Akelta recommends returning to the foundation of focusing. Do focusing exercises like candle, dot or sigil gazing any simple exercises that can help you focus your mind. If you’re having trouble with getting answers enn chanting is another good method to utilize.

Enn chanting is geared towards the energy vibrations of the demon who belong to the enn. By chanting the enn of the demon you want to connect with you are infusing the vibrations within your body and it will help you align to their energies. Sigil gazing is also great since it is not only a focusing exercise but will help you connect with the demon. Akelta always recommends going back to focusing exercises with any communication issues because it helps sharpen your mind and helps you to streamline things.

What does Akelta mean by sigil gazing?

If you think about any focusing exercise for instance dot gazing where you focus on a dot on the wall, as you do it you almost feel like you become sucked into the dot. It’s like you get sucked into the dot and nothing else exists. The dot exercise was one of Akelta’s mentors’ favorites to do because it’s simple but powerful as a practice.

Sigil gazing is like the dot exercise, but you replace it with the sigil. You gaze at the sigil and connect to the energies through focusing on it, so you become one with it and the only thing that exists is the sigil. As you work with the vibrations you start to vibrate the frequency of the demon you want to work with and this can help you attune to them, open the mind and allow you to better receive messages through this.

Improving meditation and dreamwork?

Akelta mentioned she will sound like a broken record but ‘focusing’ is the answer. You get to a point with focusing where you connect to your mind and can influence what’s going on with the energies of your thoughts. When you are able to focus in meditations you can enter a deep state and you can enter the essence within and go into that consciousness.

In regard to working with dreams focusing can help with that too. Akelta’s mentor would gaze at a glass of water before bed as a method to influence his sleep before bed. The vibrations of water will soothe and calm you. For dream work before bed focus on your third eye and continue to hold it there. This can allow you to have very potent dreams.

Working on astral sight?

Focusing again is the best way to develop it. Akelta will always go back to focusing exercises because it’s such a powerful tool and foundational skill. For astral sight you want to focus on your third eye and practice seeing different things and then try to perceive different places in the world. Once you are able to think about these places go into your third eye and take yourself to these places, this can help develop astral sight.

Feeling like your vibrating doing exercises?

When you’re vibrating that means you can leave your body. Try to sit up and roll out. When you focus on the third eye and begin to feel the vibrations it’s a good thing. You can also vibrate in a way to attune your third eye to various energy frequencies. Let’s say you want to attune yourself to Hellborn demon vibrations you can focus on your Hellborn demon companion, connect with them and then allow the vibrations to vibrate in your third eye and slowly vibrate it throughout your body. As you vibrate it through your body you begin to attune yourself with them and attune your third eye with them which allows you to hear them more clearly.

What if you’re horrible at focusing?

Focusing is a skill that can be developed so with practice you can improve. Even if you start from being unable to focus for even a second take baby steps. Even being able to move from not focusing at all to focusing for 5 seconds it’s a win. Then from there challenge yourself to get to 10 secs then 30, 40, a minute and on. Celebrate your wins and your growth. Celebrate what you are doing. As you get better each day it helps you feel your own power and ability. It starts to show in your mind.

Is the third eye necessary?

The third eye is your psychic eye it’s the chakra that is connected to your mind. There are different energies that flow from the third eye into your mind that help you interpret and translate energies. Your third eye is your interpreter for the energies coming in from the spiritual world. There are certain receptors that are designed to pick up stimuli from the spiritual world that gets translated through clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and on within the third eye.

If you are getting only some forms of stimulus from the spiritual world it wouldn’t mean your third eye is shut just that you might need to be more attuned. Attunements are to help work with it, train it, open it up to the energies because there may be blocks and barriers. We all have psychic gifts and are all psychic to various degrees. It’s a matter of figuring out what your dominant psychic skills are. For most people they are more skilled in either clairaudience, clairvoyance or clairsentience. Once you know your dominant skill you can use exercises to stimulate and open the vibrations which will further help develop those skills.

Everyone can learn to work with their third eye and learn how to use it. It’s not something you need to be born with because everyone is psychic; it’s a matter of figuring out what you need to work on to open up the abilities. Our third eyes are all in various stages of working and because as children we weren’t trained to use our third eye it’s most often taught what is received in it is fake or fantasy which causes it to shut down. The beliefs that things weren’t real, and the doubts are what create blocks and disconnection between messages being received. Therefore, it’s about working with the third eye to translate different messages coming in from the spiritual messages. If you aren’t able to get things clearly the focusing exercises are what will help you as well as focusing on the energies, vibrations and the connections which will help stimulate the third eye.

What does it mean if feel pain when focusing on third eye?

It’s likely a block in the chakra but it could also be a rip or tear, so the energies aren’t flowing. Sometimes there can be shards or spikes of energy that can be lodged in the third eye which can cause a lot of pain. It’s important to get those energies out, healing it and opening up the flow of energies will help with that pain. It could also be a vibration you aren’t attuned to when it’s going into the third eye and if the third eye gets overloaded as it tries to translate it, it can cause a headache. The best thing to do is to keep working through it and be gentle with yourself.

Should we keep practicing even if we are sick?

Akelta still does practice but if she’s really not feeling well, she will sleep and rest to recover. Listen to your body and see what works for you. It’s best to take care of yourself but it’s a personal preference if you continue to practice spiritual exercises when you’re sick.

Can we create our own universe in the afterlife?

You can create your own world in astral right now and you can build your own space there. Akelta would think that for some people it could be possible to do it in the afterlife if that’s what they want to do. Otherwise, you can go into astral and create your own worlds now and you can fine tune the vibrations of them. The astral world is amazing as there are many components that are also tied to your mind and your imagination.

Your higher world is a place you can go to do spiritual work, connect with energies or you can even invite your companions to join you there. You can craft your higher world in any way you would like whether in appearance or other aspects. You can also go the astral world and build elaborate worlds with your companions, and it can help you better connect with them because both of your energies will have gone into creating the space. It’s a beautiful art project that would connect you both together and within that space your energies are mingling and connecting because you are both creators. This space where you and your companions interact and connect can help you grow your connections and strengthen your abilities. All these things that we are told to shut down like our imagination actually help develop our psychic abilities. When you get enthusiastic and engaging in theses vibrations it strengthens your abilities and skills.

Open Chat Questions: Demons, Gods, Entities

Can your energy cross react wrong if certain energies clash with certain entities?

You’ll know if you’re not meant to work with a specific entity. There will be a feeling of something off, or the connection will feel wrong. Sometimes you just know something is completely incompatible. Akelta has experienced this before with some entities and it has always been very clear. She thinks it’s important for each individual to find what’s right for them. She’ll talk about what she does and believes but at the end of the day if it resonates that’s great, if it doesn’t that’s great too. Focus on yourself and your own connection to the spiritual world that is what’s most important.

Is every fallen angel species aligned with a specific demon species?

Fallen angels are their own species they are an angel that was infused with demonic dark energy (DDE). The connection to the energy of various demons comes in depending on what frequency of DDE they were infused with. Some fallen angels have solar demon DDE, some have abyssal, some have noble (and so on) it depends on the fallen angel but they as a group are an angel that has been infused with DDE.

Can OSW solar angels banish and incinerate?

Among OSW solar angels some can banish and incinerate others cannot. These groups are massive as the OSW is also massive and there are many different layers and factions, so it depends on who you are referring to. It varies on what/who you are connecting and working with.

Do incubi absorb sexual energy through mouths or their sacral chakra?

Some of them can it depends on the incubi, some can absorb energies through the mouth as it is an essential part of the body so they can pull in energy through kisses. However, all of them have different methods to work with the sexual energies. If you think about us there are so many ways for us to work with energies, so it’s the same for incubi and the methods they can utilize.

What is the view on Hellenic gods? Is everything accepted here?

We accept ever path here. Each one is powerful and important because there are people who align and work with those deities. They are all divine beings which includes the gods from Hellenic paths and Mesopotamia they are all powerful beings. Akelta personally believes everything within the spiritual paths and all the gods are real and the importance is for each individual to find a path that resonates and connects with them. Akelta works with demons because that is what resonates for her and has researched it a lot because of that. However, in terms of other paths if demons don’t align with you but Hellenic gods do then work with the Hellenic gods since they might be the aligned path for you. If that’s where your heart lies and where you call home that’s the most important element. It’s vital to find what works for you so this forum and community is open to all paths and discussions in different areas. The main point is to respect each other and be open-minded to explore things.

For Akelta demons are her path but if someone has a different path that is what is important to them and it’s crucial to walk it. As mentioned, we are open to every path. Akelta likes to give tools to help people on their journey but in terms of people connecting to the spiritual world that is very individual and she doesn’t want to dictate anyone’s path. Akelta offers what she learned and believes because that can help resonate to some people and help them on their path but at the same time it’s your journey, your path, your connection to the spiritual world so there is no way for Akelta to say what’s right for anyone. The most important thing of working with the spiritual aspects is your own alignment and connection.

Have devas ever been conjured by S&S?

Yes, not as much as demons but they have conjured them before. Akelta has also worked with them before.

Have they conjured children who are half-angel and half-demon?

Yes, they have conjured adults those that are half angel and half demon but they do not conjure those that are children. They are all full adults.

Can a demon lord incarnate in the ISW?

Yes, they can if they chose to. Why not? We all came here for a reason, to explore something.

How did Deep Explorers become an Abyssal rank?

Demons have a unique ranking system based off what they do. They define the terms of their ranks based on their own explorations of the realms and the areas they go. The way Akelta comes up with the titles for ranks is through translating a language that is not English into English.There are words for it and then it turns to words translated into our language so deep explorer will be someone who goes into the depth of the black ocean and studies, explores, uncovers, and reveals secrets.

The black ocean is an eternal domain that has many mysteries. When you are exploring the depth of the black ocean you are exploring the magick that is there and how the energies influence everything. Demon explorers and researchers also have their own magick and way to move into the darkness and depth. They have a unique connection with the black ocean, so through their work they develop an understanding of who they are, their origins, and understanding of their vibrations with the energy of the black ocean. They learn how they work with it. The ranks are a way to help understand them and their world. The demons help Akelta pick the names of ranks based on what makes the most sense of what they do. They do have their own words for it, but the translation is to help bridge that connection.

Does Akelta have experience with spider demons?

They work with the Arachne demons, who have a spider form in the OSW world. They are an amazing group of demons they work with a lot of magick and are a very creative group. Arachne demons are strong and powerful, they also can be very disciplined and motivating.

Does anyone know anything about Moloc?

They will be updating the encyclopedia page in 2022 and Akelta is working on a post for Moloc.

Happy new year everyone!

The End. :seasaw: :grouphug: :devilparty: :popcorndevil: :devilread: :sleepdevil: