Body spasms during meditation

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Hi y'all! It's Sael. Hope you're doing great!

So I'm trying to get back into an active meditation practice again, and let me tell you my body really doesn't wanna make it easy. I had this issue when I first started as well, but it wasn't so intense. Now it's crazy.

As soon as I'm entering a deeper state of relaxation, and especially when I start to visualize, my body just starts to spasm and convulse like crazy. My hands, legs, just every random muscle in the body suddenly wants to contract it seems. The deeper I go, the more intense it seems to get. Especially when working with energy, I noticed today it's very hard to keep still as my body starts to tremble and vibrate as well. My eyes are very difficult to keep closed too, they twitch and flutter like crazy as well.

It's not painful or anything. You know that feeling, every now and then, when you're falling asleep and right as you're entering a dream or just finally entering a deep sleep, suddenly your body jumps and wakes you up? It's a very similar feeling, and it's quite distracting. Re-centering myself and taking very deep breaths when it gets too crazy does help, but as I go back to whatever I was doing, for example cleansing the body or exploring a memory, it slowly starts to go back to doing the same thing.

If anyone has any advice on how I can minimize this issue I'd appreciate it! And also if you have any explanation for why it happens, and if it maybe goes away on its own as you practice more. My idea is that it's a lot of energy in the body either getting released or just moving around, seeing as this intensifies when I start to visualize.

Thank you in advance and infernal blessings to you all :wink:
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Yes, it happens once in a while.
Lately, the most common thing is a twitch in my left elbow that feels like a cat is reaching out and touching it; but there have been times when an arm or a leg would violently twitch, and one time when my whole body snapped like a whip... Ouch.
I don't claim to be an expert on such things, but I tend to agree with the idea that it has to do with energy blocks breaking free.
I can't visualize, so I use a glass ball as a focal point when I meditate, laying on the bed holding the ball over my Solar Plexus with my finger tips. I find that after an hour or so of meditation, the ball will actually get hot and my hands will go numb.
Afterwards, whichever hand I'm holding the ball in will stay numb until I put it away, leading me to believe that it is the result of an energy build-up in the ball, rather than a circulation issue relating to the position I'm laying in.
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Hello, and thank you so much for responding! I apologize I'm replying late, I only just noticed your reply.

I appreciate your insight, and I really like the glass ball idea, I kind of want to try it now. I've also noticed it's the same in every position, even when I'm lying down. I do hold a lot of energy, it's even come through in readings before, so I'm guessing a lot of blocks or knots get created when I neglect meditation and energy upkeep for my body. Good to know I'm not alone though.

Thank you again and have a great week!!
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