Tea Chat: Dynasty Demons

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January 28, 2022 - Dynasty Demons


Today we are going to discuss Dynasty demons. We don’t talk much about this group since they don’t come up very often. They are a species of demon that reside in the higher planes of the outer spiritual world (OSW). They have a very interesting energy to them to the point that if the Crypt demons had a high vibrational counterpart, it would be the Dynasty demons. These are demons that are very big on position and tradition. There are many groups of Dynasty demons so they all will differ in their morals and the territory is massive. The coven works with a specific group of Dynasty demons that are very honorable and wise.

The Dynasty demon group that the coven works with highly value tradition. They believe in family, nurturing long lines of wisdom, gaining wisdom, learning as many topics as possible and devoting themselves to the study of magick. They are committed to the traditional approach of developing and strengthening magical ties and are entrenched in their practices. They love to train themselves and expand their understanding. The group of Dynasty demons that the coven works with likes to preserve ancient wisdom and techniques. Due to this quality anyone that wants to learn a lost art or technique could work well with these demons, as they can help you learn and revive that ancient wisdom. Even in their society, they always try to revive wisdom that is forgotten or lost, they are very focused on preserving ancient knowledge. They can help someone strengthen their mind as well as learn or develop new skills.

They see the different layers, energies, and the connection of how things work together. Often, when they are connecting to something they will see how things flow and move together. They are very observant demons, so they have incredible divination methods too. They are very present and excellent at teaching someone how to be focused and in the moment. They pay close attention to the world around them and are completely present wherever they are. They are especially very focused when they are learning or working on their craft. They learn and embrace every detail and aspect; they explore every angle to see what is going on.

Since Dynasty demons are present, they can make judgement calls and strategize from being in the moment. They can quickly plan for anything that occurs and deal with it while being present. They can often predict different directions things will take so they can adapt accordingly. They have very interesting minds and are very in tune with the moment but also know what to do to overcome obstacles. They get and pay attention to signs of things they need to be focused and aware of.

Dynasty Demons have advanced knowledge of plants because of their realm and will study the layers of plants and vibrations. They research and understand the subtleties like what happens to the plant in this hour or season. What changes are going on within it or what effects can be drawn out. This goes for any craft they study. They understand sacred alchemy, abundance, sacred geometry, astronomy. They have a meticulous nature; they tap into every subtle vibration.

They also understand poisons and venom. They understand different aspects of the natural world; how it works and how different energies can heal or cause harm. It’s a powerful balance, they learn both sides of things. Just as they are incredible healers, they are also exceptional at execration work. Balance is a huge component of them energetically and it’s also a big part of screening them. During screening because of the sinister nature some Dynasty demons have, the coven has to tap into the balance to see how each demon embraces what’s going on around them. The coven screens them for how they see the world because it’s important to make sure you have a demon who understands what it means to work with humans. They have to make sure no one will try to unleash any sinister energies. Working with Dynasty demons is a lot of fun because they have unique perspectives, and they can point out what’s missing. They can help with any problem solving due to their ability to perceive things and can present alternate angles of what is missing.

When Dynasty demons embrace a craft like dancing, artistry and so on it’ll take millenniums for them to master. Due to this their performances are incredibly beautiful when they perform because it’s so intricate, profound, and layered. There is a deep richness to anything they do and when you speak to them you can see they have gone into the complex layers of any topic. They are connected to their craft due to their exploration and mastery of it. Their goals are to seek true mastery of what they are doing. They believe in commitment and finding the beauty of something.

They are very disciplined demons. Due to their personalities, they can help someone integrate discipline into their lives. They can help break down actions to achieve goals as well as set a routine and follow it. They are warriors who are excellent fighters. They are great with pressure points and bringing people down quickly. They don’t want a long drawn out battle they want to quickly eliminate anyone in their path. They train themselves to be very agile. They are good at setting up a step-by-step plan to get from point a to point b. They are excellent to breaking things down into individual steps to achieve your goal.

Due to their attention to detail, Dynasty demons are very good at manifesting. They are good at tapping into energies and working with what’s around them to create and manifest. They have many skills, and they understand subliminal messages and can see the bigger picture. They can often decipher what’s going on behind the words. They are good at picking up subtle cues and telling the true intent of someone.

There is a deep complexity to their world it’s slow and methodical but also has a deadliness and preciseness to it. They really take the time to master their crafts and they take pride towards any mastery and understanding of the power that they have. It’s fascinating to watch them and it’s wonderful to be around their energy. Due to the Dynasty demon’s slow methodical nature there’s a soothing aspect to them that there’s time to learn, breath, time to ask questions and make mistakes. That’s one thing that’s different for them because they believe in taking the time to make mistakes. They are a fun group of demons.

Why are they called “Dynasty” demons?

They picked that name when Akelta first started working with them. They liked the word ‘dynasty’ because of the dynasty component. They liked the empire component, the legacy, and the cultivation of ancientness in their culture. The Dynasty energy is ancient and it’s a long line of energy so there’s a strong connection between them and that word. It fits them perfectly because of the legacy building.

Illusion Magick and Dynasty Demons

Traditions refers to what Dynasty demons do. Illusion magick is the ability to conceal oneself and stay safe. There is a reason for the prevalence of this magick in Dynasty demon society and it’s because they don’t like to let many others in. They have their world and societies, and they enjoy keeping it all very private. They keep their wisdom and knowledge largely amongst themselves. They are the ones preserving it, so gaining access to this knowledge would require gaining their trust because they don’t want any enemies figuring out their secrets.

There is danger in the Dynasty realm and there are a lot of enemies that would hunt and try to take advantage of them. Thus, the Dynasty demons the coven works with are very skilled and powerful warriors. They like their privacy and enjoy keeping things concealed and protected. Just because they are intent on maintaining tradition doesn’t mean they’re open to the world. The illusion magick ensures that they remain hidden, protected, and safe.

There are many groups among Dynasty demons that the coven doesn’t connect with because their practices are more horrific and appalling. As mentioned, they are parallel to the Crypt demons. The Crypt demons have low vibrational energy and Dynasty demons have the high vibrational demons however there is a parallel between them and their practices. This is even more so significant among the groups further out in the Dynasty realm. Dynasty demons reside in their different empires and groups. Most dislike contact with any outsiders and will keep their doors closed from others. This is where the strength of their illusion magick will come in, they do not want to open and let anyone in.

They are an ancient group of demons. Connecting with Dynasty demons can be hard, and many people can find it difficult due to their surreal high vibrational energy. They have incredible concealment abilities and many of the ones the coven doesn’t connect with have their own practices which no one is allowed to see. If outsiders did see they would be shocked and appalled by it. They are very interesting to communicate with.

Since they’re good at concealing how do they compare to Chaos assassins?

Chaos demons deal more with chaos energies and generally shroud themselves in other chaotic elements so they can shift and conceal themselves in shadows. They have different fighting styles between them too. Dynasty demons are very sharp and quick while Chaos demons tend to play with their target more, they usually revel in the chaos elements delivered onto the person. Chaos assassins will play more with their targets energies while Dynasty assassins prefer to go in and strike. Dynasty demons tend to use more shadows and quick strikes. Chaos demons also will lure a target further away while due to their speed Dynasty demons will strike in plain sight. These are generalities though as each will have their own specialties.

Dynasty Groups

Some groups are alone and keep to themselves. They may trade with others now and then, but many don’t. Other demons will go and explore but Dynasty demons will keep to themselves. Some groups are more open and curious, but you still would work to earn their trust and the connection. Even the ones that are curious will prefer to connect with other demons. Dynasty demons have an interesting philosophy because they are very happy to learn and dive into things, but they also like their privacy and space. Some have trades with other groups, but they will go outside of their group to do it. The secrets of their world will remain within them. Going in and being able to connect and learn from them is really an honor as you can get to understand them and their energies.

Due to their love of secrecy Dynasty demons can appear emotionless at times. They are good at being silent and stoic. They know how to not reveal any emotions. They practice deep emotional mastery, so they practice different energies and layers of this. They work on themselves and their energies. They work to increase their focus, concentration, and command over themselves. This is why they are very good at observing the world around them and have powerful minds.

A lot of them love being able to be in a space to explore their passions. They encourage each other to explore passions and being in the energy. They throw themselves into the vibrations of what they are doing and try to learn everything. They are very beautiful demons and very good at moving into the shadows and move through the world and through vibrations. They are also a very stubborn group of demons but once you earned their trust and are with them, they are very loyal and will do anything for you.

How do you gain the trust of a Dynasty demon if they naturally distrust others?

The priestesses screen them, so the Dynasty demons coming forward know they are coming forward to connect with a human companion. Therefore, they are already open to forming a connection. The best way to form a bond is to talk with them, listen to them, be curious about them and their world. They like when someone is interested to learn things from and about them. When they have someone become part of their trusted circle, they love to share their practices, traditions, and wisdom. Be open to what they have to reveal they are curious about humans and want to interact. Treat them with respect and it’ll help build any relationship. Enjoy what they have to say and share, let yourself connect.

Gaining the trust of Dynasty demons out in the OSW and the ease of being able to do that will depend on the group. Some are more open than others while those they screened are already open to developing a connection. They like knowing that someone has an actual interest in them. Each Dynasty demon is unique but showing interest in what they are doing and what they like will go a long way. Be present with them and embrace them, they really appreciate that.

What is their temperament when working with humans?

The ones the coven screens are fine with humans. However, the ones outside those groups are very sharp and very dangerous. They can be vicious and can have a level of high vibrational sinister energy that is horrifying to deal and work with. Even the ones the coven screens they have an understanding of the sinister qualities and have an understanding of the darkness. They can see the layers of darkness within each individual and they can help someone to master their own darkness.

The ones the coven screens are again fine but there are many outside that group that are not. The other tribes out in the Dynasty realm keep themselves removed and shrouded in secrets. They are concealed and do not deal with outsiders so they would be very dangerous to deal with. They will even kill outsiders if they get too close.

Keeping records in the Dynasty realm

Dynasty demons keep records in a different way than many other demons, they have written accounts however many prefer to practice and remember things. They have various methods to preserve their knowledge. They have unique ways of storing information and energies they keep in jars and vials where they can download the information. They have more libraries found in underworld places.

What sets Dynasty Demons apart from other demonic cultures?

They have different methods of preserving their knowledge as mentioned in jars. They have their own method of doing things and prefer to be very hands on. They like to go into something to really develop their techniques, and talents they don’t like to take short cuts. Dynasty demons will continue to explore and go into the subtleties of learning things. For instance, they have told Akelta that a lot of art forms and aspects of their world has a subtleness that gets lost as time goes on. Thus, they enjoy learning and remembering all the subtleties of things like components within artisanal work (weaving, creating art, etc.). They will take the time to learn and master something. There is a depth to their wisdom, they will take a meticulous approach to learning because they want to grasp every individual aspect of it.

Since Dynasty demons enjoy going into the depth of something to master it, they also have an advanced sophistication ability with magick. Some of their rituals require days of preparation. They have to prepare themselves, their energies, vibrations and the aspects of what they need even before it begins. They are very particular and there are specific rituals and a particular process prior. They are able to cast very powerful magick and deeply involved rituals.

What does Akelta mean by sun and shadows in the Dynasty description?

The alliance of sun and shadow- the sun casts a shadow this is what it means when Akelta speaks of concentrated shadows. All sources of light cast shadows, so for all light, darkness is created. The Dynasty demons gather and work with that darkness, they bend and move it. They put it into art, magick, and the work they do. They enjoy gathering different aspects of shadow and the vibrations from the light. The sun being the brightest source of light casts shadows, so they explore those shadows and the influence of those energies and how they are connected to their own dark aspects. They weave the energies into their world, art and their work. It’s a way for them to gather energies that they can use for various purposes. They excel in execration work and have a firm understanding of it. They are very skilled at working and gathering dark energies.

They can work with corrosive vibrations and the aspects within that energy spectrum. Their understanding is due to their own unique vibrations. They often conceal themselves in shadows and this can be done through their illusion magick. They have the ability to hide in plain sunlight because they know how to use the shadows cast by the sun to conceal. They understand that even in the situation where world is illuminated, they see connection with the sun and shadows. They know how to cast illusion, work with their energy, and harness it. There is a lot of secrets and mystery to them they like people not knowing their full spectrum and capabilities.

Are there any known Dynasty Dark Lords?

No, none of them are known here. A lot of them keep to themselves and most aren’t part of the core. They are in their own groups, and there are only a few that are part of the core, but none are known Dark Lords.

Are there commanders among Dynasty demons?

There are many individual groups. There is one group of Dynasty demons that are part of the core, and the rest are separate. Those that are part of the core have demons that can gain the title of commander. These groups are all very big and compared to the groups that exist the one part of the core is massive.

These are an ancient species of demons. Some groups will kill anyone who gets too close to their world because they don’t want anyone to venture into their space or discover them. These areas of the realms are vast though and are generally in the outer regions of their realm. The ones Akelta has connected with is from this group part of the core. She has heard stories of the other groups though and learned about them from the ones they work with.

Dynasty Mordians

They have different types of fighting ranks and Mordians are a type of guard that is specific to their group. Mordians are like the head of the guard and command the others. They have a different system in place. Akelta will post more about them soon. ***

***Since the tea chat the descriptions of ranks among the Dynasty demons have been updated in the store if you would like to read more about them it could be found via the link below:

https://satanandsons.com/product/dynast ... e-package/

Can Dynasty Demons heal sludge like shimmers?

They are good at working with negative energies and can heal corrosion. They could figure out what’s going on with sludge energies and remove it. Their healers are very skilled with identifying and removing different vibrations of energies. When they are healing someone, they are able to identify what’s happening. They will scan the energies to see the vibrations and layers of an individual, this can let them see how the sludge is connecting and affecting someone. Afterwards, they can work to remove and clear it, they have unique healing methods and work with various energies. Their healing techniques are geared more with working with plants, vibrations, the energies, and energy techniques.

Dynasty Demons and Execration

Generally, if a Dynasty demon is set on different revenge, they would make it look like someone suddenly got bad luck. They don’t like to draw attention to themselves. They prefer the silent method that is a less direct approach to revenge.

It was mentioned that they are shorter than most demon species, how much shorter?

They are shorter but not by too much. Hellborns on average are quite massive. Dynasty demons are on the shorter end of the spectrum for demons, but they are still taller than humans. Dynasty demons tend to move faster and tend to be sharper in movements which is aided by their stature. Most demons in general are taller than 6 feet. Some females are shorter though.

Would a Dynasty demon get mad if someone said they are short like them?

Depends on the demon. Some would laugh. If are a more serious demon, they might not have a reaction but each one will have a unique reaction. Every group of demons will have many individuals with various personalities. This is why they are also very strategic because they work to keep their secrets safe.

Can you still ask for a Dynasty demon companion if don’t feel an energy connection? Feeling a strong connection at first but no longer?

You can ask for a custom or ask for a write up and if you connect with it, you can accept it, but you can always say no too. If you don’t feel a connection, you can always say no it all depends on what you want on your path and journey. Go with what you feel is right to you and what calls from inside of you. With questions like this ask yourself is this right for you and listen for the answer. We have a lot of internal wisdom inside of us and there are a lot of energies within us too. By listening to your feelings, you can see what’s right.

If you’re not sure you can always ask for a write up and see who steps forward. Akelta has seen many cases of people saying they didn’t feel any connection to a specific species and then one demon comes up and it’s like wow I really connect with this demon. So, there are the energies of the species ‘Dynasty demons’ but there is also the energy of individual demons so although you might not connect with the general species you might with the one. It’s about understanding where you are being called to and who you are connecting with. There might be the one who you know, or you have worked with before that is wanting to connect with you.

With any of these things Akelta doesn’t like to tell people what to do, she doesn’t want to influence anyone’s decisions. She likes to see how things unfold with the demons. When people follow their wisdom and guidance it creates powerful experiences which is why Akelta steps back to not influence that. There is a sacredness in following your own intuition. Akelta likes to help people find their strength and power. You might get the write up and then it’s like this is who I was connecting to early on or it could be I definitely don’t connect to the species after the write up. They won’t push anything.

Write up of Demons

The priestesses do a summary of the demons and when they do the prebound listing they have a summary. When they do the screening, they conduct an interview where they write up different information and things the demon reveals to them about themselves. As they write them up, they show it either on the store or those who feel called to them.

How many species are there that the priestesses are aware of?

The ones in the store are the ones that they are aware of, so about 20 species.

There are:

• Abyssal
• Arachne
• Chaos
• Crypt
• Devotion
• Desire
• Divinity
• Dynasty
• Fallen Angel
• Hallow
• Hellborn (Red, Purple, Blue, Grey)
• Incubus/Succubus
• Lowborn/Underworld
• Mutilation
• Necrosis
• Noble
• Serpentine
• Solar
• Spectral
• Void

These aren’t the only species of demon though there are many others out there. The coven specialize in the ones they work with.

Is there an angelic counterpart to incubi?

Oh yes Akelta is sure there is. There are angelic counterparts to most demons in the OSW because there is a connection between angels and demons.

The End! :devilflame: :devilviolin: :devilpaint: :devilread:
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Whew, this was a long read! :devilread: But I enjoyed it. I appreciate this discussion on the Dynasty Demons. Feels like they are the outcast (yet still part of) amongst all the demon species you have listed. It will take me a while to read through each individual listing, but doing so will help me to understand all the species a little more.

It's funny, the Dynasty Demons value privacy and secrets so much it is almost like they do not exist at all, but at the same time they DO exist and they appear when least expected. Dynasy Demons are overlooked because they don't want to be found, except by a select few humans......maybe? This post helped to clarify some things for me ( per my questions in Discord). Thanks again Windy!
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