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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 4:26 am
by WhatIsReality
Hello dear people,

since I have no idea how to go about this in addition to not wanting to clog any other board, I'll just start here with an introduction as well as some questions which prolly belong here.

So my name is Johannes, I'm 33 and I live in Germany. I find themes of death, darkness and decay very intriguing despite frightening. I have always been inclined with occult topics but was always scared to try anything. Throughout the years, I've even become roman catholic due to a love for black metal and a history of mental illnesses - I thought "the devil" was doing stuff to me, making me sick ... in order to beg to be healed. Quite the thing but I'm not ashamed of it - I simply came to the conclusion that 1. I don't want to submit to anyone, nor worshiping him or her, no god either, and 2. my mental health comes from a shitty childhood, not some ominous demons tormenting me (lol).

As I've already stated on discord, I'm practically inexperienced on this path of working with demons and the gods of the nightside. I read some books (by S. Connolly and A. Mason in particular) and tried some things, incl. rituals to conquer my fears, among other things.

I have heard many times to avoid working with infernal entities if you have mental health issues and that you need a proper foundation for profound workings. Well ... I did some things anyway, because I love to explore unknown territory, even if it might be dangerous. So far, I'm still here and I made some nice experiences.

However - there are 1000s of things, exercises, paths, schools and whatnot and I cannot decide which one to choose (and keep to it), because I find so many things interesting. This is for sure a faq: Where do I start ?

Together with this comes the following: Something interesting happened. Today, I listened to the zodiac sign reading (I am cancer) of Akelta which was a message from Lucifuge Rofocale basically saying: Embrace necromancy, death and darkness (to put it very shortly), death is healing, too. Then: This week's pick a card reading - I chose Euronymous' card, Prince of Death himself. I think this might be pointing me towards the direction of the death lords. Is there anyone experienced here who could point me towards maybe a ritual/meditation to get in touch with Euronymous and find out, whether he wants to work with me on myself ?

And last but not least: I've often heard that having a mentor is very beneficial. Now I know this is a lot to ask, but is there possibly someone here willing to get in touch with me (privately or publicly, I don't care) to maybe have a discussion about directions ?

Thank you for having me !

Everybody have a great day !

Re: Council/introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:04 pm
by Wynd Runner
Welcome Johannes! :devilgrin: I'm so glad you found us.

There is a lot of great information in the forums here. It just takes time to dig, sift, and find what you are looking for and what inspires you.

It sounds like quite the journey you've had. Good for you for finding your own freedom! As for their energies, the Infernals / demons will normally adjust their energies when you call on them so they don't overwhelm you. If a demon seems interesting to you, yes that usually means they're calling to you. I would say find their Enn and / or sigil to use in calling them. As you work with them, you'll get a sense as to whether they want to work with you or not.

Definitely feel free to float around the forums and post as you want to share or have questions.

Infernal Blessings!

Re: Council/introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:53 am
by jgstrenko
Hi Johannes,

I am also new to the forum but not very new to the LHP. It sounds like you are "bouncing around" a bit which I think is very common to those new to the occult, Satanism, etc. The amount of information is overwhelming, and you find yourself jumping from one "expert" to another which can be frustrating in and of itself. I know this from personal experience, and can still feel this way sometimes.

One thing I will offer you that has helped me tremendously. Grounding. You need a basic foundation from which to build your occult house on. For me this was learning meditation, and practicing to the point where I was confident I could be safely open to the spiritual realm. After you can safely open yourself up, I would suggest just reaching out and attempting to communicate. You don't need fancy rituals to do this. You will know when you connect to energies you should be working with. It will just feel right. I knew I was a Theistic Satanist since about the age of 10 when I started having conversations with him, but it wasn't until decades later that I realized I needed more focused grounding before I could delve into more complex occult rituals and such.

Here are some books that I find useful that you may want to consider:

On Grounding: Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
On Traditional Satanism: The Infernal Gospel by Rev. Cain & The Satanic Philosopher by Rev. Cain
On Understanding Death (since you said this interests you); The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche

I hope you find this helpful.

Re: Council/introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 8:14 pm
by WhatIsReality
Thank you guys so much for the warm welcome and the advice :devilthumbs: I know straight out asking for a mentor was quite the bold move and to be honest, I wasn't really expecting anyone to take that responsibility for a random stranger on the internet, to begin with. But you helped me so much anyway, so thanks alot, again !!

I already had some nice interactions on the discord, too, and I guess I really need to take a step back and really start over with the foundations and enjoy the journey :devilgrin:

I will happily share (and prolly annoy people lol) what I experience. And I won't do it for external affirmation (this last point was solely for myself teehee).

Everyone have a great day !

Re: Council/introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 3:36 pm
by Nighthawk
Welcome Johannes!

I am not in a position to mentor anyone because I am fairly new to the Satanic path, but have been on the pagan path most of my life.

Some good advice is already offered here. One piece of advice I can offer. It applies to any person, group, online or not, in your life, or experience, or deity, Satanic or not: how do you feel after you leave that person, place, thing? Do you feel better, uplifted, energized? Or do you feel worse, depleted, drained? Do you feel it makes you a better person, or not? (Now I know nobody or anything can make us feel good all the time, but I'm talking about patterns.) It's our inner self communicating with us, sometimes in junction with our particular gods, higher selves, etc. It will also help guide you to what demons, types of demons, schools, teachers, etc. work best with you.

The sources you using seem good. The videos that S&S have on the basics are good too (as well as their other videos). There are, unfortunately, a few communities in Satanism that are fronts for racism, anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism. Mostly they're easy to spot, but once I had to subscribe to a patreon (which I immediately cancelled) to find out the true motives of one person. I do have Patreon accounts for a couple of other Satanists/Demonaltors on Youtube I personally resonate with. I would suggest you keep searching for what (or whom) feels right for you. Hopefully it's here! :headbang:

As for mental health, I too had an unhappy childhood and was messed up. I found that once I stopped drinking in Alcoholics Anonymous, and did therapy and shadow work (a lot of shadow work), things got better. I spent a lot of time blaming my parents for things, but now see they did the best they could. I was addicted to blaming, self-pity, as such as much as I was addicted to alcohol. I work to keep those things away. I know I have an addictive personality: I remain vigilant. All the things that were once called 'mental problems' for me dissolved away with more understanding. It sounds like you are also searching for answers, and finding insights, that help you in that area as well. This serves you well.

Of course, if you are on medications, that is between you are your doctor. They can be very helpful sometimes.

And of course: talk to Satan! Talk to the demons you feel drawn to.

I wish you well on this journey, and looking forward to reading your posts.