Help overcoming negative beliefs about money?

Questions and Answers for where to begin on the Darker Spiritual Paths.

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Sun fire 874
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On the subject of attracting money and it opportunities for wealth I am not doing that well and I know the reason for this is a subconscious self sabotage I create which repels money or wealth creation away from myself.

It came from many years of reinforced beliefs about the negative aspects of money: money is the root of all, "x" scandal with "x" person using theur wealth for less than honest purposes, etc etc

Anywho, to make a long story short given that I am aware I am my own worst enemy in the matter would any of you have any tips for overcoming this belief so that I can begin attracting instead of money or wealth opportunities?

Please and thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
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Sun fire 874 wrote:
Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:18 am
On the subject of attracting money and it opportunities for wealth I am not doing that well and I know the reason for this is a subconscious self sabotage I create which repels money or wealth creation away from myself.

It came from many years of reinforced beliefs about the negative aspects of money: money is the root of all, "x" scandal with "x" person using theur wealth for less than honest purposes, etc etc

Anywho, to make a long story short given that I am aware I am my own worst enemy in the matter would any of you have any tips for overcoming this belief so that I can begin attracting instead of money or wealth opportunities?

Please and thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
I hear you, and it is hard. You may know this, but those ideas put out there are meant to control and subjugate/enslave the masses.

Part of the way to get out of that mindset is creating positive affirmations and mantras that you are worthy of having money, that you love money, that money is good, etc.

Another thing, our gods and companions and guides want the best for us. Maybe talk to them to help you with changing these mindsets. Yes, I literally talk to my gods and companions and say, "please change me." And, they do.

And finally, here's some amazing spellwork I will soon book from S&S:

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Let me make a little analogy if I may...
Up until a month or so ago, I had a major problem with cockroaches.
I put out sticky traps and kept a spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol at hand, but even though I was killing 100 or more a day, I "knew" that they were like the old "Space Invaders" video game where the aliens. always took over in the end, no matter how many you managed to kill.
And they did, it got to the point where there were hundreds of them running across the floor.

One night, I decided that I'd had enough of this, and I was going to keep killing them until the last one was dead.
Other than the fact that I put out twenty sticky traps, instead of the usual five or six, for that first week, the only thing that's changed was my mind-set...
I was the undefeatable enemy, not them.
Six weeks later, they're still around, but it's more like dozens of them instead of thousands.
And most of them are nymphs, so I have a decent shot of killing them all off before they mature and lay eggs
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If looking at the price of gas right now doesn't make you go "yeah, I need to make more money" than I don't know what will. :lol: :lol: :lol:

For real, though, look at it from an applied view instead of a spiritual one.

Does putting food on your table, water in your pipes, electric in your home, make you evil? No. It makes you someone who is existing by what they need.

You get the majority of these things with money. It is not evil to need food, water, shelter, transportation. Why would it be evil to use currency to acquire what you need?
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