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Today I Expierienced A Sludge Parasite

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:23 am
by user0322
I fell asleep in the middle of reading and watching these spiritual foundation articles and S&S spiritual foundation training playlist when I fell asleep and had this nightmare where i was coughing and struggling to breathe and get up. My body was in sleep paralysis and I think it was an out of body experience my rooms pitch black, the dream or possibly is pitch black. Again, I'm couging with mucus in my mouth in sleep paralysis and its getting hard to breathe... I start trying harder and harder telling me to wake up and I do. Then my tall lamp leans over to me as if its gonna fall on me. Something climbs down from its nest in my ceiling fan. At first i thought its a spider but then I realize theyre big snake like worms and theyre everywhere. Some were green and others were black yet I dreaded the black worms. Two black worms combined to be this black spider. It waited by the door. It eventually got me. Slithering up my toenails into my leg. Another pair waited at the door. I ran to my family and woke them up saying theres a big spider in my room. I grab the isopropal alcolhol and hydrogen peroxide spray bottles and we enter my room and turned on the light. Nothing was there. Family went back to bed. I swear something attacked me. I watched S&S' spiritual foundation training video
on sheilding and about midway in the video, Priestess Akelta lists a few of the many dangers of the spiritual worlds. As she's listing off the types and subtypes of entities; she mentions sludge parisite and that sticked out to me. I had an epiphany and realized that a sludge parasite has attached itself to me.
After that experience, I'm gonna keep the light on for a looong while and see if I can figure out how to put a divine light shield around me. No wonder i've been fucking depressed.

Re: Today I Expierienced A Sludge Parasite

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:14 pm
by Wynd Runner
That sounds like a wild ride and no fun.

You may have already started to, but if not, do banishing and cleansing of your area and yourself. Once you've done that, shield yourself.

Banishing and cleansing don't usually need to be done too often, once or twice a week unless something's drawing the parasites/sludge. It is good to shield yourself everyday, though, sometimes more than once a day depending on circumstances.