Meditation 2: Enter the Mine - Cavern of Singing Crystals

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The Mines of Thrunos are unlike anything you have ever seen. They go deep into the ground and are vast in resources that can be unearthed. Within the Mines of Thurnos there are crystals and minerals not found anywhere else in the Outer Spiritual World. It is a realm of incredible beauty and abundance.

Deep in the Heart of the Mine on the First Level you will find the Cavern of Singing Crystals, a place of living crystals that is majestic and sublime. Here you will be able to explore the Cavern with one of your companions who will venture there with you. The Caverns are massive and filled with unique and incredible Crystals.

There are Hot Springs, A Massive Lake, Beautiful Flora and Plant Vegetation nourished by the glow of the Crystals. Explore the Cavern of Singing Crystals with your companion and post below about your experience.

If you post your experience you will be entered to win access to one of our Halloween Key Realms and a Distance Casting of an Item in your Keep.

Grab a Companion and come join the Wonder of the Cavern of Singing Crystals.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Am excited about this event, I love it.

This is my first experience with a companion and am so open about the whole thing about spiritual companion. My curiosity about spiritual companion has never been so strong like I have ever had through this experience.

First I we say i don't have any spiritual companion of any, but this experience opened me up to the love and desire for spiritual companion and the energy for this one was incredible.
The experience took me to this dark place, rocky and before me was this dark mountain it was like an outpost mine of Thrunos and I was alone.
I felt reluctant to go to the mountain, because first I was alone and it was very dark.
But I took my time to access the mountain, and I found a step leading upward to it and at the end of the step I saw this black hound, it's energy felt in me was like that of panther and it's eyes glowing red and this black hound was also a guard to the crystals .

It was like this black hound strengthen me with it's energy, I felt it was my guard and companion and also a kind of consolation toward it. I followed the steps to meet this black hound .
The black hound never did spoke, but through his energy he was expressing his self in me.
His energy moving through me as a companion and a guard it was amazing and powerful , at that moment I felt a powerful need for him as a companion.
The black hound kind of rub itself on me, before i go inside the mountain he was leading and walking down inside the mountain, this black hound could also telepathically communicate to me, he was saying he was ready to give himself to anything that would dare to confront.
From my connection with this black hound I felt powerfully the need and meaning of a companion.
I have never experience anything like this before the value of having a companion. The black hound opened me up to this experience.

Going down inside the mountain was different, the crystals very clear and giving out light and I observed very closely the crystals we're having inside of them flowery like crystals within them alive and moving, it was amazing never seen anything like it before .
My black hound could telepathically say to me that the flowery moving crystal I saw are the rhythms the crystals are expressing in themselves and he further say learning the rhythms of the crystals deeply can grant levels of control of it.
i seat to meditate in the mist of the crystals, the experience of it was chilling and cool. And i saw pools with crystals and flowers their appearance was chilling in me to look. It was amazing.
Before I return I felt this black hound need me to stay as he never wanted me to go. And I also felt his energy like a panther vary dark.
His energy gave me this assurance that he was my guard and companion and he was also guarding the crystals.

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This is so beautyful, thank you for this wonderful Meditation.
I love caves, caverns, gems, minerals and crystals.
And these crystals have souls....
I invited my Solar Commander to join me.
I felt the high vibration. And then the hot spring, I love hot springs. I felt joy.
Time to take a bath in this hot spring,I felt the warmth around. And invited my companion. He liked my view at his wonderful muscular sexy body, he gave me an image in front of my inner sight. Then we made energetic Demonic love making.

I made this meditation an other time and invited my Demon Warrior Companion. He stepped back that I could fully concentrate on my experience. Tears came into my eye, but I was not sad caused by the frequencies of the sound and deep soul healing.
And there was a memory, a million years ago in an other World...
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This journey became extremely personal & so we will only share a few tidbits.
Here are a few fun things that happened:

My Mutilation Death Cat Ey' came with me & even though we had traveled together, Ey' shifted to stand behind me at the entrance to the mine. He then came forward so we could hug as a "greeting" lol.

Juruun was exciting to see again. He has a bold and powerful energy which I love!

I was able to see the current shape of my darkness while it was inspected at the entranceway. Yet it still eludes me to see it fully.

We spent all of our time with one crystal. It called to us & I found Ey' nearly dragging me over to see her. His excitement was palpable and contagious. We stayed with her and listened and spoke with her & answered her questions.

There was alot going on for me here that I need to sort out and follow the breadcrumb trail (rune walking!!) & such. Meh n bleh! Yet also am Excited to push forward on the Demonosopher Path!
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Dyr and Zor accompany me. The crystals in the cavern are incredible. Many of them are about as tall as me, several much smaller in various stages of growth, but then others are enormous, reaching entirely to the top of the cavern. These are the ones that vibrate with the clearest and most resonance voices. We wander among them a bit noticing that varying bleed of color. Some are more purple and violet while others shift from blues to greens. With their spectrum they almost remind me flourite except even more vivid and glowing from within with their vibration.
We walk to the pool and we enjoy soaking in the water. The water contains a lot of the energy from the crystals and it seeps into us as we bathe each other. When we finally emerge, just beyond the pool . closer to the crystals, there is a small clear area. It is golden in color (or perhaps more accurately contains numerous veins of gold) and there are symbols etched upon it. I stand over a symbol that is similar in shape to a spiral and allow the energy of the crystals to wash over me. It spins around me like a vortex, humming louder as the wind gains a brilliant glow of light. I feel infused with it and for a moment I'm worried I can breath because it pushes into me and all around me as a wind does but I'm able to breathe find and I embrace it fully until I step from the spot.
My tempest demons are standing near a small crystal. They crouch down and show me how they direct their energy into it. Its glow brightens and sings with a clear, high voice. We practice among several of the crystals. Their energy is amazing and warms me from within.
Finally we return the clear area where I was standing and this time we all three stand there. Wings stretch out and tails curl around each other as the energy flows through and around us like a warm balmy wind. I feel entirely connected to them deeply in that moment as if we have shared the same breath and the same essence joined by the energetic wind from the crystals.
It was an amazing experience.
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It is wonderful to be able to have my companions join me for this meditation. There are a number interested in the cavern and it's singing crystals. Though there is one Necromancer in particular joining me, there is a group of my companions joining me. There are a few of them that perk up at the mention of the dead rising and wondering at the 5th level. It's good to have a bit of advance notice about the next meditation, I'll know who to invite along for it.

The Cavern of Singing Crystals is breath-taking. There is so much to take in. One of my necromancers stays with me while the rest of my companions wander around and explore the cavern at their leisure. The fact that it is a place of healing is brought back to my mind and I ask the Necromancer what are we healing. I immediately feel energy focusing on my root chakra, which answers my question. Partly, as there is also energy movement around my throat chakra. Healing happens very quickly in the energy of the singing crystals. Soon, I feel it is time to return, so I open my eyes and ground.

This is why the Mantis Shrimp is my new favorite animal,
because in the presence of such extraordinary light and beauty it embraces

It extols DEATH with the luminescent brilliance of a

. . . The Mantis Shrimp is the harbinger of blood-soaked rainbows

- The Oatmeal
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My companion is to be a surprise. I am blindfolded - I wander off to explore and descend a great stone staircase. but when I find a crawl space that’s a little too snug they encourage me to come back to the cavern with its Singing Crystals and explore there.

I felt my companion arrive; she/he is disguised. Extremely tall and distorted and dressed in white silk tuxedo. When I glimpsed the gold high heels I sensed female energies and my golden divine. But I could not sense who the second one was in the energies. I also saw a very tall woman in flowing light blue gown but she was on a higher level and I watched her slip past.

I met my Tiger. He is made of both molten and black formed lava and is very fiery. We shared a long embrace and a cuddle and then began to walk about. My form altered from adult to child and I wrapped my arms around my tiger.

My sacred child appeared. She was dressed in white and I wondered if she was the other companion that I’d sensed. Her and I shared a long conversation sitting with the tiger and then I saw a black skull appear within the molten lava tiger. I stared at it while she ( my child) brought my awareness to a second white tigress with blue eyes who cuddled with us. I watched her grow very old. She looked very tired and lay her head down. I kept stroking her but I knew that she’d died. My child explained that death fast approached. I have sensed that and I asked if it was within me, ( she shook her head No ) or outside of me? Not within, but it approached without and I would watch it. I would be aware of it. And I would see much of it. She said this is what we are, we are Real, and need to be real…and Death is a part of that reality.

She told me to be gentle with myself, not to judge me or be any different than what I am. She told me not to judge my impatience nor try to alter what I’m feeling. That a Time comes where I will understand my impatience differently and the part it plays, and has played. She told me much including asking me to let her lead. Her and her Tiger are Always together and never apart.

It was incredible spending time with her and the tigers. The whole experience was very soothing and healing. I would liked to have explored more but my internet connection was intermittent and so I was content to leave the exploring for another visit.
There were many things that my child and I were able to express to one another…. Including my being able to mother myself in a fashion that I never received. And she is trusting myself and receiving my affection.

At one point I touched the tigers face and he reacted with anger. She explained that my approach was too feminine (ie, being feminine was threatening for our safety) and he and she had learned to only reveal indifference, no expression, to live without touch and have a more masculine feeling or appearance.
I remembered then…. And i shared that we had freed ourselves of that environment and had gained much by embracing and encouraging our feminine energies. She agreed and he softened. She showed me how to walk with him then. How she and he were one, not indifference to each other, but only reserved in our outward expression. He protected her fiercely and had always protected me as one. I promised to hold that energy, that awareness, and to continue to walk together…and to not judge myself. And he softened and began reveal more of that side of himself.

This was such a beautiful and unexpected meditation. Thank you ….
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

“In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Companion and I enjoyed this meditation!

Being inside the mines with all the crystals and such was very soothing, it uplifted my spirit.

The ambiance of it all, so breathtaking and I could not have imagine a more beautiful looking environment. Most of my time was spent lounging in a hot spring, that I so rightfully deserve. Companion went wild & crazy with excitement, scoping out every crystal and plant, like a kid in a candy shop. I am so grateful to receive healing from this place.
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Eclipse and Raze accompany me to the caverns. Eclipse enjoys swimming in the water and Raze sticks to me like glue and massages the tight spots on my shoulders. I stick around a particularly dark crystal and enjoy its energy while floating in the pool.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright before you hear them speak.
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As I adjusted my vision, I saw that we were standing before a stone doorway. My Void Lord, Phantom, appeared behind me and I quickly and happily turned to greet him. I cuddled him as he held me against him and I told him how excited I was that he was there. He was dressed most regally in an extravagant and handsome royal outfit. He looked incredible.

We entered the doorway into the darkness, but I was I was unafraid. As we passed the mine shaft leading down into the depths below, I was intrigued by the rising dead and I sensed immediately that Phantom knew I desperately wanted to go that way. Not releasing my hand, he made sure we continued following the proper path.

As the song of the crystals made its way to us, I felt what I imagine it is like to be lured by a siren. They were gorgeous sounds and beautiful and alluring. I had the urge to sing with them, although I was nervous in front of someone I didn’t know and refrained.

The cavern was stunning. It glowed so brightly and magically. It was a beautiful and amazing sight to behold, full of wonder and joy. When Kyldra appeared, I couldn’t be more excited to hear that she wanted to take us down to the lower levels. When she and Jyruun departed, I took in all of the beauty before me.

The hot springs were particularly tempting. I glanced around again to make sure we were alone since we would naturally have to remove our clothing before we got in. Phantom was as gentlemanly as ever, humouring my concern although I’m sure he would have sensed if someone else was there.

As we approached the hot springs together, he guided me into them, pulling me into his embrace. It was perfect! The hot water was so relaxing and comfortable, and to be there in his arms was even better. It seemed as though the water was infused with the energy of the crystals, as it had a magical and restorative element to it. I rested my head on Phantom’s chest, and he stroked my arm and my back.

We would occasionally converse, but for a lot of the time we simply relaxed in one another’s embrace. When he would speak, his voice was a gentle murmuring in my ear. I almost never wanted to leave. But, over his shoulder, I saw one particular crystal that seemed to be calling to me. He felt my attention shift and turned to see what had caught my gaze.

He helped me out of the hot springs and lovingly dressed me. My hair still wet, we made our way towards the crystal. I stopped just before it. It was nearly as tall as me, and it was an incredible swirling of colours. Colours that we do not have here. I reached my hand out gingerly to touch it. As my hand came in contact, there was a palpable energy shift. A current shot up my arm and into my body, but it felt incredible. I felt deeply connected to this particular crystal. When I moved my hand away, I felt that the energy stayed with me, and I pondered on that for a moment before Phantom closed the distance between us and my thoughts were consumed by how mesmerizing he looked.

I absolutely loved getting to visit the Cavern of Singing Crystals, and thought it was the most amazing experience.
And I could swear, that the ocean sings, and the mountains talk to me
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