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A Christmas Story with a Demonic Twist

A Crypt Demon Cryptmas Carol


**Trigger Warning : Mention of Rape, Abuse, Torture, Torment**

Welcome to the Outer Crypt….

The Outer Crypt Demons are a Unique Group.
Outcasts and Renegades from the Core Crypt where they once called home…
They have chosen to Flee what was once home
Choose to live as outcasts

Removed from the sinister elements that defined the Core aspects of Crypt Society
A desire for decimation and destruction
A desire to destroy
A desire to harm and torture
Rape, murder, torment, abuse, suffering….
It gives them pleasure

This is not all Crypt Demons though…
For some Crypt Demons…
The call is not there
Why have they rejected the call of their own people?

The Sinister elements is not there
It is a shadow and a horrific reminder of a life that some choose.

For some Crypt Demons

The Torture

The Torment

The pain…

The rape…

The Abuse…

The Games…

It is something they reject..

They understand it
Some have even embraced it, and walked that path for a time,
but at some point they turned away from it.
They know it to a level that many cannot fathom

And that is why they have chosen to leave.

They can no longer stomach the juvenile sadistic satiation of their core brethren
They have found something much stronger and much more meaningful.

So they have no choice.
They must leave.

The road is dangerous…
Many do not make it…
They are seen as traitors..
Branded as deserters
They are hunted…

If one is caught. They will be tortured and tormented by the Core…
Tortured for eternity.. chained and bound...

They are playthings of the sinister nature of the core crypt demons who enjoy the destruction






These things are normal within the core..

They are normal to them and they are the core of their foundation.
A desire to satisfy the inner longing to inflict pain upon others.
It is their calling and it is the force they serve.
That desire to corrupt
To break
To destroy
To remove that spark of life.

The Demons of the Outer Crypt.
They had to leave
They had to escape..
They formed their own societies,
Away from the sinister nature of the Core Crypt Realm.
Those who escape work hard

Their realms are in the sacred Crypts of the Black Mountains and Blood Deserts between the Core Crypt and the Mutilation Realm.
Lady Sacra, Daughter of the Mighty Crypt Lord Vulekus, has invited you to venture into the darkness of their world.
She has prepared a special Yuletide adventure for you

A story…
A journey

And through it you will unlock the secrets of the Crypt and the Secrets of Lord Vulekus and his self inflicted isolation.
This Yule Seasons we Celebrate with the Crypt Demons and Embrace the world of the Outer Crypt.

What secrets hide within the depth?

What mysteries will be unlocked?

What lessons will be learned from this dark and sinister place…?

We are Satan and Sons Invite you to the Crypt Demons Cryptmas Carol

A Crypt Demon Take on the Holiday Season

Enter the World of Darkness where deep lessons will be learned and nothing is as it seems.

Lord Vulneratus lives in the deep darkness of the high mountain range.

His Crypt is found on the peaks hidden and tucked away from those who would try to destroy him.
Their world is one of ice and cold.
The Howling winds rage outside and during this time of the year…
The Weather is death.
There is a depth to the Crypt
Deep secrets are found in the Darkness.
It has many layers
And many floors
Many of which are abandoned…
Entry is forbidden.

He lives there with his three wives and his Daughter, Lady Sacra, who is a Crypt Dancer. Lady Sacra was only young when they had to flee the Inner Core Crypt. She has very little memory of what happened or the events surrounding their exodus. She knows that because of her father though she is safe and because of the actions that he took they were able to escape.

She is a beautiful young Crypt Dancer who enjoys the holidays and the Festive Celebration. She sometimes ventures with a friend of her who is a Mutilation Demon to the Noble Demon Realm for the Great Yule Celebrations. She loves the colours, the lights and the cheer. She loves to dance and she loves to get lost in the celebration energies of the season. She loves her father and hates how he locks himself away and refuses to engage in any celebration. He holds secrets, he holds a dark past and Sacra is looking for answers. She is ready to venture into the darkness of the their Crypt, into the forbidden regions to find answers and unlock the secrets of her fathers past.

She has called out to you, to join her at the Crypt, you who has deep understanding of the celebration of the season and who who can help her to unravel this mystery. You are invited into the Darkness of the Outer Crypt, to walk with Sacra and help her unlock the mysteries of her families past.

He mother, Lady Dolorem, is a wise and beautiful Crypt Demoness who has seen horrors that are unimaginable. She carries sorrow in her heart and she carries painful memories and shadows. She takes long walks through the darkness during this time of the year. She is looking for something. Looking for something that is lost…. Sacra does not know what… She knows that her mother ventures out into the darkness. She ventures out alone and she does not wish to be seen. She moves under concealment of darkness.

Her other mother, Lady Tempus, tells her that time will heal all pain, She is a kind Crypt Demoness who tries her best to hold her family together. She accompanies Sacra to the events in the Noble Realm and tries to bring joy to the family. She spends time with Sacra and teaches her the Sacred Art of Dance and how they cannot take dance… She was once a slave, performing for a cruel and sinister Crypt Lord who enjoyed trying to break her spirit. Daily he would torture her, he would abuse her…. She kept strong and when Vulekus left… she went with him… They fell in love and she became another of his wives. She keeps in her heart the sacred power of love, a force that got her through the horrible times as she dreamed of escaping and another life. Her and Sacra Dance together and she teaches Sacra the sacred power of the heart and the healing energies of love.

Her third mother… Lady Mortem… Lays dead in the depth of the Crypt. She did not make it. Sacra does not know why she died… She does not know why they do not revive her… no one will speak of it…. No one will speak of the reasons. She lays in the darkness of the Crypt… Sleeping Eternally… Her body delicately preserved by a spell of Lord Vulekus, he will go and visit her alone, but there is much pain there. Sacra wishes she remembers more of her third mother. Lady Tempus tells her that Lady Mortem was strong and brave. She protected her family and she protected… those she cared about… Sacra knows there is more… but no one wants to say anything else.

Lady Sacra invites you to join her at the Crypt… She invites you to help her unravel the Mystery, and unravel the secrets of her family. There is a lot that is buried in the past, but she is confident that together you can uncover them.

Your journey into the Crypt Begins….
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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