Forum Membership Levels + How to get a Private Blog

Have a great place online where you get your supplies from? Or do you have magical tools you love, or know any interesting books, altar tools and other resources you use when working with the Dark Lords, Demon, Spirits and Entities. Share it here! No Reviews please
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Presented here is an overview of the different membership groups on Satan and Suns and what you need to do in order to be approved into that membership group.

Forum Level : Initiates - New Members/Moderation Members

This levels colour is Light Blue and is for Initiate members or new members who are still being moderated. The light blue colour means that you do not have access to Private Messages's and that you require a moderator to approve your posts. You will be upgraded to general membership quite quickly, basically as soon as we know you are not a spam bot and you post 30 posts on the forum.

We also at times may moderate an individual who is trolling or posts inappropriately. A warning will be given before being placed in Moderation Statue. We generally try to be very flexible, but there may be times where a person is being disrespectful or is purposely trolling and we will have to enforce moderation rules.

If an individual is highly disruptive and begin threatening other members with curses and demonic attacks, we take that very seriously. We may also enforce moderations if we receive complaints that a member is harassing others members via PM.

Forum Level : Neophyte - General Membership

Blue! Those at the Neophyte level have access to PM's and do not need a moderations approval for posts. You have access to most members of the forum and so long as you are respectful can post and comment and participate. Neophyte members can post freely, have access to polls and send private messages. Please be respectful of your fellow forum members and don't send solicitations or spam messages, if we uncover you have been, private messages will be revoked.

Requirements to attain General Membership
~ Have at least 30 legitimate posts

Forum Level : Philosophers - Experienced Members

Orange! This level we have named Philosophers as a new section will open up, a section where you can have different debates and discussion. This level is for our experienced members. Philosophers have demonstrated that they are responsible and mature and can engage in our debating section of the forum. They are our loyal S&S posters, they usually actively take a role in the community and post fairly regularity, though we understand life has a way of getting in the way and we will not penalize people for disappearing for certain lengths of time.

Requirements for Philosophers
~ Active for at least a month
~ Showing maturity and respect when posting and not instigating fights, starting drama, or trolling.
~ At least 50 posts

To Apply to be a Philosopher please go here... viewtopic.php?f=313&t=9291

Forum Level : Tenured Membership

Yellow! Our Tenured bunch our are loyal S&S posters who are willing to open up . Tenured Members upon request can gain access to their own private blog where they can record their experiences and share their stories with other tenured members. If you would like tenureship and your own blog please post here as this thread is sticky'd and we will be able to keep track of who has been upgraded and who has not.

Requirements for Tenured Members
~ Be active for at least 3 months
~ Have at least 150 posts
~ Show a level of maturity and respect for the forum and the community.
~ Keep your blog updated, this area will be rotated regularly because it is our private journeys and we don't want lurkers.

To Apply to be Tenured please go here.... viewtopic.php?f=313&t=9292

Forum Level : Magi - Honoured Members

Light Purple! This is the place where we discuss advanced topics and explore different areas of the occult. This area is for people who want to dive into working with demons and walking their path with dedication and consistency. Members of this group will be our active participants and have a desire to contribute to the Satan and Suns Community. They are our honoured members all of which we are honoured to have with us!

Requirements for Magi

~ Active participant on Satan and Suns
~ Have been a member for at least 6 months
~ Have at least 500 posts

To Apply to be Magi please go here... viewtopic.php?f=313&t=9293

Over 18 section

Demon Erotica Galore, this section is the adult area of the forum where people are free to post their more erotic expereinces, this secton contains a lot of private information and personal experiences, so attaining membership will have specific requirements. note *** Members already in the Over 18 section will be grandfathered in.

Requirements for the Over 18 Section

~ Active participant on S&S
~ Have at least 150 posts on the forum.
~ be over 18

To apply to the over 18 Section please go here.. viewtopic.php?f=313&t=9294

Global Moderators

Green! Global Moderators are those who assist Akelta with forum functions and are available to assist members and answer their questions. They are passionate members of the S&S community and work to preserve the atmosphere and help the community to grow and thrive.

Moderators handle forum complaints and handle inappropriate posts and threads that are posted in the wrong category. They also handle membership approval and approving posts from new members.

Moderators are able to maintain a neutral stance with all members and situations and they are able to handle situations that arise following breaches of the rules and work to create a solution that is fair to everyone. They can take an unbiased stance and they know how to work with many different types of people and personalities to offer a fair, unbiased solution to any issues that arise.

The Coven

Purple! The Active Members of the Coven.

We will be reviewing this and may be adding levels or changing levels around, an announcement will be issued when changes are made. Any feedback is more than welcome.

***Note*** Edited on February 14th 2020
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Lady of Monsters
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May I become a tenured member? I would love to blog here :devillove:
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Goddess of the Void
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Thanks Yllidra :winkdevil:
Eilana wrote:May I become a tenured member? I would love to blog here :devillove:
It is done :witch2:
Lover of Demons
Royal Demon Goddess
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Lady of Monsters
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Your favourite Demon?: Ombre, Mammon, Swallowtail, Sizzle, Elegy
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Has thanked: 96 times
Been thanked: 73 times

Akelta wrote:Thanks Yllidra :winkdevil:
Eilana wrote:May I become a tenured member? I would love to blog here :devillove:
It is done :witch2:
Thank you Akelta :hug: :devillove:
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Now it needs an approximate time frame. Some thing like 4 - 6 months of regular posting before you are considered eligible for tenure. It's only a suggestion though.
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Which is not to say that I am not interested, however I do not feel that I have contributed regularly enough to qualify.
All my freestyle dancing is basically magic.
To be the left hand of a god.
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I have requested tenure, I would like a blog as I intend to post a few of my experiences.
All my freestyle dancing is basically magic.
To be the left hand of a god.
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Goddess of the Void
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Patron Deities: Satan, Lucifer, Mammon, Azazel, Andras, Paimon, Leviathan, Unsere, The Family
Your favourite Demon?: Tiger, High Prince H, Bear, Oblivion, Quasar, Prince V, Venom, Cadaver, My Family
Number of Demon Familiars: 66
Location: Canada
Has thanked: 199 times
Been thanked: 366 times

fire083 wrote:I have requested tenure, I would like a blog as I intend to post a few of my experiences.
I have upgraded your membership to tenured and have created a blog for you. It can be found here… viewforum.php?f=90" onclick=";return false;


:devilparty: :devilparty:
Lover of Demons
Royal Demon Goddess
Darling of Sublime Romance
Daughter of Demonic Macabre


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Rise with Azazel in Potential
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I would like to request a blog please, Thank you :)
You simply cannot be a Satanist, and not involve Satan..

HAIL Satan
HAIL Lucifer
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I would love to have my own blog and be able to read others.
"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." Rumi

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." Rumi
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