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Giving up Coffee

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:58 pm
by Eilana
It was the first week in April, relatively early in the morning. I was sitting on my mother's couch, clutching a cup of coffee in front of me with both hands. My eyes, obscured by the hood on my sweatshirt, were half open. I stared at the steam rising from the cup, not yet awake enough to take the first sip.

"When are you going for a walk?" King O was already bugging me (rofl getting the eyeroll for typing that). I was out of town for the week, so unable to go to the gym. He kept insisting I at least go for walks in the morning.
I groaned. "I'm not awake yet. Can't I even drink my coffee in peace?"
"That's part of your problem. Why are you drinking that? You can't function in the morning at all. Your energy is terrible. I think you should give up coffee."
"What??? Nooooooo."
"You're addicted to it. You wake up in a fog, drink some coffee and it does nothing. Your energy is still terrible even after you drink it."
"But, I love coffee..." The first sip of a really good cup of coffee is soooo good. I held my cup a little tighter.
"Then give it up. Oh wait, you can't. You're addicted to it."
"I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work," I growled.
"It's ok, I know you can't do it."
Damn it. "Yes I can, I just don't want to."
"I don't believe you. Prove it."

I gritted my teeth. I knew exactly what he was doing. And it was working... because I can't turn down a challenge -_-;

"Fine. I'll give up coffee."

The following morning I stumbled into the kitchen, the delicious smell of coffee already filled the air. I went to the cabinet to grab a cup.
"What happened to giving up coffee?"
Ah, I forgot. "I'm not awake yet. Habit... I'll make some tea instead. Or am I not allowed to have tea either?"
"Tea is fine."
I made tea and drank that. I felt like crap. Withdrawal sucks lol

Later on, in the afternoon... I had been running errands all morning with my mom and we were both pretty tired. She suggested we grab some coffee.
That sounds like a great idea! Oh wait, no. I gave up coffee... ugh. I declined.

The next few days dragged on. I was cranky and felt awful. I didn't drink any coffee though. If I even thought about it for a second I was immediately reminded.

After almost a week, I returned home. A day or 2 later my husband returned as well. The first thing he did the next morning was start making coffee. He asked how much I thought I would drink and I told him none. I gave up coffee. He thought I was joking but I insisted I wasn't. He proceeded to make coffee only for himself.

Torture! My husband used to be a barista and we have the most amazing coffee/espresso machine so the smell was intoxicating. But I said I wouldn't drink it and once I commit to something that's it. Nothing will stop me.

Days turned into weeks and it got easier. I woke up in the mornings with no trouble. I had more and more energy. My head was completely clear.

This morning I jumped right out of bed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Woke my husband to go to the gym then started getting ready to go. He groaned and refused to move. I had to try and wake him at least 5 times. Finally he got up in a daze, dragging himself around the house to get ready.

I was waiting by the front door, practically bouncing off the walls. I couldn't wait to go to the gym. I watched him putting his shoes on, grumbling the entire time with his eyes half-closed.

"Who does that remind you of?" King O asked.
"That was you 4 weeks ago."

I thought about it. He was right. The difference in my energy levels in the morning is nothing short of amazing. I no longer have trouble getting up and I'm way happier.

"Still want to drink coffee?"
"No, I think I'm good."
"I'm much better off without it. You were right."

Oh how he loves when I say that :lol:

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:11 pm
by Akelta
ROFLMAO!! ok I love this story. Thank you for sharing! I can so picture him saying all this as well :devilclap:

I don't drink coffee either. It was actually one of the substance I was advised against. I actually cannot stand the taste of it, unless it is in Tiramisu (has to be light, if it is too coffeeish I cannot eat it) or a coffee crisp. When I wake up in the morning, I have water mixed with my vitamin C powered combined with baking soda. Sometimes I will have juice, or occasionally milk. I also like herbal or green tea. It is awesome though how your energy is shifting and you no longer have the morning fog! Congratulations!

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:18 am
by Nightraven14
Give up coffee? NEVER! *starts riot in the street*

Great story though.

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:06 am
by Eilana
Thank you Akelta ^-^ ahhh I love Tiramisu. That's got to be one of my absolute favorite desserts. Although, there aren't too many I dislike haha. In the morning I usually have water or sometimes tea. Been on a blueberry green tea kick lately.

Phil, ROFL I love the rioting hahahaha and thank you ^^

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:22 pm
by fire083
Not a big fan of coffee either, ill have a cup every now and then, but mostly I prefer teas, one of my favorite blends is a chai mate from teavana.

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:39 pm
by loumandi
I'm a big fan of coffee:) Although mine is decaf. Been adviced by the doctor not to drink caffeinated coffee

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:46 am
by Syriana
Coffee= Syri need. :drool2:

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:16 am
by Vixen
For some reason I'm the absolute worst coffee maker.. if anyone else makes it, it's divine but if you let me near the coffee brewer something is bound to go wrong LOL So basically, I only make myself coffee when I NEED to stay up and even then I have to force it down.

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 2:17 pm
by fire083
loumandi wrote:I'm a big fan of coffee:) Although mine is decaf. Been adviced by the doctor not to drink caffeinated coffee
Decaf coffee still has caffeine just no where near as much, its got about 1/3 the amount of regular coffee.

Re: Giving up Coffee

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:09 pm
by BravoOmega8
A wow. Great experience. I can't give up coffee as work is night shift. I don't drink coffee on weekends. I take tea on weekends. If ever it happens to me a challenge from my DC to give up coffee-I don't know if I can win lol.