Building an Astral Temple

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What is an astral temple? It is a sacred astral space we can create and go to for our meditations, connections and even rituals. Some of us dont have corporeal temples or sacred space to work in. An astral temple can be an ideal alternative.

A lot of people , for whatever reason, be it financial issues or privacy, cannot openly practice but still feel the calling to have somewhere sacred to work, medidate, converse with their Companions and Dark Lords.

You can build an astral temple and you do not have to be a wizard at astral travelling to get there. All you need is to build your visualization skills. This actually is a bit more difficult than you might think, however it IS achievable with practice.

Start small. Think of what makes you relax. Is it a beach? is it a forest? is it a cabin? is it a city or the countryside? Mountains? At the risk of sounding like a Bob Ross instructional video, Im going to say wherever your astral temple will be should be your happy little place. And it can be wherever you want. This is your world. You can make it what you want.

Now close your eyes. You can listen to music if this helps you relax or adds atmosphere. Set it on low though. You want the music to enhance, not overpower. Visualize the perfect setting for your temple. Spend at least ten minutes "programming" the smells, sounds, sights. For example, I like the forest. My astral temple is deep in a forest , away from everyone and everything. I have soft cool grass to walk barefoot on, I have flowers growing all round, the sun shines during the day and the moon is always full at night. I can see tall trees, i can hear a stream nearby. I can see mountains in the distance. I can smell the flowers and the trees. I can hear the birds talking to each other. Hold on to your visual and keep recalling all the details youve put in your area. Keep recalling it until you know it. If it helps you, journal it for easier recall later on if you have trouble remembering details.

Walk away from it for the day or even a few hours. Give those images a chance to take hold in your mind. Even better, doing it before sleep may help you to dream about it where you can "see" it clearer!

The next day , spend another 10 or so minutes recalling your images from the previous day. This time though, lets add a happy little temple. It can just be a series of altars out doors or it can be a house, a castle or even a deathstar should you so choose (for our starwars fans out there ;) ) whatever it is, imagine the structure of it. See it. then walk inside. whats to your left? whats to your right? whats straight ahead? How about whatever the hell you want. Again, in my best Bob Ross voice, this is YOUR world. This is where you will work with your gods and family. Visualize the furniture, if any. the floor, if any, any fixtures you want... you get the idea.

My first temple was a very simple medium sized one room cottage type of structure. It had a thatched roof and inside i visualized it as having altars at all four points and a bigger one in the middle with an achemy type of "lab" on it. I had a fireplace, as I love fireplaces and I wanted it for a light source since i visualized my cottage completely devoid of any modern conveniences. I kept a huge kettle/cauldron near the fire.I visualized a big overstuffed pillow in front of the fire place where i could meditate, cupboards that had endless supplies for any ritual imagineable. I visualized various plants, herbs and oils. I had sigils on the walls, a large baphomet statue at the door, and the floors were bare wood. Not even varnished.

Once you've visualized your structure and had some fun with the decor, quit for the day. Journal what youve created in case you need to recall later on. You can recount your details from beginning to end before you go to bed, sometimes our temples come to us in our dreams.

The next day (or when you have a chance) spend 10-15 minutes again recalling all the details up to this point. You can read your journal, if you've written one, so that you can refresh your memory to all the details youve added prior to visualization. Once youve done that, and you can see your place clearly (dont feel bad if you cant. over time this will become much clearer. Thats why it is a good practice to journal it) Start adding your altar(s) . You can have one or many, that is entirely up to you. Put everything you feel you require for an altar. Is it dedicated to one deity or companion or is it a working one where you will set it up completely different each time? Do you need candles? Incense? Offerings? Cleansing items?

Again, give yourself some time to journal your days work. Write down the layout of your altars so you can come back to that later.
Keep visualizing it over and over, use it as your meditative space. You'll know when youre ready to connect.

*some tips*
- You can invite your Companion to come with you as you create or show them around when youre finished!
-Dont stress out if you are struggling with the visualization process. Rome wasn't built in a day!
-It can be as complex or as simple as you want. There are no hard and fast rules about what should or shouldnt be there. Just enjoy the experience of creating something you love.
-Dont forget to shield your astral space from any intruders, astral parasites, etc!

For those of you who already have astral temples, feel free to leave your tips and hints here as well!
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No surprise here - another awesome way to describe the means and methods needed to create your astral temple. I remember making my first one - it was a lot of fun. I've enjoyed it, and returning back to it routinely. It also shouldn't come as a shock, but the description you provide of the setting you put yours in is pretty much absolutely like mine. Add in that fresh scent of the pines and crisp mountain air... Yup. My moon does tend to change through the cycles. And sometimes I even see the northern lights! :-)

I wouldn't be shocked at all if we're not astral neighbors. Sometime you should wander down that river a little further to try to find my place. You'll recognize it when you see A greeting you at the door - most likey you'll also notice a nude Demoness or two on the bear skin rug in front of the fire! Hahaha

Seriously though, this is a great description of how to create your own astral space. And we should all do so. They make amazing places to meditate ourselves into. It allows us a mental means to pay tribute to our demons, giving them their own personal space that we can easily return to. And, the possibilities of it all are literally endless.

I like my happy little trees. Bob would be so proud.
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That is an awesome post Mommy! :)

Thanks for sharing this great information :)
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Anatel wrote:What is an astral temple? It is a sacred astral space we can create and go to for our meditations, connections and even rituals. Some of us dont have corporeal temples or sacred space to work in. An astral temple can be an ideal alternative.

A lot of people , for whatever reason, be it financial issues or privacy, cannot openly practice but still feel the calling to have somewhere sacred to work, medidate, converse with their Companions and Dark Lords.

You can build an astral temple and you do not have to be a wizard at astral travelling to get there. All you need is to build your visualization skills. This actually is a bit more difficult than you might think, however it IS achievable with practice.

Start small. Think of what makes you relax. Is it a beach? is it a forest? is it a cabin? is it a city or the countryside? Mountains? At the risk of sounding like a Bob Ross instructional video, Im going to say wherever your astral temple will be should be your happy little place. And it can be wherever you want. This is your world. You can make it what you want.

Now close your eyes. You can listen to music if this helps you relax or adds atmosphere. Set it on low though. You want the music to enhance, not overpower. Visualize the perfect setting for your temple. Spend at least ten minutes "programming" the smells, sounds, sights. For example, I like the forest. My astral temple is deep in a forest , away from everyone and everything. I have soft cool grass to walk barefoot on, I have flowers growing all round, the sun shines during the day and the moon is always full at night. I can see tall trees, i can hear a stream nearby. I can see mountains in the distance. I can smell the flowers and the trees. I can hear the birds talking to each other. Hold on to your visual and keep recalling all the details youve put in your area. Keep recalling it until you know it. If it helps you, journal it for easier recall later on if you have trouble remembering details.

Walk away from it for the day or even a few hours. Give those images a chance to take hold in your mind. Even better, doing it before sleep may help you to dream about it where you can "see" it clearer!

The next day , spend another 10 or so minutes recalling your images from the previous day. This time though, lets add a happy little temple. It can just be a series of altars out doors or it can be a house, a castle or even a deathstar should you so choose (for our starwars fans out there ;) ) whatever it is, imagine the structure of it. See it. then walk inside. whats to your left? whats to your right? whats straight ahead? How about whatever the hell you want. Again, in my best Bob Ross voice, this is YOUR world. This is where you will work with your gods and family. Visualize the furniture, if any. the floor, if any, any fixtures you want... you get the idea.

My first temple was a very simple medium sized one room cottage type of structure. It had a thatched roof and inside i visualized it as having altars at all four points and a bigger one in the middle with an achemy type of "lab" on it. I had a fireplace, as I love fireplaces and I wanted it for a light source since i visualized my cottage completely devoid of any modern conveniences. I kept a huge kettle/cauldron near the fire.I visualized a big overstuffed pillow in front of the fire place where i could meditate, cupboards that had endless supplies for any ritual imagineable. I visualized various plants, herbs and oils. I had sigils on the walls, a large baphomet statue at the door, and the floors were bare wood. Not even varnished.

Once you've visualized your structure and had some fun with the decor, quit for the day. Journal what youve created in case you need to recall later on. You can recount your details from beginning to end before you go to bed, sometimes our temples come to us in our dreams.

The next day (or when you have a chance) spend 10-15 minutes again recalling all the details up to this point. You can read your journal, if you've written one, so that you can refresh your memory to all the details youve added prior to visualization. Once youve done that, and you can see your place clearly (dont feel bad if you cant. over time this will become much clearer. Thats why it is a good practice to journal it) Start adding your altar(s) . You can have one or many, that is entirely up to you. Put everything you feel you require for an altar. Is it dedicated to one deity or companion or is it a working one where you will set it up completely different each time? Do you need candles? Incense? Offerings? Cleansing items?

Again, give yourself some time to journal your days work. Write down the layout of your altars so you can come back to that later.
Keep visualizing it over and over, use it as your meditative space. You'll know when youre ready to connect.

*some tips*
- You can invite your Companion to come with you as you create or show them around when youre finished!
-Dont stress out if you are struggling with the visualization process. Rome wasn't built in a day!
-It can be as complex or as simple as you want. There are no hard and fast rules about what should or shouldnt be there. Just enjoy the experience of creating something you love.
-Dont forget to shield your astral space from any intruders, astral parasites, etc!

For those of you who already have astral temples, feel free to leave your tips and hints here as well!
Thanks Anatel I am just learning how to Astral travel . so working on a Astral temple could be a lot of fun . I like to visualize myself being on a Beach that really seems to help me to relax I also have a Astral Fae companion for Astral travel so . I will practice on making a Astral temple to its a good place to go just to get away from every day life . . yes it can be some what complex at first because it was for me ' when I first starting doing the visualizations but its has become more easy over time :seasaw:
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*squee I may have to start calling you mommy as well now ;)

I have the perfect place! I started a little world when I was younger that is just needing an astral temple. It started out as dirt floor with a single tree. Than it turned into a cliff with a waterfall. Than it overlooked a lush green forest and to the far left a desert grew. To the right an ocean sprung and to the far back is a mountain range. Though, I still haven't made an astral temple, as you know. I think you just gave me the tools I need to place one here in the forest.

I have a good idea about what I'm am going to make it. I am really glad you noted that the temple can have more than one alter as well. I was thinking I would have to make multiple temples all over!

Oh, I also really like the journal idea. I'm not the greatest artist, so this would be a much better plan of action!

Thank you... Mommy ;)

P.s. I may not call you that... Sounds, naughty.
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You know, for those of us who aren't natural artists, there is more than one way to design your astral temple. One option you can use to design and build an astral temple blueprint is to utilize something as simple as "minecraft." It's really easy! First, generate the seed world that is your ideal location. Second, once there, go into creative mode and find a suitable site. Third, once you have the ideal location, start building your temple until you have Crafted your ideal temple/cabin/house/fortress. Experiment with it! See what works for you! Once you're satisfied with it, take note of how it looks in your mind (you know, the non-pixelated version). Fourth, listen in your mind to the sounds. Is it by a waterfall or the ocean? Do you hear animals? Birds, perhaps? Rain? If you have difficulty with the sounds, listen to a mood CD/MP3 while crafting. Fifth, take note of the smells (if you're having difficulty, use incense or an essential oils diffuser). Do you smell the ocean? Trees? A summer's rain?

Go back and practice. Walk around with those things on until you have basically memorized the sights, smells, and sounds. Then go meditate and picture it all, replicated, in your mind. As long as you saved it, you can keep going back to it again and again until you've crafted and memorized both your virtual world and your astral temple. This should allow you to create your ideal space and will force you to focus on what you seek to build. Plus, it will keep you focused and help you commit it all to memory.

The possibilities are only limited to your ability to imagine. Go make Walt Disney proud!!! :devilthumbs:
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Bathosias wrote:You know, for those of us who aren't natural artists, there is more than one way to design your astral temple. One option you can use to design and build an astral temple blueprint is to utilize something as simple as "minecraft." It's really easy! First, generate the seed world that is your ideal location. Second, once there, go into creative mode and find a suitable site. Third, once you have the ideal location, start building your temple until you have Crafted your ideal temple/cabin/house/fortress. Experiment with it! See what works for you! Once you're satisfied with it, take note of how it looks in your mind (you know, the non-pixelated version). Fourth, listen in your mind to the sounds. Is it by a waterfall or the ocean? Do you hear animals? Birds, perhaps? Rain? If you have difficulty with the sounds, listen to a mood CD/MP3 while crafting. Fifth, take note of the smells (if you're having difficulty, use incense or an essential oils diffuser). Do you smell the ocean? Trees? A summer's rain?

Go back and practice. Walk around with those things on until you have basically memorized the sights, smells, and sounds. Then go meditate and picture it all, replicated, in your mind. As long as you saved it, you can keep going back to it again and again until you've crafted and memorized both your virtual world and your astral temple. This should allow you to create your ideal space and will force you to focus on what you seek to build. Plus, it will keep you focused and help you commit it all to memory.

The possibilities are only limited to your ability to imagine. Go make Walt Disney proud!!! :devilthumbs:

Genius! Simply genius!. I can go into creative mode fly around and make it perfect, just perfect. Well, sort of perfect lol. Hmmmm, I can see the temple.... Well not now, I haven't made it yet but I can think about having made it in the future lol. Hey and with mine craft I can take a picture ;)
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Thank you for this thread, and thanks to everyone for their additions. I didn't realize my little retreat space in my head was technically an Astral temple if I wanted it to be! Maybe I'll redesign it a little bit and add in some altars and offerings for the immortals I work with and more rooms for my other friends :)
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Astral Temples!! :crazy:
I was reading about them some times ago :devilread:

Let me add some stuff:
1. We can check if there's already an astral temple, or inner temple, inside. After we meditate until trance, we can intent to see our temple. If there is, the image of the temple slowly appears, can be from the outside or already from the inside.

2. If we want to build one from scratch, we can find some idea from google too. There are many cool imagery of astral temples in google image that can give some ideas.

3. An idea from this, which is a real temple built based on mandala symbol:
I think we can also build temple based on sigil or mandala. With the sigil as 2-D blueprint, we may be able to build it up as the whole temple or as one special room. But we better ask our companion if it's a good idea, in case it can be disrespectful or dangerous.

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And if you want it could also help with your Memory :P
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