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Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:06 am
by BravoOmega8
Just want to share...this made me start to search more and more and found myself eventually here with like minded people...

Re: Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:01 pm
by BravoOmega8
You are welcome Ms Adelphia. I actually questioned the old testament and the new testament even when I was a kid although it was a question I kept. When internet was born, I saw all these info and from then on I considered myself a modified Catholic-only to find out at this stage in my life it is called traversing the left hand path...

Re: Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:10 am
by Sesshoumaru
:lol: You are not traversing that road alone... :grouphug: There are many from the same "school of thought"... ^_^

I myself thought the same way, but considered myself a non-practicing Catholic... & Now, I'm considered a bitch & insensitive... [sigh]

I tell them "Whatever floats your boat..." & keep it moving... XD

Excellent posts every1! :devilthumbs:

Re: Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:54 pm
by BravoOmega8
Yes. I am not alone. Thanks to S and S

Re: Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:32 am
by Celtic Star
Well the Bible was passed down by word of mouth; and then as it was written, was handled my man. That would guarantee mess ups; from human error and mistake. would have contradictions. I'd be more surprised if there wasn't any. Sad how some of the people who devote themselves to God; try their best with the only physical thing they think they have. And to have that thing, have it's messages messed up from human error...not at all pleasant for them. Just my thoughts anyway.

Re: Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:04 pm
by Kore Serpens
Adelphia wrote:
BravoOmega8 wrote:Just want to share...this made me start to search more and more and found myself eventually here with like minded people...
Thank you BravoOmega8, that was so crucial to help me begin to 'wake up' also! Becoming aware of the contradictions in the bible are a great way to break free of religious dogma.

I think the bible is a mish-mash with many mistakes and more than a few polytheistic deities all under the guise of the 'One' god. It's interesting to see that the bible is also very linked with Kabbalah.

I am writing up some info on Solar Demons right now and the link between Satan/some Satanic deities and the sun. I thought it was interesting that though the religious rail against pagan sun worship as worship of Satan, in psalm 84:11 it says "For the LORD God is a sun". Actually the ancient Jewish priests did also worship the sun ;)

When my spirit first showed up she would bring up Father Satan (she has never called him Lord, only Father so I tend to think/refer to Him as such automatically) and I would immediately feel tremendous resistance. One of the things she kept pointing out to me was my intense connection to the Sun from childhood and the fact I called myself Christian at one point but refused the standard teachings and in fact belonged to a solar church, as she called it. A church deemed pagan by its fellow chrisitians. And a church that taught solar teachings including Christ Consciousness rather then christ as God or any type of being to worship. She was very intent upon my realizing the connection between the Sun (I do acts of devotion to this day) and Father Satan. Eventually I just accepted I was sugar coating my actions because of inherited belief systems and it was time to be true to my Self. It rattled my cage for awhile though.... :cloud:

Re: Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:46 pm
by Kore Serpens
dezD wrote:
Adelphia wrote:
BravoOmega8 wrote:Just want to share...this made me start to search more and more and found myself eventually here with like minded people...
Thank you BravoOmega8, that was so crucial to help me begin to 'wake up' also! Becoming aware of the contradictions in the bible are a great way to break free of religious dogma.

I think the bible is a mish-mash with many mistakes and more than a few polytheistic deities all under the guise of the 'One' god. It's interesting to see that the bible is also very linked with Kabbalah.

I am writing up some info on Solar Demons right now and the link between Satan/some Satanic deities and the sun. I thought it was interesting that though the religious rail against pagan sun worship as worship of Satan, in psalm 84:11 it says "For the LORD God is a sun". Actually the ancient Jewish priests did also worship the sun ;)

When my spirit first showed up she would bring up Father Satan (she has never called him Lord, only Father so I tend to think/refer to Him as such automatically) and I would immediately feel tremendous resistance. One of the things she kept pointing out to me was my intense connection to the Sun from childhood and the fact I called myself Christian at one point but refused the standard teachings and in fact belonged to a solar church, as she called it. A church deemed pagan by its fellow chrisitians. And a church that taught solar teachings including Christ Consciousness rather then christ as God or any type of being to worship. She was very intent upon my realizing the connection between the Sun (I do acts of devotion to this day) and Father Satan. Eventually I just accepted I was sugar coating my actions because of inherited belief systems and it was time to be true to my Self. It rattled my cage for awhile though.... :cloud:
Just an after thought re Biblical discrepancies; I grew up spoon fed Biblical doctrine and learned real quick that the Bible was used as a weapon by both the weak and the cruel. (Just my 2 cents) Very few were interested enough to dig into its origins and come to a deeper understanding. they either wanted a tool for the power it gave them over others OR they were perhaps good people but fearful/guilty and as such completely controlled. it takes a lot of courage to shake off the mind control of the masses and truly MAKE a choice. it is easier to remain a child and hope that being childish equates with the quoted scripture of needing to be childlike. to dig into the darker corners of one's own closets isn't comfortable especially when everyone is telling you you're not just wrong but evil. so much self work has to go into this in order to escape the mind control. but that's true of most things in life so we do the work because its for our own freedom.


Re: Contradictions in the Bible

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:03 pm
by user1876
BravoOmega8 wrote:Just want to share...this made me start to search more and more and found myself eventually here with like minded people...
most of whats in the Bible is contradiction to everything it stands for . I had to see that also for myself after years of believing every word from this book once your eyes are open. to the truth . you can see what's truth ,, and whats lies for yourself its always been right in front of you its just you couldn't see it are didn't want to see it good post thanks