New Moon Magick

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I just remembered the new moon is today and remembered it is a phase of removal. Anything Spells or rituals y'all recommend for this moon phase?
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Pwnie wrote:I just remembered the new moon is today and remembered it is a phase of removal. Anything Spells or rituals y'all recommend for this moon phase?
Absolutely!! I love doing any kind of deep cleansing, removing blockages, and negativity at this time!!
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I performed a group blessing for my family, to clear out the path and explore new possibility and new ideas ( since it is a Gemini New Moon)
O lunae lumen
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
me duce tenebris sunt
i ita erit renatus
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Oh wow I forgot yesterday was the new moon, great for removal. Perfect for the procedure I started with my demoness A :devilgrin:

As far as your question goes, only you can know. Think of something in your life you wish gone and write a spell for it.
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Pwnie . I Did Spell work on Yesterday with One of My Crypt Demoness it all depends On what kind of Spell Work ' Your interested in Doing people do spell Work all month long around different Phases of ,The Moon its all about casting a spell that is Right for you depending on what your dealing with are what that Spell is needed for in most Cases :death:
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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velle wrote:Pwnie . I Did Spell work on Yesterday with One of My Crypt Demoness it all depends On what kind of Spell Work ' Your interested in Doing people do spell Work all month long around different Phases of ,The Moon its all about casting a spell that is Right for you depending on what your dealing with are what that Spell is needed for in most Cases :death:
Agreed, what are you interested in Pwnie? A lot can be done, I enjoy linking my spells and rituals up to moon phases, seasons, times, events, cycles and other things.
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

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Eilana wrote:
velle wrote:Pwnie . I Did Spell work on Yesterday with One of My Crypt Demoness it all depends On what kind of Spell Work ' Your interested in Doing people do spell Work all month long around different Phases of ,The Moon its all about casting a spell that is Right for you depending on what your dealing with are what that Spell is needed for in most Cases :death:
Agreed, what are you interested in Pwnie? A lot can be done, I enjoy linking my spells and rituals up to moon phases, seasons, times, events, cycles and other things.
Eilana Working with Different phases of the Moon is One of My Favorite things to do when Casting some Spells because you ' Have Energy from the Moon all Month long So Its always good you can Cast Many Different Spells based around The Moon its One of the first things that ' I Learned how to do when Working with Spells work with and around energies of the Moon you can't go Wrong when that's Done around Moon Phases 'Full Moons are the Best to me it is because it Seems to Hold more energy it Gives that energy to Spells No matter what kind of spell you casting also most Spell work can be Done on a Full Moon :D
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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velle wrote:
Eilana wrote:
velle wrote:Pwnie . I Did Spell work on Yesterday with One of My Crypt Demoness it all depends On what kind of Spell Work ' Your interested in Doing people do spell Work all month long around different Phases of ,The Moon its all about casting a spell that is Right for you depending on what your dealing with are what that Spell is needed for in most Cases :death:
Agreed, what are you interested in Pwnie? A lot can be done, I enjoy linking my spells and rituals up to moon phases, seasons, times, events, cycles and other things.
Eilana Working with Different phases of the Moon is One of My Favorite things to do when Casting some Spells because you ' Have Energy from the Moon all Month long So Its always good you can Cast Many Different Spells based around The Moon its One of the first things that ' I Learned how to do when Working with Spells work with and around energies of the Moon you can't go Wrong when that's Done around Moon Phases 'Full Moons are the Best to me it is because it Seems to Hold more energy it Gives that energy to Spells No matter what kind of spell you casting also most Spell work can be Done on a Full Moon :D
Agreed and indeed velle ^-^ that is one of the wonderful things about the full moon, though ok there are many :lol: I have my spells planned for this month's full moon and planning more for future ones
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Eilana wrote:
velle wrote:
Eilana wrote:
velle wrote:Pwnie . I Did Spell work on Yesterday with One of My Crypt Demoness it all depends On what kind of Spell Work ' Your interested in Doing people do spell Work all month long around different Phases of ,The Moon its all about casting a spell that is Right for you depending on what your dealing with are what that Spell is needed for in most Cases :death:
Agreed, what are you interested in Pwnie? A lot can be done, I enjoy linking my spells and rituals up to moon phases, seasons, times, events, cycles and other things.
Eilana Working with Different phases of the Moon is One of My Favorite things to do when Casting some Spells because you ' Have Energy from the Moon all Month long So Its always good you can Cast Many Different Spells based around The Moon its One of the first things that ' I Learned how to do when Working with Spells work with and around energies of the Moon you can't go Wrong when that's Done around Moon Phases 'Full Moons are the Best to me it is because it Seems to Hold more energy it Gives that energy to Spells No matter what kind of spell you casting also most Spell work can be Done on a Full Moon :D
Agreed and indeed velle ^-^ that is one of the wonderful things about the full moon, though ok there are many :lol: I have my spells planned for this month's full moon and planning more for future ones
' Eilana you have spells planned already to :lol: I Have also Stated putting together some spell work for this Month myself now I Have not made it to Future spells just Yet like you have but :lol: I am More then Sure that's My next thing to Do making notes of Future spells right now its just Month to Month that most of My Work is cast around Different phases of ' The Moon witch has been a joy working with powerful energies of The Moon all month is great Really depending on what kind of work your looking to do :D
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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I myself need to be better about using moon phases as a way to empower my magick workings
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