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The Subconcious Mind

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 8:00 pm
by alikat13
So I've been getting interested in learning more about the subconscious mind. I've done some research on the subject and know that this is where everything we ever thought of and seen is stored it stays within the subconscious mind or goes into the infinite source. It's a lot more powerful than the conscious mind and can greatly influence us in ways we might not be completely aware of. This can be sort of linked to shadow work, right, because everything that we've suppressed through the years can be found through digging up the darkest parts of ourselves buried in our subconscious minds?

So everything is stored in the subconscious mind?

Does anyone else have any info or opinions on the subconscious mind I've also been wondering about subliminal messages as well if anyone has any info or experiences with subliminal messages?


Re: The Subconcious Mind

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:31 pm
by Cult
There is the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind, which can be tied the collective unconscious. Sometimes the subconscious is identified with the unconscious; all of them are interlinked and govern different spheres of influence. You draw from the subconscious when you practice any form of magic, your spirits/entities interact with your subconscious mind (likely a lot more than with your conscious mind), your intuition is rooted in there, your astral body has a much more fluent contact with it, etc etc. I'll tell you to do some Austin Osman Spare and Carl Jung type of reading. It's in the essence of shadow work - your psychedelic adventures evoke imagery directly from the subconscious, hence I advised you in your earlier topic to approach shadow work with those.

Re: The Subconcious Mind

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:03 pm
by alikat13
Cult wrote:There is the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind, which can be tied the collective unconscious. Sometimes the subconscious is identified with the unconscious; all of them are interlinked and govern different spheres of influence. You draw from the subconscious when you practice any form of magic, your spirits/entities interact with your subconscious mind (likely a lot more than with your conscious mind), your intuition is rooted in there, your astral body has a much more fluent contact with it, etc etc. I'll tell you to do some Austin Osman Spare and Carl Jung type of reading. It's in the essence of shadow work - your psychedelic adventures evoke imagery directly from the subconscious, hence I advised you in your earlier topic to approach shadow work with those.
Thank you for the input, cult
So the subconscious and unconscious mind are sort of the same, I see and thanks for the recommendations I'll look them up. I had to go back and read what you said in the other thread, that's great to know, I'm going to be starting my psychedelic journey soon enough. :devilgrin:

Re: The Subconcious Mind

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:24 pm
by Saber
This made me want to get out this Hawaiian Huna book I hadn't finished reading so I thought I would type up the Huna versions of the different parts of the Self.

According to Mastering Your Hidden Self: A Guide to the Huna Way by Serge Kahili King, these are the seven elements of the Individual:

1) Subconscious: Low Self. In Huna, it is called ku.
"Everything it does is strict logic, but often we are not conscious of the premises that it uses to draw conclusions and undertake action. The subconscious reasons deductively and inductively...Memory is a function of the subconscious in fact, it is the only function...It "speaks" through dreams, imagination, feelings, physical sensations and slips of the tongue."

2) Conscious Mind: Middle Self. Lono or uhane in Huna.
"The conscious mind was designed to be the master but seldom is. An importnat part of Huna practice is to regain this natural order. The conscious self communicates through speech, writing or drawing, dramatization, and thought. It has the same reasoning capability as the subconscious, but it can also "jump" reason by creative insight. Probably the greatest talent of the conscious self is that of being able to imagine what isn't. The subconscious can only imagine what has been and create new combinations out of old experience, but the conscious self can create completely new ideas and experience."

3) Superconscious: High Self, aumakua in Huna also kumupa'a or ' ao 'ao.
" a dual entity both male and female in a special way. The word aumakua carries the idea of a "parental spirit" and a "guardian." The aumakua can also be called the "Source Self" since it is the source of individual life, purpose and expression. In that respect it is the God Within... Once the person decides for himself what to do, however, the superconscious makes available an abundance of ideas, knowledge, and energy to carry it out...The superconscious communicates through the channels used by the other two selves, as well as through direct inspiration. When this happens, you suddenly know something, and the knowing is accompanied by a deep sense of peace, or a peaceful kind of excitement."

4) The Soul. Essence of your being, personal identity. In Huna, iho.
"Iho and its roots mean core, heart, center, self, something more, to leave and/or return, to enter to intermarry, joy and happiness, to grow vigorously."

5) Aka body of the individual.
"The aka body holds the pattern for every cell and organ in the body, so that growth, repair, and maintenance can proceed smoothly. The aka body is very sensitive to thought, however, so that distorted thoughts held for any length of time may distort the pattern and eventually the physical body as well. One Huna working theory has it that everything that we come into contact with through any of our senses is forever linked to us by an aka "thread" between the object and our aka body. Another working theory from Huna that might be considered more "modern" is one that suggests a universal field of aka in which individuals, locations, and objects are differentiated only by their unique frequency vibration..."

6) Mana of the individual.
"Mana has three basic meanings in kahuna teaching. The most fundamental meanins is "power" whether divine or not. The other two basic meanings deriving from that are "authority/confidence" and "energy" ... Mana refers to all three working together.

7) Physical body or kino.
"Kino, has roots which mean " a highly energized thought form." In Huna teaching your body is a materialized thought of your High Self, modified by the acquired attitudes and habits of your conscious and subconscious minds."

Re: The Subconcious Mind

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:16 pm
by judiss
Thank you for posting, alikat13. I'm very curious about this topic now as well - not so much the subconscious itself but how it could tie into the spiritual stuff.

At its most basic, in terms of neuro/psychology, the conscious mind makes up your waking mind - it's everything you consciously do, from deliberate thinking to deliberate actions to rote memorization or forced recall. A decent proposed model (ie. more of a guess at an analogy rather than a bona fide likeness) of your working mind is like a computer desktop/workspace. You can open up and run programs at will - you can also run multiple programs at once. The stuff that you don't use could be running in the background or minimized in the toolbar. These "programs" would analogize your subconscious mind. Essentially, it's everything you are not deliberately using or controlling.

Calling to the cynic in me, I don't know if my subconscious is helping with this spirit work or ruining it. I have noticed that when meditating or trying to reach out or astrally project, there's a shift I'm aware of, of switching from the conscious to the subconscious. For example, they usually say in the guides to imagine walking down a staircase until you reach the astral plane or climb down a ladder and fall into the astral plane, etc. That first imagination is deliberate, but everything that comes after is (for me) subconscious/random imagination. Essentially, I have trouble discerning what's legitimate AP/contact with spirits versus just my imagination. My guess is that this subconscious imagination would change if you consciously try and change it (eg. you meditate, you see a flower, deliberately change it to a clock or something), while a legitimate vision/projection cannot be influenced this way. Would you agree? Or is spiritual work so dependent on the subconscious that there is really no way to tell the difference?