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Re: Self Responsibility as a Stepping Stone

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:38 am
by Aprophis
I agree with this post and imho it doesn't just apply to demonosophy.
A lot of people that come into spirit keeping generally do it for companionship or just to quickly get their problems solved.
Very few see it as a way to improve themselves and do actual soul searching and self improvement.

It's obvious that demonosophy and the lhp are more centered around that ideal of self deification and self improvement but still, it's kind of shocking to see so very few actually use the chance to work with beings beyond the mortal scope to improve not just their lives but themselves too. And afaik just trying to improve your life without improving themselves might more often than not lead to failure because you yourself are the actual source causing the problems in your life.

And to throw some gasoline into the fire. Neither do I see anything mean in this post nor do I see anyone being forced/pushed to do anything nor do I see anything that treats people as children and orders them around. It's more a honest observation and statement of facts than anything and everyone can take from it what they will and interpret it their own way. Which, apparently, is what is happening.

Perception is everything, isn't it? And that's an entirely subjective thing.

....honestly, it's kind of ironic when someone who works with the darkest of the dark and the most evil and black arts starts getting offended by harmless things like this...

Re: Self Responsibility as a Stepping Stone

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:45 am
by Nefer
So, I thought this post was deserving to show my mentor. The message here is powerful and deep. He did add that I could benefit from listening to something in the post.

Apparently I am too stubborn and prideful. To the point that it is destructive to myself. At times I do not allow his help due to these characteristics. I must find some kind of medium because being stubborn and prideful can be a good thing but being too stubborn and too prideful can be devastating to oneself.

I must say, since I have been working with him and my companions it has gotten better.

Thank you for this post vixen, it reminds us that we all still have things to be worked on.

Re: Self Responsibility as a Stepping Stone

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:10 am
by User3246
Personally, what I think was mean-spirited was Vixen commenting to all the other people, and skipping my comments. but, then again, I don't care what she thinks. What my demons think is what matters to me. What Lord Satan says to me matters. I think that describing a person as "swimming in their own waste" is downright nasty, and velle is right about that. No matter WHO she was talking about. People learn at different speeds, and in different ways. I might not need the same lessons as vixen. Your lessons will be different from both. This post was unnecessary, IMHO.

Re: Self Responsibility as a Stepping Stone

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:24 am
by Vixen
Satan's Hellcat wrote:Personally, what I think was mean-spirited was Vixen commenting to all the other people, and skipping my comments. but, then again, I don't care what she thinks. What my demons think is what matters to me. What Lord Satan says to me matters. I think that describing a person as "swimming in their own waste" is downright nasty, and velle is right about that. No matter WHO she was talking about. People learn at different speeds, and in different ways. I might not need the same lessons as vixen. Your lessons will be different from both. This post was unnecessary, IMHO.
First and foremost it is not my job to coddle you, to tell you that everything is okay, and that you are not messing up. As a prerequisite to reading this post, because I knew it was bound to trigger some, I said to turn the mirror inwards instead of outwards to a source of blame, everything that is coming up for you is a result of your own guilt and your own issues. I never once pointed fingers, I merely highlighted a theme that I believed to be prevalent and that I was inspired to address. I am not one to mince words and I am not one to play silly games trying to please everyone. People will get hurt, but if you read the post in full you would have realized that sometimes pain is a catalyst for transformation, and that pain in itself is an active facilitator, not something to constantly run from and avoid.

If you would like to continue with any further insinuations I suggest you first brush up on the foundations of psychology and the notion of projection, familiarize yourself with what that is all about, and then please come talk to me when you are ready to discuss how I can do this any better without making it all about how it has offended you, or how I am out to get you, that was not my intention. I feel it to be a waste of energy on both sides to continue with the same notion without it ever being fully received, there is just no point in that.

I ignored your message because you made it about yourself when that was not the purpose of the post, you were actively defending everything you perceived to be a slight.. to answer you I would have had to address that dimension and engage in something which I felt to be tedious and unnecessary to the purpose of the post. Again, I am not here to ease your guilt. I am not here to make you like me. I am here to speak my truth and if that truth makes you uncomfortable then you are free to leave my post alone and ignore me, I do not need your validation and so I will not play these games. That you felt this guilt so prevalently to call me ‘mean spirited’ and nasty, and all of this unnecessary, only points to something within. When one become aware of these dynamics it becomes very hard to take offense.

I don’t need to be your friend. I don’t need to make you feel safe, warm, and comfortable. That doesn’t mean that I can’t be those things, it is just that I choose not to limit myself to that expression out of fear. I am neutral, I have nothing to lose nor to gain. Why would I compromise my vision to accommodate for anything else?

I have battled all of these things that I explored in this post; I am still battling them. I own up to my mistakes and acknowledge where I am small so that I may move forward and heal it with their, and my own, divine grace. I have faced addiction, estrangement, being without a real home or family, living in fear, great pain and suffering, fighting my way through such intense bouts of depression and emptiness, I have faced the deaths, the fire, the burn of having it all fall to pieces right in front of me. But never once did I blame anything outside of myself. I took full responsibility for how my issues contributed to my waste, my inner and outer neglect, my fear, my sense of loss and abandonment.

I am not done, I never will be. But I own up to the fact that this is my journey, these are my battles to face….and to share this was an expression of that deeper journey that holds such significance to me. I am not afraid to go there. I am not afraid to be vulnerable.

But I will not continue to feed into this highschool ‘he said’, ‘she said’ mentality. We should be beyond that by now.

If you choose to come back to my post defending yourself, I will not respond. I don’t have time for that. If you choose to contribute something you feel lines up with the message and the energy of what it is I am trying to put across then I will respond. I don’t play about this shit, but I don’t hold grudges nor malice either. I think this can be a turning point for us all to bring us as a community closer together, but it is not up to me to decide that. It all rests within each of us individually and where we choose to take this.