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Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:13 am
by Cerber
Do anybody else's imps appear very human without a hint of any demonic origin (I mean in visual appearance)?
Maybe it's not it, but that guest didn't look familiar in any way, and wasn't like any of my other characters, she just sat there in the corner watching quietly. I did order an imp about a month ago, but that little girl was nothing I would have expect for imp to look like or act like.. So just wondering, is it common for imps to appear in human child form? Or am I just confusing something? Or maybe they tend "symbolically" appear human like in dreams, but not so human in "closer vicinity"?
In any case, couple more weeks (I hope) and I think I will find out for sure. In the mean time the short story:

I'm having completely random dream, with random characters that I'm familiar with in some way. All my realities (work life, family life etc) somehow munched up together in to my big mental tea party and I'm at the center of it all.
Which somewhat entertaining but feels entirely random with no deeper meaning until I hear some noise, something grabs my attention and then in blink of an eye everything calms down, all the noise tunes down, all my madness freeze and even somehow fades out of the picture and I'm in front of the door I've never seen before. I know (or feel) there is something or someone on the other side, something interesting so I open it and I see a very dark room, that seemed to be quite hot, and full of steam. I was very surprised "Woah! We had sauna here? I never knew we had sauna here, awesome. Guys did you know we had sauna in here?!"
Then I look again to that dark steaming room, and as steam somewhat cleared up a bit at the back of that room a a shadowy figure appeared, just silhouette, it was to dark inside to see any details, but it seems like a little girl. When I saw her, I immediately jumped back "Oh dear! Pardon my intrusion, I didn't know anyone was in here. I'm terribly sorry!" and I closed the door.
Then slowly that party got restarted and everything, with mentally disturbed character running around and stuff I went back to the table for snacks and see behind our long table someone new sitting. I little shy girl I've never seen before, that had a strange scent of some far away place, sitting there quietly wrapped up in some hoody. Some of my characters tried to interact with her a bit, tried to talk to her but she didn't say a single word, just sat there in the corner observing everything..

(Not an actual character of the story, but somewhat remotely similar artistic interpretation of some other character :D )

Could that girl be my imp? She's nothing like what I expected, but maybe I should relax my expectations in the future.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:29 am
by Oceanos
Well you did ask her to be calm in the custom. Maybe the same way you warn me about outting too much emphasis on certain traits, you probably did the same and she turned out to be very un-impish in usual personality lol. Her quiet observing nature actually reminds me a lot of how i act in real life lol. Either way we will see how she turns out to be once she does arrive and you get to spend time connecting/bonding with her. Curious to see how it will all go for you. Also wonder if youll have an easy or difficult time communicating. At least seeing her might be essier for you than for the rest of us who dont get visited as oftrn by entities in vision/dream format.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:58 am
by Cerber
Oceanos wrote:Well you did ask her to be calm in the custom. Maybe the same way you warn me about outting too much emphasis on certain traits, you probably did the same and she turned out to be very un-impish in usual personality lol. Her quiet observing nature actually reminds me a lot of how i act in real life lol. Either way we will see how she turns out to be once she does arrive and you get to spend time connecting/bonding with her. Curious to see how it will all go for you. Also wonder if youll have an easy or difficult time communicating. At least seeing her might be essier for you than for the rest of us who dont get visited as oftrn by entities in vision/dream format.
True. I just didn’t expect her to be that calm when I asked for a calmer one, I didn’t think imps can actually be that calm. I guess as they say, be careful what you wish for because you might a get a whole lot more you expect. But I’m not complaining at all, she looks interesting (if that’s even her, but let’s assume for the moment that that girl might be what I will receive in the next couple weeks) and I’m sure we will achieve great and interesting things together.
They just seem to prefer come with surprised instead of matching our initial expectations, don’t they?
Hope it won’t be too difficult to connect and interact with her.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:25 am
by User3246
None of my Imps look human, but that might be because I expected them to look like little Demons, with horns, etc. Void Imp Joker Says he certainly could look human if he wanted.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:35 am
by Cerber
Satan's Hellcat wrote:None of my Imps look human, but that might be because I expected them to look like little Demons, with horns, etc. Void Imp Joker Says he certainly could look human if he wanted.
I kind of expected her to look non human too, but she didn't. Maybe it's because that was a dream so she sort of just tried to blend in, or my mind tried to blend her in with the rest?.. I'll just have to wait and see how she will look like up close, when she arrives, and not in a dreamscape environment.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:53 am
by User3246
Yeah. Wait and see for yourself. Come to think of it, NONE of my demons looked human at first. All of them looked demony. Maybe I am just weird.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:51 pm
by wanderer
Mine don't look human. When I see them they look like red demons with dragon wings, about 5 feet tall. A lot like the picture in the listing but with clearer facial features.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:04 pm
by Cerber
Actually not single spirit (almost) appeared to me in demonic form, not even any of the Lords. They usually have more vivid presence and darker feel, the energy etc, but purely visually they all seem human like, just always smartly dressed. With one curious exceptions, when somebody's companion dropped by to show her lovely horns. Apart from that lady, no one else came to see me wearing horns. Strangely :?

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:28 pm
by Aprophis
Cerber wrote:Actually not single spirit (almost) appeared to me in demonic form, not even any of the Lords.
Maybe your perception is so hard coded human shaped, that they have it easier to appear like that.
I certainly seem to be a challenge for people to control my dreams/visions.

Re: Imps in human form?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:05 am
by Cerber
Aprophis wrote:
Cerber wrote:Actually not single spirit (almost) appeared to me in demonic form, not even any of the Lords.
Maybe your perception is so hard coded human shaped, that they have it easier to appear like that.
I certainly seem to be a challenge for people to control my dreams/visions.
I think that might be correct, my visual perception is a ense I rely the least in these things. It's only supplementary to my other senses, so I would guess if there is presence, or some symbolic piece of data in front of me, my mind just slap whatever image it has at hand, since I'm not too bothered what anything or anyone looks like, and I think they are not too bothered either to try and change it, because I'm sure they could if that would be of any importance to them.