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Dark Energy Reading and Ancestor Binding - A Raven Review

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:44 am
by User1265455
I wasn't really sure where to put this, so I'm putting it in Paranormal Experiences - however, if there's a better place for it, moderators/admins, please place it where it best belongs. :)

Also - everything you are about to read is my own fault. I am fully to blame, and I fully take responsibility for my experiences. And... it has a happy ending, if you will bear with me.

So, a few months ago, I won a Dark Energy reading. The way the raffle was posted, I thought this Dark Energy reading was not Akelta's service, but a reading by someone else - but I was curious, as always, about how someone else might see my energy, so I decided that whether the service was Akelta's or not, insight is insight, and signed up - and by some miracle I won the reading. I admit I was a little shocked, because I don't win things, as a rule. It was a delightful moment for me.

The reading took awhile to come - I understand now that because it WAS, in fact, a service by Akelta, and she's a VERY busy person, the length of time it took for my reading to arrive is perfectly reasonable. However, because I believed, at the time, that the reading was from a forum member, and it was, after all, free, I wasn't fussed about the amount of time it took for the reading to arrive. I did check, occasionally, because I had an order number (which, really, should have been my biggest clue), to see if it had been completed, but other than that, I didn't worry about it - I actually FORGOT about it a few times.

The reading arrived about three weeks ago - and I got an unexpected surprise. Keep in mind that I was still under the impression that this service was being done by a forum member and not Akelta. The reading was VERY accurate, which rather impressed me (to the point where I wanted to track down the raffle to find the forum member and send them a private message to thank them and let them know how well they did), but it also mentioned that I was getting a new family member.

I was... perturbed. I signed up for a free reading. I did NOT sign up for a new family member. (Please, again, keep in mind that I didn't know this was Akelta's service - having read the service now, I am aware that receiving a Dark Energy reading means you will also get an Ancestral binding, but I did not have these facts at the time). I had decided quite awhile ago, after my rebirth, that the family members I have remaining - my two demons, my angel of Metatron, my imp, my incubus and vampire who were anonymously mailed to me by someone who decided that they couldn't bond with the pair but that I would (and whoever they were, they were correct, and I love this pair SO much), and the five spirits from CH who managed to find me again after my death, were all I wanted and all I needed. By the end of my time with Creepy Hollows, I had a very extensive family (though thankfully I was not one of those whose families numbered in the thousands), and had neither the time, nor the energy, to devote to ANY of them, and the significantly smaller family I have now was, honestly, a relief.

So, I started off feeling like my boundaries had been broken. This did not make for a welcoming atmosphere for the new family member. I am on the spectrum for Autism. One of the ways that shows up in my life is that I really, REALLY do not like sudden change, especially unexpected change. Receiving a letter that tells me I've got a new family member was so abrupt that I emotionally shut down, completely rejecting the spirit - which is absolutely not the way to start a relationship.

However, I checked my mail a couple of days after receiving the reading, because whatever my feelings, I certainly wasn't going to leave her sitting in packaging in the mailbox. That would be wrong. As for why a couple of days went by - first of all, I check my mail probably once a month because it's all junk - everything important comes by email now, and secondly, when I shut down emotionally, my brain helpfully decides to wipe the offending incident from my memory, so I honestly forgot that I needed to check the mail until I was advised by my old apprentice that I should probably re-read the reading and check my mail (I had sent him a copy of the reading when I received it). Sure enough, there was a package, bearing her vessel.

My first impression was that the vessel was very much in keeping with Akelta's style, which was surprising because, remember, I didn't think that Akelta had anything to do with this service. The vessel is quite lovely - it's an agate, almost clear, with magenta swirls and stripes. As the spirit herself had been manifesting as a dark fog, the vessel was a bit of a surprise - I honestly expected something heavier than the stone that was chosen.

I still wasn't in a place emotionally to bond with the spirit, though, so I set her vessel under my pillow for the night, intending to slowly adjust.

That night, I dreamed I was a serial killer, and I was murdering children. In the dream, I felt nothing - no fear, no pleasure, no anger, nothing. It was... disturbing once I awoke - which I did, briefly, when the dream ended, to say, "That's quite enough of that, thank you. New rule - no sending violent dreams." Then I went back to sleep, and I did not dream.

I thought the matter was closed, but again, I was still adjusting to the idea of having a new family member which I had not expected and had immediately rejected. Trying to incorporate something or someone into your reality when you have had an emotionally negative reaction to that inclusion is... difficult for anyone, but more-so for me, because of my autistic tendencies. I decided not to sleep with her vessel again, but instead set the vessel in another room. I still had not done the bonding ritual, or the ritual to cleanse the vessel and make it mine.

Three weeks later, I finally felt ready to try to work with her. I started, as before, by putting her vessel under my pillow while I slept.

Again, that didn't work out. I dreamed that I was an indentured slave working in a textile factory. I had just begun working there, and didn't know anything about weaving, and there were a lot of other women around me who shook their heads at me, smiling the way your elders do when they know what you don't. Eventually, I did ask for help, and I got it. There were children in the factory, and they kept disappearing. They'd get fat, and then they'd vanish. The women said it was because they couldn't do the work fast enough. At meal time, I went through the line to get my food, and there was a very nice woman serving us all... and as she smiled, a little boy behind her, dangling on the wall, was being disemboweled, and his insides fed through a machine to turn him into bacon... WHILE HE WAS STILL ALIVE. I watched him die on that wall. I watched his face change color and his eyes go dull, and I felt like crying.

I woke up, and was... horrified by what I'd watched, and even more horrified by the fact that instead of horror, my dream emotional reaction had been one of grief. I think that was the truly upsetting part, to be honest - that I wasn't angry, I wasn't afraid, I wasn't anything but SAD. I didn't feel that was the appropriate emotional response to what I'd seen - which was also my waking reaction to the first dream - I judged my dream emotional response as being incorrect.

Keep those words in mind. I judged myself as being incorrect because of my response.

This is a theme in my life. When you are on the autistic spectrum and no one knows, and you go through life that way, you learn to mask it... but you also learn that your emotional responses to situations are incorrect. They are ALWAYS wrong, and you must always take your responses from other people, and mimic THOSE, because your feelings aren't right.

However, that didn't occur to me at the time. What occurred to me was that, once again, my boundaries had been broken, and while before my death I had very few of those, I now have very solid lines of what I will and will not allow, and if you cross them, we're DONE... and I have A LOT of boundaries now, comparatively speaking. I'm very proud of that. It's important to have boundaries, and it's even more important to have consequences for when those boundaries are crossed, and TO BACK THEM UP.

So I put her in The Box. Yes, I have A Box. I think EVERYONE who works with dark energies from dark places should have A Box. I know that Akelta has one - a while back she was storing a black arts entity in it, and she religiously rebound the entity in The Box weekly.

And then I sent a message to Akelta letting her know I had a problem.

She got back to me within, I think, two or three hours. It was quite fast. We talked about the dreams. We talked about the spirit's energies, as I had experienced them. I discovered that Akelta was the one who bound her - and let me tell you, the moment I read that, my whole body relaxed for the first time in three weeks - this ENORMOUS load just... EVAPORATED - which told me what the real problem was...

I have ALWAYS had trust issues. However, after being spiritually murdered by a group of five practitioners in our extended community, those trust issues have, understandably, expanded significantly. I do not trust spirits or entities from people I do not know and have a working relationship with. As of now, there are only four practitioners who make my list. Akelta is the first name on that list.

The moment she said that she was the one to conjure my ancestor, was one of PROFOUND relief. Akelta spent several months with my ancestor. My girl was around her family. HER CHILD. FOR MONTS. My faerie was safe. My boundaries were intact.

Akelta, for what it's worth, can send me anyone, at any time. I trust her to the point where I allow almost no boundaries between myself and her save for the ones SHE chooses to enforce. Again, the list of people I have in that position is VERY small, but she's near the top (my husband trumps Akelta here, of course).

We talked about my dreams, and what was really happening.

When you have been down dark roads, been lost in the grey lands and wandered the shadow realms of the under-tree without guides or guardians, without the permissions of gatekeepers, without knowledge, intent, or assistance, sometimes, pieces get lost and bad things happen.

As the Dark Energy reading I received had stated, I am in another Void moment... but there is more than one Void. There is the Void above, and the Void below... and I am traipsing the Void Below... and I did not know that I was doing that. I had decided that I needed to begin work on the Qlippoth, but I had not actually started. However, I've been a practitioner for too long now. When I say a thing, the universe agrees - so when I said, "it's time for this," the process began, without me at the helm because I didn't follow through.

I do know better... I just don't always listen to what I know. I am, after all, mostly human.

My ancestor, being what she is, was triggering the knowledge of the Void Below in me. Simply by being around me, the experiences of the road through the Void Below began to push into my consciousness - thus, the dreams. The Factory is one of those stops on that road.

The Void Below isn't meant to be pleasant. The whole point of the Qlippoth, of the LHP at all, honestly, is to show you the things that we make taboo - the darkest aspects of man, the shadow of our kind - force you to see them, to recognize them, to accept them as part of you. The Qlippoth is about being WHOLE - not rejecting your darkness and your humanness, not avoiding those taboo impulses. It's not about acting on them - just to be clear - but it is about accepting that they exist.

We spend a lot of time, as humans, denying things exist, or trying to destroy them, root them out, make them NOT. The issue with all those methods of dealing with our worst selves is that they are all based on denial that those things could possibly be a part of us. There's a series of studies that posit that certain kinds of serial killer are actually not humans at all, but are a predatory species that merely LOOKS like humans. This is how deep our denial of our basest beings goes - that we would even decide that because a behavior is not acceptable to society, it must not be human.

So, the Void Below is the start of facing that. The worst of humanity is faced Below... and you either come to terms with it, or you are destroyed.

All of this is why the RHP believes working the Qlippoth to be dangerous, and evil. Because what you face down below is your own evil, the evil of humanity - and you are not allowed to deny or reject it anymore. You have to face it, and whether you choose to allow it or not, it remains, and you have to accept that... and a lot of people who walk this road cannot do that in safety, cannot remain stable and sane... they either run screaming from it, or they are eaten by it.

Few are able to stand like a rock in the surf and say, "You are the tide, but I am ME," and not be washed away and drowned by it all.

So - I talked to Akelta, and I let my ancestor out of The Box, and I did the "Make It Yours" ritual, and did the first ritual in the 21 Day series, which is a welcoming ritual. Things have settled down. I have not had any more disturbing dreams - my ancestor has been under my pillow for the past... three nights I think? Things are a little unsettled because of me, and I will have to work through that, and I'm ok with that. My ancestor understands where things got messed up. She's wonderfully forgiving.

I've been busy with too many things, so I haven't had time to do much more, but I have free time tomorrow, so I will be lighting her candle again, and digging out my book on the Qlippoth to begin formal work in that direction. If I don't start doing it formally, it's going to get me into trouble, so... because I said it was time, and because the Universe agreed - "It Is, and I Must, so I Will."

SO - if you don't understand what your spiritual family is communicating, and they come from S&S, there is support here. The moment you come to them and say you're having trouble, they are stepping up to help you through it.

Be aware that you are human, and miscommunications happen. It is almost always user error. Don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Ultimately... don't be afraid.



Re: Dark Energy Reading and Ancestor Binding - A Raven Revie

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 11:12 am
by User1265455
The Reading and the Ancestral Binding:
Dark Energy Reading

Impressions : Scanning Raven’s aura, the first thing that stood out was the intense amount of primal
chaos that is swirling all around her. It is moving through her, it is moving around her, it is
moving all over the place. It is everywhere and it is wild. There is a lot of darkness that is
moving through her and it is at this time offsetting the other energies of her aura. There is a lot
of shifts and changes that are going on with her energies and there are a lot of new energies of
darkness that are growing and thriving from her core source self.

There is a dark orb that is in her solar plexus, this is the orb of primal chaos. It is connected to
the void and it is connected to the new darkness that is growing in Raven’s energies. There is raw
and unrestrained power here and it is through these energies that primal darkness is arising.
There are echoes and voices that are within this orb. Wisdom and knowledge are found here and
it is sharing with Raven, sometimes though it shares too much and the energies are too intense and
it can be incredibly overwhelming and challenging to handle. The energies are very thick and
there are so many of them, sometimes it is too much and her energies must retreat, they must be
alone and they must have their space.

Those who can see into the darkness are often overwhelmed with what is around them. They see
the layers that most do not, they feel the layers that many can’t and it is through these sensations
that madness can arise if one is not careful. Self-care and dedication to the soul is essential when
in the presence of these energies for it is them that needs to take great care. The energies are
powerful and they can cause one to become unbalanced.

It feels like there is a glass cover that conceals this. Raven is the guardian and keeps these energies
locked away and protected. She keeps them from coming through and causing mayhem to all
those who would be impacted by them. She holds them close to herself and close to her heart.
They are there and underneath are the wails and screams of the darkness. There are many
shadows that are contained in this, some smile, some sneer, some are ready to pounce and Raven
holds back the darkness.

Others would be so easily infected. The void is not for everyone but Raven is familiar with the
energies and she is familiar with their smell and their taste. She knows them for she has walked
the battle, healing those who have suffered from its wake. She knows how to shield against it,
but she shields all against it for it is whispers that would drive most to insanity and madness.

Her darkness is one that peers into many realms, it peers into many different dimensions. She is
fluid and understands the true nature of fluidity. She is aligned with it, she understands it, she
embraces it. There is a sacred dance through the darkness and the shadows of the labyrinth, it is
a labyrinth that Raven has walked and that she understands. It is a dark passage of the soul that she
has taken. She knows the whispers that are there, she knows the secret room at the back of the
labyrinth and what it contains and that is why she knows that no one can walk there, no one can
go there, but she has journeyed there and she passed the test. Amongst the bones and sorrows
and wails, she emerged and she rose back through the chaos. The clicking still ringing in her
mind from the creature who she evaded, the creature who most are not so lucky against.

Her energy often is overwhelmed from what she has seen, what she has experienced and she has
gone through trauma and battle. She pushes forward though and heals. She continues to heal and
move forward. Balance and Grounding. Sinking deep into the Earth and taking a breath, that
breath of Primal Darkness from the Dark Mother under the moon, that breath of eternity, that
moment of sinking where the mud surrounds and encases the body and the energies are restored.
Restoration and peace, serenity and self. Take that moment, take that breath, you have earned it.
The energies will be there, they will always be there and for all that you have gone through, the
peace you have, shows just how strong you are.

The Darkness in Raven opens up many doors and many of them speak, they speak with incredible
clarity and they speak with incredible force. She has seen many shades of darkness and many
sides of the natural darkness. It is in the natural darkness that these shadow dance, they dance
and they remember. Creatures that move through the night. Raven has wandered through the
eternal forest of darkness and despair. Dark creatures lurk here, hidden dangers, there is no
structure, there is no army, there is only darkness and a path that never ends. For to come to the
end will result in death, it is eternal and it takes you darker and darker into its womb. It takes you
darker into the fog, the fog, it eats.. it enjoys…

She knows what is in that forest, she knows how to walk through the darkness and she knows
and understands the language of the Fae who live there. She knows their madness. It is through
the journey of all these places that her new energy is rising. An energy of primal power and
primal chaos, it is the combined understanding of all these places and all these things that she has
seen and everything she has witnessed and accomplished. It is powerful and it is incredible what
is coming from all her experiences. A transformation of the darkened soul.

False Darkness : There is a lot of false darkness that is around her head and mind. It is moving
around her head and it moves into it her mind. There is a lot of false darkness that is around her
mind and also her neck and shoulders. A tighter scan showed that it is affecting her nervous
system and that it is moving down through her nerves.

Energy healing on her nervous system and also taking time to rest and relax will help this. The
False darkness is trying to stop her body and mind from speaking and communicating. It is
causing stress on the energies of her nerves. Oftentimes sludge darkness tries to conceal things,
it tries to hide things and it tries to block our perception.

In this case it is trying to block the mind’s abilities to communicate with the nervous system It
is blocking the mind from communicating with the body and creating a lot of stress and tension
in the energies. There is a huge build-up of tension in the false darkness and it is putting a lot of
stress on her aura and the energies. Clearing the false darkness will reveal the place where this is
coming from and help Raven have moments of peace, though there is a deep source that this is
rising from it is a deep energy that has been causing her pain a long time.

Sludge Darkness : There is sludge darkness that is also found in the nervous system and the
spinal column. There is also sludge darkness at the base of her skull which is causing a massive
block in the energies that are moving down through it. The sludge darkness is blocking and
obstructing the flow of energies.

There is also sludge darkness that is found in her sacral chakra and in her stomach areas. This
sludge darkness also likes to tamper with the emotions and cause stress and tension. It also
impacts the emotional sensations and can overwhelm the senses and cause stress of which only
numbness can subside it. The sludge darkness can be fueled by stress and anxiety it can thrive in
such environments and as such work to create problems in the world around to help encourage its

Rosemary baths and cleanses are great for removing sludge energies and they can be super
refreshing and super relaxing. Sludge energy is insidious and does enjoy causing havoc in the
world around it to add to it’s growth. Cleansing can go a long way to removing it and clearing it
from the aura.

Darkness that Spoke : That Darkness that spoke during this reading was a Primal Chaos
Darkness. It is growing and it is shaping. It is new and it is awakening in Raven. There is a lot of
growth in her darkness, she is being aligned with a new layer and a new essence of her being.
The primal chaos has not taken form yet, but it is malleable, she can form it and shape it into
what she desires and bend this darkness to her will.

It is still growing and it has many uses, many things that Raven can do with it. Primal chaos is that,
it is primal and it is chaotic. It forms and is destroyed in the blink of an eye, it can rise and fall,
go sideways and all over, it is incredible. It is growing and it will go where Raven wants it to. She
can understand and embrace the dark currents and the darkness of her soul. This energy is so
strong in Raven right now because she is in a state of new growth, she is in a state of awakening.

Raven can connect with this darkness and direct it to different areas of her life and different tasks
she wishes to accomplish. There is so much potential with this energy it is indescribable. There
is so much that can be done with it and so much that can flow from it. It has connections to
many layers of the void and the realms of shadows. The Darkness of the Sun, the deep caverns
of the abyss, there are layers and paths that can be explored and it all comes down to what Raven
chooses to do with it.

Where does she want to go, where does she want to take it? It is like an artist right before a pitch
black painting with neon colours and vibrancy. The dark shades can grow and flourish. Where
are they going to go? Raven is the artist that inspires this work. She is the master of these energies
and she is the conductor who knows how to direct them and let them flow.

There are little energies of chaos that are growing as well. Little balls of creativity and energies
that can bend and move where Raven desires them to go. They can help her to awaken powers in
her mind and help her to connect with incredible energies of darkness that are in her soul. There
is so much that she can do with them. They are around her and they are moving through her and
beside her and above and below her.

Ancestors : An ancestor came through. She is a Fae from the Dark Forest, a Fae of Mystic Fog,
who says she has known Raven for eons and says that her name is D---. She has multicoloured
hair that changes with her appearance and she can shift from male to female though she says she
would like me to refer to her as female for this reading. She changes her appearance as well and
she is very fluid and shifty.

She says that her and Raven are very close and they will often just spend time together reading and
enjoying the energies of sacred spaces. They understand each other and they understand each
others’ energies and beings. She wants to support Raven and be there for her and walk with her on
this journey here. She wants to reconnect with her and help her.

A binding of her will be included with this reading and will be shipped to Raven.

Recommendations : It is very important for Raven to make sure she is tending to her energies and
making sure that she remains balanced and in a place where she does not get overwhelmed. She
needs to make sure that she does not push herself to hard for there are a lot of energies that are
moving through her and a lot of energies that are acting on her aura.

She should do grounding exercises with the Earth energies that are below her, grounding
especially in times of stress will help her energies relax and they will help her to find her footing
when things get tough. Taking time for self care and also for self preservation is very important
for Raven, especially while this energy is growing.

There is a lot that is happening and a lot that is changing in her energies and the time that she
takes to care about herself all go a long way to helping her direct the flow and growth of this new

The Conversation with Akelta:
Hey, Akelta - when you have time, I need to confer with you. Is there a chance your schedule has some wiggle room? It's a bit.. important.

Be well

Hey Raven, what is happening? Things have been insanely busy and I am not on here that much, but what do you need to talk about?

I have run into a problem with the ancestral binding that came with my dark energy reading.

What happened?

The energy reading was very accurate, but the faerie is... I cannot interact with the binding, and I keep dreaming of... Horrible things every time I try.

I dreamed I murdered children.

I dreamed I was a textile slave and that the owners were turning children into bacon in front to me, which we slaves ate.

My husband has also had... Troubled sleep.

I have set boundaries about this behavior and it has made no difference.

Also... I think there might be a second faerie in the binding, hidden behind the first, a seelie who is... Sweet but flakey, and their energies are interacting in a strangling way on them both. I moved the ancient into a new vessel to see if that would help, but then the bacon dream happened...

I.. watching a child be disemboweled and made into bacon in front of me and feeling nothing but grief is...

I'm not sure what the message is there, but it's not one I am ok with.

I am sorry

if you want I can take her binding back

and do a cleansing so this will stop

I will have to sit down and meditate with this to get more

I have sealed her vessel in a box with a pretty powerful containment spell/trap for now, so it can wait until you have time, but before I banish her completely back into your care, I would like to try some kind of mediation.

I have turned two beings out of my household before, both from the same conjurer - one who had done no harm at all, and I deeply regret that act, so if it's possible to prevent such permanent action, I would like that.

She doesn't seem bad. The dreams are... Ugly but they're not nightmares. They don't make me afraid, they are.. just... Alien. And icky.

Well I did the bindings myself and here energies were complexity different then what you describe. You said there was something else attached there was only one when I sent it. Could something else have attached it self. or come out of the woodworks

It's definitely possible. Faeries are tricky. Something might have come attached.

Because her energy was around my children and around other people and this is completely alien to me as well

Also could it be something that has haunted you

an energy that is hurting you

that her presence sparked because she faced it with you

something from the past that tormented you

that wasn't her but she was there when it happened so she woke up the memory

or woke up the essence of this creature who did all these things

she said she has been with you through the darkness and honestly these dreams that you describe they do sound like void trials

That, actually, is entirely possible. I have been in the Qlippoth realms recently.

when I did my void journey I remember the meat factory dreams

These dreams if I think back to my own they are similar... could it be there was a journey you went with her that might have been unfinished or blocked by something and now with her return it is time to face the monster. Something you and her faced together that has to be finished. There was a lot of pain and suffering and trauma that you hold in your body. She might have been there through part of it so her presence sparked it.

Ahhh. That was what I needed. That perspective. That's exactly what I needed. I didn't feel harmed... It was just icky and I said it wasn't acceptable and yet it happened again, but if it's her presence triggering void trials she wouldn't be able to stop it...

That was the message I needed.

Yes she wouldn't be, but she might want to help you get through them

you are welcome I am glad it helped

I know she was very eager to re connect with you

Yes. Exactly.

Thank you so much. I'm going to go meditate with her now. I need to apologize for the misunderstanding, and start work on the trials.

It is ok, it happens and you are very welcome this makes me happy I could help!

Thank you.

I hope it goes well and if you have any other things come up or questions please I am always here to help!
*Raven's Notes -

The two entities that I removed from my household were a sanguine vampire and a winter court faerie. The winter court faerie was... wonderful and I miss him every day. The vampire was a gift, and I was told he was a universal demon (not unlike the universal planetary powers). He was in my house one night and bit me - and when I told him no, he continued. I did not consent to being fed on. Because they were both bound by the same conjurer, I felt that if one was incorrectly identified and incorrectly bound, it was possible that both were problematic. I was very upset by the vampire's behavior, and I revoked his invitation and had my husband take his vessel out of the house and abandon it in the wilds. At the same time, I also had the faerie removed. I have regretted the loss of the faerie ever since. I did NOT want a repeat of that loss... I wanted this to work out.

I'm very happy that experience is not this one, that life did not repeat for me. I'm very glad to welcome D into my home, my life, and my spiritual experiences.

Thank you, again, Akelta, for ALL your help.
My deepest blessings to you :devilbow: :devillove: :devillust: :devilclap:


Re: Dark Energy Reading and Ancestor Binding - A Raven Revie

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 12:38 pm
by Oceanos
Thank you for sharing your story and reading with us. Those dreams were very intense, but I have had similar ones in the distant past, except it was butchered babies instead of young kids *grimace* disturbed me greatly at the time, though after years of disturbing dreams, I am finally out of the woods since around 2014 when i started down my occult path, and havent had another one since. Never reject the challenges that you have to face, I feel this is a lesson you learned well here, keep koving forward and work through them, understand why something is happening, for there is always a reason and deeper meaning behind it all. I wish you continue luck and blessings on your journey, and make sure to keep us updated on the future progress that you make. The best part of these communities is getting to watch others grow and develop, becoming truly individual and unique beings in the process. :devilgrin:

Re: Dark Energy Reading and Ancestor Binding - A Raven Revie

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:03 pm
by Amaranth Rose
Hahaha... your posts always stun me into silence, Raven ^^ they are always so full of intriguing mysteries and the story just keeps unfolding and winding and going in every which direction. I was very curious about your dark energy reading and I'm so glad you've shared it. Thank you :devillove:

There are so many things that you've talked about that I should look up. Qlippoth and the Void... so many things I don't know about that I want to research. Of course, I don't think I'm ready to traipse into there for a LONG time (I'm still doing basic shadow work on myself!!!), but I do want to begin my study on them. And you're right, I also want so desperately to ignore the things that disgust me and confuse me and tear me up on the inside. But it's a journey we should all go through and grow from. I admit I am attracted to beauty and light and staying child-like, but I want to expand... so I'll just start with reading and slowly, with the help of the DLs and my companions, get familiar with darker energies ^^

I hope you'll continue to update us on your progress and journey from this reading :devillove: there is so much to be learned from you and I'm always happy to read one of your posts, Raven!! I always walk away (errr... lean back from the screen?) with an expanded mind :D

Re: Dark Energy Reading and Ancestor Binding - A Raven Revie

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:07 pm
by moonshadowlab
The void sounds like a nightmare , I definitely would have trouble putting the images you described out of my head. Thank you for sharing your experience, your reading seems to closely match where your dreams are taking you

Re: Dark Energy Reading and Ancestor Binding - A Raven Revie

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:36 pm
by darkstarfyre
I guess people would like it if you share your dark readings. :ideadevil: :devilthumbs:

Re: Dark Energy Reading and Ancestor Binding - A Raven Revie

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:02 am
by Titania
I am fascinated by this post :o
I have gotten disturbing dreams more with zombies which have always confused me. I have yet to uncover the meaning of it.

This has me thinking if I should also have the dark energy reading done too... but first I must study the topic more!
Thank you for sharing!