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Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:02 pm
by Akelta
Meditation 1
Finding and Revealing your Carnivàle Name
The Carnivàle is here! The initiation will be cast tonight, but it is important for us
to get into the mood. Those who walk through the Carnivàle gates will will given very
special gifts. You will receive your very own Carnivàle name, which is the name that you will
use during your time at the Carnivàle, you will get your name and you will also get your essence.

The initiation Ritual allows you to explore. You are allowed to wander and explore the energies
and the places within the Carnivàle, the gates have been opened, but they will only be opened
until June 16th, on that day they will close and the Carnivàle and all its inhabitants will disappear.
They will return to the darkness and it will be the time for the rise of the Sun.

When we walk through the gates of the Carnivàle we are teleported, we are teleported away from
that world and for a time we are taken to a place where we can strip ourselves of all inhibitions
and free ourselves to complete hedonism and unrestrained fun. The Carnivàle in a way reflects
us, it is a mirror of our inner Funhouse and our inner playground. There is so much to do and so
much to explore.

The gates of the Carnivàle are very special. They guide you to the main area, from there you can
navigate the different areas, you can explore the rides. There are many, you can explore the
different tents, sideshows, and attractions. The performances from many of the Carnivàle members
who are giving it their all to put on an amazing and incredible show. The place is amazing and it is
not as it appears. There are many twists and folds and many places where you can get lost and find
and uncover pieces of yourself and pieces of your soul.

Below you will find a meditation. This is a short guided meditation that is designed to transport you
to the world of the Carnivàle and receive your Name from Madator the Lord of the Carnivàle! This
meditation will guide you to him where you will be presented with your Carnivàle name!

Do the meditation below then post your Carnivàle name!

If you post your name you will be entered to win an amazing Carnivàle Imp!
These are not offered in the store! The only way is to win this Imp is as a special
Carnivàle prize!

Prizes will be drawn on June 16th! The final day of the Carnivàle

The prize is... Imp P
P is a very rare multicoloured imp.  He is part purple, pink, blue and grey and he has some of the strangest markings imaginable.  His colours almost look like they tell a strange tale.  He is an imp who has worked in the Carnivàle for many years and he is one who is an illusionist and a trickster.  He has the ability to increase one’s luck and bring them incredible good fortune and blessings.

He uses special golden energies that are infused with the power of the sun to bring one to a higher vibrational state increasing their vibrations and increasing their energies.  He can bring one good fortune and help them to win contests and have good things befall them.  He also knows how to count cards and is quite the little gambler.  He is a listener and he is a wealth of knowledge and information.  He makes himself discreet and unseen and that allows him to gather information which serves him well.

He loves chocolate and fudge.  When fudge is being prepared one has to be careful as he can often be found swimming in it or laying in it, eating it.  He is an excellent story teller and enjoys offering assistance.  He is a very clever little imp and can solve problems and offer sound advice to situations.  He has a cheeky side to him and at times can be seen pouncing around.

The meditation can be found below.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:08 pm
by Akelta
My Carnivàle name is.... Nepenthes alata I have to say considering where I am on my journey and the healing that I have been doing it is incredibly fitting. A shedding of the old, breaking through a new layer and an embrace of the new life and new energies.

I have been exploring and wandering through but I did the meditation just to make sure I could connect with the energies. It is kinda weird being lead and guided by your out voice, lol. Madator is a good friend of mine and I went to his tent and he showed me my name. I didn't realize what it was when I read it, I just thought it sounded beautiful. He told me that it aligned with a part of myself that had been sleeping, I thanked him and returned and researched my name more and was excited when I realized what it was, it aligned with where I was.

I am a sleeping flower ready to blossom, a sleeping plant ready to awaken. I am going through a growth and he says that I am so close to breaking ground and emerging from the dark soil. It is a very special name and I will treasure it.

note*** It says in the meditation a single word in the book, but when I looked this is what was shown to me. So when you are doing the meditation if you get more then one word that is your name.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:49 pm
by Red6joker
I "heard" Cal-E-os before I got to the tent. He was calling it out to me. Cant say the name means much to me right now though. Had to do a waking meditation since I'm at work -.-

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 12:23 am
by Heretique
I kept hearing Eltenia Quindasma as i went into the tent but Emthlyia seemed to be what was written

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:12 am
by 1(13)666(13)1
I keep getting "F" or "Eph" or "Eff", along with my head trying to think of words that begin with the letter F. Only to then hear, "let go...relax...let go...your to wound up, like a jack in the box".

So, after doing the meditation twice getting Eff both times, I am going to safely say my name might very well be "EFF". Does that seem to short though?

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:36 am
by HurricanesGirl20
I was pretty stunned by the overwhelming energies I got, especially because I had to do a waking meditation. My vision clouded, my computer screen started to move. Crazy cool. I got a pretty clear name too. Lady Leyana. I have no clue what it means, but I love it!

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:46 am
by Oceanos
That moment when reading the description even before doing the meditation a name pops in your head that refuses to leave. In the end at the book I ended up just going ahead and burning the name into it with a smirk on my face, this name was presented before doing the meditation and it refused to change. So I guess ill be known as ' Eros ' in the carnivale.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:17 am
by Amaranth Rose
I am having a bit of trouble but my name seems to be some variation of Amorelia or Aurelia then Umbra. If it is Aurelia Umbra, I am "golden shadow." Definitely struggling to get the first bit right even with many Google searches later.

I feel like I've misheard the first bit as I did see pink flowers accompany the name. So I'm wondering if it's supposed to be plumeria LOL. That would make more sense since it is associated with new beginnings, devotion, and immortality (the last of which Amaranth is also associated with). In other countries they are also associated with death! Interestingly, their scent is stronger at nighttime.

So perhaps I'm Plumeria Umbra. XD I think I will do the meditation again to make sure. But it feels more "right" than Aurelia as pretty as that one sounds too.

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:25 am
by Passemoon
Mystique is my name.

Because I am the moon of many faces and mystery. :smile:

Re: Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 6 ~ Meditation 1

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 6:34 am
by darkstarfyre
Carlos a mage of wisdom i am. :cloud: