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Using Tarot to Determine What to Study: June 2018

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:34 am
by Amaranth Rose
Hello everyone, I don't want to sleep yet so I am making a post lol (it's currently 1:03 AM here). While I drink my cup of hot soy milk (in hopes it makes me sleepy?), I'm going to tell you what I've been doing for June so far and the rest of the month ^^

Last month, I had an idea to use my tarot cards to determine what I would study each month from May to July. For May, I would study spellwork, June emotions and chaos, and July manifestation. Last month was great and though I started in the middle of the month, I feel like I've made good progress in terms of feeling more intuitive (especially about spellwork) and a little bit more in tune with the four elements. Since the cards told me that I would be learning things spontaneously in June (I assume now from the Carnivale rituals and from the deities I want to begin to work with), I wanted to give myself a bit of homework everyday. So I did a huge spread of 30 cards, one for each calendar day to determine what to study. Then I made my own calendar in my Book of Shadows and wrote down the topics for each day and did a basic color key (i.e. green for healing, abundance, manifestation). Basically, I drew my cards, read the description for the cards, then did my interpretation of that to create my schedule. Anyhoo, here is a rundown of what I will be studying this month~

How to stay motivated and not get burnt out
How to finish what you start
Why you shouldn't give in to fear
How to recognize potential (in yourself and others)
How to calmly and logically solve problems
Healing (with focus on the self)
Understanding the bigger picture
Making a pendulum (one of the non-mental mastery things haha!)
Free exploration--astral travel
Why love is the key to universal magick (I've heard this theory before and want to learn more about it)
Abundance, manifestation, creativity, inspiration
Reviewing goals and reflection (these are for the 21st and 22nd of the month--in time for the summer solstice~)
How to cope with negativity and break the cycle
Connecting to lunar and stellar energies
Destructive thoughts, negativity
Spontaneous magick (I feel like that can be a book title LOL)
Sharing knowledge

Some of the days have similar topics so I've kind of summed it all up above. But what I do is read what I have to do for the day, pull up some articles on it, write down some notes in my Book of Shadows (remember to write the source to go back to it and because plagiarism is not cool!), then do the little exercises they suggest. One of the things I did today was explore the inner child (not exactly on the list but higher self is there and she's been pushing me to do inner child and shadow working) and I was inspired to write down the activities I liked to do as a child and see how I was getting back into them lately. I've been more into the things I liked around middle and high school age, and somehow my days feel more fun ^^ it also forces me to rest and get away from my school work/other duties. It's nice to just chill out and indulge yourself in different stories and games and music. For the past two months I was really into mobile gaming but I've become a little bored of it and got restless... I felt like I didn't really enjoy it as much as I used to. So now I am rediscovering my old hobbies again and trying to get that inner child spark back. Being an adult is so tiringgggg *throws fake tantrum* I don't want to be so seriousssss lol

Anyhoo, I'll update more on what I learn for this month :) and let me know if you guys do this kind of tarot to determine what you want to study too ^^

Re: Using Tarot to Determine What to Study: June 2018

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:07 am
by Chrysopaelian
Neevin and I already agreed that I'm going to be studying Calculus and Ancient Greek this month (And through the rest of the summer, starting on the 15th) but this method is cool, and I appreciate that you shared it with us. It might come in handy for me at some point.

Re: Using Tarot to Determine What to Study: June 2018

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:32 pm
by Amaranth Rose
Chrysopaelian wrote:Neevin and I already agreed that I'm going to be studying Calculus and Ancient Greek this month (And through the rest of the summer, starting on the 15th) but this method is cool, and I appreciate that you shared it with us. It might come in handy for me at some point.
Ooh Ancient Greek!! Tell me how that goes. :D
BUT AHHHH Calculus. I have bad memories from that subject in school LOL. I am really bad at math and science hahaha. Good luck, Chrys!!

And I'm glad! Yeah, if you don't have anything planned for whenever, you can always use some form of divination to figure it out ^^

Re: Using Tarot to Determine What to Study: June 2018

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:36 pm
by Amaranth Rose
Okay! It's the last day of the month so here are my updates~! I wanted to update throughout the month but life got really hectic and busy ^^
Like my tarot said, June was very chaotic and emotional, but I pulled through! I'm totally ready for July!!! Come at me!! :crazy:

I will have to break this post up over the course of several days into July since there is so much I learned~ basically I just pulled some tips from different sources and will summarize them and my results here ^^

1.) Eliminate procrastination by using the 15 minute rule! By starting out doing a task for 15 minutes uninterrupted, you get into the groove of it and end up going past 15 minutes. (Motivation- Wanderlust Worker)

I used this rule when I should have sketched but I was feeling lazy and wanted to play around on social media. I'd put on YouTube videos, start sketching anything that comes to mind, and see if any interesting ideas came out of it! I'd purposely find songs/chats for 8 or more minutes and would measure my time that way. I would tell myself I would sketch for two videos and if I got into the groove of it, I could continue. If not, it's okay and I could move onto something else (like just going straight to bed). Most of the time I would keep going and if I couldn't, it was okay! It was a good exercise nevertheless and I was still able to do something for a short amount of time :) actually, you can get so much stuff done if you completely focus on the task and don't get distracted!

2.) Dispel fears by writing them down and also writing the reasons why they won't come true. Refer to past experiences where you pulled through, etc. (Motivation- Wanderlust Worker)

Okay, I did this A LOT! I had a lot of fears crop up this month, and felt extremely anxious at many points. Here are some of them:

I'm afraid I won't be able to go to university for my master's. Why? Because Japanese is so hard! I could barely understand anything at the admissions fair. How can I learn how to teach Japanese if I can't understand the Japanese they use in class?? Group projects?? AHHH!

What I told myself:

*I have until April 2019 until the new school year. The entrance exam I will take is in January. Right now is June, almost July. I have 8 something months to study Japanese to get to a more advanced level. I went from barely something to N3 (intermediate Japanese) in three years. So if I study hard, I think I will be N2 in under a year. N2 is business Japanese level, and N1 is advanced native speaker level if you guys don't know :D my weaknesses are vocab and kanji, so I will work especially hard on those. Grammar I am quite good at, as long as I have plenty of native speakers around me. I want to try going to language exchange meetups around the Kansai area to practice. Also because I am tired of talking to just my instructors and want to talk to people closer to my age LOL.

Sometimes I am just so tired and want to give up! There are so many things on my plate and I don't know where to start!

What I told myself:

*Sudden change can be scary, but allows for growth! It is necessary to becoming a better person and achieving your dreams. Our most vulnerable state brings us to be able to do amazing feats. I have experienced several instances of struggling through a transition period. This was mostly with school, which might be the reason why I still dream so much of high school (i.e. dreaming of being late and missing the bus, not knowing locker combination, forgetting about a test). For some reason, every time I would change to a new school (i.e. middle to high school, community college to university 2 hours away from home, etc) I would feel like I wasn't ready and that I was growing up too fast LOL. Kind of like I was still a child in an adult's body. Actually, I still feel like that! :lol: Even though change is scary, it can be rewarding and happiness will come my way. I had to change my way of thinking, that these changes were like planting seeds to my happiness. I sowed the seeds by taking certain actions, like visiting Japan and changing my major to Japanese, volunteering as an ESL teacher, and studying abroad in Japan (two times!). Now I am starting to see my seeds sprout and grow! It's not easy since I have to keep watering them and weeding the garden, and working hard towards my dreams, but that's the fun of it :D

3.) Watching YouTube videos from successful people! (Motivation-Wanderlust Worker) (Abundance-Chopru Center)

*This really helped me a LOT. It's not an exaggeration to say I watch YouTube all day when I am home. I put it in the background when I cook and clean, when I study, when I do art, when I meditate, and when I take a bath. :lol: Lately, I have been really into interviews of successful artists who give their tips on how to stay motivated and inspired, what they do when they feel burnout, etc. I have also been watching videos on how to become a master over your own life and manifest your dreams. A channel I want to give a shoutout to is Lavendaire~ she has so many helpful videos on envisioning your intentions and self-reflection :devillove: Also Bobby Chiu for the artist interviews, as well as Happy D. Artist about her stories and struggles :D I enjoy working on art while listening to them talk about art. If you guys have anything you're working towards, find someone who is more advanced in their studies/ journey and listen to their stories! Don't compare, but take their advice to heart.

4.) Doing things for self-love and being more comfortable and confident with yourself. (advice from Mother Lilith)

*I asked Lady Lilith to give me tips for self love and was told to just do things that make me feel happy! Trying different fragrant teas, experimenting with essential oils, and having a small snack are all things that make me happy. I'm also happy and feel good when I do things that are friendly to the environment, like being a bit more choosy with my products (i.e. making sure they are animal-cruelty free), sorting my recycling properly, and using my reusable bags.

She also told me specifically to treat myself once a month for fashion items like clothes, jewelry to express my uniqueness. ^^ Japan is a conformist society, so I was warned not to fall into the trap and lose myself by trying to blend in. I am still looking for pieces to express my witchy side but it is quite hard where I'm at. :lol: I guess online shopping is the answer~

I have a lot more to write out but will leave that for the next post :D I hope you found this interesting and that it helped you some too! ^^

Re: Using Tarot to Determine What to Study: June 2018

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:24 pm
by Passchendaele
1.) Eliminate procrastination by using the 15 minute rule! By starting out doing a task for 15 minutes uninterrupted, you get into the groove of it and end up going past 15 minutes. (Motivation- Wanderlust Worker)

There was much here to comment on, so I sorta grabbed this one off the top of the pile. It's So true. I have proved this to myself at least three and four-fifths gaziilion times, but I keep forgetting it. Once I've found my groove, I go till the work is done. The real cool thing about it is, finding your groove no matter what you're doing. It does not have to be confined to work. Everything has a rhythm, from the atoms that compose us to the entire planet. Everyone's life has a rhythm.

And I can't tell you how to find it because I do it purely instinctively. I think an important thing is getting "me" out of the way of myself. I hold myself back from accomplishing so much, and the "fifteen minute rule" is a pretty good way to shift the focus from me, me, ME! To the whatever I want to accomplish. This is extra-especially true of creative endeavors.

I love to write fiction, but I have to make myself sit down and do it. Once "me" shuts the hell up and gets gone, I'm on a role. I can write for hours, the ideas just pop into my head when I need them. What I need to do is find a way of getting rid of "me" permanently. I don't need "me" to live in the world. Life would be much, much smoother without "me". I wouldn't be so afraid of accomplishing goals. And, most importantly, it would get rid of that nasty voice that never tells me anything except "That's too hard" "That's too complicated" "I can't handle that." Bull.

Re: Using Tarot to Determine What to Study: June 2018

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 4:32 pm
by Amaranth Rose
@Passchendaele I agree except maybe I would just clarify "me" as "negative me." You don't want to get rid of yourself entirely! If you stop feeling and enjoying, why do you live? It's not right to shut down your emotions either and work like a robot. XD actually I have a funny dream about that that I need to write about still.

Anyhoo, focus on shutting down the negative side, and work on your positive. I find that if even if we shut down the negative and don't fill ourselves with positive energy, we quickly become negative again (kind of like when you have to fill a space with positive energies after a cleansing). For me, I can't be neutral for very long xD it has to be one way or the other!