Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque June 8th ~ Meditation 3

You are invited to take part in an incredible event. Come witness the magic and the mystery of the Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque. This is a special Satan and Sons/Suns event that only takes place once a year! From June 6th - June 16th!! We invite you to claim your ticket and join us on a whimsical journey of creepy delights and celebrations!
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I ask not to be in the drawing as well. Don't feel any pull.

I had a furiously fantastic time on the carousel, with a grin ear to ear laughing as it sped up and I flew round in circles.

Getting to my own carnival was interesting I would say. The "beings" (not exactly demons) there were blue or at least I kept getting blue impressions of them. It was a small carnival with some games, a sword juggling show a rest like area and a large elephant like creature in the background. I only saw an eye. I enjoyed myself though.
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I love so much reading all your guys' experiences and posts. Thank you so much everyone who did the journey and posted. I am also so happy you guys are enjoying the meditations, this is the first time we have done that, but we are going to do more in the future. I am watching what is going on on this event, and listening to your feedback. I am really happy with how well this event has been received. ^_^

Here is my experience.

My journey on the Carousel was incredible and fun, though as I did the meditation I noted it is weird being guided with my own voice.  I went with Tiger who always journeys with me when I venture to the Carnival.  He loves to come with me and even though he doesn’t show it, I know he gets excited as well.  

I was so excited like a little child.  He walked behind me and smiled at my enthusiasm.  I knew exactly the creature I was going to ride on.  The creature that I rode was symbolically very special from my childhood.  It was a giant fuzzy worm like creature with big eyes.  It’s body was in the shape of a wave that was perfect for riding on.  I climbed on incredibly excited.  Tiger selected an evil looking hellbeast that was close to where I was and smiled at me.  I waved back at him then held on as the ride started.  We went faster and faster and faster and I held on.  I felt it spinning faster and faster and I closed my eyes as the wind whipped past me.  

When we came to a stop I opened my eyes and looked around.  The sky was a black and starless.  Looking around there was a black hazy fog that was covering the grounds and everything looked old and decayed.  There was a foreboding sense slithering through the air.  I dismounted my beast who had transformed from a pink and white fuzzy worm to a black and red worm-like creature of death.  This one was wearing armour.  I wondered if I would need armour.  I looked around for Tiger and he was not there.  I called for him.  Where did he go?  

I heard sinister laugher in the distance.  I dismounted the ride and began walking towards it.  The Carnival looked like it had been abandoned and neglected for years and there was not a trace of another soul around.  I looked up and a pair of glowing red eyes were looking at me.  It was him.  I have worked with him before.  

“Quite the space you have here”. He smirked.  

“Your inner world seems a little.. obliterated, but that is not surprising.”

I looked around, I guess it had been a very long while since I had been here.  This was mine. It was a part of me and it was a part of me I needed to repair.  I sighed looking around.  I felt sad looking at the state of this place.  It was not just dark and creepy, I was dark and creepy so that would make sense, this was actual decay and obliteration.  

I broke down at that point and started sobbing.  I just sobbed and cried.  There was a deep mound of depression in my soul and it had welled up and here in this place I was its slave.  It owned and controlled me.  I thought back to what I was, The Doll. What a sad solemn doll I was here, controlled and commanded by my own depression.  I picked up a shard of glass that was laying on the ground and I looked at myself.  I was in a white doll dress with white facepaint on and thick black eyes.  There were highlights and layers of pink around my eyes and I looked sad.  

I picked up something that had fallen and tried to place it on a counter.  The whole booth at that point crumbled and the item I placed on it fell to the ground and smashed.  It was not a happy moment.  I stood there shocked at the rubbled mess before me.  

He laughed.. “Well these things can always be repaired.  You know why this is destroyed.  Because of the shadows, they have destroyed it. You know who they are, why do you let them linger in this world?”

“I don’t let them linger, I don’t know how to get rid of them.”  I snapped back at him

“Oh but you do, you know exactly how to get rid of them. Why are you holding onto them?”  

He got really close to me and whispered. “What are you afraid of?”

I searched deep in my soul, it was fear he was right, it was irrational, but what was I afraid of?  The shadows in my soul had lamented there for too long and it was time for them to leave.  I honestly burst out laughing when I saw the weapon that was next to me.  It was a large Mallet.  I picked it up and looked at the demon.  

“Really! This… this is my weapon??”  I laughed

“It is your mind.” He chuckled

“Maybe I need something better.”  I looked at the damage and decay before me.  There was so much.  I suddenly became very angry with it all and also the shadows that I knew were lurking.  I blasted fire and allowed it to consume and destroy all that was around me.  I wanted it to burn, just burn to the ground.  As the flames consumed all that was around me I just let them burn.  I could hear the shadows screaming and wailing in the distance.  Fire has always been a symbol of release, a symbol of letting go.  I stood there and watched it all burn to the ground.  It was exhausting, I expelled all my energy and just didn’t stop.  When I could do no more and fell to the ground form exhaustion I stayed there for a moment.  I let my head fall on the warm dirt below me.  I felt the soil.  I felt and dug my fingers into it.  I stayed there for a moment and just rested.  Something released in me.  I stood up and looked around.  There was nothing, but a Sun rising in the distance.  Light was shining over the barren scorched place.  

I looked and saw two little girls playing.  One was a gothic girl, one of my inner child.  I saw them spinning in a circle holding hands.  They were spinning and singing.  I felt move energy clear as I burst into tears.  They ran over and grabbed my hands and the three of us spun around and around and around, I felt so free and my spirit was happy.  We spun around and around and around and around and around. I closed my eyes and just kept spinning and spinning and spinning.  

I suddenly felt a pair of arms around me and opened them.  I was back at the Carnival with Tiger.  He had his arms wrapped around me and we were spinning.  I flung my arms around him and hugged him tightly.  I pulled myself into him and just melted into him.  I would have to return to that place and rebuild.  I had new ideas and new thoughts for what was going to go there. For now though I was just celebrating the freedom I felt and the release of what had to go.  The shadows were gone and I could begin to rebuild my inner Carnival.  I buried myself into Tiger as he held me tightly.
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I got a chance to do this one this morning. I felt incredibly welcome at the carnivale, and was greeted with friendly smiles acknowledgements. I felt at home. My carousel creature was a black stallion with fire breathing out of its eyes, nostrils and mouth, with strappings of skulls and knot work. It was familiar, we knew each other well. I transformed as the carousel got faster, I became a reaper riding this magnificent beast. As we stopped, I was a glimmering between a ghost blue version of myself and a reaper, robed and carrying a staff that glimmered too into a scythe and back again.

I was greeted by a large strong old god with long tangled white hair and beard, with electric blue power coming from his eyes. My carnivale was very dark, it was a market place full of mages and creatures. There was a wonderful harlequin who was striped white and black with pig tales, she was naked and it was her skin that was this colour, it was not a costume. She had a band of black across her eyes and white hair. The stalls themselves were filled with magical wares. There was a large fire pit that went deep into the ground, and creatures were jumping into it and flying out in flames reborn and screaming with delight at their new selves. There was soft music playing and the energy was charged with a deep excited darkness that everyone was humming with.

Fantastic meditation, thank you!
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When I first get to the ride. it was dark, like old wooden ride.......but when it starts to spin.....faster and faster...everything was on FIRE!!! but GOLDEN fire. then every "coated" starts to burn off, and the whole ride became MARBLE, WHITE and SMOOTH. The golden fire keep burning, but it was cool and soothing. The beast I riding is pegasus.........Then when the ride stops......the environment isn't the opposite, it was bright....golden energy like wind. I was like in the eye of the storm. It was peaceful and silence. Then there was a box on the was dark...for some reason I didn't want to open it...then I met my guardian, SHE has pale skin, dress in a purple dress....her hair was purple and pink...all flowing in the air......she din't speak actually, just take my hand and walk with me....the surpise thing carnival...seems like...universal studio......................................the old but cute building...people walking around....some greeting each other....everything was so................bright and light. Basically I thought I want to Disney or something...........

Am I doing something wrong? Or I just really "cute"
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I ended up doing this twice, the first time a couple nights ago.
Both times, I was riding what looked like a horse. The first time it kept on shifting the entire ride, sometimes more metallic, or demonic, or more like a typical carousel horse. At one point it started shifting into other animals, all I remember from that was a large white tiger with grey stripes. The second time it stayed as a brass or bronze metal carousel horse until the very end, when it changed into a white unicorn that was decorated. Both times, the end of the ride was pretty dizzying for me. I was seeing flashes of lightning and storm clouds, the flashes went away after the ride but the clouds stayed. I don't do a lot of shadow work, so it was definitely a jolt for me at first. Part of me wanted to run out of there right away on the first run, but both times I waited until the video ended.

Both times my guide was the same; a mass of vicious looking tentacles that looked like something right out of Lovecraft, but, it was wearing various clothing (cape and brimmed hat the first time, t-shirt and baseball cap the second) and doing its best to stand in a humanoid form.

I don't remember too much from the first run, but it was very empty and run down. It seemed very abandoned and broken, and any rides I remember were very old and seemingly poorly maintained.

The second time, it wasn't as empty and run down, probably a sign I've been there before. I didn't interact with much, but there were crowds and people in the background, and I felt like I had my keep watching me this time around which I didn't notice the first time. The rides I saw seemed very tricksterish; I wouldn't feel like i was in danger or anything but I out of nowhere I would see a threat like a ride breaking apart of something vicious looking attacking everything, only to see the end of the ride next and realize that was the ride, and that in these rides, you can't know that you get on and start the ride or they wouldn't have any effect. That whole realization had an echo of life; how sometimes we are thrown into extreme situations without even realizing it.

Also worth noting, I felt pretty dizzy after the first time I did this. Not as much the second time. I also feel like I got a lot more out of the experience on the second run.
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So, my inner child, my dark child, my little freak, has become very prevalent since the start of the Carnivale. Not in a, his voice is constantly sounding in my head but in a, he is physically present in every trip to the Carnivale--which makes it that much more, amazing.

He is a strange lil creature to behold. His legs bend backward at the knee and he only has 4 toes, three pointing forward and one backward. He will start off holding my hand and walking alongside me; however, the moment we walk through the gates, he climbs onto my back. He will wrap his arms over my shoulders and around my neck, and have his legs by my hips, like a normal piggyback ride; but, because his legs bend backward, he then wraps them around the front of my stomach and grasps his ankles with his toes. He has a very nice white smile, almost too big for his head with shark-like teeth, two horns atop his head, a tail, and what seems to be eyes without the eyeballs. He is very content, happy, and loving, the truth is, I love everything about him.

So, the meditation...

We have done the carousel a few times now. None so glorious as the first, but all enjoyable none the less. As we walked up to the gates, he reached up to my shoulder and pulled himself up onto my back. As we got closer to the carousel, I could feel his excitement grow and the first time we did run to it--the times after, we enjoyed the walk to it. The creature was one I had seen before, from a nightmare I had quite some time ago--gave me immediate anxiety and fear. It didn't last long, as my inner child does a very good job at calming me down and tearing away my worries.

I slowly climbed atop the creatures back with my inner child atop mine.

It began...

Not before long we were standing in front of a dark silhouette with no definite shape--at least, no shape on our first visit. By the third, I could tell he was wearing a suit, his legs ended not with feet, but more like the tips of a spiders legs. Also, he held a comical smile like my inner child. He stood rather tall, with very good posture. I could not tell if he had eyes though, even by the third visit.

Soon, my Carnivale began to materialize; which, I won't go into full details because there were a few attractions that make me nervously...blush. The whole Carnivale had colors of dark undertones, nothing was very--bright. A huge ass spider walked over the entire Carnivale at some point during every visit.

The people/creatures that walked around were all interesting to look at and it looked like they were all enjoying themselves. As I walked around the first time, I decided to see what the sky looked like. To my surprise, I found no sky, no clouds, and no stars; no, to my bewilderment, I found what seemed to be a mirror that spanned the entirety of what I could see, reflecting everything underneath it in a vibrant black. As I gazed up and saw my reflection, so did EVERYONE else in the Carnivale! I immediately looked back down and around at everyone--all was fine and not a one thing looking up nor in my direction. Double check, as I looked up at the sky, I found myself to be the only one looking up this time and everyone else enjoying the Carnivale. There were fighting pits, clowns, strange, strange creatures.

A field, a field of bodies impaled on spears as far as the eye could see, a reddish mist hung around the field and I decided not to go near the first time; however, I held such a fascination, such an awe for the field, I knew I would return for it. The second time around, I still did not venture in but did find, to my astonishment, that the others attending the Carnivale, were gleefully adding bodies to the field. It wasn't till my third visit that I ventured in for a short time and found that the field of impaled bodies coupled with the reddish mist, acted in some way as a house of mirrors--albeit, a rather gruesome one. Past memories popped, among only one of a few things, others I won't mention. Though my time in the field was short, it was fun and I may have to make it a post in and of itself.

Outside the field of impalement, there were sex booths--cuz I apparently don't understand the purpose of kissing booths :oops: Along with various other...sexual themed,ermmm rides...booths....ermmmm yeah....

The ground was a hard packed dirt, but instead a hard packed bone meal which was slightly greyish in color and not all a fine powder. To be honest, it looked someone had taken the ashes of a lot of different people and paved the walkways with it.

So, for the most part that sums up my time on all visitss, I plan to visit again, but for now, that'll do pig.
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:devilread: I did the meditation 3 times to make sure I was getting the messages right I tend to overthink meditation at times :crazy:

The very first time I did this meditation I saw different colors of the rainbow it was really pretty as I listened to Akeltas voice ((her voice is very soothing and relaxing))
I was relaxed and I felt at peace but then I got very emotional and I wanted to cry and I felt sad and I was trying to fight my tears away but I couldn't hold back anymore i just let my tears flow as memories that I buried a way a long time ago came up, then two songs poped up (( I will list them below)) I felt better after I let my tears go it was something that needed to happen it's been a long time coming,I tend to bottle up My emotions so this was a perfect release for me :)devil:

Song 1
" onclick=";return false;

Song Two
" onclick=";return false;
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I had the opportunity to hear the meditation before actually doing it. While listening the first time, I heard the part about picking a carousel beast to sit on and at the same time my son of Satan told me he would be more than happy to be my ride. I laughed and told him to stop. I kept it to myself and tried not to giggle as it was not the best time to be giggling when I first heard it … fast forward a bit to the night I finally got to do the meditation fully. I thought I knew which creature I would like to ride but things didn’t go anything like I planned.

Before I started the meditation, one of my coven sisters whispered to me, "D said you can ride him" and I just about died.

She started laughing and was like really? I said yes and was a bit flustered. I laughed and was like, no no, I have to go do the meditation now. I kind of mentally told him again to behave himself (why? why would I do this? I don’t know LOL) she laughed and I went to go do the meditation finally.

I settled into the meditation very quickly, my mind jumping ahead and connecting to the energies before Akelta spoke them. Even with hearing part of it before, I’ve experienced this with all of the meditations, even others besides the Carnivale ones so this wasn’t too weird for me.

I climbed onto the carousel, looking for the beast I thought I would ride but not finding it. Everything was a bit out of focus and I looked ahead to see D sitting on a covered bench, motioning toward me to come sit in his lap. “Come on, you know you want to.”

I started giggling and while I walked over and considered it, I said no, and looked at what else was near me. My eyes settled on a somewhat monstrous looking seafoam-green seahorse with tentacle-like appendages coming out of its chest/stomach. Definitely not what I expected and I don’t know why I chose it, but it just seemed right. I climbed on top with D nearby and the ride began.

I noticed immediately the feeling of my body overheating, specifically in my throat, neck and chest area. I felt really strange and like there was a burning flame energy around me. D was talking to me and I commented on the feeling. He had been making jokes before this and now stopped to tell me it was ok. I actually started to feel really sick and nauseous from the spinning, leaning forward as everything turned into a blur around me.

Again before Akelta said it, everything had stopped, the carousel was broken and dark and all that was left was me on the seahorse and D standing next to me.

‘This is your inner mind, your subconscious’

The last place I wanted to be. How did I only hear part of the meditation before and miss this vital part? I’m swearing quite a bit, I still feel nauseous and also overheated.

D’s voice snaps me out of it for a moment and he reaches out and holds my hand, helping me down off of the seahorse. At this time I hear, everything is gone and someone is there with you. Look at them, they’re your guardian ….

I look up at D who’s holding my hand. “You? You’re my guardian?”
He smiles at me and I tear up. He’s still holding my hand and I get really emotional. There's a lot here I am not typing out at this point but it was really significant and meaningful to me.

I’m also not happy I’m in my subconscious mind LOL I’m laughing now typing it but in the moment I was crying and upset. I’m pretty aware of what’s in there considering the amount of shadow work I’ve done and I know what is left to be cleared. Having this take on a Carnivale energy was new along with some more personal things that make the whole ‘Carnivale’ as a symbol and the imagery of it even more creepy and disturbing but back to the experience….

‘Focus on the symbols, take note of everything you see…’ Akelta’s voice floats back in and I hear this. It upsets me more because I see nothing. It’s all black. We walked away from the broken, damaged carousel but there’s nothing.

There’s no rides, no attractions, no shows, no one else.

Just me and D.
I’m grateful that he’s there and he is still holding my hand, but I’m also upset.

There’s a bit of protesting from me. I want to leave. I don’t want to be here. Don’t want to do this … etc

“Eilana, it’s an illusion. Look. The darkness is an illusion.”

I see something for a split second and I jump. We’re not alone. I actually turn and bury my face into his chest which is so out of character for me. I don’t want to look at whatever it is. And I never do this. I’m always the brave one. The one in the front. The one defending everyone else and fearlessly staring anything down that moves or killing it, but, here we are.

“I want to leave.” My voice is muffled against him. He finally coaxes me to keep going. I stop, turn and keep walking. I don’t see whoever it was. It’s just black, dark, some crumbled ruins of what maybe were once rides but I can’t even tell at this point. He continues at my side, holding my hand.

I become aware of it. Silence. Pure silence. It comes back into my mind now, so many people I've spoken to in my life hate silence. I always enjoyed it. I liked being alone. It was the only time I could really be myself or relax. It was peaceful. Away from the bombardment of people, of energies, of sound, of everything I couldn’t stand that overwhelmed my senses. Just silence. The sound of air. Wind, if you can call it that, but more just the sound of silence and air moving.

I see her again and my heart seizes in my chest.

“Eilana, it’s ok,” D’s voice comes from beside me.
“No, it’s her,” I saw her a few days ago. I didn’t want to see or hear her but she snapped me out of something. Her energy was soothing then. Nightshade, she called me. Which was so weird, because everyone else calls me Eilana. It got my attention and I couldn’t make sense of her energies. Now faced with her again I start to panic. I don’t know what she is. I don’t know who she is. I’m just gripping D’s hand and finally look at and acknowledge her.

I have to.
Everything else here is black.
Is silence.
Is nothing.

D keeps telling me it’s an illusion. But she is very real to me, to the point she manipulated something physical in my environment a few days ago to get my attention. And I know it's her. I recognize the energy.

I look at her now. An old woman, appearing a bit hunched over in a striped outfit. She’s dark with silvery hair. She has a black and violet energy to her. I just stare. It’s all I can do.

“That’s not your real form. Why do you look like that?” I can tell she looks completely different, this isn’t her true appearance. She ignores me though and holds out her hand.
“Candy apple?” She offers it to me.
I stare at it. “No… I don’t like those very much. I prefer caramel apples.”
“I have popcorn too,” she waves her hand to a nearby booth. I look at the popcorn. It looks like normal popcorn except it has a weird green energy to it. I decline, thinking something is wrong with it and she starts laughing.

I don’t know why but at this point I relax. I remember what D said about the illusion and something finally clicks.
I turn and look at him, his hand still holding mine.
“You really need a nickname,” even though he likes being called D at times. He gives me the biggest grin and we start walking again.

That’s when I start to see the illusion of darkness lift. The colors, dark, but still there, come into focus. I see booths, and tents and others walking around. Rides…. and then we come to something I have not seen for awhile. Something I recognize immediately.
The entire landscape shifts and I am surrounded by endless darkness colored with various, rainbow colored lights. They’re all grouped into shapes, into forms, into so many beautiful things and I’m overcome with a joy I can’t really describe.
I’m taken back to a time, to a moment, to a night from my past where I walked in the darkness among the lights and felt this wonder.
I’m in tears again but this time for a different reason.

“How… is this here? How is this happening?”
He walks beside me as we move through the sea of beautiful glowing light. The sounds echo around us, creating ambiance. There’s music and everything is alive. The night I saw it, when it happened, I was so disconnected. I didn’t get to fully enjoy it how I wanted to but now I was back in the moment and completely connected. It was stored there in my mind and this is hard to explain, but it was as if everything I had hoped for that night and missed was always there all along and now I had it back.

I found a piece I was missing, something I was looking for and the feeling was pure joy and a sense of elation. The rest of my exploration through this part of the Carnival, my subconscious mind, wherever I was, was amazing.

I found a video I had forgotten about, that I took from the most recent night I visited that place. It wasn't the night I went with the damaged memory but it had a carousel which at the time, though I was still disconnected I took a video of.

:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Since I’m a little late on the commenting train I’ll be sure to list the most significant things that really hit me

The way I have never felt such a spinning sensation while meditating lol good thing I didn’t eat right before this! :devilparty:
The sensation in my heart chakra
The fact that my sky had both lightning clouds and a crescent moon

Soon I will have two demon companions that can accompany me like the rest of you so for now nothing as cool as your experiences :popcorndevil:
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Hello!!! One thing I want to note during these meditations is that it really got me in a meditative state fast, I kind of ended up tuning Akelta out because I was so taken over by the journey. LOL. The energies she puts in these videos are so wonderful and really triggers something in my mind where I can alter mindsets so much quicker. (Honestly I don't know if there is one but if there isn't, there should be a short meditation video of you just getting us to that point where we can go on our journey Akelta!!)

Anyways here is my experience beautifuls

Everytime I come here I end up at the beginning of the gates. The poles were very grey with a ghastly green tinge and the demon that I always see at the front was there to greet me again. I do not know their name but we will call him...Jay.
As everything was coming into vision the first thing I saw was Jay grinning at me. He was in an acolyte robe, an eye in the middle of his forehead and a bit more of a..fuller figure? I wanted to type bulbous but that's just insulting..LOL. He had a flame hovering in front of him for vision and holding a cane or staff of some sort, I never focused on it because something about it made me feel uneasy energetically.

"Greetings lost kitten." (At this point whenever Orage started calling me kitten it kind of somehow has become my "universal" nickname in the demon world.. :roll: :lol: )
I smiled back at him shyly and I looked over him because I saw Inamorato there with a big grin waiting for me. Since he has been a major part in my journey as of late we decided to make this event our time together. He was wearing a navy blue fitted vest and a very beautiful jewel? Beaded? A mix of the two perhaps? bottoms that would barely pass for clothing but it worked just enough. LOL. It all really brought out his beautiful solar skin tone.

I ran over to Inamorato excitedly, yelling his name loud so people ended up looking at us. Where he was standing was right near where the carousel was and I felt the demons eyes on me the entire time, smiling big for what was to come. I pulled Inamorato by the hand and rushed him inside. The demon at the gate opened it for us before we got there so we could run in. I turned my head to face him as we were running in and I gave him a wink, as if to tempt him to mess with me some and I heard his laughter behind us as Inamorato whispered "Daring tonight?

I kind of just shrugged as we stopped in front of the carousel. You're with me and I trust you." I knew it would make him smile and it warms my heart so much when he smiles. I jump onto the carousel and get on this feline creature with tusks coming outwardly from the sides of his jaws. He was a deep violet color with magenta claw markings. The carousel immediately started to move and I glanced over and saw that Inamorato was just standing observing. At this point I started getting slightly worried and wanted to get off and have him come with me but the carousel was moving too fast at this point.

The spinning happened for all what felt like a few seconds and then it just stopped. It was silent, it was an invading coldness is the only way I could describe the scenery. I noted the dusty broken branch on the ground, the dirt was dry enough that if you kicked any of it, itd create a big cloud of dust.

I stood there for a moment taking it all in. I was entirely nervous being there without Inamorato and was half tempted to just stop the meditation..LOL. It wasn't a very inviting place. Then I had a demon in a hooded robe walk up to me. I could see the glow of his eyes and he motioned me to follow him. I proceeded to follow behind him and even made a note of his hands because I had to stop from reflexively grabbing his hand to hold..LOL.

I kept my eyes on him because I felt like the darkness around me, if I turned either way I would end up seeing something that I necessarily wouldnt want to see. I saw a carnival..It was just as inviting as the rest of the space.LOL. There was no music, just a constant humming sound. I went ahead of my guide and started looking around, there were people there. Each of them making eye contact with me in the same moment I looked at them and returned my gaze with a grin. I noticed with all of them their faces kept changing. Everyone in the park kept grabbing their face and pulling the mask to reveal another face, and it never ended. I was uncomfortable with the vibe but it also spoke to me on a deep level that I wasn't quite sure I wanted to deal with right now.

While the carnival was definitely interesting, it seems to be a place that I am not quite ready to handle. I know ill be back there eventually but I had to stop the meditation from this point.
Start and end every conversation with laughter.

You might as well laugh now because you’re going to laugh about it when you're further down the road anyways.

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