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Re: Godspousery: The Mystery of the Hieros Gamos

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 4:58 am
by Candy Pink Ray
Well, it did occur to me that some of what I do is opposite to the advice Mama Raven gives at the beginning of this discussion, and when I realised that I read through her advice a second time. Still, this is my favourite subject and I can't resist an opportunity to talk about it.

When I was handfasted to Cernunnos I didn't tell anyone about it, especially not Wiccans and Pagans who might think it was disrespectful to their tradition and that handfasting is only for human beings. Cernunnos did have work he wanted me to do, connected with being a High Priestess on the astral plane during meditations. I wouldn't have pretended to be a High Priestess on the Earth because that wouldn't have been true unless I undertook the appropriate training.
The Holly King continued this and he was more focussed on sending power down to the Earth. He is one of the entities Father Christmas is based on and he wanted to send down 'goodwill to all strangers.' He didn't want to say ' goodwill to all men' like the Christians do, because he thought it was too much to ask of humans to have goodwill to someone who is already an enemy. It is more appropriate If they avoid making any more enemies by always having goodwill to strangers. We did that for a while at the end of our ceremonies, and I suppose that was the spiritual aim of our partnership. Not like 'being his hands' but it stood for something.

It's true that the demon lords are different from gods and that's why I said they seem to be on a different wavelength. I have been in a couple of internet groups led by ladies where the leader said she was married to Lucifer. Ok so there is no need for me to say it as well- and actually I don't, I have never said that to anyone. I have been in love with Bune, Marbas and Lucifer but they don't treat it as hieros gamos or godspousery and they are as I said mainly focussed on teaching human beings. Also on making contracts with them, and these are more like work contracts than anything else.

I'm sure you're right Heretique about a call to work with the energies of different beings. I do admire those who spend their whole life working with the same being, but it must be we all get different calls.

Re: Godspousery: The Mystery of the Hieros Gamos

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:42 pm
by Lycana
Candy Pink Ray wrote:
Thu May 20, 2021 2:46 am

Presumably stregonaria is the same that some people call Strega? That is a very good point about the natural blend, with the story of Diana and Lucifer being the parents of Aradia. I 've always found that story intriguing as it crosses the boundary between Pagan and Abrahamic religions and has entities from both of them.
stregoneria is the practice, strega is the witch :)
In the tradition I follow the christian lens are masks for older deities, but we aren't shy about working with various other spiritual beings too. Lucifer is Apollo as he was anciently recognized...or rather Luciferos. It is an ancient roman title/name for the god. So we see Lucifer and Apollo as one and the same. Keep in mind that the Roman Diana was not a virginal goddess. In one mythic variation, she was the mother of Cupid by Hermes rather than Venus and Mars. I do not consider Aradia and Diana to be the same.
Those three demons see themselves very much as teachers of human beings, as well as joining in with human beings who are determined to be in love with them. Being as there are 72 Goetic demons, I realise it is best for me to approach the vast majority of them as teachers because I would not want to fall in love with 72 !!! :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: Also there are many who will never be needed as any kind of contact- it would be wasting their time to call them if I don't need to.
I definitely distinguish between a love that forms out of connection of energies and being in love and devoted to a godspousery relationship. Eros is union more specifically than it is romantic love, so those being we experience a deep connection with and experience and intimate union with we can interpret as giving a loving as well as sensual/erotic feedback. That we confuse love easily even among ourselves, I would say that it is even more complicated with divinities and spirits when it comes to analyzing feelings. Sometimes it will never be anything more than very intense relationship with them. Whether it becomes something more is something that time typically determines. But feeling a love or attraction toward them is not unusual at all. There have been many beings that I have felt that toward as a natural component of just being in close connection with their energy.