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Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:42 pm
by Auron
Hello All,

The posts here have been really helpful and I'm sure we cherish everyone's comments here.

For someone that is new to demons or keeping spirits, what would be best for a starter/newbie?
I ask this because I like to know more about the mysteries of all. I seek knowledge and lie to understand better about this path.

Re: New to the Idea of Demon Keeping or Just Contemplating?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:20 pm
by Auron
Hello Lionox,

Thank you for your reply on this thread.
It really does shine!

Currently, my path is undecided. I am taking as much information in as I can, and will continue to do so.
Learning is a lifelong road. Once you stop, you become no better than the other person that you want to be. Well, that's my motto.

I am not seeking a demon or spirit for learning a path. That was never my intentions.
And, know a little better than to try and control them. That's just asking for trouble.

I will heed your advice.

:devilread: :meditate:

Re: New to the Idea of Demon Keeping or Just Contemplating?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:08 pm
by Akelta
The one who aided me greatly and has been so influencial in my devlopment, Prince V (my Prince V, not the listed one), was passed onto me when I was 6 years old. At 6 you have no path and don't define yourself as anything, I was just a child with a cool friend who protected me from monsters and showed me how to put people into trances and get hidden secrets and messages. Also, one of the reasons I grew so fast was because I had no fear and no one telling me I should not do things. True, I did some things that people would say was dangerous, but I had guidance from a very powerful demon and went into it with child like innocence and just a desire to learn. Growing up I was allowed to explore my path freely and without judgment, Prince V worked with me and helped me also without judgement. Having that freedom allowed me to discover myself and my path faster and without shame and fear, and it also helped me to discover my own abilities. I am greatful for my mom for that. We choose our path in my family (pagans, witches, Luciferians, Satanist, whatever the hell I am, ect whatever we are called to) and adapt our abilities to help with that calling.

Though we do not state that one has to be aligned with the LHP to work with demons, or that people must start with newbie demons, beginner demons, or demons of any specialty based on their religious or spiritual beliefs or experiences ect, there are some demons who actually work well even with people on te RHP. There is one group, called Devotion demons they are an interesting bunch who are aligned with divinity and engage is worship and prayer. They work very well with people on the RHP/Neutral Path as well as the LHP. They also tend to get along well with Angels (especially angels of Metatron) and other RHP familiars. Though the one thing is, they need a keeper who respects then and can appreciate them for who they are.
Lionox wrote: In any case, the Elite Demons here (from Commander level and up) are not for beginners and as stated on their listings, they are suited to "a keeper with darker alliances."
All our demons are elite in their own way, but Commander and above we do recommend one with a darker alliance who has respect for demons. Although as with everything there are always exceptions to this and nothing is set in stone

Re: Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:06 am
by BravoOmega8
I think the best way is to have a custom conjuration. Do the bonding, lay down rules, give respect and trust to the familiar and so on and so forth. If this is done I think even beginner in keeping a demon familiar should be alright.

One thing caught my attention - Devotion demons. Drooollliiinnnnngggg. I raise my hand for a question: when will these type of familiars be available?

Re: Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:26 pm
by Eleyne
So much amazing information in this thread! I had already decided that I am not ready for a Demon and I feel that I will know when I am. The information here has given me much to mull over.

Re: Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:48 am
by Shershah.chowdhury
Auron wrote:
Mon May 20, 2013 8:42 pm
Hello All,

The posts here have been really helpful and I'm sure we cherish everyone's comments here.

For someone that is new to demons or keeping spirits, what would be best for a starter/newbie?
I ask this because I like to know more about the mysteries of all. I seek knowledge and lie to understand better about this path.
I went in the deep end and chose commander on my first demon purchase. Better to get used to demonic energy of higher level ones from the jump imo**

Re: Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 1:11 am
by SerenitySpells
I agree with everything that has been said, but I'll just add that when I was finally accepting my true self there were 3 demons who came to work and support me in my new journey of self discovery. They were Buer who helped me redesign our back garden, get back into natural healing and using naturopaths and essential oils. So he has a lovely huge Aloe Vera in our house in way of thanks. He still pops in from time to time but it's more like a proud parent hug energy now. Orias who helped me get fit and start my long process (many years) of physical healing - he now does Tai Chi with me and goes to they gym occasionally ( but again he is more like pops in to check on me and see how i'm going) and Haagenti. Now you will read that Haagenti is not a first time go to demon but everyone is different and he trusted me from the outset. Haagenti helped me and still does to bring about the desired changed that was required using what was on hand. Haagenti is amazing and is always with me xxx

So my advice is be still and listen to the energies around you. And know that it is hard to say who is a great first time beginners demon. This is so personal and depends on how your energies fit with theirs. One person's beginner demon may nor and is often not another's beginner demon x

Re: Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 4:21 am
by EgoDestruction
I agree with Akelta and also want to add that whatever works for you is where you should start. Everyone paths are different and what works for you may not work for others? I personally started with entities from past lives who helped guide me and helped me find my way. But that may not work for everyone? So I think if you feel called to walk a certain direction, that’s the direction you should go.

I know that’s frustrating to hear and it’s easier to have it all mapped out. I personally struggled with that when I was beginning. I wanted it all mapped out so I didn’t make mistakes. But I think the mistakes we make are what help us learn and really lead us to where we are supposed to be. I hope this makes sense ♥️

Re: Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 7:19 am
by JMoccult
Hello there.

This is a very interesting question. I said that because we will probably find so many answers that you need to take a lot of them with a grain of salt.

All answers provided in this thread make a lot of sense. You will find some people will throw names here and there, like for example Lucifer, there is a lot of people on LHP that haven't work with Lord Lucifer and there are some that will never work. It's just a matter of what makes you comfortable, getting to know you and be respectful.

Re: Best Starter or Newbie Demon? Beginner Demons?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 10:37 am
by Heidi
This is a very old thread, but since it has come up again, I wanted to add my thoughts cause this question comes up a lot and I feel it is important to share my perspective, in case anyone finds it helpful:

I get where the question about "beginner demons" comes from, but I feel this kind of question (just like "beginner spells") isn't necessarily the best way to approach this.

The reason for this is that each person is different.

We don't all want the same things, we don't all like the same things and we don't all resonate with the same things.

So when someone asks about a demon good for beginners, for example, there may be a list of those, but are those the types of demons you are actually excited to work with? Cause if not, or if you accept the recommendations and do everything "by the book" instead of working with whoever/whatever truly gets you excited, and you don't get much out of it, you will be disappointed and may think this isn't the path for you.

Now I'm not saying that if you are new you should go work with the darkest more twisted demon companion you can find, LOL.

If somebody comes with warnings, if they say they require someone already committed to a specific path, or to developing a specific skill, and you have no idea what those things are and haven't even tried them once and don't know if you even like them, then this probably isn't the right demon for you.

But other than that, I feel it would be much more beneficial to go with who you feel is calling you. If you feel excitement when thinking of a particular species or a particular companion who is listed, there is usually a reason why.

Your intuition, your bones, know more about what is right for you, what is a good match to you, than your conscious mind will ever know.

And most companions who wouldn't be considered outright "beginner friendly" require a visit anyway, so you get to hear if they think you are a good match too. It's not a blind choice where you pick someone, cross your fingers and hope it won't go disastrously terrible.

I'm not saying looking for beginner-friendly options is wrong; not at all.

I'm just saying that your best option may not be what would be outright considered a "beginner demon" (just like Akelta's post earlier in this thread shows how her first companion was someone who wouldn't be termed a "beginner demon" but it worked perfectly for her).